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Bahturin Y.A., Mikhalev A.A., Petrogradsky V.M. — Infinite dimensional lie superalgebras |
Предметный указатель |
-polynomial 118
-identity 122
Abe, E. 237
Abelian wreath product 27
Adjoint representation 2
Ado, I.D. 37
Agalakov, S.A. 109 237
Algebra 1
Anan'in, A.Z. 236 237
Anticommutativity 1 9
Antipode 92
Artin, E. 212
As-regular monomial 69
Associated graded algebra 7
Associative algebra 1
Associative form 47
Associative word 39
Atiyah, M. 212
Baer, R. 161
Bahturin, Yu.A. 2 3 23 25 26 32 35 38 79 108 112 122 123 144 173 178 184 185 230 236 237 238
Behr, E.J. 238
Beidar, k.i. 236 238
Berezin, F.A. 13 37 238
Bergen, J. 145 173 238
Bergman, G. 82 109 238
Berkson, A. 174 238
Bilinear form 14
Birkhoff, G. 4 13 23 27 28 70 81 85 87 139 202 217 226
Bokut', L.A. 82 108 238
Bourbaki, N. 211 212 239
Burnside's theorem 21
Burnside, W. 20 21 22
Cartesian product 12
centralizer 20
Co-product 91
Co-unit 91
Coalgebra 92
Cohn, P.M. 43 53 64 78 79 239
Colour Grassmann algebra 89
Colour Lie super-ring 78
Colour lie superalgebra 14
Colour polynomial ring 16 89
Colour tensor product 89
Commutator brackets 1
composition 99 100
Composition lemma 101
Consequence 23
Curtis, C.W. 174 239
Degree 5
Delta-set 124 157
Derivation 2
Derived series 3 11
Diagonal mapping 91
Diamond lemma 82
Dicks, W. 109 239
Direct product 12
Dixmier, J. 173 239
Dokovic, D.Z. 53 239
Drensky, V.S. 38 238
Elementary itransformation 57 72
Elementary itransformation, triangular 57 72
Engel, F. 3 13 116 184
Entry problem 68 74
Equality problem 103
Equivalent identities 23
Even elements 8
Even subspace 10
Farkas, D. 174 239
Feldvoss, J. 174 239
Filtration 7 89
Free algebra 39
Free colour Lie metabelian 27
Free colour Lie super-ring 78
Free colour lie superalgebra 39
Free product with amalgamated subalgebra 105
Freiheitssatz 104
Friedrichs Criterion 81 93
Friedrichs, K.O. 81 85 240
Frobenius algebra 163
Generic Flatness Lemma 149
Gerasimov, V.N. 109 240
Golod, E.S. 240
Graded algebra 4
Graded field 20
Graded homomorphism 5
Graded ideal 5
Graded irreducible module 152
Graded ring 4
Graded subalgebra 5
Grassmann algebra 6
Grassmann envelope 8 17
Groebner basis 84
Hall, M. 80 240
Hall, P. 80 240
Hannabus, K.C. 37 240
Hartley, B. 174 240
Hedges, M.C. 109 240
Heisenberg superalgebra 112 123 178
Herstein, I.N. 112 137 240
Higgins, P.J. 181 240
Hilbert series 29
Hilbert's basis theorem 90
Hilbert, D. 90
Hochschild, G. 174 240
Homogeneous element 5
Homogeneous identity 24
Homomorphism of L-modules 3
Hopf algebra 92
Hopf property 175
Identical relation 23
Identity 23
Identity of representation 180
Inclusion ambiguity 82
Independent set 56 70
Injective module 161
Invariant 3
Invariant bilinear mapping 3
Irreducible element 81
Jacobi identity 1 9
Jacobson, N. 1 21 112 116 120 129 131 136 147 155 240
Kac, V.G. 11 37 241
Kantor, I.L. 80 241
Kaplansky, I. 112 117 158
Kharchenko, V.K. 108 113 239
Kostrikin, A.I. 224 230 241
Kryazhovskikh, G.V. 241
Kukin, g.p. 80 108 145 238 241
Kurosh, A.G. 79 241
L'vov, I.V. 108 239
l-homogeneous element 49 70
Latyshev, V.N. 84 108 144 241
Leading term 49 75
Left-normed n-fold commutator 2
Leites, D.A. 37 242
Lemaire, J.M. 80 242
Length 39 49 70
Lewin, J. 109 242
Lewin, T. 109 242
Lexicographical order 40
Lichtman, A.I. 145 242
Lie algebra 1
Lie algebra, abelian 1
| Lie algebra, metabelian 2 3
Lie algebra, nilpotent 2 3
Lie algebra, soluble 3 11
Lie superalgebra 9
Lie superalgebra, finitely separable 94
Lie superalgebra, nilpotent 11
Lie superalgebra, Noetherian 175
Lie superalgebra, representable 177
Lie superalgebra, residually finite 177
Lie superalgebra, residually in a family 201
Lie superalgebra, restricted 18
Lie type algebra 36
Lie, S. 3
Locally Wedderburn algebra 162
Lower central series 3 11
Macdonald, I.D. 212 237
Mackey, G.W. 242
Magnus, W. 80 109 242
Makar-Limanov, L.G. 109 242
Mal'cev, A.I. 236 242
McConnell, J. 90 173 242
Michaelis, W. 236 242
Michel, J. 80 243
Mikhalev, A.A. 37 53 65 79 80 109 236 243
Mishchenko, S.P. 236 243
Module 2
Module, residually in a family 214
Moebius function 43
Molev, A.I. 49 80 243
Monolith 205
Montgomery, s. 173 238 243
Mosolova, L.V. 38 243
Multidegree 39
Multihomogeneous element 49 70
Multihomogeneous identity 24
Multilinear identity 24
Mutual commutator 3
Neumann, P.M. 123 144
Nil-radical 130
Nilpotent index 2
Nilpotent space of transformations 181
Non-associative monomial 39
Normal form 81
Normal identity 24
Odd element 8
Ol'shanskii, A.Yu. 238
Overlap ambiguity 82
p-special monomial 108
p-superalgebra 18
Passmann, D.S. 145 173 174 238 244
Paul, S. 243
PBW-Theorem 85 87
Pchelintsev, S.V. 244
Petrogradsky, v.m. 144 173 174 244
Poincare, H. 4 13 27 28 70 81 85 87 139 202 217 226
Posner, E.C. 137
Primitive element 92
Procesi, C. 113 244
Product variety 233
Ps-regular monomial 69
Rank 23 49 70
Razmyslov, Yu.P. 244
Reduced set 57 70
Reduction 81
Reduction system 81
Rees, D. 212
Regular monomial 40
Regular ring 161
Regular word 40
Reiner, I. 174 239
Renault, G. 174 244
Representable algebra 210
Representable module 215
Representation 2
Residually finite module 209
Resolvable ambiguity 82
Restricted universal enveloping algebra 87
Right normed n-fold commutator 2
Rittenberg, V. 14 244
Robson, J.C. 90 242
s-regular monomial 40
S-regular word 40
Samuel, P. 211 246
Scheunert, M. 11 37 244
Schreier's formula 62
Schreier, O. 53 62 69
Schuetzenberger, M.P. 80 245
Schur's lemma 20
Schur, I. 20 21 173
Self-injective algebra 162
Seligman, G.B. 130 245
Semidirect product 12
Shestakov, I.P. 108 238
Shirshov, A.I. vii 53 65 80 108 245
Shtern, A.S. 80 245
Slin'ko, A.M. 108 238
Small, L. 113 244
Smith, S.P. 243
Snider, R.L. 174 239
Specht — Wever Criterion 51
Specht, W. 44 51
Special monomial 106
Superalgebra 8
Superderivation 11
Supertrace 11
Sweedler, M.E. 245
Triangulable module 3
Tsalenko, L.M. 49 80 243
Ufnarovsky, V.A. 80 84 108 245
Umirbayev, U.U. 109 245
Universal enveloping algebra 3 15 85
Universal enveloping algebra, restricted 87
Van Geel, J. 38 245
Van oystaeyen, f. 38 245
Variety 23 24
Variety, abelian 25
Variety, locally Hopf 199
Variety, locally Noetherien 199
Variety, locally representable 222
Variety, locally residually finite 222
Variety, locally soluble 199
Variety, metabelian 27
Variety, multinilpotent 33
Variety, nilpotent 25
Variety, soluble 25
Variety, Specht 34
Vasiliev, M.A. 245
Verbal ideal 23
Viennot, G. 80 245
Villamayor, O.E. 174 245
Volichenko, I.B. 69 236 246
Weak identity 220
Weight function 96
Wever, F. 44 51
Witt's Formula 43 48
Witt, E. vii 4 13 27 28 43 48 70 78 80 81 85 87 139 202 217 226 246
Wyler, D. 14 244
Young diagram 26
Zaicev, M.V. 236 238 246
Zariski, O. 211 246
Zhukov, A.I. 246
Zorn, M. 205
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