Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Ellern H. — Military and civilian pyrotechnics |
Предметный указатель |
Ion flare 97
IR flares 96 412
Iron oxides 30f 33 153 202 242 245f
Iron powder 61 152f 158 197 225 227 235
Kerosine, gelled 216
Lactose 154 325
Laminae 104 106 109 129 313f
Lamp black 137 141 324
Lead, azide 54 60
Lead, chromate 197 202
Lead, metal powder 284
Lead, nitrate 55
Lead, oxides 51 60 197 246 280
Lead, pyrophorus 31
Lead, styphnate 58f
Lead, thiocyanate 54
Lead, thiosulfate 76 78
Lichtmuehlen 35
Light, measurement 112f
Light, output 94f 118
Light, units 93
Lighter flints 34f 65
Lime (CaO) 38 225
Limits of chemistry 232
Line-throwing devices 139f
Lithium, aluminum hydride 45 241 279
Lithium, chlorate 242
Lithium, dimethylamide 411
Lithium, perchlorate 124 237f 271 337
Lithium, peroxide 237
Lower oxides, pyrophoric 32f
Luminescence 87 92 94f 97
Mace 414
Magical acts, tricks 27 38 44f
Magnesium (metal) 40 45f 60 94f 106f 112 115 118 120 150 152 194 217 219f 228 246 258 280 303 328ff 412
Magnesium, carbonate 317 336
Magnesium, hydride 22
Magnesium, in thermite 228
Magnesium, mafchhead 217
Magnesium, nitride 295
Magnesium, phosphide 19
Magnesium, silicide 20f 327
Manganese (metal) 202 237 302
Manganese, dioxide 112 226 242 246
Manganese, heptoxide 50
Matches 64ff
Matches for fusee 73 128
Matches, electric 58f
Matches, humidity resistant 80ff
Matches, ignition temperature 79
Matches, repeatedly ignitible 72
Matches, toxicity 66 79f
Matches, trick (exploding) 142
Melting points see "Eutectics"
Melting points of oxidizer salts 299f
Melting points of various substances 266ff
Mercaptan resins 314
Mercarbid 337
Mercuric, cyanide 241
Mercuric, fulminate 48 54
Mercuric, thiocyanate 143
Metaldehyde 72 143 162 272
Methyl nitrate 45 218
Mischmetal 31 34f 246
Mixing techniques 412f
Molybdenum (metal) 32 202 416
Molybdenum oxides 115
Munsell scale 156
Napalm 217
naphthalene 152 155
Neutralizing reactions 289
Night photography 118
Niobium 203 246f 415
Nitrobenzene 48f
Nitrocellulose 77 170 173ff 313 415
Nitrogen 240 280 294f
Nitrogen sulfide, selenide 55
Nitrogen-fluorine compounds 48 231
Nitroguanidine 176f 288
Nitrosyl perchlorate 48
Nitrous oxide 239
Obscuration by smokes 148
Oil cloth 37
Oils, unsaturated 36f
Oxygen difluoride 42 116
Ozone 231
Ozonides 239
PAD 167ff
PAD, civilian uses 169
PAD, high-low 168
Palladium 62 279
Paraffin 69 71 302 316
Paraformaldehyde 123 143
Paris green 136
Parlon 125 194
Parlor trick 317
Particle size 255ff
Patents for government 352
Patents, secrecy orders 220
Pathfinder system 111
Perchlorates, isomorphous mixtures 338
Perchlorates, reduction 302
Perchloryl fluoride 48
Percussion primers 54ff
Periodates 62f 288 337f
Permanganates 49f 197 203 225 338
PETN 61 296
Phosphines 19f 112 221
Phosphorus, red 19 50f 56 66 68 74f 112 120f 202 304
Phosphorus, sesquisulfide 27 67 77
Phosphorus, white (yellow) 42 66 80 148ff 218ff
Pigments 77 152 194
Plastic films 82
Platinum 61 65 262
Pneumatic switch 415
Potassium, bicarbonate 153 161 201
Potassium, chlorate 46 50f 54 59 64ff 133f 138 155f 161 183 195 217 225 237 241ff 285f 336
Potassium, dichromate 76 78 246
Potassium, nitrate 94f 135 173 177 183 195 226 285f 317 339
Potassium, perchlorate 60 134 137f 140 178 183 239 243 336f
Potassium, picrate 141 183
Potassium, superoxide 238
Practical jokes 43 44 142
Preservatives 318
Pressing of candles 108 190
Pressing of stars (fireworks) 135
Pressing, hot-pressing 237
Pressing, safety measures 310f
Processing aids 153 316ff 336
Protective clothing 41 308f
Pull match 72
PVC 125 129 137 315
Pyroclok 199
Pyrocore 191
Pyrofuze 207 279
Pyrogen igniter 189
Pyrophorus 33 65
Pyroschliff 221 330
Quarrycord 207f
Quickmatch 191 207
Quickmix 413
R.R. fusee 47 128
R.R. torpedo 182f
Radiation and reaction rate 307
| Radiation, IR, UV 87f 96 111 412
Radiation, nuclear 148
Rain making 162f
Raney nickel 31
Rare earth oxides 92
Reaction mechanisms 290f
Resins, synthetic 104ff 129 136 178 313ff
Riot control 158 160f 414
Rockets (fireworks) 138ff
Rubidium chlorate 242
Sabotage 36 40 48f 221
Safety literature 12
Safety, general aspects 307ff
Schliff 330
Schwieniger Masse 66
Secrecy order (patents) 220
Selenium 209 284f 322f
Sieves, standard 259
Silica 41 76 153 192 249
Silica, pyrogenic 218 317
Silicates 316 326f
Silicides 20f 248f 327
Silicol process 240
Silicon 193 197 227 240 246 326f
Silicon, monoxide 247 265 327
Silicon, resins 178 414 416
Silver, cyanide 241
Silver, fulminate 142
Silver, nitrate 46 51f 142
Silylphosphines 22 411
simulators 111 119f 158 161 324
Skywriting 22
Slow match 201
Smoke for screening 148ff
Smoke for signaling 151ff
Smoke of flares 103
Smoke of flashes 120f
Smoke, civilian uses 148 413
Sodium (metal) and methyl nitrate 45
Sodium (metal) and water 43f
Sodium (metal), combustion 28f 46
Sodium (metal), dispersion 163
Sodium, aluminum hydride 226 240f
Sodium, bicarbonate 28 153 156 303
Sodium, borohydride 240f
Sodium, chlorate 237 241ff 337
Sodium, methane nitronate 45
Sodium, nitrate 13 94f 104 106f 132 217 285f 339
Sodium, oxalate 125 136
Sodium, perchlorate 337
Sodium, peroxide 45f
Sodium, superoxide 238
Soldering iron 226
Solid electrolyte cells 226f
Soot removal 415
Specifications, list 341ff
Spotting charges 119f
Stab igniters 54
Standard state 274
Static electricity 39 292f 332 416f
Statistics 213ff
Steam production 226 238
Sterno 218
Strontium, carbonate 136
Strontium, chromate 282
Strontium, nitrate 104 136 302 340
Strontium, oxalate 136f
Strontium, perchlorate 124
Sugar 48f 55 153 161 193 226 288 317 325
Sulfur 47 76 132f 135 155f 173 193 227 235 239 322ff
Sulfur, dioxide 75 239
Sulfur, trioxide 149
Superoxides 238
Surveillance tests 304ff
Tacot 178
Tantalum 203 247 415
Tear gas 160ff
Technical manuals 11f 100 119
Teflon 298 412
Tellurium (element) 60 209 284f 322f
Tellurium dioxide 60
Testing of candle power 112f
Testing of incendiaries 223
Testing of sensitivity 292ff
Tetracyanoethylene 231
Tetranitrocarbazole 173 193 203
Tetranitrooxanilide 203
TGA 291
Thermate 220
Thermit (trademark) 244
Thermite 221f 228 244ff 248 416
Thiourea 153
Thorium (metal) 32 40
Thorium, hydrides 32 258
Thorium, nitrate 115 340
Thulium oxide 92
Tiara 93
Timers, electronic 211f
Tire patches 226
Titanium (metal) 195 247 296 332ff
Titanium, dioxide 77 270
Titanium, hydride 22 333
Titanium, monoxide 246f 333
Titanium, tetrachloride 149 152
Toxic by-products of nitrous oxide 239
Toxic by-products of oxygen 237
Toxicity of HC smoke 151
Toxicity of matches 79f
Toxicity of phosphorus (red) 80
Toxicity of phosphorus (white) 66
Toxicity of selenium, tellurium 322
Toxicity of smoke dyes 157
Toxicity of tear gas (CS) 162
Toy caps 51 132
Tracers for artillery 129
Tracers for star signals 127
Trichloroethylene 43 110 313
Tungsten (metal) 201f 416
Tungsten oxides 115
Ultrafine powders 32 258
Underwater flare 102
Uranium (metal) 32
Uranium, hydride 22 32
Uranium, oxide 32
VAAR resin 413
Vanadium 246
Vapor phase inhibitors 303
Wabbler thermite 248
Water (as reactant) 43ff 280 295f
Water absorption 48 80f 300ff
Welding 228f 230 247f
Welsbach mantle 92
Wolfram see "Tungsten"
Yttrium oxide 92
Zinc, alkyls 23
Zinc, chloride 150 288
Zinc, metallic 137 149 226 303 416
Zinc, oxide 149f 259 303
Zircaloy-2 33 258
Zirconate formation 282
Zirconium (metal) 32 60 116 120 195 221 226f 247 282f 296 332ff 416
Zirconium, hydride 22 61 247 333
Zirconium, silicide 249
Zuendkirsche 194
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