Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
van den Essen A. — Polynomial automorphisms and the Jacobian conjecture |
Предметный указатель |
Map, quadratic homogeneous 98 165 171 199 302
Map, regular map 99 119 205 220 271 284 285
Map, triangular map 184
Map, Yagzhev map 125 131
Map,Map, cubic linear polynomial map 117 125 131 195 196
Markus 175 177 178 179 180 185 190—192
Markus — Yamabe Conjecture 175 177 180 185 190 192
Martelli 175 178
Maschke's Theorem 23
Maset 244
Maslamani 141
Masuda 215
Maubach 229 230 236 237
Maurer 228
McKay 66 75 115
McKenna 257 273
Meisters 59 164 165 167 168 170 171 175 178 181 185—187 195 196 201
Mikhalev 239 271 273
Minimal polynomial 69 70 75 106 258 290
Miyanishi 30 116 217 237
Module, flat module 291
Module, holonomic module 298
Module, simple module 22
Moh 12 85 93 99 100 104 106 115 170 255 256 272
Moser-lauslin 215
Multiplicative group 204
Multivariate resultant 73
Nagata 19 21 41—43 47 74 75 89 94 97 115 117 228 255 272 293
Nagata map 74 75
Nakai 255
Negative polynomial map 125 127
Newton polygon 93 245—247 251 253 272
Nga 125 127
Nice derivation 143 155 158 164
Nikaido 240
Nilpotence index 168
Nilpotency criterion 37 41 42 68
Nilpotency subgroup 43 47
Nilradical 5.47 62 154 277
Non-resonant 185 187 188 195
Nori 116
Normal form algorithm 287
Nouaze 42
Nousiainen 60 75
Nowicki 19—21 34 36 42 50 60 99 106 115 116 189
Nullstelleasatz 78 280 294
Olech 59 164 165 167 170 171 177 178 180 181 192
Onishi 255
Open immersion 84
Order filtration 264
Orthogonal group 204 215
p-adic integers 257
Park 255
Parthasarathy 240 244
Peretz 155 171 241
Petrie 215 218 237
Pinchuk 239 241
Pinehuk's counterexample 241
PIoski 60 69 70 75
Poincare 34 136 185
Polynomial map 119 125 136 148 156
Polynomial, face polynomial 61 66 67 69 73 75
Polynomial, minimal polynomial 69 70 75 106 258 290
Polynomial, test polynomial 73
Popov 222 223 226
Positive polynomial map 127 130
Preslice 28 31 37 236 237
Problem, birational cancellation problem 225
Problem, cancellation problem 54 203 215 217—219 225
Problem, classification problem 31
Problem, Dependence problem 143 145 168 169
Problem, Discrete Markus — Yamabe problem 179 190 191 252 263
Problem, fixed point problem 217
Problem, Hilbert 14-th problem 3 6 18 19 22 31 32 37 40 203 206 228 229 237 279 280 281 299
Problem, LaSalle problem 179—182 185 189 192 196
Problem, lnvertibility Problem 239
Problem, recognition problem 31 32 40
Quadratic homogeneous 98 167—169 171 199 302
Quantized polynomial ring 49
Quantum-plane 49
Ramanujam 218
Randall 242 272
Rational representation 206
Razar 55 60
Real Jacobian Conjecture 239 241 242
Recognition problem 31 32 40
Reconstruction algorithm 67
Rectifiable 86 99—104
Reduced ting 56 62 69
Reductive group 203 206 209—211 215—217 219
Rees 228
Regular map 99 i 205 220 271 284 285 293
Regular representation 205 206 211
Regular ring 280
Regular sequence 277
Relation algorithm 39 288
Rentschief 32 60 89—93 115 116 220 222
Rentschier's theorem 89 90 91 92 93 116 220 222
Representation 207 209
Representation, finite representation 208 210
Representation, linear representation 206
Representation, rational representation 206 208
Representation, regular representation 205 206 211
Resultant 61 69—72 74
Reynolds operator 209 210 212—214
Richman 16
Ring, associated graded ring 21
Ring, CM-ring 280
Ring, Cohen — Macaulay ring 280
Ring, coordinate ring 278 283—285 300
| Ring, Dedekind ring 42 280
Ring, filtered ring 21
Ring, group ring 23 36
Ring, local ring 95 98 277 279 283
Ring, quantized polynomial ring 49
Ring, reduced ring 56 62 66 69
Ring, regular ring 280
Ring, ring of constants 21
Ring, semisimpie 22—24 36
Ring, simple ring 295
Roberts 206 228 236 237
Rosay 116 188
Rudolph 116
Rusek 59 75 80 84 97 98 116 168—170 240
Russell 103 218
Samuelson 240 241
Sansuc 225
Sathaye 86 99 103—105 170
Sathaye Conjecture 103—105
Schwarz 203 215
Segre 99 116
Segre's lemma 99
Seldenberg 17 42
Semisimpie 22—24 36 206—208
Shafarevich 115
Shpilrain 270 301
Siegel 136 185
Similarity 245 247 272
Simple module 22
Simple ting 295
Singular point 105 256 283
Slice 26—29 31 32 41 42 54 68 70 92 223—226 302
smith 60 97 118 141
Snow 223
Special linear group 204
Springer 237
Srinivas 86 99 101 116
Stable tame 118
Stable tameness conjecture 118
Stably equivalent 120 121 124 143
Stably tame 118 125 143 155 161 234
Standard embedding 100 102 103
Stein 60 273
Strelcyn 20
Strength 90 91
Strongly nilpotent 164—168
Sugie 217
Suzuki 85 99 100 116
Sweedler 60 75
Swinnerton-Dyer 225
Szlenk 179 181
Tame Generators Problem xiv
Tame subgroup 85
Tamely equivalent 120 126 130
Tensor product 278
Test polynomial 273
Theorem, Abhyankar — Moh theorem 12 93 106 115 116
Theorem, Abhyankar — Moh — Suzuki theorem 85 99
Theorem, Abhyankar's reduction theorem 251—254 257 272
Theorem, antomorphism theorem 86 100
Theorem, formal inverse function theorem 3 4 11 13 58 259 294
Theorem, Hubbers' theorem 143 168
Theorem, Jung — van der Kulk theorem 85 86 89
Theorem, Keller's theorem 12 42 54 265 266 269 270
Theorem, Maschke's theorem 23
Theorem, Rentschier's theorem 89—93 116 222
Theorem, Zariski's Main Theorem 80 84 286
tom Ditek 218 237
Torus group 204
Triangulable 170 222—224
Triangular 36 118 119 127—129 143 162 164—168 170 193 194 201 204 222 225 226 234
Triangular derivation 20 26 32 34 36 118 119 164 225
Triangular map 184
Tutaj 272
Unimodular 226
Uniruled 271 272
Universal coefficients 149 280
van den Dries 8 41 257 260—262 273
van den Essen 11 48 60 64 71 75 150 160 166 168 187 188 192 196 244
van der Kulk 85 86 89 115 116
Variety, affine variety 203 217 218 220 271 278 285 296 305
Variety, characteristic variety 296
Variety, G-variety 205—207 209 211 213
Vasconcelos 29 42
Vasyunin 165 167
Vistoli 170
w-grading 90 91 229 230 236 244 245 252
Walcher 237
Wang 42 66 75 82 84 98 104 115
Wang, Z. 159 164
Weak Jacobian Conjecture 256
Weak Markus — Yamabe Conjecture 177
Weitzenbeck 235 236
Weyl algebra 263
Winiarski 60
Winkelmann 41 158
Winkelmann derivation 158
Woodburn 255
Wright 41 42 60 117 125 141 143 162 167 171 242 255 273
Yagzhev 117 125 131
Yagzhev map 125 131
Yamabe 175 177—180 185 190—192
Yu 60 69 70 75 104 117 125 127 239 271 301
Zaks 19 42 146
Zampieri 117 131 136 139 141 169 185—187 189 196
Zariski 19 84 99 212 283 285 286
Zariski-closure 283
Zariski-topology 283
Zolotykh 239 271 273
Zurkowski 237 239 272
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