Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Ruskey F. — Combinatorial generation |
Предметный указатель |
Peterson graph 195
Planar graph 247
Polygon, trianulation of 182
Polynomial, irreducible 226 227 233
Polynomial, monic 226
Polynomial, over finite fields 226
Polynomial, primitive 226 227 233
Polyomino 51 241
Polyomino, order of 51
Poset, antichain 19
Poset, extension of 19
Poset, fence 37
Poset, forest 182
Poset, generating all 240
Poset, height of element, h(x) 19 174
Poset, ideal of 20
Poset, linear extension of 19
Poset, probability of x preceding y, P(x<y) 19 174
Postorder 20
Pre-necklace 214
Prefix, property 12
Prefix, tree 12 103
Preorder 20
Prepend 12
Principle subtrees 20
prism 27 135 165
Product space 104 250
Proof, bijective 12
Proof, combinatorial 12
Pruefer’s correspondence 36
Pumping lemma 232
Random, permutation of a multiset 250
ranking 5
Red-black tree 108
Relation, anti-reflexive 12
Relation, anti-symmetric 12
Relation, equivalence 12
Relation, partial order 12
Relation, reflexive 12
Relation, symmetric 12
Relation, transitive 12
Restricted growth (RG) sequences 159
Restricted growth string 90
Reverse lexicographic order 55
Reverse search 246 247
Revolving door algorithm 127
Rodeh, M. 247
Rooted tree 78 79 108 112
Rooted tree, canonic 80
Rooted tree, generating all 79—82
Rosemary permutation 111
Rotation graph 186
Run 15
Run-length encoding 105
Ruskey, Frank 112
Score vector 109
Self-loop 27
Set partition 89 113
Set partition, block 159
Set partition, Gray code 159
Set partition, random 252
Set partition, with given block sizes 164
Shuffle-exchange 206
| SIGN 14
Soma Cube puzzle 51
Spanning subgraph 28
Spanning tree 28 210 243—247
Spanning tree, random 252
Spanning tree, ranking 247
Spin-out puzzle 123 178 185
Square 206
Stable marriage 110 114
Stamp folding 110
Stirling number (of the second kind) 37 89
Stirling number of the second kind 17
Stirling’s approximation 14
String 11
String, periodic 214
String, weight of 230
Suffix property 12
Suffix tree 103
Teeth 134
Tesseract 27 53
The Brain puzzle 123 178
Topological sort 52
Topological sorting 27
Totient function 17 215
Tournament 28 239 241
Tournament, vortex-free 231
Towers of Hanoi 117 185 203
Transition sequence 118
Transposition 14
Transposition, tree of 200
Tree graph 244 247
Tree, 2-3 tree 113
Tree, B-tree 113
Tree, bicentral 83
Tree, center 25
Tree, center of 83
Tree, centroid of 83
Tree, free 25 83
Tree, in-tree 23
Tree, ordered 20
Tree, out-tree 23
Tree, plane rooted 113
Tree, prefix 12 103
Tree, red-black 108
Tree, rooted 23
Tree, rooted, canonic 107
Tree, rooted, isomorphism of 107
Tree, suffix 103
triangle 247
Triangulation, random 253
Unimodal 13 35 72
Universal cycle 224—226 233
Unlabelled graph, random 252
Unranking 5
Vertex cover 28
Vertex, in-degree 27
Vertex, out-degree 27
Vertex, pendant 26 154
Weight 230
Well-formed parentheses 74
Well-formed parentheses, random 252
Well-formed parenthesis, Gray code 139
Witt formula 233
Young tableau 18
Young Tableau, Gray code for 163
Реклама |