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Brezany P. — Input/Output Intensive Massively Parallel Computing: Language Support, Automatic Parallelization, Advanced Optimization, and Runtime Systems |
Предметный указатель |
3-D Euler solver 135
Abstract I/O machine 237
Abstract syntax tree 75
Abstraction mechanism 20
Adaptive irregular problems 126
Adaptive program 127
Addressing scheme 105 112
Aggregate communication 89
ALIGNED annotation 32
Alignee 29
Alignment 9 28
Alignment source array 29
Application area 2
Application area, climate prediction 6
Application area, estimate of requirements 6
Application area, image analysis 5
Application process 242
Areal declustering function 240
Areal organization function 240
Array area of a file 240
Array constructor 34
Array distribution 28
Array index domain 27
Array section access 50
Asynchronous communication statement 83
Asynchronous I/O 178
Automatic mode 45 69
Automatic parallelization 8
backend 76
BCS representation 41
BDL 245
Best disk list 245
Block distribution 30
BRD decomposition 40
BRS representation 41
Bucket 239
Buddy server 245 250
buffer cache 251
Bus 16
Bus adapter 17
Cache 17
CacheManager 251
CDDD 107
Chameleon 22
Chant 254
CHAOS runtime library 105 130
Checkpoint/restart 43
Checkpointing 10
Checkpointing, compiler assisted techniques 11
Checkpointing, parallel program debugging 11
Checkpointing, semi-transparent recovery scheme 11
Checkpointing, transparent recovery scheme 10
Client library 250
Client message passing library 251
Collective communication 97
Column tile 200 202
Communicating processes 21
Communication buffer 94 109
Communication descriptor COMM 94
Communication insertion 84 94
Communication primitive 88
Communication schedule 105 113 220
Communication set 93
Communication statement fusion 97
Compilation model 184
Composite distribution 29
Computation reordering 198
Computational Grid 101
CONNECT keyword 32
Connectivity information 130
Construction of a distribution 29
Constructor of data distribution descriptor 107
Control dependence 229
Control list 49
Control parallel task 11
Control process 251
Coordinate bisection partitioner 129
Coordinate partitioner 211
Coordination language 24
Cost 176
cost estimation 175
CView 118
DAI/IAO problem 205
Data access cost 197
data administration 245
Data administration, administration phase 246
Data administration, preparation phase 246
Data array 102 203
Data decomposition tool 105
Data distribution 8
Data flow analysis 175
Data locality 245
Data locality, logical data locality 245
Data locality, physical data locality 245
data partitioning 136 208
Data remapping 211
DDT 107
Debugging 43
Declustering function 239
Description of the section 176
Descriptive mode 45
Dimensional execution set 112
DiNG file system 254
Direct I/O compilation 169
directory structure 252
Disk 239
Disk array 2 17 47
disk drive 1
Disk oriented partitioning algorithm 221
Disk schedule 225
DiskManager 251
DISKS statement 47
DISTRIBUTE statement 29 32
DISTRIBUTED attribute 29
Distributed-memory systems 1
distribution 9 238
Distribution function 28
Distribution segment 194
Distribution specification 29
Distribution type 29
DYNAMIC attribute 32
Dynamic distribution 28 32
Dynamic loop analysis 105 112
Dynamic mapping file 35
EDGE 101
Elimination of redundant communication 97
Engine 78 202
Engine, analysis engine 79
Engine, interactive engine 79
Engine, parallelization engine 79
Engine, vectorizing engine 79
Euler solver 129
EXCH0 primitive 84
execution engine 13
Execution model 184
Execution set 105 110
Execution set splitting 94
Executor 105 112 114 120 214
Extension segment 86
External cell 106
Fetch&send process 251
FILE 238
File access pattern 169
file descriptor 170 171
File Mapping 46
File unit 176
file view 239
FILEGRID attribute 46
FILETYPE specifier 49
| Fire 106
Flow variable 128
Foe server 245
FORALL loop 131
Fortran D 8 10
frequency 177
frontend 75
Functional unit 250
General block distribution 30
General distribution function 29
General INDIRECT distribution function 34
Get&send process 251
Global reference list 113
Goals of VIPIOS 241
Graph partitioner 130 208
Graph-based partitioner 129
grid 101
Hashindex 136
High Performance Fortran 8
High Performance Fortran Forum 8
High Performance Fortran, HPF 8
High Performance Fortran, HPF-1 9
High Performance Fortran, HPF-2 10
Hint 53 176
Hint, file access hint 56
Hint, target internal distribution 53
Host language 24
HPF-2 100
I/O bandwidth 17
I/O communication descriptor 169 177
I/O controller 17
I/O extended prefetching 227
I/O intensive application 3
I/O node array 47
I/O operations 4
I/O operations, checkpoint/restart 4
I/O operations, input 4
I/O operations, out-of-core structures 4
I/O operations, output 4
I/O operations, scratch files 4
I/O optimization 175
I/O oriented data parallel programming model 22
I/O Requirement Graph 230
I/O Subsystem 184
I/O-computation-I/O parallelism 178
ICLA 201
ICP 196
IMPA model 14
IMPA model, controller 15
IMPA model, external memory 14
IMPA model, interconnection network 15
IMPA model, internal memory 14
IMPA model, local memory 14
IMPA model, node 14
IMPA model, node, combined node 15
IMPA model, node, pure computational node 14
IMPA model, node, pure I/O node 15
IMPA model, processor 14
Implicit distribution 32
In-core local array 187
In-core portion 70 191 196
In-core programs 75
In-core SPMD program 183
In-core/out-of-core conversion 70
INDEPENDENT directive 100
Index dimension 26
Index domain 26 237
Index domain of an array section 238
Index mapping 26
INDIRECT distribution 109
Indirect distribution function 10
Indirect indexing 9
Indirection array 9 102 203
Indirection level 100
Initial parallelization 83
Input 43
Input-Output Requirement Graph 192
Inspector 105 112 117 214
Interactive system 235
Interconnect 1
Interconnection network 184
Interface data structure 130
interface layer 78
Internal cell 106
Internal data space 25
Internal representation 75
Interprocedural database 236
Intrinsic distribution function 30
Intrinsic function FILEVALS 34
Intrinsic function INDIRECT 33
Intrinsic function OWNER 37
IN_MEM specification 70
IOGR 192
IONODES statement 47
IORG 230 236 252
Irregular application 9
Irregular code 9 100
Irregular computation 192
Irregular distribution 9
Irregular loop 203
Iteration partitioning 138
Iteration splitting transformation 218
Jacobi code 79 193
Large scale irregular application 202
Latency tolerance 98
Linda 24
Linking partitioner 130
List of hints 177
Load information 130
Local array file 186
local file 214
Local index set 108
Local portion 109
Local reference list 113
Local segment 40 81 83 86 108 194
Local tile 207
Localize mechanism 113
Localize procedure 113
Logical file 179
Loop iteration partitioning 212
Loosely synchronous computation 192
MACHINE directive 51
Machine model 13 20
Mapping array 10 33 34
Mapping file 105
Mask 84
Masking 84 94
Massive parallelism 1
Memory hierarchy model 197
Memory Specification 71
mesh 101
Mesh file 105
Message passing 75
Message-passing model 21
MPI 7 22 77
MPI-IO 7 22
MRD decomposition 40
Multi-level indirection 113
Multi-phase inspector/executor 113
n-m distribution function 29
Node 1 101
Non-local tile 207
Normalization 75
NOTRANSFER attribute 32 35
ON clause 100
OOC annotation 183
OOC array annotation 70
OOC programming model 69
Open statement 170
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