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Braides A. — Gamma-convergence for Beginners
Braides A. — Gamma-convergence for Beginners

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Название: Gamma-convergence for Beginners

Автор: Braides A.


This book is a compelling handbook in this important topic in the field of Applied Mathematics. Written by a leading expert in the field, it provides a brief and simple introduction to this subject, based on the treatment of a series of fundamental problems that illustrate the main features and techniques of Gamma-convergence without the burden of higher-dimensional technicalities.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2002

Количество страниц: 224

Добавлена в каталог: 07.02.2011

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
$\Gamma$-convergence      22
$\Gamma$-limit      22 30
$\Gamma$-lower limit      30
$\Gamma$-upper limit      30
Asymptotic homogenization formula      64
Barenblatt's theory of fracture      87
Blake Zisserman model      131
Boundary data      56
BV-ellipticity      101
Caccioppoli partition      100
Caccioppoli set      100
Capacity      171 179
Choice criterion      30
Coarea formula      202
Coercive function      29
Compact set      26
Conjugate function      55 203
Continuous representative      199
Convex envelope      47
Convexity      197
Damage parameter      13
De Giorgi Letta Measure Criterion      195
De Giorgi rectifiability theorem      195
de La Vallee Poussin criterion      44
Development by $\Gamma$-convergence      37
Dielectric breakdown      62
Dimension reduction      11
Direct method      14 34
Dirichlet form      62
Discrete functional      77
Discrete scheme      13
Dugdale      100
Embeddings      199
Epiconvergence      39
Epigraph      38
Equi-integrability      62
Essential boundary      201
Finsler metric      68
Free-discontinuity problems      13
Function of bounded variation      200
Function, coercive      29
Function, lower semicontinuous      21
Function, mildly coercive      29
Function, upper semicontinuous      22
Fundamental estimate      195
G-convergence      39
Ginzburg Landau functional      113
Gradient theory of phase transitions      4
Griffith's theory of fracture      87 115 120 160
Growth condition      43 58
Growth condition of order p      55
Hamilton Jacobi equation      71
Harmonic mean      8 56
Hausdorff measure      201
Homogenization      7 63
Homogenization formula      63 66 83 165
Homogenization formula, asymptotic      64
Impenetrability condition      116
Inf-convolution      143
Infinity laplacian      62
Inner-regular envelope      195
Inner-regular function      195
Integral functional      43
Ising systems      113
Jensen's inequality      197
Jump set      114
Lax formula      72
Legendre transform      72
Lennard Jones potential      156
Local functional      196
Local minima      30
Long-range interactions      82
Lower bounds      23
Lower limit      20
Lower-semicontinuous envelope      32
Mildly coercive function      29
Minimal partitions      13
Minimal-interface criterion      5
Minors vector      164
Monopolist's problem      39
Mosco convergence      39
Multiple scales      82
Mumford — Shah functional      115 119
Nearest-neighbour interactions      14 79
Non-central interactions      160
Non-local damage      126
Optimal profile      104
Oscillating functions      41 51
Partitioning problems      101
Perforated domain      10
Phase transitions      102
Piecewise-constant function      87
Poincare's inequality      200
Polyconvexity      164
Precompact set      26
Quadratic form      38 168
Quasiconvex envelope      170
Quasiconvexity      163
Rank-one convex function      170
Recession function      141
Relaxation      32
Relaxed Dirichlet problem      181
Riemannian metric      9 68
Right-hand side value      114
Set of finite perimeter      200
Signal reconstruction      86
Signed distance function      192
Sobolev space      198
Special functions of bounded deformation      120
Special functions of bounded variation      120
Stability under perturbations      24
Structured deformations      149
Subadditive envelope      93
Subadditive function      89 92
Subadditive set function      195
Sublevel set      21
Surface tension      5
Total variation      200
Upper bounds      23
Upper limit      20
Urysohn property      36
Variation, total      200
Viscosity solution      9 72
Weak compactness      43
Weak convergence in Lebesgue spaces      41
Weak convergence in Sobolev spaces      50
Weak derivative      114
Weak lower semicontinuity      44 52
Weak membrane      131
Weierstrass' theorem      34
Yosida transform      33
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