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Gonnet G.H., Baeza-Yates R. — Handbook of algorithms and data structures
Gonnet G.H., Baeza-Yates R. — Handbook of algorithms and data structures

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Название: Handbook of algorithms and data structures

Авторы: Gonnet G.H., Baeza-Yates R.


Both this book and the preceding (smaller) edition have earned their place on my reference shelf. More up to date than Knuth's 2nd edition and covering much broader territory than (for example) Samet's D&A of Spatial Data Structures, I've found a number of algorithms and data structures in this text that have been directly applicable to my work as a systems programmer.
One of the major features of this book is, where possible, the consistent presentation and comparison of expected running times under a variety of input data conditions, with both theoretical and empirical results.
A very browseable handbook. Not one of the hundreds of 1st year textbooks. It's a shame that it's out of print.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Computer science/Алгоритмы/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 2nd edition

Год издания: 1991

Количество страниц: 424

Добавлена в каталог: 17.11.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Repetition      18
replacement      15
Replacement selection      188 189
Reservoir      190
Resulting structure      14
RETURN      5
Riemann zeta function      297
Right single rotation      112
Robin Hood hashing      69
Roots of polynomials      304
Rotations      97 101
Rotations in binary trees      112
runs      188
Samplesort      160
Sampling      231
SBB trees      126 128
Scatter storage      43
Searching Algorithms      25
Searching buckets with overflow      132
Searching longest common subsequences      283
Searching preprocessed text      270
Searching sets of strings      259
Searching text with automata      262 275
Secant method      237
Second generalization of a Zipfian distribution      290
Secondary clustering      44 55 59
Secondary key search      26
Selection Algorithms      205
Selection by sampling      231
Selection by sorting      230
Selection by tail recursion      230
Selection of kth element      228
Selection of the mode      232
Selection phase techniques      189
Selection sorting      164
Selector      15
Self-adjusting hashing      70
Self-organization      23
Self-organizing heuristics      108
Self-organizing search      70
Self-organizing sequential search, move-to-front method      28
Self-organizing sequential search, transpose method      31
Semantic rules      9 24
Semi-infinite spiral      287
Semi-infinite string      273
Sentinel      156
Sentinel, sorting      156
Separate chaining hashing      70 74
Separator      86
Sequence of reals      9
Sequence of scalars      16
Sequences      9 10
Sequential lists      71
Sequential order      13
Sequential processing      131
Sequential search      25 42 206
Series, asymptotic      297
Shape heuristics      109
Shape parameter      294
Shared structures      15
Shellsort      161 186
Shift-or text searching      266
Shortest common sup ersequence      284
Siftup      164 190
SIGN      238
Signature      85 260
Signature encoding      280
Signature file      280
Simple exchange      108
Simulation results, format      2
Single rotation      112
Sispiral      287
Sistring      273
Smoothsort      165
Solution of simultaneous equations      248
Sorted array search      36
Sorted list      206
Sorted/unsorted lists      206
sorting algorithms      153
sorting arrays      230
Sorting by distribution      231
Sorting other data structures      171
Splay trees      108
Splaying      108
Split transformation      126
Split-sequence hashing      61 76
Splitting elements, Quicksort      160
Square matrices      246
Squaring, complexity      236
Stable merging      183
Stable priority queues      211 226
Stable sorting      155 176
Stable tables      64
Standard matrix multiplication      245
Static object definition      9
Static tables      67
Static tree      140
Stop words      271
Storage utilization      121
Strassen’s matrix multiplication      246
String matching with errors      269
String matching with mismatches      267
String searching      251
String similarity searching      267
strings      188
Subtraction      235
Suffix arrays      278
Suffix arrays and PAT arrays      277
Summary of direct text searching      270
Summation constant      308
Summation formulas      307
Summations      298
Sums containing descending factorials      305
Superimposed coding      280
Superimposition      21
Symmetric binary B-trees      see SBB trees
Synonyms      44
Syntactic rules      9
Systems of equations      248
Tables, format      2
Tail of distribution      295
Tail recursion      18 37 119 230 240
Tape searching      35
Techniques for sorting arrays      153
Test for equality      16
Testing algorithms      289
Text algorithms      251
Text editing      251
Text searching      142 251
Text-dominated databases      281
Third—order iteration      237
Threaded binary tree      16
Timings, real      7
Top-down construction      106
Top-down radix sort      136 179 231
Tournament      205 226
Transcendental functions      243
Transition table      259
Transpose heuristic      31
Transpose heuristic, trees      108
Tree searching      273
Tree traversals      18 182
Trees used for text searching      273
Treesort      164 182
Tries      133 179
Tries for word-dictionaries      138
Trigonometric functions      244
Trilinear-forms      247
Truncated Zipfian distribution      290
Two-dimensional      284
Two-dimensional search      149 284
Two-level grammar      10
Unary node      128
Uncertainty, searching      105
Uniform probing hashing      48
Uniqueness      13
Universal class of hashing functions      47
Unsorted list      207
Unwinding recursion      19
Upper bounds, selection      228
Using minimal internal storage      85
Van Emde — Boas priority queues      216
Van Wijngaarden grammar      10
var      6
Variable length keys      122 134 142
variable names      3
Variable-length array implementaTions      122
Variable-length signatures      86
Variance      4 69
Vertical pointers      126
Virtual hashing      84
W-grammar      10
Weight balance      14
Weight-balanced trees      100 102 183
Williams’ insertion algorithm      212
Winograd matrix multiplication      245
with      6
Without preprocessing      251
Word dictionaries      138
Word number      272
Worst-case behaviour      227
Worst-case minimum accesses      70
Zero-finder      237
Zeta function      297
Zipfian distribution      30 289 295
Zipf’s law      70 289
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