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Schaaf W.L. — Plane and Solid Geometry for Home Study |
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Abbreviations, geometric 31
Alternate-interior angles 85 90
Altitudes, of a triangle 163
Analysis 165
angle 9
Angle of elevation 80 117
Angle sum of a triangle 96
Angle, bisector of 108 109 162 234
Angle, central 177
Angle, exterior 73 159
Angle, inscribed 177 194
Angles of a polygon 158
Angles with parallel sides 93
Angles with perpendicular sides 104
Angles, alternate-interior 85 90
Angles, corresponding 84
Angles, vertical 47
Angular measurement 11
Apothem 278
Arc, of a circle 178
Area 265
Area of circle 282
Area of cone 368
Area of cylinder 362
Area of equilateral triangle 270
Area of lune 391
Area of parallelogram 268
Area of prisms 336 337
Area of pyramid 351
Area of rectangle 266 267
Area of regular polygon 280
Area of similar figures 275
Area of sphere 391
Area of spherical triangle 393
Area of square 268
Area of trapezoid 271
Area of triangle 269 270
Area of zone 390
assumptions 39 41 42
Axis, of a sphere 378
Bearings 117
Belts and pulleys 210
Carpenter’s tri-square 208
Cavalieri’s theorem 343
Central angle 177
Centroid 173
chords 177 183 197 244
Circle graph 209
circles 176 178
Circles, area of 282
Circles, basic assumptions 281
Circles, circumference of 281
Circles, line of centers 191
Circles, sectors of 8
Compass, mariner’s 209
Compasses, proportional 260
Concentric circles 177
Concurrency 161
cones 364—373
Cones, altitude of 364
Cones, area of 368
Cones, element of 364
Cones, frustum of 365 368 369
Cones, nappes of 364
Cones, similar 372
Cones, slant height of 365
Cones, volume of 368
Congruent triangles 28 54 59 66 76 99 105
Constructions, bisecting a segment 220
Constructions, bisecting an angle 220
Constructions, dividing a line 222
Constructions, erecting perpendiculars 221
Constructions, geometric 19 220—228 272
Constructions, parallel lines 222
Constructions, proportional segments 256
Constructions, tangents 224
Constructions, triangles 223
Contrapositive 216
Corollary 63
Corresponding angles 84
Cylinder of revolution 359 370
cylinders 358—363 370
Cylinders, area of 362
Cylinders, basic assumptions 361
Cylinders, right 359
Cylinders, right section of 359
Cylinders, similar 370
Cylinders, volume of 362
Danger angle 211
Deductive reasoning 37
definitions 38 45 71
demonstration 37 47
Depression, angle of 80 117
Design 21
Diagonal scale 262
Diameter 180
Dihedral angle 312
Dihedral angle, basic assumptions 313
Dihedral angle, bisector of 317
Dihedral angle, plane angle of 313
Directrix 358 364
Distance, from a point to a line 107
Distance, of chord from the center 183
dodecahedron 329 331
Draftsman’s triangles 116
Elevation, angle of 80 117
Equilateral triangle 63
Equilateral triangle, altitude of 252
Equilateral triangle, area of 270
Equilibrant 174
Equivalent figures 272
Euler’s law 329
Exterior angles, of a polygon 159
Exterior angles, of a triangle 73
External division of a segment 232
Face angles 323 324 325
Forces in equilibrium 174
Formal geometry 41 46 50
Generatrix 358 364
Geodesic 378
Geometric forms 1 4
Geometric patterns 2 22
Geometric symbols 31
Geometric truths 37
Gothic arch 23
Great circle 377
Great-circle sailing 378
Hero’s formula 7
hexahedron 329 330
Horizon, distance of 395
Hypothesis 41
Icosohedron 329 331
Inclined plane 262
Indirect measurement 29 259
Indirect method 84
Inequalities 122
Inscribed angles 177 194
Internal division of a segment 231
Inverse 89 90 216
Isosceles triangle 62 72
Line segments 231
lines 9
Loci 13 213
Loci in space 309 32
Loci, basic 217
Loci, demonstration of 214
Loci, intersecting 218
| Logic 35 216
Lune 391
Mariner’s compass 209
Median, of a trapezoid 154
Median, of a triangle 164
Mid-join 153
Nappes 364
Oblique lines, from a point in a perpendicular 135—139
Observation 35
octahedron 329 330
Opposite 89 90 216
Ornament 21
Pantograph 261
Parallel lines 83 92 116 146 152
Parallel-ruler 172
Parallelogram 145
Parallelogram of forces 173
Parallelogram, area of 268
Parallelopiped 337 345
Perimeter, of regular polygon 279
Perpendicular bisector 106 161
Plane angle, of dihedral angle 313
Plane angle, of polyhedral angle 323
Plane figures 3
Planes 287
Planes, assumptions concerning 288
Planes, lines parallel to 298
Planes, lines perpendicular to 290—297
Planes, parallel 304—308
Planes, perpendicular 314—320
Planes, preliminary propositions 288
Platonic solids 328
Polar distance 379
Polar triangles 386
Poles 378
Polygon, angles of 158
Polygons, regular 202
Polyhedral angles 322
Polyhedral angles, symmetric 323
Polyhedrons 328
prisms 334—347
Prisms, area of 336 337
Prisms, basic propositions 335
Prisms, classification of 336
Prisms, regular 336
Prisms, volume of 341
Projections 253
Proportional compasses 260
Proportional segments 232 239 247 308
proportions 24 230
Propositions 40
Protractor 12
Pulleys 210
Pyramids 348—356
Pyramids, area of 351
Pyramids, frustum of 348 355
Pyramids, regular^ 348
Pyramids, similar 356
Pyramids, slant height of 348
Pyramids, volume of 353
Pythagorean Theorem 6 274
Quadrant 80 379 380
Quadrilateral 144
Quadrilateral, deformability of 172
Radius of a polygon 278
Railway curve 211
Ratio and proportion 230
rectangle 145
Rectangle, area of 266 267
Reflection, law of 118
Regular polygons 202
Regular polygons, area of 278 280
Repeating designs 22
Resultant of a force 173
Rhomboid 145
Rhombus 145
right triangles 105 250
Rigidity, of triangles 81
Rope-stretchers 6
Ruled surface 358
Secant 177 197 200 245
Sector of a circle 8
Similar figures 24
Similar figures, area o 275
Similar polygons 242 276 277
Similar triangles 235—240
Similar triangles, area of 276
Small circle 378
Solids of revolution 359 370—373
Spheres 376—397
Spheres, area of 390
Spheres, axis of 378
Spheres, circles of 377
Spheres, lune 391
Spheres, polar distance 379
Spheres, poles 378
Spheres, spherical angles 380
Spheres, spherical polygons 383 393
Spheres, spherical triangles 384 393
Spheres, tangents to 385
Spheres, volume of 394
Spheres, zones of 389
Spherical angles 380
Spherical degrees 392
Spherical excess 393
Spherical polygons 383
Spherical triangles 384 393
Square 145
Square, area of 268
Square, diagonal of 252
surface 287 358
Surface measure 265
Symmetry 16 323
Synthesis 165
tangents 177 190 197 245
Tangents to spheres 385
tetrahedron 329 330 349
Transformation of polygons 272
Transversals 84 92 152
trapezoid 144
Trapezoid, area of 271
Trapezoid, median of 154
Triangles 53
Triangles, altitudes of 163
Triangles, angle bisectors of 162 234
Triangles, area of 269 270
Triangles, congruent 28 54 59 66 76 99 105
Triangles, equilateral 63
Triangles, isosceles 62 72
Triangles, medians of 154
Triangles, mid-join of 153
Triangles, perpendicular bisectors of 161
Triangles, polar 386
Triangles, right 105 250
Triangles, rigidity of 81
Triangles, similar 235 276
Triangles, spherical 384 393
Triangles, sum of angles of 96
Triangles, unequal sides and angles 126—132
Undefined terms 38
Vertical angles 47
Visible horizon 395
Volume, of cone 368
Volume, of cylinder 362
Volume, of parallelopiped 345
Volume, of prism 341
Volume, of pyramid 353
Volume, of sphere 394
Zone 389 390
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