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Bertlmann R.A. — Anomalies in Quantum Field Theory |
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü |
theory 142—149
decay 233—238
't Hooft — Veltman integral formula 207 222
't Hooft — Veltman regularization 207—210 220—223
Action principle 492
Action, active coordinate transformations 470 472—474
Action, adjoint derivative 51—53 294
Adjoint map 94
Adjoint operator 412
Adjoint representation 94 161
Adler — bardeen theorem 205
Aharonov — Bohm effect 306—311
Aharonov — Bohm effect, fibre bundle description 309
Aharonov — Bohm effect, phase shift 308
Aharonov — Bohm effect, quantum mechanics 307
Anomalous divergence 188 214 219 253
Anomaly 176 188 193—195 212—214 296—297 338 353 354 365 366 378 410 426
Anomaly and phase 194—195 440
Anomaly cancellation 245—247
Anomaly for L-currents 190
Anomaly formula 341
Anomaly shift 517
Anomaly, 2-dimensional 214—227 260—261 276 283 286
Anomaly, ABJ 188 197—214
Anomaly, Bardeen 241 243 297 351 436 446
Anomaly, consistent 243 272 401
Anomaly, covariant 243 266 270 271 297 393—394 397—400 405
Anomaly, dispersion relations 216—220
Anomaly, IR behaviour 230—231
Anomaly, non-Abelian 241—244 265—272 297 338 379 382 435—436 445—446
Anomaly, nonlocal extensions 406—407
Anomaly, normalization 369
Anomaly, regularization independence 261—263
Anomaly, singlet 238—241 259 296 379 381 400 411
Anomaly, UV behaviour 231—232
Anti-BRS transformation 175
Antiderivation rule 43 333
Associated bundle 103
Atiyah — Singer index theorem 305 319 410—411 426—427 443 534 541
Atlas 31
Axial current 178
Axial current, non-Abelian 183
Axial gauge 169
Background field 371
Bardeen — Zumino counterterm 515
Bardeen — Zumino polynomial 392—393 396—400 404—405 519 541
Base space 95
beta function 388
Betti numbers 69—71
Bianchi identity 165 295 354 463 480
Bianchi identity, first 482
Boundary 11
Boundary operator 62
Bounded operator 412
BRS algebra 376 520—524
BRS algebra for nontrivial fibre bundles 528—529
BRS algebra, shifted 524—525
BRS operator 172—175 345 350 356 379 523
BRS operator, shifted 524
BRS operator, total 521
BRS transformation 172—175 345—346 357 358 366 521
Cartan structure equation 114—116 463 479
Cartan's exterior algebra 42
Cartan's homotopy formula 334
Cauchy's integral formula 217
Chain complex 62
Chain terms 352 354 369 537
Chain terms, solutions 382—383 386 389
Chains 61
Charts 31
Chern character 425
Chern number 305 319 327
Chern — Simons form 296 314 327—328 335—337 354 367 372 377 379 444 516 525 527
Chern — Simons form, gauge transformation 336—337
Chern — Simons form, variation 339 341
Chern — Simons term 240
Chern — Simons theory 379
Chiral transformations 181 250—251 256 267
Chiral transformations, Jacobian 280—286
Chirality split 268
Christoffel connection 460—461
Christoffel connection, transformation 469 471 474
Christoffel symbol 460
Closed set 10
Closure 10
Coboundary 67 364 378
Coboundary operator 363
Cochain 363
Cocycle 67 362 364 378
Cocycle condition 361 364
Coderivative see "Adjoint derivative"
Cohomology 363—365 378—379
Cokernel 413
Commutation relations functional 391
Compactification 13 17
Compactness 12
Compatibility condition 112 117 304 317 442 443
Conformal group 456
Conformal transformation 456
Conformally flat manifolds 456—458
Connectedness 18
Connection 105—113 304 309 317
Connection 1-form 109—112 442 460
Connection, global 443
Conservation laws 177—185 228
Consistency conditions for gravitational anomalies 512—515 522 529
Consistent current 392
Consistent current, gauge transformation 392 396 402—403
Continuous map 13
Contractible space 329
Contravariant vector 459
Coordinate transformations 458—460 468—474
Coordinate transformations, infinitesimal 470—471
Coordinate transformations, matrix 469
Cosmological constant 493
Cotangent bundle 104
Cotangent space 39—40
Cotangent space, basis 39 373
Covariant anomaly condition 394
Covariant current 392—393 397 404
Covariant current, gauge transformation 393 404
Covariant derivative 113 162 163 181 343 376 461 467—468 479 496
Covariant vector 459
Covering 12
Current 1-form 296 395
Current 1-form on Sp 401
Current operator 210—214
Curvature 113—117 304 310 463—465 479 484
Curvature 2-form 114 443
Curvature, transformation 469 471 473
Cutkosky rule 225
d'Alembert operator 420
De Rham cohomology 67—73
de Rham cohomology, group 67
de Rham cohomology, inner product 70
de Rham complex 68
de Rham's theorem 69
Derivative in Sp 391
Descent equations 341 354 369 372 376 377 385 387 525—527 530
Determinant bundle 448—449
Determinant fermion 439
Determinant of a differential operator 137—139
Determinant of the Dirac operator 277—286
Determinant of the metric 453
Determinant of the Weyl operator 428
Determinant, gauge invariance 429—430 439
Determinant, phase 439—440
Determinant, regularized 277 280—286
Diffeomorphism group 469
| Diffeomorphisms 13 532
Differential forms 40—58 84
Differential forms on Sp 348
Differential forms, anticommutator 56—58
Differential forms, closed 54
Differential forms, coclosed 54
Differential forms, coexact 54
Differential forms, commutator 56—58
Differential forms, exact 54
Differential forms, harmonic 54 71—72
Differential forms, inner product 51
Differential forms, integration of 45—46
Differential forms, trace 56
Differential map 73 89
Dilatation vector 475
Dirac equation 154 178 229
Dirac equation, energy spectrum 229
Dirac field, free 154 155
Dirac field, interacting 155—156
Dirac genus 534
Dirac monopole 297—306 380 426
Dirac monopole, fibre bundle description 303
Dirac monopole, field strength 302
Dirac monopole, gauge potentials 299 301 302
Dirac monopole, gauge transformation 300—302
Dirac monopole, magnetic charge quantization 301
Dirac monopole, winding number 305
Dirac operator 249 255 265 497
Dirac operator, construction on 441—443
Dirac operator, eigenvalue equation 409
Dirac operator, spectrum 431
Dirac operator, zero modes 409
Dirac sea 227—233
Dispersion relations 216—220
Dual algebra *Lie G 358
Dual current form 296 395
Dual p-form 49
Duality 68
Einstein anomaly 509—510 533 536
Einstein anomaly, 2-dimensional 537
Einstein equation 492—493
Einstein equation, with matter 493
Einstein equation, without matter 492
Einstein ghost 521
Einstein invariance 504—505 519
Einstein tensor 493
Einstein transformations 474 504 518—519
Einstein transformations, generator 511
Einstein — Hilbert action 491
Electrodynamics 287
Electrodynamics, action 292
Electrodynamics, current conservation 292
Electrodynamics, field strength 178
Electrodynamics, field strength tensor 288
Electrodynamics, gauge potential 156—159 290
Electrodynamics, Lagrangian 177
Elliptic differential operators 417—420 422
Embedding 454
Energy-momentum tensor 493—495 508 519
Energy-momentum tensor, antisymmetric 509
Energy-momentum tensor, covariant 519
Energy-momentum tensor, covariant conservation 493 505
Energy-momentum tensor, symmetric 493 503 504
Energy-momentum tensor, traceless 507
Equivalence principle 458
Euclidean space 250
Euclidean space, 2-dimensional 261
Euler characteristic 69—71
Exponential map 90
Extended gauge group element 374
Exterior covariant derivative 113
Exterior derivative 42 373 443
Exterior derivative in Sp 348 360
Exterior derivative in Sp 518
Exterior derivative on 374
Face 59
Faddeev — Popov determinant 167
Faddeev — Popov ghosts 92 168—170 344 350 356 379
Faddeev — Popov operator, differential 345
Faddeev — Popov operator, integrated 345
Family index theorem 436
Fermionic action 497
Fermionic Lagrangian 500—502
Feynman gauge 159
Feynman parameter integral 206 221
Feynman propagator for fermions 154—155
Feynman propagator of the photon 158—159
Feynman propagator, scalar 137
Feynman's path integral 124—129
Feynman's path integral, formula 126
Feynman's path integral, Hamilton formalism 126—129
Fibre bundles 95—117 348
Fibre bundles, reconstruction 99—101
Fibres 95 304 316
Field strength 116—117
Flow 78—81 90 93 105
Flow, infinitesimal 79
Frame bundle 104
Fredholm alternative 415
Fredholm operators 413—414 420
Fredholm operators, direct sum 415
Fredholm operators, product 416
Fujikawa's method 255—259
Fujikawa's method, regularization 257—259 263 268 270 432—435
Fujikawa's uncertainty principle 263—265
Function of an operator 274
Functional derivative 132—135 347
Fundamental vector field 105 360
Fundamental vector field, commutator 401
Gamma function 278
Gauge condition 166
Gauge fixing 158 167 169
Gauge group 159—161
Gauge group space 347 374 447
Gauge operator 343—344 353 356 360
Gauge operator, commutation relations 343 353
Gauge operator, integrated 344
Gauge potential 110—113 162
Gauge transformations 112 161 270 374
Gauge transformations, axial 179 181
Gauge transformations, infinitesimal 164
Gauge transformations, left-handed 180 182
Gauge transformations, right-handed 180 182
Gauge transformations, vector 178 181
Gauge variation 344
Gauss theorem 467
Gaussian cut-off 257 434
Gaussian integration 137—139 259 435
Gaussian integration for Grassmann variables 151—154
Gell-Mann matrices 160
Generating functional 140 142 144 154 155 169 191—197 251 342
Graded algebra 173
Grassmann algebra 42 149—154
Grassmann differentiation 150
Grassmann integration 150 256 264 433
Grassmann measure 256 267
Gravitational anomaly formula 527 531
Gravitational anomaly, axial 542—543
Gravitational anomaly, covariant 518—520 540
Gravitational anomaly, normalization 536
Gravitational anomaly, total 522
Green functions 185—190
Green functions for interacting fields 144—147
Green functions, connected 147—149
Green functions, free 139—141
Gribov ambiguity 171—172
Group parameter space 372
harmonic oscillator 121
Heat equation 274—275
Heat kernel 274—276 423—425
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