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Alexeyev V. — Quantitative Analysis
Alexeyev V. — Quantitative Analysis

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Название: Quantitative Analysis

Автор: Alexeyev V.


This is a text for students of higher technical schools not specializing in chemistry. It sets out the theoretical principles and practical methods of quantitative analysis and describes techniques, apparatus, instruments and ways of calculating the results of analysis including methods of mathematical statistics. The textbook is abundantly illustrated with diagrams and graphs, and each chapter is supplied with questions and problems.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Серия: Сделано в холле

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 2nd

Год издания: 1988

Количество страниц: 524

Добавлена в каталог: 08.07.2011

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Standard solutions, hydrochloric acid      295
Standard solutions, iodine      372
Standard solutions, mercuric nitrate      413
Standard solutions, mercurous nitrate      411
Standard solutions, permanganate      344
Standard solutions, potassium bromate      385
Standard solutions, potassium dichromate      363
Standard solutions, potassium ferrocyanate      414
Standard solutions, silver nitrate      406
Standard solutions, sodium thiosulphate      371
Standard solutions, working      205
Standardization      303
Starch, solution      374
Steaming of measuring vessels      48
Strength exponent of weak electrolytes      502
Sublimation      44 1 2 5
Sublimation, sulphosalicylic acid      452
Sulphur in sulphuric acid determination      161
Tautomerism      236
Thiocyanates, determination      409
Thymol blue      455
Titanium, determination in steel      487
Titanium, determination in titanium sulphate      447
Titanometry      193
Titration      15 189 393
Titration by the Mohr method      398 406
Titration by the Volhard method      398
Titration curves      246
Titration curves in precipitation method      393
Titration curves, abrupt change on      249
Titration curves, oxidation-reduction      313
Titration of dibasic acids      272
Titration with comparison solution      285
Titration without indicator      330
Titration, colorimetric      437
Titration, conductometric      191
Titration, equivalence point      189 395
Titration, exponent      245
Titration, polibasic acids      272
Titration, potentiometric      334 453
Titration, residual      282
Titration, salts      278
Titration, selective      363
Titration, sequence      284
Titration, strong acids with strong alkalies to clear point      400
Titration, weak acids with strong alkalies      251
Titration, weak acids with weak bases      262
Titration, weak bases with strong acids      259
Titre      187
Titre for the substance determined      216
Trilon      417
Turbidimetric method      424
Universal indicator paper      457
Vanadatometry      193
Vessels      46 (see Laboratory vessels)
Visual colorimetry      425
Volatilization      64
Volhard method      398
Volume measurement      193
Volumetric analysis      16 188
Volumetric analysis, classification of methods      192
Wash bottle      121
Wash liquids      117
Washing of precipitates      117
Washing of precipitates, test for completeness      121
Watch glass      22
Water bath      134
Water, constitution      152
Water, crystallization      152
Water, free from CO      299
Water, hygroscopic, determination      155
Water, ionic product      228
Water, stoichiometric      152
Weighed form      66 156
Weighing bottle      21
Weighing burettes      197
Weighing, methods      29 31
Weights      23
Weights, calibration      39
Zero point of balance      25 29
Zinc determination      414
“Blank” experiment      57
1 2
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