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Talsky G. — Derivative spectrophotometry. Low and higher order |
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Absorbance 16 38
Absorption 2
Absorption spectra 152 ff.
Absorption spectra, compact solids 152
Absorption spectra, emulsion 153
Absorption spectra, frozen solutions 154
Absorption spectra, powders 152
Absorption spectra, samples absorbed on thin layers 152
Absorption spectra, suspensions 153
Absorption spectra, turbid solution 153
Actinides 177
Additive (A) method 38 137
Alkaloids 179
Amino acids 180
Amplification 53 f.
Amplifier 53 f.
Amplifier, inverting 53 f.
Amplifier, noninverting 54
Analog and digital signals 69
Analog differentiation 51 ff. 69 119ff.
Analog differentiation, influence of scan velocity 120
Analog differentiation, influence of slit width 119
Analog differentiation, influence of time constant 121
Analog differentiation, passive derivative module 52
Analog differentiation, reproducibility 121
Analog differentiation, time resolution 122
Analog differentiation, with impedance converter 53
Analog differentiator 55 58 64f. 67ff.
Analog differentiator, flow sheet 67
Analog differentiator, inverting active 55
Analog differentiator, more complicated 65 f.
Analog differentiator, noninverting active 55
Analog differentiator, overview 68
Analog differentiator, passive 55
Analog differentiator, with impedance converter and filter 65
Analog differentiator, with integrated filter 63 65
Analog filter 56 ff.
Analog filter, active 60
Analog filter, active low-pass 61 63
Analog filter, band-pass 58
Analog filter, band-rejection 58
Analog filter, Bessel function 62
Analog filter, Butterworth function 62
Analog filter, DC grounding 63
Analog filter, frequency response curve 62
Analog filter, Gauss function 61
Analog filter, high pass 57
Analog filter, low pass 56
Analog filter, passive 59
Analog filter, passive band cut-off 58
Analog filter, passive band-pass 58
Analog filter, passive high-pass 57
Analog filter, passive higher-order low-pass 60
Analog filter, passive LC 59
Analog filter, passive LC and CL 60
Analog filter, passive low-pass 57
Analog filter, Sallen-Key 63
Analog filter, Tschebyscheff function 62
Analog filtering 113
Analog integrator 55 57
Analog integrator, inverting active 55
Analog signal 31
Analytical peak 18
Antibiotics 180
applications 171 ff.
Applications, gases 173
Applications, inorganic anions 172
Applications, inorganic cations 171
Applications, minerals 172
Applications, nonspectroscopic 174
Applications, organics 173
Applications, other inorganic solids 172
Applications, other spectroscopic methods 174
Applications, special fields 174
Applications, UV-VIS spectrophotometry 171
Astronomical spectroscopy 193
Atomic absorption spectroscopy 193
Auger electron spectroscopy 193
Averaging 115
Averaging, sliding arithmetic mean 115
Averaging, sliding time average 115
Averaging, time averaging 115
Background 24 29f. 34 36
Baseline correction 42
Beer's law 15
Beverages 182
Biochemistry 197
Biological materials 198
Bistable multivibrator 111
Bouguer — Lambert — Beer law 13 (see also “Lambert — Beer law” “Beer's
Chlorophylls 181
Chromatography 204
Chromophore 4
Clinical chemistry 199
Colorants 183
Comparison of absorption and reflection 160
Computer 72
computer, hardware 72
Computer, software quality 72
Conformational analysis 200
Correction 42
Correction, of baseline 42
Correction, of overlapping 42
Cosmetics 181
Cut-off frequency 56 64
Cytochromes 181
Data base 146 ff.
Data base, normalization 147
Data base, of derivative spectra 146
Data base, search program 148
data source 103
Deflection 156
Densitometry 205
Derivative devices 107
Derivative devices, quality 107
Derivative spectra 33 166 171
Derivative spectra, applications 171
Derivative spectra, evaluation of 33
Derivative spectra, guidelines for generating 166
Derivative spectra, perspectives 166
Derivative technique 1 48 50f. 101 151
Derivative technique, analog differentiation 51
Derivative technique, by wavelength modulation 48
Derivative technique, development 1
Derivative technique, hybrid 151
Derivative technique, practical experience 101
Derivative technique, subtraction of delayed spectra 50
derivatives 16 18 34 41 102 127 140 146
Derivatives, data base 146
Derivatives, flow sheet for generation 102
Derivatives, integration of 41
Derivatives, normalization 147
Derivatives, of analytical bands 16
Derivatives, of even order 18
Derivatives, of increasing order 18
Derivatives, of odd order 18
Derivatives, of transmittance 34
Derivatives, optimal order 140
Derivatives, reproducibility 127 f.
Derivatives, slope of 19
Detection limit 26
Detection sensitivity 30
Differentiation 12 13 15 18 23 32 45 119 148 “Digital
Differentiation integration (DI) method 41
Differentiation ratio 84 f.
Differentiation ratio, influence on peak amplitude 85
Differentiation techniques 148 f.
Differentiation techniques, comparison 148 f.
Differentiation width 84
| Differentiation, and SNR 32
Differentiation, comparison of analog and digital mode 148
Differentiation, direction 19
Differentiation, graphical 45 f.
Differentiation, maximum of information 19
Differentiation, of absorbance 15
Differentiation, of computed Gaussian band 18
Differentiation, of shoulders 23
Differentiation, of transmittance 13
Differentiation, order of 15
Differentiation-integration (DI) method 139
Differentiator 58
Differentiator, smoothing width 131
Digital differentiation 68 84 86 123ff. 128 131
Digital differentiation, accumulation 125
Digital differentiation, amplification 124
Digital differentiation, averaging 125
Digital differentiation, difference quotient 84 126
Digital differentiation, of numerical functions 86
Digital differentiation, point-point (P-P) 84
Digital differentiation, point-point differentiation 125
Digital differentiation, reproducibility 128
Digital differentiation, Savitzky — Golay method 86
Digital differentiation, Savitzky — Golay polynomial 123
Digital differentiation, smoothing 124
Digital differentiator 70 f.
Digital differentiator, flow sheet 70 f.
Digital differention 87
Digital differention, overview 87
Digital filtering 114
Digital signal 31
Digital smoothing and filtering 73 ff. 80 82
Digital smoothing and filtering, by Fourier analyses 78
Digital smoothing and filtering, by polynomial 75
Digital smoothing and filtering, correlation function 82
Digital smoothing and filtering, density of data points 78
Digital smoothing and filtering, flow sheet 75
Digital smoothing and filtering, influence of smoothing parameters 77
Digital smoothing and filtering, least-mean-squares smoothing 77
Digital smoothing and filtering, least-square computation 76
Digital smoothing and filtering, noise reduction 79
Digital smoothing and filtering, one-sided exponential average 74
Digital smoothing and filtering, overview 82 f.
Digital smoothing and filtering, Savitzky and Golay polynomial 76
Digital smoothing and filtering, sliding average 73
Digital smoothing and filtering, Spline method 77
Digital smoothing and filtering, suppression of spikes 79
Digital smoothing and filtering, time-averaging 79
Digital smoothing and filtering, true data average 80
Digital smoothing and filtering, weighted average 73
Diode array devices 89
Distribution function 17 29
Distribution function, Gaussian 17
Distribution function, Lorentzian 17
Dual-wavelength spectrophotometry 49
Electroanalysis 205
Electron excitation 2 5
Electron orbital transitions 3
Electron transition 4
Electron transition, of chromophores 4
Electrophoresis 205
Elimination 23
Energy transition 3
Energy transition, charge-transfer 3
Energy transition, inner-ligand 3
Energy transitions 2
Environmental analyses 200
Enzymes 183 f.
Errors 31
ESR spectroscopy 193
Evaluation 42
Evaluation of derivative spectra 33 ff.
Evaluation of derivatives 131 ff. 136
Evaluation of derivatives, peak-peak ratio 133
Evaluation of derivatives, ratio methods (comparison) 136
Evaluation, of peak areas 42
Extended peak-peak ratio (EPPR) method 36
Fermentation 202
FHWM, and SNR 32
Fiber optic cable 161 f.
Fiber optic cable, transmission spectra 162
Field-effect transistor 52
Filtering 113
Filtering, analog 113
Filtering, digital 114
Filtering, influence of time constant 113
Filtering, shifting of maximum 114
Fine resolution of spectra 9ff.
Fine resolution of spectra differentiation 12
Fine resolution of spectra fourier analyses 11
Fine resolution of spectra low-temperature spectroscopy 9
Fine resolution of spectra multicomponent analysis 10
Fine resolution of spectra optical methods 9
Fine resolution of spectra, curve-fitting method 10
Flame emission spectroscopy 193
Flexible measuring device 161
Flow injection spectroscopy 193
Foods 184
forensic analysis 202
Frequency response 61
Frequency response curves 57 61
Frequency response curves, of low-pass filter 62
Function generator 112
FWHM 22 25
FWHM, influence on differentiation 22
Gaussian function 16 24
Gaussian function, extrema 24
Gaussian function, zero crossing 24
Generation of derivatives 102
Generation of derivatives, flow sheet 102
Ghost peak 123
Half wave graphical (HWG) mode 36
Half width 16 f. 25
Half width, 17
Half width, FWHM 17
Hemoglobins 185
Higher order derivative spectrophotometry, (HODS) 2
Higher-order derivative spectra (HODS) 2
Higher-order derivatives (HOD) 51 54f.
Higher-order differentiator 67
Homologs 185
Hormones 185
HWG mode 36
Hybrid derivative module 89f.
Hybrid derivative module, flow sheet 90
Hybrid differentiator 71
Hybrid differentiator, flow sheet 71
Impedance converter 54
Inelastic electron tunneling spectroscopy 193
Inflection 18
information 29
Information, loss of 29
Infrared spectroscopy 194
Inorganic anions 178
Inorganic cations 175 ff.
Inorganic cations, actinides 177
Inorganic cations, lanthanides 176
Inorganic cations, main group elements 175
Inorganic cations, transition elements 175
Inorganic gases 179
Inorganic solids 178
Integral reflectance 158
Integrated circuit (IC) 53
Integration 42
Integrator 57
Intelligent plotter 71
Inverting module 53
IR spectra 5
Isomers 185
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