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Bertlmann R.A. — Anomalies in Quantum Field Theory |
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü |
Heat kernel, expansion 275
Heat kernel, regularization 273—276
Heisenberg picture 118
Hodge decomposition theorem 71
Hodge star operation 48—51
Holonomy 109 310—311
Homeomorphism 13 95
Homology 58—67
Homology, group 63 65
Homomorphism 66
Homotopic connection 326 336 384 516
Homotopic covariant derivative 385
Homotopic curvature 326 384
Homotopic equivalent spaces 15
Homotopic metric 516
Homotopy 13—29 329 336 384 387 439
Homotopy class 16
Homotopy derivation 333 339
Homotopy group 18—29 310 449
Homotopy group, first 20 22
Homotopy group, n-th 25 28
Homotopy group, non-Abelian 23
Homotopy of maps 14—18
Homotopy of operators 416
Homotopy operator 331—335
Horizontal lift 107—109
Horizontal subspace 106—107 109
Horizontality condition 377
Hyperbolic operators 420
Immersion 454
INDEX 414—417 423—425
Index of the Weyl operator 410 422
Index theorem 425—427
Index theorem, for gravitation 533—534
Index, density 411
Induced metric 454—455
Induced vector field 93
Inner product 373 452
Inner product in Sp 347
instantons 311—320 426
Instantons, BPST instanton 313 315
Instantons, topology 315
Instantons, winding number 318
Integral curve 78
Interior product 44
Invariant polynomial 321—325 367
Invariant polynomial of forms 323
Invariant vector field 89
Invariant volume element 460 478
Isometric map 474
Isometry 455
Isometry, group 456
Jacobi identity 91 161 294 344 379
Jacobian 251 257 259 268 270 275—277 410 433—435
Kernel 412
Killing equation 475
Killing vector 474—475
Killing vector, conformal 475
Klein — Gordon equation 136
Kuenneth formula 71
Landau gauge 159
Laplace transform 278—279 282
Laplacian 53—54 419 421 422
Leading symbol 419
Left-action 92
Left-invariant vector field 89
Left-translation 89
Levi-Civita connection 462
Levi-Civita tensor 45
Lie algebra 56 90—95
Lie algebra, basis of 90
Lie algebra, dual 91
Lie bracket 43 82—84 89 472
Lie bracket in Sp 403
Lie bracket, graded 524
Lie derivative 81—88 360—361 471—472 522
Lie derivative of function 85
Lie derivative of p-form 84—85
Lie derivative of tensor field 85
Lie derivative of tensor-valued p-form 86—87
Lie derivative of vector field 81—82
Lie derivative, commutator 401
Lie derivative, covariant 529
Lie group 88—95
Limit point 10
Line bundle 103
Line element 454
Line element on the sphere 485
Local bundle coordinates 96
Local curvature 116
Local index theorem 450
Local trivialization 96
Local trivialization, canonical 111
Loops 18
Loops, higher 25
Loops, homotopic 19
Loops, inverse 21 27
Loops, product of 20 26
Loops, unit element 22 27
Lorentz anomaly 509—510 537
Lorentz anomaly, 2-dimensional 538—539
Lorentz gauge 291
Lorentz ghost 521
Lorentz invariance 503
Lorentz metric 454
Lorentz transformations 477 490 536
Lorentz transformations, generator 511
Lorentz transformations, infinitesimal 490 503
Lorentz transformations, local 536
Lorentz transformations, spinor representation 496
Lorentz transformations, spinor representation, generators 496
LSZ reduction formula 234
Magnetic flux 307
Manifolds 29—37 92
Manifolds, boundary of 32—33
Manifolds, complex analytic 32
Manifolds, differentiable 29—37
Manifolds, dimension of 32
Manifolds, orientability 36—37
Manifolds, product of 35
Mass renormalization 145—146
Maurer — Cartan form 92 379
Maurer — Cartan form on group space 349 350 375 532
Maurer — Cartan horizontality condition 447
Maurer — Cartan structure equation 91—92
Maurer — Cartan structure equation in group space 349 375
Maxwell equations 287—290
Metric 452—453
Metric space 11
Metric tensor 453
Metric topology 11
Metric, transformation 473
Minkowski space 2-dimensional 260
Mixed anomalies 541—542
Moduli space 347 447 532 536
Moebius strip 101—102
Moments 121—122
n-point function 147 149
Neighbourhood 10
Nonlocal counterterm 246
Norm 453
One-parameter group 79
One-parameter subgroup 90 94
Open set 10
Operator norm 412
Orbit 93
Orthogonal complement 412
Palatini identity 466
Parallel transport 107—109 310
Partition function 123—124
| Passive coordinate transformations 469
Passive coordinate transformations, generator 513
Path integrals 124—169
Path integrals, Abelian fields 156—159
Path integrals, chirally transformed 252
Path integrals, fermions 154—156
Path integrals, measure 251 255 266 432
Path integrals, non-Abelian fields 165—169
Path integrals, quantum mechanics 124—129
Path integrals, scalars 135—149
Pauli matrices 160
Pauli — Villars regularization 205—207 263
PCAC 235
Period 68
Perturbation theory 142—144
Pion amplitude 236
Pion decay rate 237
Poincare duality 70—71
Poincare lemma 55 328—331 354
Poincare lemma, algebraic 333 367 378
Point splitting regularization 210—214
Pontrjagin index 313 318—319 411
Principal bundle 102—103 303 309 316 348
Projection 95
Projection operators 179
Propagators 118—121 124—126 128
Propagators, free 275
Proton spin crisis 244
Pseudo-Riemannian metric 452
Pseudoscalar current 178
Pseudoscalar current, non-Abelian 183
Pullback 76—78 330 331
Pure gauge 117 312
Quantum action 147—149 191—197 351 379 508
Quantum action, invariance 253 254
Reference system 478
Ricci scalar 464
Ricci tensor 464
Riemann tensor 463—465 484
Riemannian connection 462 481
Riemannian geometry 452—465
Riemannian metric 452
Right-action 93
Right-invariant vector field 89
Right-translation 89 90
Russian formula 368 371 376 446—447 525 530
scalar 459
Scalar field free 135—137
Schroedinger equation 119—120
Schroedinger picture 118
Schwinger source 129
Schwinger term 378 379 382
Seagull term 224—225
Section 102 303 309
Seeley coefficients 275
Signature 454
simplex 58
Simplex, boundary of 61—62
Simplex, orientation 60
Simplicial complex 60
Space of all gauge connections 347 437 447
Space of diffeomorphisms 532
Space of metrics 518 532
Space of tangent frames 536
Spin connection 479 483 498
Spin connection 1-form 479 484
Stokes' theorem 46—48
Stora — Zumino chain of descent equations see "Descent equations"
Structure constants 56 91 160—161 344
Structure constants, symmetric 161
Structure equations 375—376
Structure group 95 96 104 303 309 316 448
Submanifold 454
Superconvergence sum rule 220
Sutherland — Veltman paradox 235
Symbol of a differential operator 418—419
Symmetries 177—185
Symmetries, Abelian 178
Symmetries, non-Abelian 181
Symmetrized trace 322 324
Tangent bundle 103
Tangent map 73 see
Tangent space 37—39
Tangent space, basis 38 373
Tangent vector 38
Tensor density 459
Tensor fields 40 85
Tensor-valued forms 86—87
Tensors 40 459
Time ordered product 131—132
Topological charge 313 318—319 411
Topological charge, density 313
Topological current 313
Topological field theory 379
Topological invariants 13
Topological space 10
Torsion 462 480
Torsion consistency condition 480
Total space 95
Trace anomaly 509
Trace anomaly, covariant 541
Trace of an operator 278—279
Transformation law for field strength 117
Transformation law for gauge potentials 112
Transgression 367 371 376 385 387 525
Transgression formula 325—327 335
Transgression, shifted 368 371 376 525 530
Transition amplitude 119 124—126 130
Transition functions 96—102 104 112 117 304 316 443 449
Transition functions, consistency conditions 96
Transitivity 15
Triangle graph 197—205
Triangulation 65—66
Trivial bundle 98—99
U(1) problem 244
Vacuum functional see "Generating functional"
Vacuum-to-vacuum transition 129—131
Vector bundle 103—105
Vector current 178
Vector current, non-Abelian 183
Vector fields 39 40 73 81—84
Vector fields, on Sp 348
Vertical subspace 105—106
Vielbein 476—478
Vielbein 1-form 476
Vielbein condition 499
Vielbein condition, inverse 499
Vielbein determinant 477
Vielbein on the sphere 485
Vielbein, inverse 477
Vielbein, transformation 478
Ward identity 176 185—188 192—193 253—254 351
Ward identity, 2-dimensional 215—216 218—219 223
Ward identity, anomalous 193 202—204 206 210 239 253 351 353 357 361 366 371 401 436
Ward identity, axial 188 198 206 209—210
Ward identity, non-Abelian 195—197
Ward identity, vector 186 188 202—203 205 208
Ward operator 354 512
Wedge product 40 91 373
Wedge product in Sp 347
Weight 459
Wess — Zumino consistency condition 243 352—356 358—362 365—367 371 379 401—402
Weyl anomaly 509—510
Weyl anomaly, 2-dimensional 539
Weyl ghost 521
Weyl group 456
Weyl invariance 506—507
Weyl operator 420—422 424 427
Weyl transformations 507
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