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Percus J.K. — Mathematics of genome analysis |
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Allele 24
anchoring 18—23
Back propagation 115
Baker — Campbell — Hausdorf expansion 120
Base 2—3
Base, frequencies 42
Bayes' theorem 111
Benferroni inequality 83
Boltzmann equation 119
Chen — Stein theorem 86
Chi square test 44
Chromosome walking 16
Clone, density 18 22
Clone, end-characterized 36
Clone, library 9—12
Clone, resolved negative 31
Codon 6
Codon, dicodon usage 109
Concensus 108
Conjugate gradient method 114
Contig 13 14 40
Correlation coefficient 62
Correlation persistence 55
Correlation power law 67
Correlation ratio 43
Correlation window 61—64
Correlation, cross 55
Correlation, displaced 53
Correlation, factorial moments 64
Covariance and variance 54 61—65
Coverage 9 13 19
Cumulant expansion 17
Design, experimental 29
Diffusion 72
DNA 1—6
DNA, complementary 62
DNA, dynamics 123—126
DNA, functional regions 42
DNA, inhomogeneity in 73 126
DNA, strand symmetry 54
DNA, supercoiled 118
DNA, thermal behavior 118—123
Dot matrix 50 102
Dynamical programming 102
entropy see also "Information"
Entropy per site 79
Entropy, Jensen — Shannon 49
Equivalent linearization 124
evaporation 123
Evolution, stochastic 57
Exon 4 60 108—111
Expansion-mutation model 56—57
Fingerprint assembly 13—18 36—41
Fokker — Planck equation 72
Form factor, for repeated pattern 74
Fragment size distribution 7
Gel electrophoresis 7
Gene 3 4 24 27
Generating function 24 38 51 59
Hidden layer 113
Hopfield network 115
Hurst index 67
Incidence matrix 30
Inclusion-exclusion theorem 32
Indel 96 99—100
information see also "Entropy"
Information, content 104—105
Information, mutual 56
Information, power spectrum 73—78
Intron 4 108—111
Island 13 18 36
Isochore 49 66 69
JWKB method 122
kurtosis 65
Lagrangian form 124—125
Likelihood 47 105
Linkage unit, genetic 23
Map, linkage 23
Map, physical 13
Map, restriction 10
Markov models, basic 8
Markov models, hidden 67—69
Markov models, higher order 47
Markov models, walking 69—73
Matching 81
Matching, aligned 92 102
Matching, asymptotic expansion 87—89
| Matching, common pattern 103
Matching, gaps 99
Matching, greedy 93
Matching, imperfections 92
Matching, indels 96 102
Matching, independence model 85
Matching, mismatch 94
Matching, mutual exclusion model 82
Matching, N-tuplet 103
Matching, penalty-free 97
Morse potential 123
Neural network 113
Ocean 13
Orthogonal patterns 117
Partial digestion 10
Partition function 119
Patch model 65—67
Penrose discriminant 110
Perceptron 113
Persistence length 118
pooling 28—35
Power spectrum 73—78
Probability distribution, chi square 46
Probability distribution, cluster size 61
Probability distribution, extreme value 89
Probability distribution, Gumbel 90 93
Probability distribution, normal 91
Probability distribution, Poisson 17 85 93
Protein 5 8 92 104
Purine 3 55
Pyrimidine 2 55
Random incidence 34
Reading frame 6
Reading frame, open 61
Repeats, exon 60
Repeats, longest 49
Repeats, simple sequence 58
Repeats, subsequence 78
Repeats, tandem variation 27
Restriction enzyme 6 10
Restriction fragment length polymorphism 23
RNA, splice signal 108
Runs, distribution of 81—91
Score see also "Sequence comparision"
Score, acquisition 100—103
Score, distribution 92
Score, linear regime 100—101
Score, log regime 94 101
Score, non parametric 96
Score, phase transition 96
Score, phase trasition 96
Sequence comparison see also "Matching"
Sequence comparison, dissimilarity 101
Sequence comparison, scrambled 56
Sequence comparison, shuffled 65
Sequence-tagged site 18
Sequencing methods, anchoring 18
Sequencing methods, fingerprint 13
Sequencing methods, hybridization 23
Sequencing methods, optical 10
Sequencing methods, shotgun 36
Sigmoidal form 112
Statistical models of sequence correlation, cluster distribution 61
Statistical models of sequence correlation, expansion-mutation 56—57
Statistical models of sequence correlation, hidden Markov 67—69
Statistical models of sequence correlation, patch model 65—67
Statistical models of sequence correlation, walking Markov 69—73
Stirling approximation 25 45 91 105
Subsequence analysis, categories 108
Subsequence analysis, clusters 109
Subsequence analysis, linear disriminant 109
Subsequence analysis, repeats 78
Training set 114
Transcription 5
Transcription, bubble 118
Transform, Fourier 24 74
Transform, Laplace 24
Transform, Walsh 76
Transform, wavelet 77
Transition operator 120
Translation 5
van Hove theorem 120
Vector 10
Venn diagram 83
Weight matrix 103
Window, correlation between 64
Window, correlation within 61—63
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