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Marmanis H., Babenko D. — Algorithms of the intelligent web |
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McNemar 253
McNemar test, bagging vs. boosting 267
McNemar, test 233 250 274
McNemarTest 251
Mean value see “Centroid”
Media-sharing sites, binary format 9
MegaUpload 9
mergeClusters 139
MergeGoodnessMeasure 149
Meta-algorithm 279
Metaclassifier scheme 174
Metadata, web page 24
Metric 76
Metric, spaces 325
Meyer, Carl 36
Microsoft 15
Microsoft OLE 2 Compound Document 30
Microsoft Word 30
Microsoft Word 2000 30
Microsoft Word 2003 30
Microsoft Word 97 30
Microsoft Word XP 30
Microsoft Word, 97, 2000, XP and 2003 283
Microsoft Word, documents 55
Microsoft Word, documents parsing 55
Microsoft Word, parser 30
Minimum spanning tree see “MST”
Mining opportunity 280
MinorThird 328
Misclassification, cost 243
Misclassified, news stories 293
Missing attribute value 184
Mixture of experts 256 275
Module, pattern-matching 189
Mortgage 236
Mortgage mess, United States 234
Mortgage rates, teaser 234
Mortgage, application 234
Mortgage, down payment 237
Mortgage, financing 234
Motorcycle ownership 237
MovieLens 107
MovieLens dataset 108
MovieLens dataset, large 116
MovieLens dataset, RMSE 116
MovieLens dataset, small 110
MovieLensData, createDataset 108
MovieLensDelphi 108 113 116
MovieLensItemSimilarity 113
MST 129 139
MST class 140
MST class, Edge 141
MST link algorithm, time complexity 142
MST, algorithms 161
MST, Borvka_fs algorithm 141
MST, chain effect 142
MST, findMinimumEdge 142
MST, Kruskal_fs algorithm 141
MST, randomized algorithm 161
MSTSingleLinkAlgorithm 134
MSWordDocumentParser 55
Multiclass classification 174 178
Multiclass classification, complexity 224
Multidimensional data, ordering 126
Multilingual text 284
MusicData 81
MusicUser 71 73
MusicUser, getSimilarity 72 76
MusicUser, plot 74
MyDiggSpace.com 99
MyDiggSpace.com, case study 99
MyDiggSpace.com, data statistics 100
MyDiggSpace.com, Find friends 100
MyDiggSpaceDataset 146
MySearcher 28 31 43 51
MySpace 2 6 9
MySQL 124
Naive Bayes algorithms 284 288
Naive Bayes algorithms, robustness 51
Naive Bayes classifier 243 267 294
Naive similarity 78
Naive similarity, beta 78
NaiveBayes 48 50 175—176 179 227 244 294 297
NaiveBayes, classification 172
NaiveBayes, classifier 46 48
NaiveBayes, TrainingSet 182
Natural language elements, high-level 288
Natural language processing see “NLP”
NBCreditClassifier 244 259 266
NBLanguageDetector 284
NBStoryClassifier 294—295 297 299
Neapolitan, Richard E. 173
Nearest neighbor algorithms 129
NekoHTML 30 283
Netflix 3 108—109
Netflix prize, competition 118
Netflix prize, RMSE 116
NetFlix, Cinematch 3
Netflix, movies selection 107
Netflix.com 92
Netscape, Rich Site Summary 14
Network, topology 213
Neural network 169 171 234 258
Neural network classifiers, accuracy 248
Neural network, architecture 203
Neural network, BaseNode 217
Neural network, calculateWeightAdjustments 219
Neural network, connectFully 217
Neural network, credit classifier 247
Neural network, design complexity 249
Neural network, disadvantages 172
Neural network, essential elements 202
Neural network, feedback 202
Neural network, feedforward 202
Neural network, fireNeuron 217
Neural network, fireNeuronDerivative 217
Neural network, fully connected 202
Neural network, layers 202
Neural network, learning rate 217
Neural network, learningRate 217
Neural network, LinearNode 216
Neural network, links 217
Neural network, overview 201
Neural network, SigmoidNode 216
Neural network, structure 216
Neural network, training phase 202
Neural network, updateWeights 219
Neural networks 330
Neural networks, complex valued 331
Neurons 201
news alerts 281
News browser, create and display 291
News browser, window 286
News categories 297 305
News categories, assignment 288
News clustering, analysis 302
News group, clustering robustness 293
News group, groups of 304
News group, juxtaposition 292
News stories 279
News stories, arrangement 290
News stories, misclassified 293
News stories, searching 279
News, content 280
News, portal 279—280
News, topic 297
NewsCategory 297
NewsClusterBuilder 302—303
NewsCrawler 281—282 312
NewsDataset 284 292 301
| NewsProcessor 286 295 299
NewsProcessor, training phase 294
NewsStory 297
Niemeyer, Pat 317
Ning 9
NLP 97 281 283
NNCreditClassifier 248 259 266
NNFraudClassifier 203—204 208 210
Nodes, dangling 36 62
Nodes, hidden 201
Noise, elements 153
Noise, levels 240 242—243
Noisy data 259
Nonparametric, correlation 112 119
Nonparametric, method 257
Normal distribution 242
Null hypothesis 250
Numerical representation 130
Object Management Group see “OMG”
Octave 331
OIIC 166
OLE 2 283
OMG 168
Online games 10
Ontology 165 167
Ontology, analogy with OOD 167
Ontology, attributes 167
Ontology, concepts 167
Ontology, engineering 165
Ontology, example 167
Ontology, instances 167
Ontology, management 165
Ontology, semantic 167
OpenSocial, premise 8
Oracle 9 15
order of operations 289
Ordering and clustering 124
Ordering, food 2
Ordonez, Carlos 161
Orkut 79
Outlinks 24 35
Overfitting 178 227
Package 194
Page, Larry 34
Pagelinks 282
PageRank 33—45 280 286
PageRank, acceleration techniques 63
PageRank, Aitken extrapolation 63
PageRank, alpha 36
PageRank, alpha coefficient 38
PageRank, alpha effect on convergence 38
PageRank, alpha selection 38
PageRank, approximate aggregation, technique 63
PageRank, calculation 36
PageRank, convergeness and uniqueness 35
PageRank, damping factor 36
PageRank, dangling nodes 36 67
PageRank, direct methods (solvers) 38
PageRank, epsilon effects 42
PageRank, hyperlink matrix 34
PageRank, key idea 34
PageRank, power method 34—35 38
PageRank, primitivity adjustment 36
PageRank, quadratic extrapolation, technique 63
PageRank, random surfer 36
PageRank, scaling 67
PageRank, score scaling 45
PageRank, stochasticity adjustment 36
PageRank, teleportation effect 36 38 67
PageRank, vector 34
PageRankMatrixH 38
Pair-wise classifier comparisons 250
Parsing 30 282
Parti tional algorithm 142
Pattern recognition 9
PDF 30 283
PDF, documents 55
PDF, indexing 30
PDFBox 30 283
PearsonCorrelation 113
PearsonCorrelation, roundoff error 119
Pearson’s r 110
Pearson’s r calculation, singular case 111
Pearson’s r, counterexample 112
Pecuniary aid 234
Perceptions 164
Personalization 46 280
Personalization, temporal effects 47
Personalization, vector 67
Phonetics 327
Phonology 327
PhraseQuery 32
PhraseQuery, slope 32
Plaxo 9
Point density 151
Pointwise deviations 111
Politics news 284
Portal feature, In the News 280
Portals, aggregated content, dispersed 8
PorterStemFilter 178
Posterior probability 184
Posterior probability, heuristics 50
Power laws 45
Power method, acceleration 38
Power method, number of iterations 62
Pragmatics 288 328
PredictedNewsStoryRating 311
Prediction, degree of belief 81
PredictWallStreet 3
Preprocessing stage 23
Prerequisites for intelligent applications 11
Prior probability, heuristics 51
Probabilities, conditional 50 182—183
Probabilities, posterior 50
Probabilities, prior 50 182—183
probability 182
Probability of linkage 316
Probability, distribution 251
Processed 282
Processing, natural-language 22
Product-moment correlation, coefficient 110
Production rules 170
ProgrammableWeb 7
Programming, declarative 188
Programming, imperative 188
Proximity, relative 134
Proximity, threshold 134—135
Quality assurance 293
Query, context 286
Query, terms 288
Query, “google ads” 47
QueryParser 32
R-trees 158
Random 242
Random, samples 257
Random, surfer 35
Rank 40
Rank correlation 119
Rank, error evaluation 42
Ranking algorithms 286
RapidShare 9
Rating 71
Rating storage, advantages 86
Rating, value range note 81
RatingCountMatrix 84 91
Ratings 308
Ratings, artificial bias 104
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