Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Gibbons A. — Algorithmic graph theory |
Предметный указатель |
McLane, S. 92 93
MDS 245
Menger, K. 61 62 106
Menger’s theorems 106
Micali, S. 132 148
Miller, G.L. 93
Minieka, E. 118 119 148 184
Minimum branching 40 47
Minimum cost flow 106
Minimum dominating set 189 245
Minimum length path 12 32 36
Minimum tardiness sequencing 247
Minimum weight spanning tree 39 40 63 65
Minty, G.J. 252 253
Moore, E.F. 32
MTS 247
Multigraph 3
Munro, J.I. 33 34
Murty, U.S.R. 62 63 92 93 210 211
Network 96
Network, cut 97
Network, flow 96
Newhauser, G.L. 184
Nishizeki, T. 211
Non-deterministic polynomial time complete 16 222
Non-deterministic Turing machine 220
NP 217
NP-complete 16 222
NP-complete, graph problems 227
NPC see "NP-complete"
Order of a function 9
Ore, T. 211
Out-degree 6
Out-tree 7
P 217
Parallel edge 2
Parsons, T.D. 92 93
Partially ordered tree 36
Partite, bipartite 4
Partite, k-partite 4
Path 5 6
Path, augmenting 98 127 136
Path, Eulerian 153
Path, Hamiltonian 153 169 173 229 233
Path, length 5 8
Path, longest simple 15 246
Path, shortest 12 32 36
Path, simple 5
PERT digraph 121
Pertuiset, R. 86 93
Petersen graph 93 173 186
Piece of a graph 75
Planar graph 67
Planar triangulation 93 205
Planarity, characterisation of 75
Points of contact of a bridge 75
Polynomial transformation 222
Polynomial-time verifiable 219
Postman problems 161
Pramodh Kumar, M. 119
Prim's algorithm 40 65
Prim, R.C. 40 62
Priority queue 36 65
Probabilistic analysis 243
Problem-size 9
Reducible configuration 207
Regular graph 3
Reif, J. 93
Reverse edge 98
Ring size 207
Ring-sum 54
Ringel, G. 204 211
Root 7
Rooted-tree 7
Saaty, T.L. 62 63 210 211
Sahni, S. 184
Saito, N. 211
SAT 223
SAT, 3SAT 225
Satisfiability 223
Satisfiability, 3-satisfiability 225
Self-loop 2
Separable graph 5
| Sequential colouring 200 213
Shamir, A. 244
Shapley, L.S. 148 151
Shirey, R.W. 92 93
Shortest path 12 32 36
Si 246
Simple circuit 5
Simple graph 2
Simple path 5
Simplex method 252
Sink 96
Slominski, L. 243 244
Smale, S. 252 253
Son 7
Source 96
Space-complexity 8
Spanning subgraph 5
Spanning trees 39
Spanning trees, enumeration 49
Spanning trees, maximum weight 42 64
Spanning trees, minimum weight 40
Sparse graph 17
Spira, P.M. 32 33
Stable marriage problem 150
Steigler, G.J. 252
Steiner tree 42
Stereographic projection 68
Stockmeyer, L.J. 244
Strongly connected 7
Strongly connected component 7 27
Strongly connected digraph 7
Subgraph 4
Subgraph Isomorphism 246
Supergraph 4
Symmetric digraph 6
Tarjan, R.E. 32 42 62 72 85 86 92 244
Teleprinter’s problem 186
Thickness 71 73
Three-colouring (3C) 235
Three-colouring (3C), planar graphs (3CP) 237
Time-complexity 8
Timetable problem 101
Toroidal graph 71
Torus 67
Tournament 185
Transport network 96
Travelling salesman problem 169 175 234
TREE 7 39
Triangle inequality 176
Trojanowski, A.E. 244
Trustrum, K. 252
TS 234
Turan, P. 193 211
Turing machine 216 217
Tutte graph 215
Tutte, W.T. 134 148
Two-processor scheduling 150
Ullman, J.D. 32 62 63 217 244
Unavoidable set 207
Underlying graph 2 6
Union of graphs 73
Vazirani, V.V. 132 148
VC 227
Vertex 1
Vertex, colouring 195 198 235
Vertex, connectivity 60
Vertex, cover 191 227
Vertex, degree 2
Vertex, isolated 2
Vertex, set 2
Vizing, V.G. 196 197 211
Warshall, S. 32
Weakly connected 7
Weakly connected component 7
Weakly connected digraph 7
Weight of a subgraph 7
Weight of an edge 7
Weighted graph 7
White, L.J. 148
Whitney, H. 62 63 92 93 95
Wilson, R.J. 74 92 93 184 204 211
Worst-case complexity 9
Youngs, J.W.T. 204 211
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