Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Brezany P. — Input/Output Intensive Massively Parallel Computing: Language Support, Automatic Parallelization, Advanced Optimization, and Runtime Systems |
Предметный указатель |
Optimization 84
Optimization of communication 89
Optimization of masking 89
Optimizing compilation 174
Optimizing I/O compilation 169
Organization function 239
Out-of-core data structure 68
Out-of-core execution model 186
Out-of-core execution model, global placement model 187
Out-of-core execution model, local placement model 186
Out-of-core execution model, model based on array database 190
Out-of-core execution model, partitioned in-core model 189
Out-of-core irregular problem 202
Out-of-core specification statement 71
Out-of-core structure 43
Output 43
OUT_OF_CORE attribute 70
Overlap analysis 85
Overlap area 86 193 200
Overlap description 87
Overlapping communication and computation 94
Overlapping I/O with computation 178
Owner computes paradigm 83 194
Owner of the element 28
PARABASE project 250
Parallel array database 190
Parallel computing system 18
Parallel computing system, CM-5 19
Parallel computing system, IBM SP2 19
Parallel computing system, Intel iPSC2 and iPSC/860 18
Parallel computing system, Intel Paragon 19
Parallel computing system, Intel Touchstone Delta 19
Parallel computing system, Meiko CS2 18
Parallel computing system, NCUBE 19
Parallel computing system, Parsytec Power GC 19
Parallel computing systems 3
Parallel database technology 235
Parallel file 43
Parallel file system 7
Parallel I/O 7
Parallel I/O language support 10
Parallel I/O library 7
Parallel partitioner 132
Parallel partitioning 130
Parallel program debugging 11
Parallel programming model 20
Parallelization process 75
Parallelizer 78
PART+ 117
PARTI+ 116
Partitioner 105 129 206
Partitioner, BP 131
Partitioner, CP 131
Partitioner, RGB 131
Partitioner, RIB 131
Partitioner, SA 131
Partitioner, WRIB 131
Partitioning 10 183
Partitioning algorithm 132
Partitioning heuristic 129
Partitioning phase 126
Performance prediction tool 236
Peripheral device 1
Physical array redistribution 105
Physical file 239
Pipeline implementation 197
Pipelined computation 192
PLANNER 251 252
Prefetch adaptivity 229
Prefetch request 253
Prefetch suppression 228
prefetching 226
PrefetchManager 251
Prescriptive mode 45
Procedure interface 35
Process model 242
Processing array statement 94
Processor array 9 28
Processor assignment graph 207
Processor reference 29
PROCESSORS declaration 30
Program analysis 75
Program database 235
Programming model 13 20
Programming model for DMS 20
Pulling out a reference from a loop 228
PVM 22
Query mapping function 240
RANGE keyword 32
RDG 133 208
Reaching distribution analysis 175
Read array section 249
Read request 252
READ statement 174
RECEIVE statement 82
Record 238
Redistribution of arrays 139
Redistribution of data 135
Redistribution of iterations 135
Redistribution of loop iterations 212
Reduction operators 38
| Regular code 79
Regular code, loosely synchronous computation 79
Regular code, pipelined computation 79
Regular computation 192
Regular distribution 30
Regular problem 100
Renumbering iterations 218
Replication 30
Representation of a sparse matrix 39
restart 10
RESTORE attribute 36
RIPA 138 212
Row tile 200
RSB partitioner 132
Runtime data distribution descriptor 107
Runtime data graph 133 208
Runtime iteration processor assignment 138
runtime system 75
Schedule 112
Scheduling of slabs 203
Scratch file 43
Secondary processor array 28
SEND statement 81
Sequential programming model 20
SIMD computers 1
Slab 70 191 196
Software controlled prefetching 191
Source array 32
Source-to-source solution 75
SPARSE attribute 42
Sparse matrix code 38
Sparse matrix product 42
Sparse matrix, CCS representation 39
Sparse matrix, CRS representation 39
Sparse matrix, d-representation 39
Sparse matrix, distributed representation 39
Sparse matrix, language support 41
Sparse matrix, s-representation 39
Sparse matrix, sequential representation 39
Spatial coordinate 101
Spatial information 130
Specifier ACCESS 50
Specifier ARRAY_TYPE 50
Specifier FAHINTS 56
SPMD model 21 75
SPMD program 8
Square tile 200 202
Stage 70
Standard file 44
Star stencil 199
Static distribution 28
Static irregular loop 126
Stencil 198
Strip mining 85
Stripmining loop 183
Structured grid codes 101
Subdomain 129
Synchronous communication statement 83
synchronous I/O 178
Target array 32
Target code generation 90
TARGET_DIST specification 53
Throughput 64
Tightly nested forall loop 110
Tile 70 191 206
Tile of array 183
Tile scheduling 202
Tiling 183
Transformation 235
Translation of the OPEN statement 171 172
Translation of the READ statement 174
Translation of the WRITE statement 173
Translation table 109 133 206
Type architecture 13
Uniprocessor architecture 16
Unstructured grid 101
Unstructured mesh 128 203
Use-clause 132
User controlled mode 69
User interface 235
User-defined distribution function 38
VFCS+ 257
Vienna Fortran 8
Vienna Fortran Compilation System 9 25
Vienna Parallel Input-Output System 169
VIPIOS 44 169 235 241
VIPIOS call interface 243
VIPIOS server 242 243 250
VIPIOS server, component 250
VIPIOS server, internal process structure 251
VIPIOS server, internal structure 250
VIPIOS system administration 243
Virtual shared memory 8
von Neumann machine model 13
VS 250
Wavefront parallelism 79
Work distribution 75 91
Work distribution specification 37
Work distributor 105 110 117
Write array section 247
Write request 252
Write statement 172
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