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Graham J., Baldock R. — Image processing and analysis. A practical approach |
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3D see "Three-dimensional"
4-connected see "Connectivity"
8-connected see "Connectivity"
Active contour 85—87
Active contour, energy function 86
Active contour, greedy algorithm 85
Active contour, models 225
Affine see "Transformations"
Airy disc 3
Alignment 242—244 see "Registration"
Alignment of sections 166
Alignment, Procrustes 242
Alignment, tangent space 243
Analytical Imaging Station 105
AND see "Binary image processing"
Aphelion 106
Aspect ratio 125
Astigmatism 12
Atlas 198 212 261 see
Augmented coordinates 274 see
Autofluorescence 15
Autofocus 31 104
Automation see "Computer controlled microscope"
Automation, automatic karotyping 69
Automation, quantitative microscopy 1
Banding see "Chromosome"
Barrel distortion 12
Basis functions 263
Basis functions, radial, interpolation 284
Basis functions, radial, network 134—135
Basis functions, sinusoidal (Fourier) 100
Bayes' risk 115
Bayes' rule 97 114
Bayesian classification 96—98
Binary image 87
Binary image processing 87 see
Binary image processing, cross-correlation 178
Binary image processing, hit-or-miss transform 87
Binary image processing, logical AND 89 266
Binary image processing, logical OR 89 266
Binary image processing, overlap 179
Binary image, overlay 264—267
Binomial distribution 98
Blink comparator 264 268—269
Bootstrap method 141 142 see
Boundary refinement 72 85—94
Bounding box 263
Buffon's needle 253
Camera 1 19—28 see
Camera, calibration 23
Camera, choosing 27
Canny edge detector see "Edge"
CCD see "Charge coupled device"
Centre of gravity 203
Centromere 70 94 113
Centromeric index 94 125
CGH see "Comparative genomic hybridisation"
Chamfer distance 205
Charge coupled device (CCD) 19—24 see
Charge coupled device (CCD), binning 23 32
Charge coupled device (CCD), cooling 26 30
Charge coupled device (CCD), fill factor 21
Charge coupled device (CCD), gain 22
Charge coupled device (CCD), gamma 22
Charge coupled device (CCD), linearity 22
Charge coupled device (CCD), quantum efficiency 22
Charge coupled device (CCD), sensitivity 21
Charge coupled device (CCD), spectral sensitivity 21
chromatic aberration 11
Chromosome domains, location 257
Chromosome domains, size of 259
Chromosome, analysis 69
Chromosome, banding 94
Chromosome, classification see "Classification"
Chromosome, features, banding pattern 94—96
Chromosome, features, morphological 94
Chromosome, measurement 93
Chromosome, painting 102
Chromosome, Q-banding 94
Chromosome, straightening 99
Chromosome, X and Y 113
Circularity 125
City-block see "Distance"
Classification 111
Classification of chromosomes 96 112—113 137—140
Classification, colour 103
Classification, features 94—96
Classification, misclassification cost 115 117
Classification, probabilistic framework for 114
Classification, space 117
Classifier, Bayesian 96—98
Classifier, box 115
Classifier, k-Nearest neighbour 123 124
Classifier, linear 117—121
Classifier, maximum likelihood 114
Classifier, nearest neighbour 122
Classifier, non-parametric 121
Classifier, parametric 121
Classifier, quadratic 117—121
Classifier, set size 143
Classifier, training 98 112
Classifier, validation 141
Closing see "Mathematical morphology"
Clustering 129—131
Colour comparator 267—268
Coma 12
Compactness 125
Comparative genomic hybridisation (CGH) 70 102
Computed tomography (CT) 38 39 154 261
Computer assisted reconstruction (CAR) 153
Computer controlled microscope stage 1 30
Confocal microscope (CLSM) 13 155
Confusion matrix 142
Congruencing 168 180
Conjugate planes 8
Connectivity 72 227
Connectivity, 4-connected 72
Connectivity, 8-connected 72
contour 159
Contour, acquisition 164
Contour, annotation 165
Contour, software 165
Contrast manipulation 37 39—46
Convex hull 92
Convolution 77
Convolution, Gaussian 78
Convolution, kernel 77
Convolution, smoothing 78
Coordinate transformation 261
Correlation 224 see
Correspondence, tie-points 273
Cost-function 232 233
Covariance matrix 228 235
Cross validation 141
Cross-correlation 179 185 276
Cross-correlation, normalised 208
CT see "Computed tomography"
Curvature of field 12
Curvature, 3D 203
Curvature, analysis 91 93
Curve fitting see also "Hough transform"
Curve fitting for edge linking 82
Curve fitting, conformal polyline 280
Curve fitting, iterative endpoint fitting algorithm 82
Curve fitting, piecewise linear 83
Cytogenetics 69 see
Cytophotometry 2
Data fusion see "Image fusion"
Decision space 117
| Decision surface 115 117
Decision surface, linear 119
Decision surface, piecewise linear 122
Decision surface, quadratic 119
Deformable models 225
Density profile 113
Depth of field 10
Design equation 263 282—285
Design equation for multiquadric 284
Design equation for thin-plate spline 283
Developmental biology 154
Diaphragm 8 17
Diascopic 190 191
Digitizing tablet 161
Digitizing tablet, LCD tablet 164
Dilation see "Mathematical morphology"
Discriminant function 119
Distance, city-block 123
Distance, Euclidean 123
Distance, Mahalanobis 98 118 123
Distortion see "Optical distortion"
Dithering 264—266
DNA loci 256
EDGE 77—84 233
Edge, Canny edge detector 51 81
Edge, detection 49 51 77—81
Edge, Kirsch operator 80
Edge, Laplacian 77
Edge, Laplacian of Gaussian 78
Edge, linking 78 81—84
Edge, multiresolution edge detection 81
Edge, Prewitt operator 80
Edge, Roberts operator 80
Edge, scale 51
Edge, Sobel operator 49 51 80
Edinburgh Mouse Atlas 286—287
Eigen see also "Principal components"
Eigen, analysis 128
Eigen, vector 128 228
Elastic plate warping 286
Energy function for active contour 86
Episcopic image 190 191
Erosion see "Mathematical morphology"
Euclidean see "Distance"
Expectation-maximisation (EM) algorithm 121
Face image 224
Factor analysis 128
False positive, negative 144—145
Feature 1
Feature, clustering 129—131
Feature, combining 128—129
Feature, correlation of 125 128
Feature, non-commensurate 123
Feature, selection 113 124—128
Feature, space 117
Feature, vector 114
Fiducial 168—173 see
Fiducial, landmark frames 171
Fiducial, markers 199
Fiducial, point 168—169
Fiducial, region 168—171
Filter, image filtering 37 46—53 see
Filter, image filtering, edge detection 49
Filter, image filtering, fourier representation 49—50
Filter, image filtering, Gaussian 47
Filter, image filtering, gradient 76
Filter, image filtering, high-pass 100
Filter, image filtering, linear 46—50
Filter, image filtering, median 50
Filter, image filtering, morphological 46
Filter, image filtering, non-linear 47 50—53
Filter, image filtering, sharpening 48
Filter, image filtering, smoothing 47
Filter, image filtering, spatially adaptive 50
Filter, image filtering, unsharpmask 49
Filter, optical 17—18
Finite element method 285
FISH 70 102
FISH, M-FISH 70 103
Fit-function see "Cost-function"
Flare 6
Floyd-Steinberg see "Dithering"
Fluorescence 2 6 see
Fluorescence in situ hybridisation 70 102
Fluorescence in situ hybridisation, multicolour 70
Fluorescence in situ hybridisation, multiplex 103
Fluorescence, microscopy 2 13
Fourier coefficients 94
Fourier descriptors 224
Fourier fast transform 186
Fourier transform 100
Fourier transform for filtering 49—50
Frame grabber 24 162
Frequency domain 49
FROC see "Receiver operating characteristic"
Functional transformation 40
Fungal mycelia 37—38
Fusion see "Image fusion"
Gaussian function as chromosome classification feature 95
Gaussian function as normal distribution 98
Gaussian function as smoothing filter 47
Gaussian function in Canny edge detector 51
Gaussian function, convolution 78
Gaussian function, Laplacian of 78
Gaussian function, separable 47
Gene-expression 154 286
Genetic algorithm (GA) 127 232
Geometric distortion 12
Geometric transformation 173
Geometric transformation, linear 173
Geometric transformation, rigid 173
Geometric transformation, spatial 174
Gibbs distributions 64
GIS 261 278
Gold Standard 215
Gradient see "Image gradient"
Graham's scan (convex hull algorithm) 92
Greylevel 75 see
Greylevel, histogram 75
Ground truth 141 215
Histogram, bimodal 43
Histogram, equalisation 41
Histogram, histogram-based transform 41
Histological images 212
Homogenous coordinates 174 275
Hough transform 83—84
Hull see "Convex hull"
ICP see "Iterative closest point"
Illumination see also "Lamps" "Shade
Illumination, diascopic 190
Illumination, episcopic 190
Image acquisition 1 161 see
Image acquisition, software 162
Image analysis 69—109 111
Image comparison 264
Image domain 263
Image enhancement 37—67 99
Image enhancement, wavelet 100
Image fusion 197
Image gradient 76 see
Image gradient, thresholding 76
Image invariants 180—181
Image invariants, orientation 181
Image invariants, proportion 181
Image invariants, translation 180
Image matching 167
Image moments 180
Image processing 37—67
Image processing, bottom-up 223
Image processing, top-down 223
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