Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Talsky G. — Derivative spectrophotometry. Low and higher order |
Предметный указатель |
Isosbestic point method 37
Kinetics 202
Kubelka — Munk function 157
Lambert 157
Lambert — Beer law 38
Lambert — Beer law, Beer's law 13
Lanthanides 176
Light trap 159
line drawing 37
Lock-in amplifier 46
Log-A method 40 138
Low-order differentiator 67
Low-temperature spectroscopy 194
Luminescence spectroscopy 194
Main group elements 175
Mass spectroscopy 195
Materials science 202
Maxima 26
Maxima, shifting 26
Maximum 18
Maximum, odd-order 18
Measuring head 164 f.
Measuring head, other supports 165
Measuring head, Ulbricht sphere 164
Microanalyses 203
Minerals 178
Minimum 18
Minimum, even-order 18
Mirror ruler 45
Modulation 46 f.
Modulation, of wavelength 46 f.
Moessbauer spectroscopy 195
Molar absorption 13
Monofiber 162
Multichannel spectroscopy 195
Multiplicative method (M method) 40
Multiwavelength analysis 195
Myoglobins 185
Narcotics 182
NMR spectroscopy 195
Noise 31 56 79
noise reduction 79 85
Nonspectroscopic applications 204 ff.
Nontransparent samples 152
Normalization 132 147
Normalization, by division 132
Normalization, by multiplication 132
Normalization, of derivatives 147
Nucleic acids and bases 186
Numerical manipulation 73
Numerical manipulation, digitized curves 73
Off-line mode 103
On-line mode 103
Opaque samples 30 152
Operational amplifier 53
Optical spectroscopy 2
Optimal derivative order 140
Order of derivatives 22 140
Order of derivatives, influences on FWHM 22
Order of differentiation 25
Order of differentiation, and critical peak distance 25
Organic pigments 188
Organic solids 191
Other spectroscopic methods 193 ff.
overlapping 24 42
Overlapping, correction 42
Overlapping, of signals 24
Partitive (P) method 40 134
Partitive HODS 134
Peak area 42
Peak asymmetry 35
Peak overlapping 24
Peak-peak (PP) method 33
Peak-peak ratio (PPR) method 36 133
Peak-tangent (P-T) method 34
Peak-zero (PZ) method 34
Pesticides 186
Pharmaceuticals 186
Photometric cell 155
Photometric cell, adapters for fiber cables 155
Photometric cell, for low temperature 155
Pigments 188
Plant pigments 181 188
Points of inflection 14 17
Points of inflection, a 17
Polarography 205
Polymers 189
Polynomial 30
Polynomial coefficients 20 f.
Polynomial coefficients, of Gaussian equation 20
Polynomial coefficients, of Lorentzian equation 21
Porphyrins 189
Potentiometry 205
PP differentiation method 86
Proteins 190
Quality 107
Quality of derivatives 127 f.
Quality of derivatives, noise estimation 128
Quality of derivatives, signal-to-noise ratio 128
Quality of derivatives, signal-to-signal ratio 129
Quality, of derivative device 107
| Quantitative investigations 33
Raman spectroscopy 195
Real spectra 31
Real spectra, and noise 31
Reflectance spectra 155
Reflectance spectroscopy 196
Reflection 156
Reflection, diffuse 156
Reflection, directed 156
Reflection, integral 156
Reflection, regular 156
Reflection, specular 156
Reflective absorbance 160
Regular reflectance 160
Regular reflectance device 161
Relative directional reflectance 158 160
Remittance 159
Reproducibility 127 ff.
Resolution 29
Resolution, increase in 29
Response mode 118
Satellite-zero (SZ) method 34
Satellites 15 19f. 27
Satellites, height of 20 f.
Satellites, of Gaussian functions 20 f.
Satellites, of Lorentzian functions 20 f.
Satellites, Savitzky — Golay polynomial 76 86
Sera 191
Sharpening 22 f.
Sharpening, of peaks 22
Sharpening, of shoulders 22
Sharpening, of steep peaks 23
Shifting of maxima 26 ff.
Shoulder 14 25
Shoulder limit 25
Shoulder limit, critical distance, dc 25
Side-peak-side ratio (SPSR) method 37 134
Signal-to-noise ratio, see also SNR 32 73 103 114
Smoothing 115
SNR 32 84 103 114f. 120
SNR, and FWHM 32
Solids 178 191
Special fields of application 197 ff.
Spectrophotometer 103
Spectroscopic methods (without UVVIS) 193 ff.
Spheroid 159
SPS ratios 135
Standard curves 104 ff. 111
Standard curves, computed curves 113
Standard curves, curve scanner 111
Standard curves, digital storage oscilloscope 112
Standard curves, electronic 111
Standard curves, function generator 111 112
Standard lines 34
Standard lines, nonlinearity 34
Standard spectra 104ff. 141
Standard spectra, bovine ribonuclease 145
Standard spectra, glass filters 104
Standard spectra, of solutions 107
Standard spectra, potassium nitrate 141
Standard spectra, potassium permanganate 143
Standard spectra, substances qualified 106
Steroids 191
Storage 90ff. 94
Storage oscilloscope 70
Storage, amplitude modulation 92
Storage, analog data 91
Storage, digital data 92
Storage, flow sheet 94
Storage, frequency modulation 91
Storage, short- and long-term 90
Subtractive (S) method 38 137
Superposition of peaks 11
Suppression 23
Suppression, of flat signals 23
Surface photovoltage spectroscopy 195
Synthetic organic pigments 188
Tachometer generator 46
Thermal analysis 205
Throughput 159
time constant 56
transistor 52
Transition elements 175
Transition metals 3
Transmission function 55
Trapezoid formula 42
Tunable infrared diode laser spectroscopy 196
Turbid samples 197
Turbid solutions 30
Ulbricht sphere 158 164
UV-VIS spectra 2 5f.
UV-VIS spectrophotometry 175 ff.
UV-VISband 16
Vapors 179
Various compounds 192
Vidicon devices 89
Virtual extrema 19
Vitamines 192
Vitamines, overview 48
Wavelength 46
Wavelength, modulation 46 f.
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