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Marmanis H., Babenko D. — Algorithms of the intelligent web
Marmanis H., Babenko D. — Algorithms of the intelligent web

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Название: Algorithms of the intelligent web

Авторы: Marmanis H., Babenko D.


Modern web application hype revolves around a rich UI experience. A lesser-known aspect of modern applications is the use of techniques that enable the intelligent processing of information and add value that can't be delivered by other means. Examples of success stories based on these techniques abound, and include household names such as Google, Netflix, and Amazon. This book describes how to build the algorithms that form the core of intelligence in these applications.
The book covers five important categories of algorithms: search, recommendations, groupings, classification, and the combination of classifiers. A separate book could be written on each of these topics, and clearly exhaustive coverage isn't a goal of this book. This book is an introduction to the fundamentals of these five topics. It's an attempt to present the basic algorithms of intelligent applications rather than an attempt to cover completely all algorithms of computational intelligence. The book is written for the widest audience possible and relies on a minimum of prerequisite knowledge.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Computer science/

Серия: Сделано в холле

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2009

Количество страниц: 345

Добавлена в каталог: 16.05.2011

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Epsilon neighborhood, selecting value      156
Error, type I      220
Error, type II      220
ESPN      314
Ester, Martin      151
estimateUserBasedRating      88
Euclidean distance      77 127 130 145 160 324
EuclideanDistance      127
Evaluation for recommendations      116
Evaluation, 10-fold cross-validation      221
ExcellentUserType      239
Expectation-maximization algorithm      161
F distribution      256
F statistic      256
F test      233 250 255
F-score      221
Facebook      2 6
Facebook, RESTful API      14
Fact checking      2
Fallacies, intelligent applications      17
Fan, James      145
FASTCLUS      145
Fawcett, Tom      222
Fayyad, Usama M.      131
Feed formats, Atom      13
Feed formats, RSS      13
FetchAndProcessCrawler      23 282
FetchAndProcessCrawler, addUrl      27
FetchAndProcessCrawler, purpose of class      24
Fetched      282
Field content, indexed      27
Field content, stored      28
Field content, unstored      27
Fielding, Roy T.      14
FileListNewsDataset      285 292 297
Filesystem analogy, Attributes      48
Filesystem analogy, Concepts      48
Filesystem analogy, Instances      48
Financial, assets      238
Financial, turbulence      234
findSimilarUsers      81
Fine tuning clustering      316
Fisher — Snedecor distribution      256
Fisher, Ronald A.      255
Flat reference structures      167
Floating-point arithmetic      119
FN rate      230
Folksonomy      5
FoodieBytes      13
Forecasting, example      169
Foreclosures      234
Forgy, Charles      190
Forgy, E.W.      144
Forward chaining      170 189
FP rate      221 230
Fraud benefit application forms      199
Fraud detection      229
Fraud detection, biases      214
Fraud detection, hidden layer      214
Fraud detection, use case      199
Fraud internet auction      199
Fraud purchasing transactions      199
Fraud telecommunications      199
Fraud TenUsersSample      200
Fraud transactional data      200
FraudErrorEstimator      203 205
Fraudulent transactions, identify      204
Frequency of occurrence      59
Frequency of terms      95
Friedman, Jerome      172
Friendster      9
FTest      256
Functional analysis      325
Gabow, Harold      161
Galil, Zvi      161
Games, online      10
Garbage collection      61
Gate      328
Gating network      275
Gaussian, distribution      200 262
Gaussian, processes      182 330
Generalization      227
Generated-test-txns.txt      201
Geometries, flat vs. curved      79
getNoisyType      241
Goodness measure      150
GoodUserType      239
Google      33
Google PageRank      see “PageRank”
Google, began it all      2
Google, Finance      3
Google, Maps      13
Google, matrix      35
Google, News      3 8 279—280 286
Gospodnetic, Otis      22
Gradient-descent learning algorithm      218
Grammar-based tokenizer      31
Graph, directed      34
Graph, theoretic algorithms      139
Group classification, representative news story      294
Grouping, discrepancy      292
GroupLens      107
Groups of news groups      304
Guan, Yuqiang      145
Guha, Ramanathan V.      161
Hadoop      63
Hadoop distributed filesystem      see “HDFS”
Hastie, Trevor      172
Hatcher, Erik      22
HDFS      63
health news      284
Hebbian learning      229
Hexagon      143
hi5      9
Hierarchical agglomerative algorithm      130
Hierarchical clustering      129
Hierarchical clustering, news stories      316
Hierarchical reference structures      167
High dimensionality, specifics      158
High-dimensional clustering      157
hits      34
Hits object      29
HM      141
Home equity, lines of credit      236
HousingMaps      12
HTML      30 283
HTML, parser      30
Hyperbolic tangent function      59 78
Hypertext Induced Topic Search      see “HITS”
Hyves      9
IBM DeveloperWorks      7
IETF      14
If-then clauses      170
Imeem      9
Income      237
indexDocument      27
Indexing      22 30 282
Indexing, searching beyond      32
Indexing, stage      31
IndexSearcher      29
IndexWriter      27
Inference      2
Inference, response time limits      18
Information content      227
Information retrieval      see “IR”
Inner product      324
Inner product, applet      324
Instance      175 182
Intelligence as opposed to collaboration      4
Intelligence, building      12
Intelligence, collective      4
Intelligence, embedding      11
Intelligence, milestone      33
Intelligence, triangle of      5
Intelligent application, elements      5
Intelligent application, fallacies      17
Intelligent application, prerequisites      11
Intelligent combination potential      304
Intelligent crawling      312
Intelligent document system      4
Intelligent sanity check note      81
Intelligent searching      288
Internet Engineering Task Force      see “IETF”
Internet, behavioral characteristic      33
Internet, structural characteristic      33
Intrapoint distance statistics      156
IR      21 64
IR, traditional steps      22
Item      71
Item similarity      89
Item similarity, efficiency      97
Item similarity, large size data      92
ItemBasedSimilarity, calculate      90
Items      308
Ithm      161
Jaccard, coefficient      130 146 186
Jaccard, metric      84 91
Jaccard, similarity      79 117 149
Jaccard, similarity measure      130
JaccardCoefficient      149 187 213 229
JaccardThreshold      187
JANINO      194
Janino, embedded Java compiler      194
JAR      81
Java Archive      see “JAR”
Java, embedded compiler, Janino      194
JavaScript      14
JavaScript Object Notation      see “JSON”
JAX-WS      2.0 15
JAX-WSA      15
JBoss, Drools      165
JBoss, Rules      170 189
Jess      170 189
JFlex      31
Job classes      237
JSON      1 14
JSR-181      15
K nearest neighbors      see “KNN”
K-means algorithm      129 142 162 304
k-means algorithm, centroids      144
k-means algorithm, core algorithm      143
k-means algorithm, picklnitialMeanValues      144
K-means clustering      129
k-means++      145
Karger, David R.      161
Kendall’s tau      112 119
Klein, Philip N.      161
Kleinberg, Jon      34
KNN      171
Knowledge representation      165
Knownurls      282
Kruskal_fs algorithm      141
Kullback — Leibler divergences      145
L2 norm      324
Labels, top-level      6
Land property      238
Language detection      284
Language, morphology      327
Language, syndication-specific      14
Language, syntax      327
Langville, Amy      36
Large databases, algorithm properties      131
Large-scale cleansing, effectiveness      286
Large-scale crawling, efficiency      286
Large-scale searching, computing constraints      61
Large-scale searching, data structures      62
Large-scale searching, PageRank accuracy      62
Learning rule      203
Learning Vector Quantization      see “LVQ”
Leave-one-out      222
Legitimate transactions      204
Level of significance, statistical test      251 253 255
Lexical analyzer      31
Lexicographic ordering      130
LGPL      55
Library, call number      166
Linear correlation coefficient      110
Linear regression      171
Link algorithms, comparison      139
Link algorithms, visualization      135
Link analysis      3 34
Link analysis, documents      55
Link-based algorithms      132 134
Linkedln      9
LinkMatrix      149
links      201
linkThreshold      303
Linnaean classification      166
Lloyd, S.P.      144
Loan defaults      234
Logistic, function      172
Logistic, regression      172
Lookup table, problems with approach      16
Lpnorm      324
Lucene      22 283 286
Lucene analyzers      30
Lucene analyzers, non-English languages      31
Lucene analyzers, stop words      31
Lucene analyzers, synonyms      31
Lucene analyzers, text      30
Lucene and PageRank, combining scores      43—45
Lucene Documents, removal and update      31
Lucene Documents, variety      31
Lucene text, analyzers      31
Lucene, boosting      31
Lucene, Document class      27
Lucene, Document object      30
Lucene, document score      286
Lucene, Field class      27
Lucene, index files      25
Lucene, PageRank and naive Bayes, combining scores      46 51
Lucene, Query      32
Lucene, query expression      31
Lucene, QueryParser class      29
Lucene, searching      28
Lucene, searching with      22—32
Lucene, StandardAnalyzer class      31
LucenelndexBuilder      25 66
LucenePDFDocument      30 283
LVQ      171
Machine accuracy      119
MapReduce      63
Markov chain theory      35
Mashups, aggregated content      7
Mashups, defined      7
mathematical formulas      323
Matrices      323
Matrices, sparse      35
Matrix H, basic link contribution      40
Matrix H, dangling node, contribution      40
Matrix H, substochastic version      40
Matrix H, symmetric reordering      62
Matrix H, teleportation contribution      40
Matrix H, Word documents      57
Matrix, adjacency      134
Matrix, confusion      220 243 274
Matrix, cost      230
Matrix, similarity      134
Matrix, transition probability      35
maxBatchSize      27
1 2 3 4 5 6
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