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Thomas L.C. — Games, Theory and Applications |
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-stable 107
-equilibrium pairs 207
-optimal strategies 161
Abakuks, A. 196 197
Adams, E.W. 146
Advertising 157 168
Analysis of options 141
Anti-submarine warfare 168
Aubin, J-P. 48
auctions 200
Auctions, with unknown valuations 211
Aumann, R. J. 104 108 169 170
Average reward games 152
Avi-Itzhak, B. 174
Axelrod, R. 232
B hm-Bawerk, E. von 221
Bacharach, M. 126
Bargaining set 66
Basic scenario 141
Battle of the sexes 54
Beckman, M.J. 220
Bennett, P.G. 146
Bertrand, J. 126
Bewley, T. 169
Big Match 169
Billera, L.J. 126
Bishop, D.T. 185 196
Blackett, D.W. 169
Blackwell, D. 169
Borel, E. 20
Bounds on value iteration 158
Bowen, K.C. 223
Braithwaite, R.B. 81
Brams, S.J. 21 81
Brewer, G. 232
Brouwer fixed point theorem 57
Brown, G.W. 47
Canning, C. 185 196
Case, J.H. 220
Cassady, R. Jr. 201
Chamberlin, E.H. 231
Chammah, A.M. 56 81
Chandrasekaran, R. 168
Characteristic function 86
Charnes, A. 168
Chess 45
Cohen, K.J. 232
Colonel Blotto game 162
Complete games 139
Concave function 112
Constant sum game 87
Contract curve 114
Convex set 57 92
Conway, J.H. 232
Cooper, D.F. 226
Cooperative game 64
Core 91
Counter-objection 104
Cournot equilibrium 120
Cournot, A. A. 120 126
Cuban missile crisis 137
Dando, M.R. 146
Dantzig, G.B. 46
Davis, M. 105
Decreasing returns of scale 118
Deshmukh, S.D. 168
Differential games 50
Dill, W. 232
Diplomacy 227
Discounted cost games 153
Dominated strategies 34
Dominated, strictly 36
Domination, joint 62 66
Downton, F. 227
Draughts 45
Drescher, M. 20
Duels 17 40
Duke, R.D. 223
Dungeons and Dragons 227
Duopoly 118 165
Duplicated strategies 34
Dutch auction 201
Edgeworth box 113
Edgeworth, F.Y. 112 126
Engelbrecht-Wiggans, R. 220
English auction 200 209
Entertainment gaming 226
Equilibrium -tiple 85 130
Equilibrium pair 43 56
Essential game 87
Everett, H. 153 161 169
Evolutionary stable strategies 177
Excess 105
Extensive form 23
Falkland War 136
Ferguson, T.S. 169
Finite game 34
Frazer, N.M. 146
Friedman, J.W. 120 126 169
Friedman, L. 220 221
Gale, D. 46
Gambling game 163
Game 15
Game theory 15
gaming 223
Generalised games 95
Gillette, D. 175
Gillies, D.B. 91 95
Gordon, D.G. 232
Grafen, A. 196
Griesmer, J.H. 220 221
Group rationality 55
Guaranteed improvement 142
Guyer, M. 56 81 232
Haigh, J. 181 196
Hamburger, H. 81
Hammerstein, P. 196
Harsanyi, J.C. 50 81 107
Hines, W.G.S. 196
Hipel, K.W. 146
Hirsch, M.W. 189
Hofbauer, J. 192 196
Horse-market auctions 216
Hotelling, H. 126
Howard, N. 21 129 135 145
Huxham, C.S. 146
Hypergame 146
Imputation 90
Inbar, M. 232
Increasing returns of scale 117
Individual rationality 55
Individually rational payoff configuration 104
Inessential games 87
Infinite games 48
Information set 24
Interchangeable 62
Irrelevant alternatives 68
Isaacs, R. 50
Johnson, P.V. 226
Joint maximisation of profit 123
Jointly randomised strategy 64
Jones, A .J. 25 34 45 46 48 76
Jonker, L.B. 192 196
Karlin, S. 40 48
Kernel 105
Kirman, A. 168
Klein, J. 226
Kohlberg, E. 169 170
Kuehn, A. 232
Kuhn, M.W. 20 46
| Levitan, R.E. 126 220 232
Linear programme 46
Lower value of game 29
Lucas, W.F. 20 95 107 108
Luce, E.D. 19 20 48 81 107 146 164 169
Market game 112
Markov decision process 168
Maschler, M. 104 105 170
Maximin criterion 29
Maximin strategy pairs 53
Maximin values 54
Maynard-Smith, J. 21 178 185 195 196
McDowell, R.C. 226
McKenney, J.L. 232
Mertens, J.F. 153 169 170
Metaequilibrium 132
Metagame 129 130
Metarational 134
Minimax theorem 33
Mixed strategies 30
Monopoly 227
Morgenstem, O. 20 45 48 67 81 94 107 129 168
Move 18
Multi-item auction 214
Multi-stage game 150 152
Myerson, R.B. 63
Nair, K.P. 167
Nash's bargaining theory 67
Nash's theorem 57
Nash, J.F. 57 67 75 76 81 126
Negotiation set 67 114
Neyman, A. 153 169
NIM 16 25 28
Non-zero-sum game 19
Normal form 27
Noughts and Crosses 16 45
Nucleolus 99
Objection 104
Oil game 88
Oligopoly 118
Operational gaming 225
Optimal strategies 34
Orkin, M. 161 169
Owen, G. 48
Pac Man 227
Pareto optimal 62 67 114
Parker, G.A. 186
Parthasarathy, T. 48 168
Payoff matrix 18 28
Perfect equilibrium 63
Perfect information 19 44
Perjcel, B. 56
Player 18
Poker, simplified 16 24 28
Price, G.R. 195
Prisoners' dilemma 17 55 81
Proper equilibrium 63
Pure strategies 31
Radford, K.J. 146
Ragharan, T.E.S. 48
Raiffa, H. 19 20 48 81 107 164 169
Rao, S.S. 168
Rapoport, A. 56 81 107 232
Rational outcome 130
Recursive games 153 160
Repeated games with partial information 153
Research gaming 225
Riley, J.G. 196
Riley, V. 232
Rogers, P.D. 169
Rose, M.C. 196
Rosenshine, M. 220
Roth, A.E. 107
Rothkopf, M.A. 220
Sanction 141
Sasieni, M. 221
Scenario 141
Schmeidler, D. 99
Schotter, A. 216 221
Schroeder, R.G. 168
Schuster, P. 192 196
Sealed bid auction 201
Selten, R. 63 126 196
Sen, A.K. 68
Shapley value 72 101
Shapley, L.S. 101 107 108 126 153 168 216 221
Sharp, R.G. 146
Shubik, M. 48 107 126 216 220 221 223 224 231 232
Sigmund, K. 192 196
Simple game 99
Simulations 223
Smale, S. 189
Smith, B.T. 220
Sobel, M.J. 168
Social choice theory 68
Solution of game 34
Solution, in completely weak sense 63
Solution, in Nash sense 62
Solution, in strict sense 62
Space Invaders 170
Stable sets 94
Stackleberg leader-follower strategy 122
Stark, R.M. 220
Status quo point 67
Stern, T. 168
Stochastic games 153
Stoll, C.S. 232
Straffm, P.D. 81
Strategic equivalence 89
Strategy 19
Subsolution 107
Superaddivity 87
Supercore 107
Supergame 153 164
Supergame, stable 164
Sweat, C.W. 170
Symmetric games 125
Symmetric metaequilibria 139
Taylor, P.D. 192 196
Teaching game 224
Thomas, C. 146
Thrall, R.M. 108
Threat bargaining solution 75
Tree graph 23
Tucker, A.W. 20 46 55
U.N. Security Council 88
Unilateral improvement 141
Upper value of game 29
Utility 18
Value iteration 158
Value of game 34
Van der Wal, J. 168
Vickrey, W. 220
von Neumann - Morgenstern solution 94
von Neumann, J. 20 30 33 45 48 67 81 94 107 129 168
Vorob'ev, N.N. 48
Wessels, J. 168
Williams, J.D. 48
Wilson, R.B. 220
Winkels, H-M. 59 81
Winning coalitions 99
Winston, W. 168
Winters, P. 232
Wolfe, P. 20
Worthwhile strategies 37 181
Yaspan, A. 221
Young, J.P. 232
Zamir, S. 170
Zeeman, E.C. 196
Zermelo E. 45
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