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Bultheel A. — Wavelets with applications in signal and image processing |
Предметный указатель |
A Trous algorithm 111
Analysis operator 52
Backward shif operator 13
Basis pursuit 156
BER 162
Best basis 156
BIBO-stability 34
Biorthogonal 49 91—94 97 105 106 110 113 132 136 137 152 159
Bit error rate 162
Coiflet 104 118 146
Coiflet wavelet 149
Computer graphics 169
Contrast enhancement 166
Convolution 14—18 33 109 118
CWT 27 110 111 113 146 147 150
Decibel 159
Delay operator 13 14
DFT 12 55 85 86 152
Dirac impulse 15 59 60 62 132
Double shift orthogonality 45 49 69 85 101
Downsample 9 24 41 42 46 82 120
Dual frame 54
ECG 150
Edge detection 166
Euclidean algorithm 138 139
Fast Fourier Transform 85 86
Fast Wavelet Transform 85 86 111—113 153 159
Father function 58
FFT 85 86
Filter, Haar 34 38
Filter, moving average 8 34 36 38
Filter, moving difference 37 38
FIR 34 35 44 45 84 91 138 141
Fourier transform 16 18 19 23—28 35 40 51 55 56 62 67 69 72 74 75 92 97 100
Fourier transform, DFT 12
Fourier transform, STFT 26
Fourier transform, WFT 26
Frame 53 111 112
Frame bounds 54
Frame operator 54
Frequency division multiple access 164
FWT 85 86 111—113 153 159
Gabor transform 27 28
GCD 139
GCV 161
Glottal closure instances 147
Heisenberg uncertainty principle 24—26 51 147
High pass filter 36—38 40 144
Lifting scheme 123
Linear phase 34
Lossless filter bank 45
Low pass filter 22 35 37 40 91 144
Matching persuit 156
Mexican hat 56 100 111 122 152
Meyer 101
Minimal phase 35
moment 13 60 91 97—99 103 105 135—137 146
Morlet wavelet 28 57 101 122 147
Mother function 51 70 72
MSE 159
Multiple access communication 164
Multiple access interference 164
Multiresolution analysis 57 70 84 85 98 111 121 169
Multiscale edge representation 166
| Multiscale gradient 166
Multitone communication 164
Multiwavelet 95
Noise 113 146 150 156 157 159 161 162
Nuclear magnetic resonance 145
Nyquist sampling 20
Overcomplete wavelet transform 111
OWT 111
Paraconjugate 43
Paraunitary 45 47—50 77 85 120
Parseval equality 52
PCF 38 46 76
Perfect reconstruction 43—45 47—50 92 136 141
Pitch tracking 147
Poisson formula 30
Polyphase matrix 46—49 123 138 141 143
Power complementary filters 38 46 76
PR 43—45 47—50 92 136 141
Pulse train 20 23
QMF 38 46 49 92
Quadrature mirror filters 38 46 49 92
Redundant wavelet transform 111 112
Representation operator 52
Riesz basis 52 58 67
Riesz bounds 54
RWT 111 112
Sampling frequency 14 21
Sampling period 14
Sampling theorem 19 21 22
Scale invariance 57
Scaling function 58
Schauder basis 52
Shift invariance 58
Shift operator 13 16 18 33
SNR 159 161 162
Spectrum 11 13 16 18 19 21 22 24 36 41 45 145
SPLINE 59 60 63 98 105 109 131
Subdivision 123
Subsample 22 24 48 111 120 133
SURE threshold 146 161
Synthesis operator 52
Texture analysis 167
Threshold 146 160
Tight frame 54
Time Division Multiple Access 164
Unconditional basis 52
Upsample 22 24 42 85
Wavelet packet 156
Wavelet packet multiple access 164
Wavelet, Battle — Lemarie 109
Wavelet, biorthogonal 49 91—94 97 105 106 110 113 132 136 137 152 159
Wavelet, CDF 105
Wavelet, Coiflet 104 118 146 149
Wavelet, Daubechies 60 71 89 101 103 152 153
Wavelet, Haar 9 58 59 71 86 91 99 103 109 118 143
Wavelet, maxflat 101
Wavelet, Mexican hat 56 100 111 122 152
Wavelet, Meyer 101
Wavelet, Morlet 28 57 101 122 147
Wavelet, second generation 123
Wavelet, semi-orthogonal 94
Wavelet, Shannon 63 100
Wavelet, sine 100 101
Wavelet, symlet 103
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