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Glassner A.S. — Graphics gems (Vol. 1)
Glassner A.S. — Graphics gems (Vol. 1)

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Íàçâàíèå: Graphics gems (Vol. 1)

Àâòîð: Glassner A.S.


"The GRAPHICS GEMS Series" was started in 1990 by Andrew Glassner. The vision and purpose of the Series was - and still is - to provide tips, techniques, and algorithms for graphics programmers. All of the gems are written by programmers who work in the field and are motivated by a common desire to share interesting ideas and tools with their colleagues. Each volume provides a new set of innovative solutions to a variety of programming problems.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Computer science/Âû÷èñëèòåëüíàÿ ãåîìåòðèÿ/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1995

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 652

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 16.11.2005

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
RGB triples, mapping onto four bits, hexagonal construction      238
RGB triples, mapping onto four bits, nolid      238
RGB triples, mapping onto four bits, proximity testing      237—239
RGB triples, mapping onto four bits, related methods      239—240
RGB triples, mapping onto four bits, rhombic dodecahedron      236
RGB triples, mapping onto four bits, three versus four bits      243—244
RGB, transform from HSL      448—449
Rhombic dodecahedron      236
Root finding      403
Root finding, Bezier curve-based      see Bezier curve-based root-finder
Root finding, cubic      404—407
Root finding, quartic      406—407
Root-finding algorithm      412—413
Rotation matrix      180
Rotation matrix methods      455
Rotation matrix methods, fast matrix multiplication      460—461
Rotation matrix methods, matrix inversion      470—471
Rotation matrix methods, matrix orthogonalization      464
Rotation matrix methods, rotation tools      465—469
Rotation matrix methods, transforming axes      456—459
Rotation matrix methods, virtual trackball      462—463
Rotation minimizing frames      569
Rotation tools      465—469
Rotation tools, converting between matrix and axis-amount representations      466—467
Rotation tools, iteration      468
Rotation tools, nesting      467—468
Rotation tools, transformation inverses      468
Rotation, 3D space      see also Orthonormal base
Rotation, about general line, orthonormal bases      520—521
Rotation, bit patterns for encoding angles      442
Rotation, fast 2D-3D      440—441
Rotation, geometrical representation      503—504
Rotation, quaternions      503—506
Rotation, transformation matrices      474
Sampled data, defining surfaces from      552—557
Sampled signals      147
Sampling theorem      147
Sanson — Flamsteed sinusoidal projection      312—314
Sawtooth transform function      203 207—209
Scaling, transformation matrices      474—475
Scan conversion      75
Scan conversion, algorithm, polygon      77—82
Scan conversion, arbitrary polygons      92—97
Scan conversion, concave polygon      87—91
Scan conversion, generic polygon and clipping      84—86
Scanline depth gradient, Z-buffered triangle      361—363
Seed fill algorithm      275—277
Shading, fast dot products      348—360
shadows      278
Shadows, attenuation for ray tracing transparent objects      397—399
Shadows, filling      280—281
Shape construction      551
Shared chord      44
Shear matrices      181
Shearing, algorithm      188
Shearing, raster rotation through      181—183
Shearing, scan-line      187—190
Shuffle generator      66
Sinc function      156—157
Sinc function, Lanczos-windowed      156—158
Sinc function, Lanczos2, decimation by      160—161
Sinc function, Lanczos2, interpolation by factor of two      158—159
Sine, in exponentials      15
Smoothing algorithm, monochrome enlargements      166—170
Snell’s law, refraction      353—354
Software, scrambling integers in      223
Solid objects, box-sphere intersection testing      335—337
Space curve, reference frame calculation      567—571
span      278
Special effects, contrast enhancement      197—198 201—202 270—271 274
Special effects, dissolve      see Digital dissolve effect
Special effects, photo-inversion      196 198 270—271
Sphere      326
Sphere, box-sphere intersection testing      335—339
Sphere, intersection with ray      388—389
Spheres-to-voxels conversion      327—334
Spherical coordinate transformation      317—318
Splines      585—586
Square root, high speed, low-precision      424—426
Stereographic map      316
Stirling’s numbers      597
Storage-free swapping      436—437
Sturm sequences      416—422
Sturm sequences, characteristics      420
Sturm sequences, counting sign changes      419
Sturm sequences, driving algorithm      418—419
Sturm sequences, example      417—418
Sturm sequences, method of bisection      420—421
Sturm sequences, pseudo-division of polynomials      419
Sturm’s Theorem      416—417
Subpixel coordinates      77—78
Subtabulation      601
Surface normals      3D models
Surface-normal transformations      539—547
Surface-normal transformations, affine modeling transformations      539—542
Surface-normal transformations, backface culling      544—545
Surface-normal transformations, composition      543
Surface-normal transformations, isotropic transformations      542
Surface-normal transformations, orthogonal transformations      542—543
Surface-normal transformations, shading      545—547
Surface-normal transformations, transformations of metric properties      543—545
Surfaces, defining, from contour data      558—561
Surfaces, defining, from sampled data      552—557
Surfaces, defining, from sampled data, assumptions      552—553
Surfaces, defining, from sampled data, methods      553—557
Swapping, storage-free      436—437
Swept contours      562—564
Symmetric double step line algorithm      101—104
Symmetric double step line algorithm, double speed Bresenham’s      101—102
Symmetric double step line algorithm, line drawing      101
Symmetric double step line algorithm, using symmetry      102—104
Temporal refinement, progressive, recording animation in binary order      265—269
Tensor, modern view      533—535
Tensor, product, matrix      473
Tent filter      149—150
Texture cell      366—367
Texture cell, types      371—372
Texture map indices, interpretation      366—376
Texture map indices, interpretation, algorithm      373—375
Texture map indices, interpretation, decision tree      369—371
Texture map indices, interpretation, replicating cells to create larger texture      369
Texture map indices, interpretation, rigid transformation of square cell      374—375
Texture map indices, interpretation, texture space as two-torus      367—368
Texture-space images, polygons      366—367
Textured cylinder      366—367
Three-dimensional geometry, 297—300      see also Digital cartography
Three-dimensional geometry, 3D grid hashing function      343—345
Three-dimensional geometry, backface culling      346—347
Three-dimensional geometry, boxes      326
Three-dimensional geometry, intersection of three planes      305
Three-dimensional geometry, intersection of two lines      304
Three-dimensional geometry, mapping      306
Three-dimensional geometry, spheres      326
Three-dimensional geometry, spheres-to-voxels conversion      327—334
Three-dimensional grid, defining surfaces from sampled data      552—557
Three-dimensional models, surface normals      562—566
Tick marks      61—63
Tilings, periodic, plane on raster grid      129—139
Trackball, virtual      462—463
Transformation identities      485—493
Transformation identities, anisotropic scaling following rotation      490
Transformation identities, commuting, rotation and anisotropic scaling      490
Transformation identities, commuting, rotation and isotropic scaling      488
Transformation identities, commuting, skewing and isotropic scaling      489
Transformation identities, exchanging order, of skews      491
Transformation identities, exchanging order, of translation and rotation, rules      487
Transformation identities, matrix representations of primitive transformations      492—493
Transformation identities, reversing order, skewing and anisotropic scaling      489
Transformation identities, reversing order, translation and scaling      487
Transformation identities, reversing order, translation and skewing      488
Transformation identities, rotation expressed as combination of skews and scales      489
Transformation identities, rotation expressed as three skews      489
Transformation identities, skew expressed as two rotations and a scale      491
Transformation inverses      468
Transformation matrix      472—475
Transformation matrix, DDA coefficient conversion between step sizes      602
Transformation matrix, mirror image      473
Transformation matrix, notation      472 485—486
Transformation matrix, observations      472
Transformation matrix, post-concatenation      476—481
Transformation matrix, post-concatenation, computational cost comparison      479—481
Transformation matrix, post-concatenation, direct      478—479
Transformation matrix, post-concatenation, implementation      476—477
Transformation matrix, post-concatenation, primitive transformations      492—493
Transformation matrix, post-concatenation, projection      474
Transformation matrix, post-concatenation, rotation      473
Transformation matrix, post-concatenation, scaling      473—474
Transformation matrix, post-concatenation, translation      472
Transformation, 3D, coding      see Quaternions
Transformation, axis-aligned bounding boxes      548—550
Transforming axes      456—459
Transition table      93—95
Translation, transformation matrices      473
Transparent objects, ray tracing, shadow attenuation      397—399
Transpose of the inverse      541
Triangles      20—23
Triangles in center      20—21
Triangles in radius      20—21
Triangles, area      20
Triangles, center of gravity      20—21
Triangles, circumcenter      20—23
Triangles, circumradius      20—23
Triangles, generating random points      24—28
Triangles, hypotenuse      57—59
Triangles, intersection, of altitudes      22
Triangles, intersection, of perpendicular bisectors      22—23
Triangles, intersection, with ray      393
Triangles, perimeter      20
Triangles, prime pythagorean      58
Triangular interpolants      535—538
Trigonometry, angle sum and difference relations      16
Trigonometry, DeMoivre’s Theorem      15
Trigonometry, double-angle relations      17
Trigonometry, fixed-point, CORDIC      494—497
Trigonometry, functions      18—19
Trigonometry, half-angle relations      16
Trigonometry, inverse functions      14
Trigonometry, Law of Cosines      13
Trigonometry, Law of Sines      13
Trigonometry, Law of Tangents      13
Trigonometry, Mollweide’s Formula      13
Trigonometry, multiple-angle relations      17
Trigonometry, Newton’s Formula      14
Trigonometry, power relations      15
Trigonometry, product relations      16
Trigonometry, sines and cosines in exponentials      15
Trigonometry, sums and differences      14
Two-dimensional array, randomly traversing, digital dissolve effect      221—222
Two-dimensional clipping      121—128
Two-dimensional clipping, algorithm      124—126
Two-dimensional clipping, approximation error      186
Two-dimensional clipping, basic considerations      123—124
Two-dimensional clipping, implementation      126—127
Two-dimensional clipping, integers and vectors      121—122
Two-dimensional geometry      3—11 see
Two-dimensional geometry, circles      4—5
Two-dimensional geometry, cosine of angle between lines      11
Two-dimensional geometry, distance from point to line      10
Two-dimensional geometry, intersection of circle and line      5—6
Two-dimensional geometry, line structures      3—4
Two-dimensional geometry, lines tangent, to circle and perpendicular to line      8—9
Two-dimensional geometry, lines tangent, to two circles      7—8
Two-dimensional geometry, point of intersection between lines      11
Two-dimensional geometry, point-on-line test      49—50
Two-dimensional geometry, triangles      20—23
Two-dimensional rendering, circles of integral radius on integer lattices      57—60
types of cells      371—372
Uniform grid, line-edge intersections      29—36
Uniform quantization      288
Unimodular transforms      135
Unit quaternions, set, properties      502—503
UVN coordinate system      518—519
Vector rotation, CORDIC      494—497
Vectors, 3D      522—523 526
Vectors, differences with forms      533—535
Vectors, normal      see Normal vectors
Vectors, triangular interpolants      535—538
Vertex normal, computing      563—565
Vertical distance, point to line      47—48
Viewing transformation, pseudo-code      521
Viewing, 3D      see Orthonormal base
Virtual trackball      462—463
Visibility algorithm      30—31
Voxel subdivision, 3D grid hashing function      343
Wallpaper groups, tiling in raster grids      133—139
Wide line bevel joints, algorithm for filling in      107—113
Winding number transitions      94—95
Write-only write mask, reading      219—220
X-transition table      93—95
Y extrema, polygon fast scan conversion      95—96
Z-buffered triangle, scanline depth gradient      361—363
Zero-phase filters, frequency response, decimation by two      162
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