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Glassner A.S. — Graphics gems (Vol. 1) |
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Gaussian 1/2 filter, frequency response 163
Gaussian 1/2 filter, interpolation 152—154 156
Gaussian filter 144—145 150—153
General direction ratios 457
Geodesies 315
Geometric continuity 615—616
Gnomonic projection 315
Gnomonic projection, n-gon 18
Gouraud shading 84
Graph labels, nice numbers 61—63
Gray interior points 244
Half-angle relations 16
Half-phase filters, frequency response, decimation by two 162
Half-plane, area of intersection, with circle 38—39
Half-space testing 240—241
Hardware, scrambling integers in 222—223
Hashing function, 3D grid 343—345
Haze, simulating 364—365
Hexagonal construction 238
Hobby’s polygonal pens 114—117
Hollow objects, box-sphere intersection testing 337—338
Homogeneous coordinates 523
HSL Saturation 449
HSL-to-RGB transform, fast 448—449
HSV Saturation 448
Hue Saturation Value 239—240
Hypotenuse, fast approximation 427—431
Hypotenuse, fast approximation, derivation 427—429
Hypotenuse, fast approximation, error analysis 429—431
Hypotenuse, triangles 57—59
Identity, matrix 473
In center, triangles 20—21
In radius, triangles 20—21
Integers, scrambling 222—223
Interpolation 148
Interpolation by factor of two, Lanczos2 sine function 158—159
Interpolation coefficients, closed loops 581
Interpolation coefficients, open curves 583
Interpolation formulas, cubic spline 579—584
Interpolation, Gaussian filter 154—156
Interpolation, Gaussian 1/2 filter 152—154 156
Interpolation, Gaussian filter 150—153
Interpolation, tent filter 149—150
Isotropic transformations, normal vector 542
Iteration, rotation tools 468
Jitter function using look-up tables 65—67
Jitter function, use in ray tracing 72—74
Jitter, generation 64—74
Jitter, generation, computational cost 67—68
Jitter, generation, error analysis 72
Jitter, generation, sampling properties evaluation 69—72
Lanczos-windowed sine functions 156—158
Lanczos2 sinc function, decimation 160—161
Lanczos2 sinc function, frequency response 164—165
Lanczos2 sinc function, interpolation by factor of two 158—159
Lattice, integral, integral radius circle on 57—60
Law of Cosines 13
Law of Sines 13
Law of tangents 13
Level set 552
line drawing 98
Line drawing, anti-aliasing lines 105—106
Line drawing, digital 99—100
Line drawing, fat lines on raster grid 114—120
Line drawing, filling in bevel joints 107—113
Line drawing, symmetric double step line algorithm 101—104
Line drawing, two-dimensional clipping 121—128
Line structures, 2D 3—4
Line, area of intersection, thick, with circle 40—42
Line, distance to point 10
Line, intersection, 3D 304
Line, intersection, calculation, polygons 128
Line, intersection, point of, 2D 11
Line, intersection, with circle 5—6
Line, tangent, to circle 5
Line, tangent, to circle and perpendicular to line 8—9
Line, tangent, to two circles 7—8
Line, vertical distance to point 47—48
Line-edge intersections, uniform grid 29—36
Linear congruential generators 67
Linear feedback shift register 222
Locally circular assumption 599—600
Look-up table, nonlinear pixel mappings 253
Manhattan distance 432
Mapping see Digital Cartography
Mapping, 3D 306
Mapping, nonlinear pixels 251—253
Mapping, original colors onto representatives 291
Maps, cylindrical 310—311
Matrix identities 453—454
Matrix inversion 470—471
Matrix multiplication, fast 460—461
Matrix orthogonalization 464
Median cut algorithm 288
Median filtering 171—172
Median finding, grid 171—175
Median finding, element exchange 172—175
Median finding, minmax 173—174
Mercator projection 311—313
Meridians 310—311
Metric properties, transformations 543—544
Metric tensor 543—544
Mirror image, transformation matrices 474
Modeling, affine transformations 539—542
Modified cylindrical equidistant projection 311
Mollweide’s Formula 13
Monochrome enlargements, pattern within rules 169
Monochrome enlargements, rules 166—167
Monochrome enlargements, smoothing 166—170
Monomial evaluation algorithm, Bezier curves 590—591
Monomial form, conversion, from Bezier form 592—593
Monomial form, conversion, to Bezier form 591—592
Multidimensional sum tables 376—381
Multidimensional sum tables, d-dimensional 380—381
Multidimensional sum tables, three-dimensional 378—380
Multidimensional sum tables, two-dimensional 376—377
Multiple-angle relations 17
Nearest-point-on-curve problem 607—611
Nearest-point-on-curve problem, Bezier form conversion 609—611
Nearest-point-on-curve problem, problem statement 608—609
Nesting 467—468
Newton — Raphson iteration, digitized curve fitting 621—623
Newton’s formula 14 596—598
Nice numbers, for graph labels 61—63
Nolid 238
Nonhomogeneous coordinates 523
Nonlinear pixel mappings 251—253
Normal buffer 257—258
Normal coding 257—264
Normal coding, encoding methods 258—263
Normal coding, encoding methods, improving 263—264
Normal coding, encoding methods, index number 260
Normal coding, encoding methods, principles 258—259
Normal coding, normal buffer 257—258
Normal map 260
Normal vector 539—540
Normals see Surface normals
Null transform 196—197
Octree 288
Octree quantization 287—293
Octree quantization, algorithm 289
Octree quantization, color table filling 290—291
Octree quantization, evaluation of representatives 289—290
Octree quantization, improvements 291—292
Octree quantization, mapping onto representatives 291
Octree quantization, memory and computational expense 292—293
Octree quantization, principle 288
Octree, bit interleaving 443—447
Open curves, cubic spline interpolation formulas 582—583
Ordered dithering 176—178
| Orthogonal loops 105
Orthogonal projection, transformation matrices 475
Orthogonal transformations, normal vectors 542—543
Orthogonalization, matrix 464
Orthographic projection 309 316
Orthonormal base, 3D viewing and rotation using 516—521
Orthonormal base, 3D viewing and rotation using, general rotations 520—521
Orthonormal base, 3D viewing and rotation using, new approach 517—520
Orthonormal base, 3D viewing and rotation using, UVN coordinate system 518—519
Orthonormal base, 3D viewing and rotation using, viewing transformation, pseudo-code 521
Orthonormal base, movement from one to another 508
Parallel projection, transformation matrices 475
Parallelogram approximation 183—184
Parametric continuity 616
Peano curve 28
Perimeter, triangles 20
Periodic plane tesselation 129—130
Perpendicular bisectors, intersection, triangles 22—23
Perspective projection, transformation matrices 475
Photo-inversion transform 196 198 270—271
Pixel coordinates 246—248
Pixel coordinates, along unit axis 250
Pixel coordinates, continuous 246
Pixel coordinates, converting 247—248
Pixel coordinates, discrete 246
Pixel integers 249—256
Pixel integers, Cartesian product extensions 256
Pixel integers, color pixels and Cartesian products 254—256
Pixel integers, factoring into Cartesian triple 255—256
Pixel integers, nonlinear pixel mappings 251—253
Pixel integers, proper interpretation 249—251
Pixel mappings, nonlinear 251—253
Planar cubic curves 575—578
Plane, crystallographic groups 129—133
Plane, embedding, intersection with ray 390—391
Plane, frame buffer 217—218
Plane, intersection of three 305
Plane, periodic tilings on raster grid 129—139
Plane, periodic tilings on raster grid, wallpaper groups 129—133
Point, 3D 522—523 526
Point, distance to line 10
Point, distance to line, vertical 47—48
Point, generating random, triangles 24—28
Point, mutual visibility 30—31
Point-on-line test 49—50
Polygon scan conversion 76—83
Polygon scan conversion, algorithm 77—82
Polygon scan conversion, background 76—77
Polygon scan conversion, concave 87—91
Polygon scan conversion, fast 92—97
Polygon scan conversion, fast, active edge lists 92—93
Polygon scan conversion, fast, convex decompositions 97
Polygon scan conversion, fast, intersecting polygons 96
Polygon scan conversion, fast, traffic between registers and memory 92
Polygon scan conversion, fast, x-transition table 93—95
Polygon scan conversion, fast, ó extrema and memory requirements 95—96
Polygon scan conversion, generic, and clipping 84—86
Polygon scan conversion, implementation notes 82—83
Polygon scan conversion, reducing code redundancy 84
Polygon scan conversion, vertices during scan conversion 78—79
Polygon stretching 127—128
Polygonal pens 114—117
Polygons from twisting reference frames 567—568
Polygons, intersection, calculation 128
Polygons, intersection, fast scan conversion 96
Polygons, intersection, with ray 390—394
Polygons, random point 24—28
Polygons, texture-space images 366—367
Polyhedra 3D 565—566
Polynomial equations, bracketing real roots see Sturm sequences
Popularity algorithm 288
Post-concatenation, transformation matrices 476—481
Power relations 15
Product relations 16
Projection, Albers equal-area conic map 321—325
Projection, azimuthal 314—317
Projection, general 318
Projection, Mercator 311—313
Projection, properties, digital cartography 307—308
Projection, Sanson — Flamsteed sinusoidal 312—314
Projection, transformation matrices 475
Proximity testing 237—239
Pythagorean relation 57
Pythagorean Theorem 599
Pythagorean triangles, prime 58
Quadtrees, bit interleaving 443—447
Quantization techniques, comparison 293
Quantization transform 196—197 199 270 272
Quartic roots 406—407
Quaternions 498—515
Quaternions, algorithmetic implementation 509—515
Quaternions, definition 499—500
Quaternions, movements from one orthonormal base to another 508
Quaternions, properties 501—502
Quaternions, rotations in 3D space 503—506
Quaternions, set of unit, properties 502—503
Random see also Jitter
Random integers, generation 438—439
Random points in triangles 24—28
Raster grid, periodic tilings of plane see Plane periodic
Raster grid, tilings on raster grid rendering fat lines 114—120
Raster rotation, fast algorithm 179—195
Raster rotation, fast algorithm, advanced anti-aliasing 194—195
Raster rotation, fast algorithm, arbitrary rotation 186—187
Raster rotation, fast algorithm, circle drawing 192—193
Raster rotation, fast algorithm, comparisons 190—191
Raster rotation, fast algorithm, font rendering 193
Raster rotation, fast algorithm, further work 195
Raster rotation, fast algorithm, generalized BitBlt 193—194
Raster rotation, fast algorithm, history 191—192
Raster rotation, fast algorithm, implementation 187—190
Raster rotation, fast algorithm, parallelogram approximation 183—184
Raster rotation, fast algorithm, rational rotation 184—186
Raster rotation, fast algorithm, rotation through shearing 181—183
Raster rotation, fast algorithm, statement of problem 180
Raster shearing 179 183—184
Rational rotation 184—186
Ray rejection test 385—386
Ray tracing, algorithm 64
Ray tracing, intersection of ray and sphere 388—389
Ray tracing, jitter function use 72—74
Ray tracing, ray rejection test 385—386
Ray tracing, ray-object intersection 387
Ray tracing, ray-polygon intersection 390—394
Ray tracing, transparent objects, shadow attenuation 397—399
Ray, intersection with sphere 388—389
Ray-box intersection, fast 395—396
Ray-object intersection 387
Ray-polygon intersection 390—394
Ray-triangle intersection 393
Real roots, bracketing see Sturm sequences
Rectangle, intersection with circle, fast checking 51—53
Recursion property, Bernstein polynomials 614
Reference frames, calculation along space curve 567—571
Reference frames, rotation minimizing frames 569
Reference frames, twisting, polygons-from 567—568
Reference geoid 309
Refraction, Snell’s law 353—354
Regions 560
Resampling see Anti-aliasing
RGB triples, mapping onto four bits 233—245
RGB triples, mapping onto four bits, algorithm design 241—242
RGB triples, mapping onto four bits, Cartesian quantization versus polyhedra 244—245
RGB triples, mapping onto four bits, complexity analysis 244
RGB triples, mapping onto four bits, cuboctahedron 237
RGB triples, mapping onto four bits, dual solids 236—237
RGB triples, mapping onto four bits, eight-point color cube 233—234
RGB triples, mapping onto four bits, four-bit color solid 235—236
RGB triples, mapping onto four bits, gray interior points 244
RGB triples, mapping onto four bits, half-space testing 240—241
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