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Handscomb D.C. — Methods of numerical approximation |
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approximation 70
process 137
method 55
algorithm 129
algorithm, convergence of 138
algorithm, relation to process 137
algorithm, relation to Pade table 129
algorithm, used to accelerate converhence 136
-capacity 84
-entropy 184
-entropy, bounds on 186
Acceleration of convergence by a algorithm 136
Achieser, N.I. 7
Aitken, A.C. 137
Algebraic conjugate 170
Approximation of experimental data 4 27 166
Approximation of linear functionals 169
Approximation, best 4 11
Approximation, least-squares 11
Approximation, linear 11 15
Approximation, rational 99 ff.
Approximation, relative 196
Bernstein polynomials 17
Bernstein polynomials, practical value of 20
Best approximations 4 11
Best approximations existence 61
Best approximations uniqueness 64; see also Least-squares Minimax
Best approximations, convexity of set of 63
Blanch, G. 100
Bounded linear functional 170
Bounded linear functional, representation of 171
Buck, R.C. 7
Chebyshev norm 10
Chebyshev polynomials 21 37 42 47 117
Chebyshev polynomials, extrema of, used as reference 144
Chebyshev polynomials, interpolation at roots of 23
Chebyshev polynomials, minimax property of 44 53
Chebyshev polynomials, second kind 71
Chebyshev series 42 49
Chebyshev series for rational functions 54
Chebyshev series, compared with Fourier series 45
Chebyshev series, cornpardi with power series 53
Chebyshev series, determination of 51 ff.
Chebyshev series, evaluation of 49
Chebyshev series, integration of 50
Chebyshev set 67 174
Chebyshev set, approximation by 71
Chebyshev set, minimax approximation by 68 83
Chebyshev set, non-existence in many variables 192
Chebyshev, P.L. 3
Clenshaw, C.W. 56 58
complete 31
Computers, automatic 4 196
Continued fractions 99
Continued fractions, convergence of 101
Continued fractions, economization 117
Continued fractions, equivalent 100
Continued fractions, evaluation of 100
Continued fractions, even and odd parts of 100
Continued fractions, interpolation by 108
Continued fractions, S-fraction 100
Continued fractions, Thiete's expansion in 114
Continuity condition for convergence of minimax approximation 16
Continuity, modulus of 11 91 151 191
Convex hull 8
Convex set of functions 8
Curtis, A.R. 157 158
Curve-fitting 27 166
Davis, P.J. 7
Differences, divided 107
Differences, inverted 109
Differences, reciprocal 111
Discontinuity, effects of 16 41
Discrete problem, least-squares 32 42 57
Discrete problem, minimax 73
Economization of continued fraction 117
Economization of power series 53
Error bounds of optimal formulae 172 179
Error bounds, a priori and a posteriori 198
Error, absolute and relative 196
Essential supremum 10
Exchange algorithms 73 83 158
Exchange algorithms and linear prograxmuing 78
Exchange algorithms, convergence of 76 86 159
Experimental data, fitting of 4 166
Exponential interpolation 135
Extrema of error curve, search for 85 144
Extrema of error curve, sign-alternation of 64 84
Favard, J. 93
Fejer's theorem 16
floating-point numbers 196
Fourier coefficient 29 39
Fourier series 16 39
Fourier series, compared with Chebyshev series 45
Fourier series, compared with minimax approximation 95
Fourier series, pointwise convergence of 40
Function-space 7
Functional 9 169
Functional analysis 7
Functional, bilinear 177
Functional, linear 169
Functions, equal almost everywhere 10
Functions, orthogonal 28
Gauss quadrature 34
Golomb, M. 177
Gram — Schmidt process 31
Green's function 149
Guerra, S. 95
Haar's condition for Chebyshev set 67
Hammer, P.C. 7 194
Hankel determinant 126
Haselgrove, C.B. 194
Hermite interpolation 35
Hilbert space 177
Hoelder inequality 12 170
Hoelder norms 10
Hypercircle 178
Ill-conditioning of multivariable interpolation 193
Ill-conditioning of normal equations 58
Inequality, Hoelder's 12
Inequality, Minkowski's 10
Inequality, Schwarz's 12
Infinite-range approximations 156 197
Inner product 12 29 177
Interpolation at Chebyshev points 23 71
Interpolation by continued fractions 108
Interpolation by exponentials 135
Interpolation by polynomials, convergence of 23
Interpolation by rational functions 105
Interpolation by spline functions 165
Interpolation, Hermite 35
Interpolation, Lagrange 21 33
Jackson's theorem 92 151
Jackson's theorem in many variables 191
Kolmogorov, A.N. 190
Lagrange interpolation 21 33
Lagrange quadrature 34
Laguerre polynomials 198
Lanczos, C. 56
Least-squares approximation 11 27ff. 136 166
Legendre polynomials 37 44
Levelled reference error 84
Linear equations, over-determined 73
| Linear functional 169
Linear programming and exchange algorithm 78
Linear vector space 8
LR transformation, acceleration of 135
LR transformation, relation to QR algorithm 134
Maehly, H. J. 84 117 141
Many variables, functions of 191 ff.
Markov set 67
Metric 9
Minimax approximation 11
Minimax approximation in many variables 191 ff.
Minimax approximation, general non-linear 155
Minimax approximation, general non-linear, characterization 157
Minimax approximation, general non-linear, convergence of exchange algorithm 159
Minimax approximation, general non-linear, existence 156
Minimax approximation, linear, by Chebyshev set 66
Minimax approximation, linear, by non-Chebyshev set 69
Minimax approximation, linear, by polynomials 64
Minimax approximation, linear, characterization 66
Minimax approximation, linear, compared with Fourier series 95
Minimax approximation, linear, convergence of 91
Minimax approximation, linear, determination of 73 83
Minimax approximation, linear, uniqueness of 65
Minimax approximation, rational 139
Minimax approximation, rational, convergence, to analytic function 150
Minimax approximation, rational, convergence, to continuous function 151
Minimax approximation, rational, existence, uniqueness, characterization of 141
Minimax approximation, rational, Maehly's algorithm for 141
Minimax solution of linear equations 76
Minkowski's inequality 10
Modulus of continuity 11 91 151
Modulus of continuity, partial 191
Montessus de Ballore, R. de 138 151
Natanson, I.P. 7
Newman, D.J. 151
Newton's process 133
Norm 9 29
Norm of linear functional 170
Norm, , 10
Norm, Chebyshev 10
Norm, convergence in 11
Norm, dual 11
Norm, HoeIder 10
Norm, strict 9 63
Norm, weighted 10 27
Normal equations 27
Normal equations, ill-conditioning of 58
Normal Pade table 126
Normed conjugate 170
Optimal 169
Optimal, approximation 173 177
Orthogonal functions 28
Orthogonal polynomials 31
Orthogonal polynomials in many variables 194
Orthogonal polynomials over continuous and discrete ranges 32
Orthogonal polynomials, recurrence relation between 31
Over-determined linear equations 73
Pace, J.R. 7 71
Pade table 101 125
Pade table and algorithm 129
Pade table, abnormal 130
Pade table, convergence in 138
Pade table, extended 129
Pade table, normal 126
Parseval identity 31
Periodic spline 167
Piesz, F. 171
Polynomials, Bernstein 17
Polynomials, Chebyshev see under Chebyshev
Polynomials, Lagrangian 21
Polynomials, Laguerre 198
Polynomials, Legendm 37
Polynomials, trigonometric 16
Polynomials, ultraspherical 36
Power series, conversion to Chebyshev series 53
Prony, R. de 135
Quadrature formulae 33 169
Quadrature formulae, multiple 194
Quotient-difference (QD) algorithm 127
Quotient-difference (QD) algorithm, convergence 131
Quotient-difference (QD) algorithm, instability 133
Quotient-difference (QD) algorithm, relation to LR transformation 134
Quotient-difference (QD) algorithm, used in Prony's method 136
Quotient-difference (QD) algorithm, used to locate poles and zeros 131
Reference 76 83 141
Reference, error, levelled 84
Relative error 139 196
Representation of linear functionals 171
Representation of linear functionals on Hilbert space 177
Rhombus rules 127 129
Runge phenomenon 24
Rutishauser, H. 127 134
S-fractions 100 126
Sard, A. 171
Schoenberg, I.J. 64 166 177
Seminorm 9 163 171 180
Shapiro, H.S. 151
Simplex method 78
Simpson's rule 172
Smoothest approximation 163 166
Smoothest approximation in many variables 180 194
Space vector 8
Space, 10
Space, 10
Space, B(X) 8
Space, C(X) 8
Space, conjugate 170
Space, function 7
Space, inner-product 29
Spanned 8
Spline Function 163
Spline function, convergence of 166
Spline function, determination of 165
Spline function, equivalence of definitions 164
Spline function, multidimensional 180 194
Spline function, periodic 167
Spline function, uniqueness of 164
Spline function, used to smooth data 166
Sprecher, D.A. 190
Spurious singularities in rational approximations 107 143 150
Staircase in Pade table 126
Steklov's transformation 95
Stiefel, E.L. 78
Stone, M.H. 191
Strict norm 9 63
Thiele's expansion 101 114
Timan, A.F. 7
Trigonometric approximations, uniform convergence of 16 92;
Tschebyseheff (etc.) see Chebyshev
Ultraspherical polynomials 36
Uniform norm 10
Uniqueness of best approximations in strict norm 64
Uniqueness of minimax approximation 65
Uniqueness of minimax rational approximation 141
Van Vleck, E.B. 101
Vector space 8
Vitushikin, A.G. 183
Walsh, J.L. 149
Weierstrass's theorem 16 197
Weierstrass's theorem in many variables 191
Weierstrass's theorem, proof of 19
Weights 10 27 139
Wynn, P. 129
z-transform 135
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