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Penrose R., Rindler W. — Spinors and space-time. Spinor and twistor methods in space-time geometry |
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Предметный указатель |
Spinorial object 3 317 440
Spinors, irreducible (totally symmetric) 10
Spinors, N-dimensional 440
Spinors, N-dimensional, pure 451
Spinors, N-dimensional, reduced 66 440 443
Splitting off skew indices 6
Staggering of indices 5 51
Stark, R.F. 108
Stationary space-time 385 (391) 428
Stein manifold 161
Stephani, H. 108 126 (199) 223 277
Stereographic coordinate (complex) 1 2 31 356 368
Stewart, J.M. 368
Streubel, M. 395 421 422
Strong conformal geometry 369 see
Strooker, J.R. 89
Structure of spin-space, N-dimensional 454 455
SU (2,2) (twistor group) 67 316
Supersymmetry (45) 463
Supertranslations 381
surface see "Null hypersurface" "Spacelike "Spacelike
Surface area form on infinity (conformal) 375
Surface-area 2-form 27 28
Surface-area 2-form on 375
SW-(Sen — Witten) equation 430
Symmetric spinor 10 13 39 40 233
Symmetric spinor, Hermiticity 275
Symmetric spinor, null 13
Symmetric spinor, positivity 283 289 290
Symmetric tensor 10 11
Symmetric tensor, trace reversed 11
Symmetric tensor, trace-free 10 11
Symmetric twistor 55 75 111 147
Symmetry group see also "Individual groups"
Symmetry group of particular Maxwell tensors 258 259
Symmetry group of particular Weyl tensors 249
Symmetry operations 8
Symplectic structure 211
Synge, J.L. 68 395
Syzygy 263 264
Tableau symmetry 9 10
Tacnode 269 280 281 284 286 290
Tafel, J. 222
Tamm, Ig. (29)
Taub, A.H. 131
Taubes, C.H. 430
Tensor algebra 3
Tensor translation of spinor algebra 10
Tensor translation of spinors 10
Tensor, anti-symmetric 11 12 14
Tensor, symmetric 10 11
Tensor-spinor correspondence 5
Tensor-spinor correspondence, n-dimensional 450
Tensor-spinor correspondence, translation symbols 8
Terrell, J. 177
Tetrad, Minkowski 6 7
Tetrad, null 6 7
Thompson, A. 195
Thorn ( ) 23
Thorn ( ), conformally invariant 36 37 41
Thorne, K.S. 405 407 428
Thorpe, J.A. 231
Three-surface twistor 406
TIPs and TIFs 297 335 353 354
Tod form of quasi-local expression (401) 405 432
Tod, K.P. 44 68 127 129 (310) 347 389 390 394 401 404 405 406 407 408 (421) 424 430 432 434
Tolman universe 336 344 347
Tolman, R.C. 336
Topology for 2-surface-twistor surface 399
Topology of , , , (313)
Topology of 349 354
Topology of compactified Minkowski space 299 300
Topology of null geodesic 314
Torsion 15 (184) 437 438
Trace-free energy tensor 85 352 353 409
Trace-free twistor 54 55 78 83 87 95 96 111 147 397
Transition function 162
Translation between tensors and spinors 5 10
Translation between tensors and spinors in n dimensions 450
Translation symbols 8
Translations 381
Transvection 13
Trautman, A. 126 350
Treves, F. 215
Triple point 269 284
Turnbull, H.W. (285)
Twist of bundle 324
Twist of ray congruence 61 177
Twist of ray congruence, twist-free congruence 179 207 (210)
Twistor contour integral for wave function for massive particle 148
Twistor contour integral for wave function for massless particle 139
Twistor description of light cone 64 65
Twistor diagram theory (149)
Twistor equation 26 43 44
Twistor equation in compacted formalism 26
Twistor equation in compacted formalism, 2-surface twistor equation 399
Twistor equation in compacted formalism, conformally invariant 37
Twistor equation in n dimensions 463
Twistor equation in tensor form 77 396
Twistor four-valuedness 316
Twistor function 113 139 202
Twistor geometry 58 305
Twistor group 67 316
Twistor norm for two-surface twistor 403 404
Twistor norm for two-surface twistor at 416 417
Twistor quantization 142
Twistor quantization of helicity 144
Twistor solution of Ward, construction 139 150 151
Twistor solution of Ward, construction, higher-dimensional 463
Twistor space 46 see
Twistor space, ambitwistor space (164)
Twistor theory viii 43 44 65 189
Twistor theory and Kerr's theorem viii 200 202
Twistor theory, higher-dimensional viii 462 463
Twistor theory, holomorphic viii 326
Twistor theory, twistor particle programme viii 74
Twistor wave function 143 see
Twistor wave function, massive 148 162
| Twistor wave function, massless 139 160
Twistor wave function, n particles 161 162
Twistor wave function, non-linear 162
Twistor-real skew twistors 67 95 339
Twistors 43
Twistors, alternating twistors 54 65 408
Twistors, asymptotic 212 389 390
Twistors, bang and crunch 342
Twistors, flagpole field 59 72
Twistors, global 131
Twistors, Hermitian 55 71 83 136 397
Twistors, hypersurface 212 215 390
Twistors, independence of origin 48 49
Twistors, left-, right-handed 56
Twistors, multiplication by scalar 47
Twistors, N-dimensional 462 463
Twistors, reason for name 61
Twistors, skew 54 55
Twistors, skew, simple 65 66 341
Twistors, skew, to represent points 65 305
Twistors, skew, twistor-real 67 95
Twistors, symmetric 54 55 75 111 147
Twistors, trace-free 54 55 78 83 87 95 96 111 147 397
Two-surface twistor 395 396 398 see "3-surface
Two-surface twistor for at 408
Two-surface twistor, alternating twistor 408
Two-surface twistor, associated complex Minkowski space 408 418
Two-surface twistor, associated real Minkowski space 419 420
Type of weighted quantity 23
Types of Weyl (conformal) tensor, spinor 225
Uncontorted 2-surface 400 401 406 408 412 421
Uncontorted 3-surface 406
Universal covering space 304 338
Universe radius function 346
Unphysical metric 291 368
Unti, T.W.J. 350 369 394 (424)
Urbantke, H. (308)
Vacuum space-times 107 108 195 223 347 348 352 354 366 389 427 437 see
Valence 10
Valence of twistors 51
van der Burg, M.G.J. 179 185 350 (396) 415 (424)
Vanishing of Weyl tensor at infinity (conformal) 356
Veblen, O. 61 131 (308) 441
Vector bundle see "Bundle"
Vickers, J.A.G. 424 430 433
w (conformal weight) 29
Wald, R.M. 85 108 336 435
Walker, M. 107 108 110 (350) 368 (430)
Walker, R.J. 269 288
Ward, construction 164 see
Ward, construction for Maxwell field in curved space 126
Ward, construction for Weyl spinor 126
Ward, construction, conformally invariant 82 124 125
Ward, construction, explicit procedure 166
Ward, construction, wave equation 39 81 82
Ward, R.S. 43 44 68 (74) 78 164 (310) 390 464
Wave function 142
Wave function for massive particle 40
Wave function for massless particle 26 37 39 124 see
Wave-front, asymptotically plane 377 378
Weak asymptotic simplicitly 351 353
Weak energy condition (283) 289 351 426
Weak equality 354 see
Weak-field limit of general relativity 38 see
Weighted quantity 23
Weinberg, S. 347
Weizenboeck relations 125
Wells, R.O., Jr. 43 44 68 78 148 152 (160) 325 326
Wess — Zumino (twistor) equation 463
Wess, J. (45) 463
Weyl (conformal) tensor of symmetry groups of degeneracy (PND coincidence) 255 256
Weyl (conformal) tensor, spinor 20 137
Weyl (conformal) tensor, spinor degeneracy (PND coincidence) see "GPNDs multiplicities
Weyl (conformal) tensor, spinor, asymptotic behaviour 393
Weyl (conformal) tensor, spinor, canonical forms 239
Weyl (conformal) tensor, spinor, curvature covariants 258 260
Weyl (conformal) tensor, spinor, not massless field scaling 357 358 386
Weyl (conformal) tensor, spinor, peeling property 359 360 364
Weyl (conformal) tensor, spinor, representation on 226
Weyl (conformal) tensor, spinor, symmetries in special cases 251
Weyl (conformal) tensor, spinor, vanishing at 356
Weyl (conformal) tensor, spinor, vanishing implies conformal flatness 137
Weyl (Dirac — Weyl) neutrino equation 17 434
Weyl (Dirac — Weyl) neutrino equation, n-dimensional 462
Weyl, H. 441
Wheeler, J.A. 405 407 428
Whittaker, E.T. (139)
Will, C.M. (350) 368
Witten mass-positivity argument 398 424 429 438 461
Witten, E. (164) 168 398 424 429 430 436 437
Witten, L. 263
Woodhouse, N.M.J. 128 (160) 188 211 328 401
World-line 70 204
World-line of particle 70
World-tensor 5
World-tensor as spinor 5
Wu, T.T. (29)
Yamabi equation 332
Yang — Mills (YM) theory 34 35 (133)
Yang — Mills (YM) theory, (anti-) self-dual 35 164
Yang — Mills (YM) theory, general fields 168
Yang — Mills (YM) theory, Quasi-local charge integral (401)
Yang — Mills (YM) theory, YM-charged field 34 164 165
Yang, C.N. (29)
Yasskin, P. (164) 168
Yau, S.-T. 424 429
Young tableau 9 10 81 82
Young, A. 258 260 264
Young, J.W. 61 (308)
z ( vector) 183
Z (ray for null twistor) 58
Zero rest-mass free-field equations 26 see
Zumino, B. (45) 463
[U, V] (Lie bracket) 16
{ } (varying over ) (399)
{1111}, {211}, etc. (GPND coincidences) 225
{p, q} (type): p = r'-r, q = t'-t 23
{r', r; t', t} (type) 23
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