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Petrich M. — Inverse semigroups |
Предметный указатель |
Left cancellative semigroup, reductive semigroup 41
Left cancellative semigroup, translation 38
Left cancellative semigroup, wreath product 226
Left cancellative semigroup, zero 12
Length of a walk 370
letter 51
Lexicographic order 10
Lexicographic order, -group 451
Lexicographic order, -homomorphism 452
Linearly ordered set 6
Linked translations 38
Locally self-conjugate subset 459
Lower directed partially ordered set 6
Lower semilattice 6
Malcev product 554
Maximal essential -extension 251
McAlister triple 303
Meet 6
Metacenter 247
Modular lattice 7
Monogenic congruence 415
Monogenic congruence, inverse semigroup 81
Monogenic congruence, semigroup 13
Monoid 12
Monoid with involution 51
Monoid, homomorphism 17
Monoid, identity 60
Monoid, prehomomorphism 298
Morphism 73
Multiplication 11
Multiplication, determined by a partial homomorphism 47
Munn representation 172
Natural embedding into 593
Natural embedding into , embedding into the free product 66
Natural embedding into , embedding into the inverse free product 593
Natural embedding into , equivalence 75
Natural embedding into , homomorphism 19
Natural embedding into , ordering of idempotents 14
Natural embedding into , partial order 79
Natural embedding into , transformation 75
Naturally strongly embedded amalgam in its free product 68
Naturally weakly embedded amalgam in its free product 68
Normal congruence 118
Normal congruence, divisor for 494
Normal congruence, extension 275
Normal congruence, extension of by along 276
Normal congruence, extension problem 276
Normal congruence, extension triple 276
Normal congruence, hull 263
Normal congruence, subsemigroup 118
Null semigroup 13
Object 73
Object, -homomorphism 452
One-to-one partial right translation 211
One-to-one partial right translation, partial transformation 166
Order antiisomorphism 6
Order antiisomorphism, automorphism 6
Order antiisomorphism, ideal 7
Order antiisomorphism, inverting 6
Order antiisomorphism, isomorphism 6
Order antiisomorphism, preserving 6
Ordinal product 10
Oriented edge 370
Orthogonal sum of groupoids 613
Orthogonal sum of groupoids, sum of semigroups 14
Partial groupoid 12 611
Partial groupoid, homomorphism 18
Partial groupoid, transformation 15
Partially ordered group 451
Partially ordered group, ordered set 6
Path 370
Path, ( )-path 370
Perfect congruence 343
Permissible subset 212
Permutable set of bitranslations 39
Positive cone 452
Prehomomorphism 282
Prehomomorphism, compatible with it 282
Preserves meets and joins 8
Preserves meets and joins, -preserving 293
Preserves meets and joins, order 6
Preserves meets and joins, the maximal group homomorphic images 145
Prime ideal 25
Primitive idempotent 14
Primitive idempotent, inverse semigroup 99
Principal congruence 137
Principal congruence, factor 32
Principal congruence, left ideal generated by 23
Principal congruence, order ideal generated by 7
Principal congruence, right ideal generated by 23
Product of binary relations 9
Proper congruence 18
Proper congruence, ideal 23
Proper congruence, ideal extension 42
Proper congruence, inverse semigroup 151
Proper congruence, kernel in a semigroup 137
Proper congruence, subvariety 55
Pure congruence 19
Pure congruence, homomorphism 19
Pure congruence, ideal extension 45
q-representation 299
Quasiabelian semigroup 539
Quasivariety 60
Quotient semigroup 19
Rank of an inverse semigroup 386
Rank of an inverse semigroup of a transformation 15
Rank of an inverse semigroup, -class 27
Reduced inverse semigroup 151
Reduced inverse semigroup, word 53
Reduction 53
Reductive semigroup 41
Rees quotient semigroup 23
Regular -class 34
Regular -class, -regular semigroup 111
Regular -class, element 33
Regular -class, semigroup 33
Reilly semigroup 111
Relation 6
Relatively free object (in ) 51
| Representation 18
Representation, by one-to-one partial transformations 169
Representation, extension property 568
Representative functor 75
retract 17
Retract, ideal 46
Retract, ideal extension 46
Retraction 17 46
Right cancellative semigroup 41
Right cancellative semigroup, -coset 186
Right cancellative semigroup, congruence 18
Right cancellative semigroup, ideal 23
Right cancellative semigroup, identity 12 612
Right cancellative semigroup, reductive semigroup 41
Right cancellative semigroup, regular representation 18
Right cancellative semigroup, translation 38
Right cancellative semigroup, wreath product 228
Right cancellative semigroup, zero 12
Rooted tree 370
Satisfies an identity 54
Satisfies an identity, an implication 60
Satisfies an identity, the identity 531
Satisfies an identity, the identity 531
Saturated for 136
Saturates 136
Self-conjugate 118
Semidirect product 344
Semigroup 12
Semigroup with involution 51
Semigroup, generated by 13
Semigroup, generated by subject to defining relations 53
Semigroup, identity 54
Semilattice 14
Semilattice of semigroups 83
Semilattice, congruence 83
Semilattice, of semigroups 83
Semisimple semigroup 33
Simple semigroup 24
Simply transitive group of permutations 192
Small variety 544
Solution of the normal extension problem 276
Spanning walk 370
spans 370
Special amalgamation property 65
Strict element 104
Strict element, ideal extension 45
Strict element, inverse semigroup 103
Strict element, normal extension 280
Strict element, variety 531
Strong amalgamation property 62
Strong amalgamation property, basis property 386
Strong amalgamation property, representation extension property 572
Strong amalgamation property, semilattice of semigroups determined by homomorphisms 83
Strong amalgamation property, semilattice of semigroups 83
Strongly embeddable in 62
Strongly embeddable in , -reflexive inverse semigroup 157
Strongly embeddable in , embedded amalgam 62
Structure mapping 616
Sub transitive semigroup 173
Subcategory 74
Subdirect product 21
Subdirectly irreducible semigroup 21
Subgraph 370
Subgroup 13
Submonoid 13
Subsemigroup 13
Subsemigroup, generated by 13
Subsemilattice 6
Subuniform semilattice 174
Subvariety 55
Sum of representations 184
Symmetric inverse semigroup on 168
Syntactic congruence 137
Syntactic congruence, congruence on determined by 137
Totally ordered set 6
Trace class 127
Trace class of a congruence 117
Trace class of an inverse semigroup 616
Transformation of a set 16
Transitive closure 9
Transitive closure, representation 184
Transitive closure, semigroup 173
Transitive closure, subset 183
Transitivity relation 183
Translational hull 38
TREE 370
Trivial homomorphism 17
Trivial homomorphism, identity 55
Trivial homomorphism, semigroup 12
Two-sided ideal 23
Two-sided ideal, identity 12
Two-sided ideal, principal ideal generated by 23
Two-sided ideal, zero 12
Type of a congruence 410
Type of a congruence of a conjugate extension 252
Type of a congruence of a monogenic inverse semigroup 421
Type of a congruence of an ideal extension 43
Uniform semilattice 174
Unitary triple 298
Universal relation 8
Valid in a variety 55
Variable 51
Variety 55
Variety, determined by identities 55
Variety, generated by a class 56
Variety, generated by a semigroup 56
Vertex 369
Wagner congruence 359
Wagner congruence, representation 169
Walk 370
Walk, ( )-walk 370
Weak amalgamation property 62
Weak amalgamation property, basis property 386
Weakly embeddable in 62
Weakly embeddable in , embedded amalgam 62
Weakly embeddable in , reductive semigroup 39
Weight 410
Word 51
Word, tree 370
Zero 12
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