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Graham J., Baldock R. — Image processing and analysis. A practical approach
Graham J., Baldock R. — Image processing and analysis. A practical approach

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Название: Image processing and analysis. A practical approach

Авторы: Graham J., Baldock R.


This volume presents the subject of image processing and analysis to the point of view of the user. The standard algorithms, procedures, and rules of thumb are explained in the context of successful application to biological or medical images and chapters cover image acquisition, processing, analysis, and pattern recognition. This approach equips the user with the necessary background for informed use of image processing software, and the ability to write their own programs. There are explanations of more advanced techniques, and each has reference to specific applications. This is an extremely usable, practical guide for the beginning postgraduate biologist or medical researcher.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Computer science/Обработка изображений/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2000

Количество страниц: 301

Добавлена в каталог: 17.11.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Image re-sampling      269
Image registration      167 see
Image restoration      29
Image segmentation      70 72—85
Image segmentation, boundary approach      72
Image segmentation, edge approach      72
Image segmentation, Kirsch's method      76
Image segmentation, region approach      72
Image segmentation, thresholding      73—75
Image sharpening      48
Image similarity      184—186
Image similarity, information-theoretic measures      209—211
Image similarity, information-theoretic measures, entropy      209—210
Image similarity, information-theoretic measures, mutual information      210
Image similarity, information-theoretic measures, Shannon — Wiener      210
Image similarity, statistical measures      208—209
Image similarity, statistical measures, normalised cross-correlation      208
Image similarity, statistical measures, normalised standard deviation      209
Image similarity, statistical measures, sum of intensity differences      208
Image similarity, statistical measures, variance of intensity ratios      208
Image smoothing      47 53 78
Image transform      see also "Filters"
Image transform, functional intensity transform      40
Image transform, Harr      101
Image transform, histogram-based transform      41
Image transform, hit-or-miss      87
Image transform, linear      46
Image transform, morphological      53—60
Image transform, non-linear      50
Image transform, texture      65
Image transform, wavelet      52
Image warping      261
Image, coordinate frame      230
Image, pose      229 230 231
Image, primitives      225
Image-Pro Plus      106
ImageTool      105
Immersion medium      15
Interphase nucleus      2 29
Interpolation      269 see "Transformations"
Interpolation, bilinear      99 175 269 270
Interpolation, nearest neighbour      175 269 270
Interpolation, sine function      269
Interpolation, spline      175
ISODATA algorithm      129 130
Isosensitivity curves      146
Iterative closest point (ICP)      204—207
Jackknife method      141 142 see
Jarvis march (convex hull algorithm)      92—93
K-means algorithm      129 134
Karhunen — Loeve expansion      128
Karyotype      69 71 99
Karyotype, ideogram      99
Karyotype, karyotyping      113
KB Vision      106
Kernel methods      121
Kirsch edge operator      80
Knee      225 229
Koehler, August      7
Koehler, illumination      8
Kohonen      see "Neural network"
Lamps, arc      14
Lamps, halogen      14
Lamps, tungsten      14
Landmark points      224 226 227—228
Landmarks anatomical      198 203
Laplacian operator      77 see
Laplacian operator, Laplacian of Gaussian      78
Laser      15
Leave-one-out method      142 231 232 see
Lenses      9—12
Lenses, condenser      8 17
Lenses, eyepiece      17
Lenses, objective      8 9 15
Lenses, objective, achromatic      15
Lenses, objective, apochromat      15
Lenses, objective, fluorite      15
Lenses, objective, semi-apochromat      15
Light, absorption of      6
Light, coherent      6
Light, colour of      3
Light, diffraction of      3—4
Light, laser      15
Light, monochromatic      7
Light, reflection of      5
Light, refraction of      6
Light, scatter of      5
Light, sources      14
Likelihood      114
LView Pro      105
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)      154 197 224 241
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), microscopy      155
Mahalanobis      see "Distance"
Markov random field      64
Mathematical morphology      37 53—60 88—91
Mathematical morphology, closing      54 89
Mathematical morphology, dilation      54 89
Mathematical morphology, erosion      54 89
Mathematical morphology, greylevel      56
Mathematical morphology, max and min filters      56
Mathematical morphology, opening      54 89
Mathematical morphology, rolling ball transform      57
Mathematical morphology, skeletonisation      90—91
Mathematical morphology, thinning      90
Mathematical morphology, top-hat transform      58
Max filter      56 see
Medial axis      276
Metaphase, cell      70 71
Metaphase, finding      70 104
Microscope      1—36
Microscope, confocal      13
Microscope, fluorescence      2 13
Microscope, illumination      14
Microscope, image      1 69
Microtome      156—157 190
Microtome, horizontal      190
Microtome, sections      159 261
Min filter      56 see
Mitosis      70
Model, active shape      234
Model, coordinate frame      230
Model, deformable      228
Model, grey-level      235
Model, image      175
Model, matching      232
Model, parameters      226 230
Model, shape      228 230
Model, statistical      235
Model-based interpolation      262
Model-based methods      223—247
Modes of variation      238
Moments      250
Morphing      see "Image warping"
Morphological operators      see "Mathematical morphology"
Morphometric analysis      225
Multiresolution, active shape models      236
Multiresolution, edge detection      81
Multiresolution, gaussian      235
Multiresolution, pyramid      236
Multiresolution, search      237—238
Multiresolution, wavelets      100
Mutual information      276
Mycelia, fungal      37 38
Neural networks      131—137
Neural networks, artificial neural networks      131
Neural networks, competitive network      135
Neural networks, feedforward      132
Neural networks, Kohonen self-organising map      136
Neural networks, multi-layer perception      132
Neural networks, multi-layer perception, training      133—134
Neural networks, radial basis function (RBF)      134
Neural networks, supervised training      132—135
Neural networks, training      132
Neural networks, training, convergence      133
Neural networks, training, epoch      133
Neural networks, training, learning rate      133
Neural networks, training, momentum      133
Neural networks, training, winner-take all      135 136
Neural networks, unsupervised training      135—137
NIH Image      105
Noise      25
Noise in cameras      25—26
Noise in cameras, blooming      26
Noise in cameras, dark current      25
Noise in cameras, dead pixels      27
Noise in cameras, photon noise      25
Noise in cameras, quantisation noise      26
Noise in cameras, readout noise      26
Noise in cameras, smearing      26
Non-parametric classifier      96
Normal distribution      115
Numerical aperture      3 9—11
Nyquist frequency      25
Opening      see "Mathematical morphology"
Operating point (ROC analysis)      146
Optical distortions      11
Optical filters      17
Optical filters, bandpass      18
Optical filters, colour      18
Optical filters, contrast      17
Optical filters, dichroic      18
Optical filters, emission      18
Optical filters, excitation      18
Optical filters, infrared, heat absorbing      18
Optical filters, interference      18
Optical filters, neutral density      18
Optical filters, UV-absorbing      19
Optical filters, wedge      18
Optimisation      232 see
Optimisation, genetic algorithm      232
Optimisation, hill-climbing      104
Optimisation, Levenberg — Marquardt      212
Optimisation, Powell's method      232 234
Optimisation, Simplex method      232 234
Optimisation, simulated annealing      234
OR      see "Binary image processing"
Pattern recognition      111—152
Peaking of classifier performance      138
Perceptron      see "Neural network"
Perspective transformation      261
PET      see "Positron emmision tomography"
photons      3
Pin-cushion distortion      12
Plane curve, estimating length      253
Point spread function      10
Point-set      263
Polyline, mapping closed      282
Polyline, mapping open      280
Pose      229
Positron emmision tomography (PET)      197 204
Prewit edge operator      see "Edge"
Principal components      228
Principal components, analysis      128 244—6
Principal components, eigenvalues      244
Principal components, eigenvectors      244
Principal components, modes      229
probability      see also "Likelihood"
Probability, class-conditional      114
Probability, posterior      115
Probability, prior      114
Probes, labelled      252
Procrustes transform      242 277
Projection      250
Projective stereology      see "Stereology"
Pseudocolour      42
Radial basis function      see "Neural networks"
Random variable      250
Random variable, 3D projection      250
RBF      see "Neural networks"
Receiver operating characteristic (ROC)      112 145—148
Receiver operating characteristic (ROC), free-response (FROC)      147
Receiver operating characteristic (ROC), regular      147
Reference set      123
Region growing      84—85
Region of interest (ROI)      33
Registration      197—199 204—218 see
Registration transformation      199—202
Registration transformation, affine      200
Registration transformation, elastic      201 202
Registration transformation, projective      201
Registration transformation, rigid      200
Registration, 3D-3D      212—15
Registration, contour-based      204
Registration, surface-based      204
Registration, validation      215
Registration, voxel-based      207—211
Resolution      9—10
Resolution, limit of microscope      9
Resolution, spatial      166
Resubstitution      141
RMS error      98
Roberts edge operator      see "Edge"
ROC      see "Receiver operating characteristic"
ROI      see "Region of interest"
Rolling-ball      see "Mathematical morphology"
Rotation      182
Rotation, ambiguity      184
Sample preparation      29 37
Sampling      25 236 269
Scale and edge detection      51
Scale in wavelet transform      52
Scale, estimation      182
Scan-line processing      271
Search      see also "Optimisation"
Search, heuristic, for edge linking      81
Sections      see also "Microtome" "Three-dimensional
Sections, serial      153 158
Shade correction      29 59
Shear transformation      201
Signal to noise ratio (SNR)      20
Simulated annealing      102 128
Single-photon emmission tomography (SPECT)      197
Singular value decomposition      178 202 263
Skeleton      90—91 see
Skeleton for touch and overlap resolution      92
Skeleton, grassfire technique      90
Skeleton, pruning      90
Skeleton, thickening      90
Skil-Image      105
Smoothing      225 236 see
Snake      see "Active contour"
SNR      see "Signal to noise ratio"
Sobel edge detection      see "Edge"
Spatial data mapping      261
Speckle      7
SPECT      see "Single-photon emmission tomography"
Spherical aberration      12 261
SPLINE      262
Spot counting      29—35
Stepwise selection of features      126
Stereology      155 249—260
Stereology, 3D estimation      249
Stereology, projective      249—260
Stereotactic frame      199
Structure intersections      159
Sub-sampling      236 see
Surface areas, estimating      254—255
Surgery      198
Talairach space      198
Texture      37 60—66 233
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