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Ellern H. — Military and civilian pyrotechnics |
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Acetone 110 211 313
acetylene 20 230f
Acetylene black 60
Alkali metals, dispersion 163
Alkali metals, production 249
Alkali metals, reactivity (air) 28f
Alkali metals, reactivity (water) 43ff
Alkali silicides 29
Alloying, exothermic 278f
Alloys, Al/Ti 246
Alloys, Ce/Th/Zr 32
Alloys, Cu/Zn/Ba 34
Alloys, Elektron 220
Alloys, ferro-silicon 248
Alloys, ferro-titanium 247
Alloys, Li/Mg/Al 228
Alloys, Mg/Al 118 221 278 328
Alloys, Na/K 43
Alloys, Zr/Al 246
Alloys, Zr/Ni 202
Alloys, Zr/Pb 35
Alumina 303f
Aluminum (metal) 40 45 97 115ff 132 137f 140ff 152 173 193 195 225 227 231 244ff 258f 278ff 303 328ff 412
Aluminum, alkyls 24 43 164
Aluminum, chloride 288f
Aluminum, oxides (lower) 164 231 265
Aluminum, phosphide 19
Amalgams 31f
Ammonia 62
Ammonium, chloride 155 225
Ammonium, dichromate 143
Ammonium, nitrate 176f 201 239 288 317
Ammonium, oxalate 177
Ammonium, perchlorate 129 133 136 150 178 336f
Amorces 51
Animal glue 74ff 152 155 312f
anthracene 152 155 161
Anticaking aids 153 317 336
Anticipatory effect 206
Antimony (metal) 197 203
Antimony sulfide 54 77 217
Armstrong's mixture 51 142
Arsenic oxide 51f
Arsenic sulfide 135
Arsenik 52
Avalanche control 163
Azide of Pb 54
Azide of Sr, Ba 30
Bakelite 105 315
Ball milling 31 35 261 330
Barium, carbide 45
Barium, chlorate 124 136 337
Barium, chromate 60 202 226f 282f
Barium, metal, ions 30 34 163f
Barium, nitrate 56 94f 104 133 137f 203 285f 339
Barium, peroxide 194 202 246
Barium, silicide 247
Barium, zirconate 289
Bengal matches 72
Beryllium oxide 60
Binders see "Gums" "Resins"
Bird deterrents 181
Bismuth oxide 280
Black (grey) body 88ff
Black powder 120f 136ff 170ff 209 270 304
Body heating 225f
Bombs, incendiary 26
Bombs, photoflash 116ff
Bombs, smoke 26f
Booby traps 56
Book matches 69f
Boranes 19 21
Borate formation 282 326
Borohydrides 22 45 240 279
Boron 60 195 246 282f 326f
Boron suboxides 278 326
Bromates 242 337
Burning time and altitude 204
Burning time and spin rate 113
Burning time in confinement 204f
Burning time of flash charges 116
Burning time, temperature coefficient 205
Calcium, carbide 20 246
Calcium, carbonate 75 303
Calcium, chromate 282ff
Calcium, hydride 279
Calcium, metal 246
Calcium, permanganate 238
Calcium, phosphate 153 221
Calcium, phosphide 19f 221
Calcium, resinate 313
Calcium, silicide 221 225
Calcium, sulfate 104 221
Calorimetry 114 273ff
Carbon, black 324
Carbon, dioxide 23 28 280 295
Carbon, subnitride 230f
Carbon, tetrachloride 23 28 43 149
Casting of hot-melts 237 270
Casting of smoke mixtures 157
Castor oil 129
Catalysts for chlorates 242 304
Catalysts for hydrogen 65
Catalysts for matches 76
Catalysts for perchlorates 243
Catalysts for phosphorus 75 304
Catalysts for superoxides 238
Catalysts, destructive 304
Catalysts, propellants 62 177
Catalysts, synthetic resins 313f
Celluloid 211 216f 272 313
Cerium (metal) 32 34f
Cerium nitrate 340
Cermets 248
Cesium, chlorate 242
Cesium, perchlorate 97
Chalcogens 284f 322
Charcoal 59 141 171f 201 324f
Chemiluminescence 93 97
Chlorates 62 237 241f 335ff
Chloric acid 47
Chlorine, and hydrogen 42
Chlorine, dioxide 47
Chlorine, donors 125
Chlorine, heptoxide 49
Chlorine, trifluoride 42
Chlorites 55 237 241 417
Chlorosulfonic acid 149
Chloryl fluoride 48
Chromium (metal) 32 202
Chromium trioxide 48 246
Chromous oxide 33
Chromyl chloride 48 152
Chromyl nitrate 48
Cigarette as delay 201
Cigarette, self-lighting 73
Cloud seeding 162
Color recognition 122
Colored flames 97 123f
Columbium see "Niobium"
Combustible cartridge 415f
Combustion in solid phase 103
Combustion of boron 277f 326
Combustion of magnesium ribbon 103
Combustion of tobacco leaves 201
Compaction aids 316
Complex salts 55 61ff 124
Conductive mixtures 60f
Copper catalytic effect 75 304
Copper nitrate 46
| Copper oxides 125 202 280 317
Copper perchlorate 124
Copper powder 125f
Copper sulfate 239 309
Corrosion resistance 303
Corrosion, delay action 210 415
Corundum, artificial 247
Cryolite 136
Cyanogen 230 241
Daisite 414
Daisy cartridge 120
DDTA 291
Dechlorane 125
Delay columns, swaged 209f
Delay pencil 54 210
Destruct systems 222f
Deterioration of fireworks 46f
Deterioration of SAW matches 81
Dichromating 302f
Digermane 22
Dimethyl sulfoxide 50
Dinitrosopentamethylene tetramine 161
Dispersion at high altitude 163f 249
Dispersion of toxic substances 160ff
Drop test 182 293f
DTA 291f
Dust bombs 118
Dust explosions 38ff
Dust settling rate 40
Dye markers 129f
Dyes, for smokes 151ff
EC blank powder 152
Efficiency of flares 94f 105f
Efficiency of flashes 118f
Electric ignition 56ff
Electroluminescence 93
Emissivity 91
Epoxy resins 178 314
Erbium oxide 92
Ethylenediamine 62 124
Eutectics, ; P/S 27
Eutectics, Na/K 29
Eutectics, of salts 270f
Explosive bolt, nut 168f
Explosive switch 59 168
Explosives as propellants 178
Explosives, sound attenuation 183
Ferric hydroxide 316
Ferrous hydroxide 33 302
Ferrous oxide 31 33
Fiber board 37
Fire making 64f 216
Fire storms 220
Firing devices 56 210
Flame sensitivity 294
Flame thrower 73
Flare cases 108
Flash bulb 116
Flitter 330
Flour, flowers (sulfur) 322
Fluorine 41f 230
Fluorocarbons 196 228 412
Food heating 225
Formaldehyde 77
Friction test 294
Fungicides 318
Fuse lighters 56 72 191
Fuselines, commercial 206ff
Fuselines, end seals for 312
Fuzes, variable 209
Gallic acid 141 183
Galvanic cells 226f
Gelled fuels 216ff
Gilsonite 129 315
Glycerine 49 197
Government installations 407f
Graphite, alkali compounds 28f
Graphite, as lubricant 153 316
Griess 330
Guanidine nitrate 176f
Gums, natural 104 129 136 312f 315
Gun erosion 270
Hafnium 283 334
Hail prevention 163
Halogens, reactions of 41f
Hammer mill 261
Hammerschlag 225 245
Hashish substitute 413f
Hay (self ignition) 37
Hazards, specific, of bleaching powder 38
Hazards, specific, of chlorate with phosphorus 50f
Hazards, specific, of chlorinated solvents 43
Hazards, specific, of fine powders 38ff 292
Hazards, specific, of fireworks 133 141f
Hazards, specific, of flare candles 110
Hazards, specific, of flare mixtures 109f
Hazards, specific, of flash charges 119 141f
Hazards, specific, of fluorine 41
Hazards, specific, of Paris green 136
Hazards, specific, of perchloric acid 49
Hazards, specific, of phosphorus (red) 74
Hazards, specific, of phosphorus (white) 26 66
Hazards, specific, of potassium 28 43
Hazards, specific, of smoke mixtures 155
Hazards, specific, of unsaturated oils 36
Heat battery 227
Heat paper 227 282
Hexachlorobenzene (HB) 125 129
Hexachloroethane (HC) 125 149f 152f 272
High altitude, dispersion 163f 249
High altitude, flashes 120
High-low system 168
Hot-topping compounds 227f
Humidity resistance 80f 140 302f
Hurricane abortion 163
Hycar resins 315
Hydrazine 48 62
Hydrides of Al, Ga, In, Be 280
Hydrides of alkali metals 21f 45
Hydrides of boron 19 21f 240
Hydrides of germanium 22
Hydrides of phosphorus 19f
Hydrides of rare earth metals 22
Hydrides of silicon 19f
Hydrides of thorium 32 258
Hydrides of uranium 32
Hydrogen 42 65 240f
Hydrogen peroxide 48 238
Hydrox 240
Hydroxylamine 62
Hygroscopicity 37 300ff 337
Hypergolic systems 47f
Hypophosphites 55
Iditol 315
Ignitacord 207f
Ignition 189ff
Ignition of flame throwers 73
Ignition, parasitic 111
Ignition, temperature 291ff
Impact tests 293f
Impurities 256
Incendiarism 36f 216ff
Indium oxide 33
Inhibition 414
Initiation temperature 296ff
Insecticides 161
Interhalogens 42
Iodates 62f 162 242 288 337
Iodine number 36
Iodine pentoxide 288
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