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Rota G.-C. — Studies in combinatorics (MAA Studies in Mathematics, volume 17)
Rota G.-C. — Studies in combinatorics (MAA Studies in Mathematics, volume 17)

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Название: Studies in combinatorics (MAA Studies in Mathematics, volume 17)

Автор: Rota G.-C.


Combinatorics has recently awakened from a long slumber, which began at the time of Euler. It has emerged as a new subject standing at the crossroads between pure and applied mathematics, the center of bustling activity, a simmering pot of new problems and exciting speculations.
The seven papers of this survey represent a wide enough sampling of current trends, from which the reader may, at least, extrapolate some of the missing material. They bear in common the one characteristic of contemporary combinatorics: striving for general new results, while using old and new problems as a test of efficiency.
The introduction to matroid theory by Brylawski and Kelly describes a theory whose background — at least from a distance — is the four-color conjecture, much like the background of algebraic number theory was, at least at the beginning, Fermat's conjecture. It matters little that neither theory has succeeded in solving its motivating problem...

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Серия: Сделано в холле

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1978

Количество страниц: 274

Добавлена в каталог: 04.12.2010

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Matroid, direct sum      191
Matroid, flats      183
Matroid, free      180
Matroid, free simplicial      188
Matroid, hyperplanes of      185
Matroid, independent sets      180
Matroid, invariant      208
Matroid, isomorphic      180
Matroid, isthmus      195
Matroid, loop      183
Matroid, minor      195
Matroid, orthogonal      195
Matroid, polygon      185
Matroid, presentation      188
Matroid, rank function      187
Matroid, self-dual      198
Matroid, simplicial geometry      189
Matroid, support      197
Matroid, transversal      188
Matroid, unimodular      199
Matroid, union      192
Matroid, Whitney dual      195
Mattson, H. F.      251
McAndrew, M. H.      20
Meschalkin, L. D.      35 79
Miller, E. W.      83 98
Mills, W. H.      239 252
Milner, E. C.      50 79
Mine, H.      20
Mirsky, L.      4 20
Montgomery, P.      98
Moon, J. W.      141 151 153 178
Moore, E. H.      249 252
Ne$\hat{s}$etril, J.      85 86 99
Newman, M.      8 20
Normalized matching property      37
Odlyzko, A.      52
Offord, C.      74 79
Order ideal      57
Ordered set-system      43
Orthogonal      223
Orthogonal array      223
Orthogonal pair of Latin squares      223
Orthogonal pair of rows      223
Oxley, J.      214
Packing problem      212
Pappus configuration      200
Parker, E. T.      219 239 245 247 252
Partially ordered set (poset)      105
Partially ordered set (poset), $k$-family of      28
Partially ordered set (poset), antichain of      23
Partially ordered set (poset), binomial      105
Partially ordered set (poset), chain of      23 105
Partially ordered set (poset), chain of, maximal      35
Partially ordered set (poset), interval of      105
Partially ordered set (poset), interval of, length of      105
Partially ordered set (poset), locally finite      105
Partially ordered set (poset), normalized matching property      37
Partially ordered set (poset), order-ideal of      57
Partially ordered set (poset), rank function of      24
Partially ordered set (poset), regular      36
Partially ordered set (poset), regular covering by chains      37
Partially ordered set (poset), saturated partition      29
Partially ordered set (poset), saturated partition, symmetric      30
Partially ordered set (poset), Sperner Property      24
Partially ordered set (poset), Whitney Numbers of 2nd kind      24
Partition integer      101
Partition set      27 130 204
Partition set, blocks of      130
Pascal Theory      88
Peele, R.      207
Perfect, H.      20 21
Permanent      5
Permutation, ascent      117
Permutation, descent      117
Permutation, greater index      117
Permutation, lesser index      117
Permutation, plane partition      121
Peterson, W. W.      168 178
Pless, V.      251 252
Points of incidence structure      219
Polya, G., Ill      141
Polyomino      111
Polyomino, equivalent      111
Popoviciu, T.      114 141
Posa, L.      166 178
Probabilistic method      142 146 147 153
Projective plane, orders      11
Pudl$\acute{a}$k, P.      206
R$\acute{e}$nyi, A.      162 178
R$\ddot{o}$dl, V.      85 86 99
Rado, R.      44 45 50 55 67 68 71 77 91 92 99 188 202 216
Radon Convexity Theorem      215
Ramsey category      86
Ramsey Euclidean subset      94
Ramsey numbers      89
Ramsey system of equations      91
Ramsey theory      80
Ramsey theory, Euclidean      93
Ramsey, F. P.      80 82 84 95 99
Random graph      146
Random graph, evolution of      162
Random graph, evolution of, tournament      151
Raney, G.N.      129 141
Rank function      24 187
Rate of transmission      170
Ray - Chaudhuri, D. K.      252
Read, R.      141
Redundancy      211
refinement      27
Reid      199
Riordan, J.      141
Rogers, K.      248 253
Rota, G. - C.      23 24 27 77 79 84 105 140 141 189 216
Rothschild, B. L.      98 99 144
Row sum      6
Ryser, H. J.      6 10 12 14 17 20 21 221 233 252 253
Sch$\ddot{o}$nheim, J.      47 73 77 79
Sch$\ddot{u}$tte      151
Sch$\ddot{u}$tzenberger, M. - P.      140
Schoenfeld, L.      140
Schr$\ddot{o}$der, E.      129 141
Schur, I.      81 91 97 99
See also design) basis exchange axiom      195
See also matroid) composition      117
Seidel, J. J.      20 21
Semimodularity      187
Seymour      199
Shannon, C.      143 168
Shirkhande, S. S.      219 245 247 252
Simplicial complex      57 64
Simplicial complex, $f$-sequence of      64
Simplicial complex, canonical form of      64
Singer, J.      238 253
Sloane, N. J. A.      20
Spencer, J.      43 47 78 79 90 98 143 151 155 157 178
Sperner property      24
Sperner, E.      23 27 29 35 37 50 70 79
Stanley, R. P.      76 105 140 141 217
Steiner triple system      218
Steiner triple system, morphism between      250
Steiner, J.      218 253
Stirling Numbers of 1st kind      121
Stirling Numbers of 2nd kind      27 121 207
Stonesifer, J. R.      208 217
Straus, E. G.      98 252
Strict gammoid      198
Swan, R. G.      21
Sylvester      116
Syzygy      203
Szekeres, G.      98
Szele, T.      142 178
Szemer$\acute{e}$di, E.      83 99
Tactical configuration      220
Tamari, D.      129 141
Tarry, G.      245 253
Tengbergen, C. A. van E.      30 34 76 77
Thompson, J. G.      20
Threshold function      162
Tournament      151
Tournament, consistency of      153
Transcendence degree      190
Tuma, J.      206
Tur$\acute{a}$n      83
Turyn, R.      251 253
Tutte polynomial      208
Tutte — Grothendieck invariant      208
Tutte — Grothendieck invariant, characteristic polynomial      209
Tutte — Grothendieck invariant, complexity      209
Tutte — Grothendieck invariant, subgeometry generating function      209
Tutte — Grothendieck recursion      208
Tutte, W. T.      21 178 188 199 214 217
Ulam, S.      209
Unimodality      207
Vamos, P.      202
van der Waerden, B. L.      7 83 84 91 96 99 190 217
Van Lint, J. H.      168 178 253
Wales, D.      252
Wallis, J.      251 253
Watson, G.N.      141
Welch, L. R.      239 252
Weldon, E. J.      168 178
Welsh, D. J. A.      217
White, N.      203 217
Whiteman, A. L.      239 253
Whitman, P.      205
Whitney Numbers of 2nd kind      24 207
Whitney, H.      179 180 190 195 199 217
Whittaker, E. T.      141
Wilson, R. M.      216 219 240 247 248 251 252 253
Woodall, D. R.      12 13 21
Wright, E. M.      116 140
Yackel, J.      99
Yamamoto, K.      35 79
Zaslavsky, T. K.      217
Zykov, A. A.      178
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