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Mahmoud H.M. — Evolution of random search trees |
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Muntz, R. 103
Mutually independent random variables 38
Newman, D. 265 267 270 277
Nievergelt, J. 247
Normal distribution 34
Normal distribution, bivariate 39
Normal distribution, multivariate 39
Normal distribution, standard 40
Normalized random variable 40
Occupancy number 248
Odlyzko, A. 215
Order of graph 6
Order statistic 116 166 171 176 194—195 205 245
Ordered set 103 177 180
Ordered set, total order 59
Ordering relation 57 59
Outdegree 2
Packed array 210
Page 105—106 213
Partial match 185—186
Pascal 52
Path 3
Path in graph 3
Path length 3
Path measure 161—163 167 171 205
Path, directed 3
Pattern matching 214
Percolation 94
Percolation, continuous-time 94
Periodic fluctuation 26—28 119 127 218 240 242 279
Perlis, A. 63
Personal Computer 52 105
Phase transition 116 126 134
Pippenger, N. 247
Pittel's tree of random variables 94
Pittel, B. 92 99 102 114—116 119 128 133 146—147 160 241 245 247—248 250 256—257 285 287 291
PL/I 183
Pochhammer's symbol 12
Point quad tree 177
Pole 14
Polish notation 63
Positional tree 53
Postfix 63
Prefix 63 208
Probability (data) model, Bernoulli 215
Probability (data) model, density 216
Probability (data) model, Poisson 217
Probability (data) model, random permutation 70
Probability (data) model, uniform 70 180
Probability axiom 30
Probability density function 33
Probability function 31
Probability mass function 31
Probe 30
Prodinger, H. 244—245 284
Programming language 52 see PASCAL and
Puech, C 186 190
Quad tree 177—180
Quintary tree 55
Radius of convergence 11 14—15
Radix search 207
Random permutation 68—71 90 104 115 181
Random variable 31
Range query 67
Ranks 68—69 95 104
Ranks, absolute 68—69 71 90 181
Ranks, sequential 68—69 71 104 117—118
Rational number 216 240
Recursive decomposition 177
Regnier, M. 85—86 219 221 223 227 234 239—241 245 247
Residue 14
Reverse Polish notation 63
Rice's method 267 275—277 282—283
Riemann's integration 21 35
Robson, J. 92 186 190
Roesier, U. 85—86
Root 6
Row operation 122 137
Row vector 110 122 145 166
Saalschuetz, L. see Cauchy — Saalschiitz identity
| Sample point 30
Sample space 30
Search property 59
Search tree 57
Search tree, binary 57—59
Search tree, m-ary 103—104
Sector 105 108
Sedgewick, R. 275 277 280—281 284
Sequence tree 260
Shubert, B. 76 79 82
Side number 105
Simulation 71 261
Singularity 14
Size of m-ary tree 110
Square-integrable density 217
Stack of recursion 60 109
Stack of recursion, simulation of 109
Standard deviation 35
Standard labeling 161
Stieltjes integral 35 47
Stirling number 17
Stirling number of the first kind 17
Stirling number, signless 17
Stochastic majorization 116 163—165 167 172
Stochastic process 57
Storage utilization 180—181
Stratum 79
String ruler 215
Strong law 43 48 96 99 259 287 291
Strong, H. 247
Strongly connected graph 3
Subcover 220
Subgraph 2
Subgraph, induced 2
Subgraph, proper 2
Suffix tree 207 214—215
Sussenguth, E. 214
Symmetric trie 215 217 239 241 244—245 248
Szpankowski, W. 215 244—245 247 256
Taylor series 14
Terminal node 6
Ternary search tree 104 133 144
Ternary tree 53
Thornton, C. 63
Thread 64
Threaded tree 64 67—68
Total probability 31
Total probability, theorem of 31
Track 105 108
Traversal 62—67 107—109 185 213
Traversal, in-order 62—68 107—109
Traversal, postorder 62—63 68
Traversal, preorder 62—63 67—68
Tree of random variables 93
Tree of random variables, Devroye's 161 164 204
Tree of random variables, Kingman's 164
Tree of random variables, Pittel's 94
Triply linked binary tree 109
Turbo Pascal 52
Type-j node 106
Undirected graph 1
Undirected tree 4
Undirected tree, underlying 6
Uniform integrability 45 51 101—102 175—176 290—291
Unlabeled tree 11
Uzgalis, R. 103
v for the Mellin transform 22
Vandermonde's determinant 122 137
Variable length key 208
Variance 35
Variance-covariance matrix 157
Variant record 210
Vertex 1
Weak law 42 48
Yao, A. 247
Z transform 11
Zave, D. 141
Zipf's law 50
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