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Saaty T.L. — Elements of Queueing theory with applications
Saaty T.L. — Elements of Queueing theory with applications

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Название: Elements of Queueing theory with applications

Автор: Saaty T.L.


A "queue" is a waiting line. Queues are commonly observed to form before ticket offices, cafeterias, and bus stops. Thus, to have a queue, one must have arrivals at a service facility where they often wait; for example, at a doctor's office to see the doctor in the order of their appointments. Telegrams are classified according to the order of their arrival with priority assigned to regular telegrams over night letters.
Queueing theory is a branch of applied mathematics utilizing concepts from the field of stochastic processes. It has been developed in an attempt to predict fluctuating demands from observational data and to enable an enterprise to provide adequate service for its customers with tolerable waiting. However, the theory also basically improves understanding of a queueing situation, enabling better control. For example, loss of customers at a grocery store because of slow check-out-counter service may be remedied by rapid service at a larger number of counters. To put this into effect does not require a theory. But to organize airport take-off and landing operations at a minimum inconvenience does, because of the many factors entering the problem and the large size of the operation. Thus, the theory provides one with predictions about waiting times, the number waiting at any time, the length of a busy period and so fcrth...

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Серия: Сделано в холле

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1983

Количество страниц: 436

Добавлена в каталог: 04.12.2010

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Erlangian distribution, modified      60
Erlangian service      227
Erlang’s model      38
Erlang’s model, average waiting time      61
Erlang’s model, equations      39
Erlang’s model, limited waiting room      61
Erlang’s model, P($\leq$t)      61
Erlang’s model, priorities      234
Erlang’s model, steady-state result      95
Erlang’s model, steady-state solution      39
Erlang’s model, waiting in system      61
Erlang’s model, waiting times      60
Erlang’s model,random-walk solution      96
Erlang’s model,transient solution      91
Errors, rounding      52
Errors, truncation      52
Euler’s constant      132
Events      55
Events, independence of      56
Expected number in the line      40
Exponential distribution      38 53 65 176 201 243
Exponential distribution, as urn problem      52
Exponential distribution, forgetfulness property of      38
Exponential service      201 243
Exponential-service times      176
Extra service      269
Extreme-value distribution      132
facility      3 4
Facility, enterprise owner      18
Facility, specialized      10
Facility, time to become idle      29
Failure      332
Failure, probability of      364
Feedback      294
Feedback, single-service      297
Feedback, terminal      296
Finite input source      323
First-come first-served basis      11 38
First-passage time mean      71
Fisher — Tippett distribution      132
Flat distribution      78
Flow      314
Fokker — Planck equation      254
Forward equations      74
Frequency histoground      14
Frequency histoground, of different numbers waiting      8
Frequency spectrum      131
Full availability      10 20 303
Function of bounded operator      137
Gamma distribution      65
Gaussian distribution      254
General input and service      209
General input Erlangian service      219
General input exponential services      219
Generalized hypergeometric function      113
Generating function      35
Generations of renewals      360
Geometric distribution      40 183
Geometry      374
Ghost calls      353
GI/G/l      209
Gnedenko’s generalization      206
Graphic approach      351
Grocery store check-out counter      3
Hankel function      350
Heaviside step function      320
Highway      11 44
History of queues      20 22
Holland tunnel      317
Honest process      85
Hospitals      9 343 345
Hyperexponential distribution      77 371
Hypergeometric distribution      65
Hypothesis test      48
Idle server      11
Imbedded Markoff chain      171 370
Impatient customers      12 122 278
Imperfect information      12
Incomplete gamma function      371
Incomplete information      10
Increase in population      4
Infinite number of channels      99 127
Influx of papers to editor      216
information      7 322
Information, incomplete      10
Initial customer      28
Initial number, distribution of      47 101
Input      5 9
Input control      18
Input rate      18
Input rush      13
Input variations      9
Input, arbitrary      198 209 219 275
Input, limited      12 121 125
Input, unlimited      12
Inspection line      49
Inspector      350
Integrodifferential equation      198 200
Interarrival interval distribution      12
Interdeparture      258
Interference      314
Interruption rate      287
Inventory      334-336
Iterated logarithm, law of      67
Jockeying      10 23 284
Joint probability      224
Key renewal theorem      366
Khintchine’s argument      186
Kronecker’s delta      28
lag time      298
Lagrange’s expansion      106 134 293
Laguerre polynomial      119
Landing aid and time      6
Laplace transform      89
Last-come first-served basis      252
Law of large number      67 186
Leaving service      206
Leaving the system      206
Leibnitz differentiation theorem      100 114
Level of inventory      334
Life queue      5
Likelihood function      47 78 126
Limited availability      10 311
Limited input      12 121
Limited input, average number of customers not in system      125
Limited waiting room      61 127
Limited waiting room, probabilities      61
Limited waiting room, waiting time      61
Lindley’s integral equation      210
Linear growth      129
Link systems      308
Log normal distribution      65
Loss delay      304 354
Loss-delay system      353
Lost calls      12 208 281
Lost customers      10
M/E$_{k}$/1      164
Machine availability      331
Machine interference      323
Manufacturing units      252
Markoff chain      68
Markoff chain, aperiodic      71
Markoff chain, decomposable      70 78
Markoff chain, imbedded      171 370
Markoff chain, irreducible      71
Markoff process      74 199
Markoff process, transition matrix      76
Markovian and non-Markovian processes      54
Markovian process      74 219
Matrices, orthogonal idempotent      138
Matrix Nth section      137 145
Matrix Nth section, solution      136
Maximum utilization      266
Maximum utilization, likelihood      46
Mean      31
Mean waiting time      212 233
Measure, positive regular      86
Measure, space      56 57
Measures of effectiveness      6 17 18
Measures of effectiveness, average number waiting of those who wait      124
Measures of effectiveness, expected number waiting in queue      124
Measures of effectiveness, for those who wait      124
Measures of effectiveness, mean waiting time, for all arrivals      124
Measures of effectiveness, probability, of someone waiting      124
Measures of effectiveness, that all channels are occupied      124
Medical care      343
Messages      298
Minimization      6
Minimizing delays      318
Models      18
Modified Bessel function      249
Modified Erlangian      174
Moments      59
Moments, about origin and mean      32
Moments, generating function      58 175
Moments, problem      86
Monte Carlo      49 351
Moving server      291
Multiple channels      82 116 153 155 159 203 216 243 259 280 357
Multiple channels, busy period      117
Multiple channels, steady-state treatment      115
Multiple channels, transient treatment      110
Multiqueues      298
Negative binomial distribution      273
Nervous impulses      352
networks      373
New approach      215
Non-Markovian      215
Non-Poisson queues      24 153
Nonpreemptive priorities      12 30 231 232
Normal distribution      65
Normal ordinates      273
Null hypothesis      48
Number served in busy period      196
Oil pumps      351
Operative efficiency      19
Operator      355
Optimization      3 374
Optimum number of channels      7
Ordered queue      7 22 219
Oriented arrivals      280
Outlets      349
Output      5 13 255 257
O’Dell distribution      304 356
P($\leq$t)      201
Parallel channels      5 13
Parameters      44
Partially fulfilled service      208
Pascal or negative binomial distribution      65 273
Passenger debarkation      352
Patients      344
Pearson Type-III distribution      65
Periodic arrivals      321
Perishable goods      18
Pesos      353
Phase-type problem      164
Phase-type service      105 255
Phases      295
Poisson arrivals, bulk service      172
Poisson distribution      65
Poisson input, arbitrary-service-busy-period distribution      194
Poisson input, constant-service times, P($\omega$)      63
Poisson input, number in system      193
Poisson input, number served in busy period      196
Poisson process      33 36 59 75
Poisson process, backward equation      125
Poisson process, equation of      34
Poisson process, exponential distribution of      37
Poisson process, mean number      37
Poisson process, variance      37
Poisson queue      83
Poisson queue, single-channel solution      88
Pole, multiple      156 320
Pollaczek — Khintchine formula      40 50
Population at risk      345
Post Office      10 298 352
Power series expansion      50
Power spectrum      348
Preemptive priorities      12 231
Priorities      23 231 304
Priorities and machines      236
Priorities, continuous number of      236
Priorities, dynamic      241
Priorities, multiple channels      234
Priorities, preemptive      237
Priorities, waiting times      233 237
Priority      6 233
Priority, selection      7
Probabilities, addition of, law      57
Probabilities, total, law      57
probability distribution      14
Probability models      31
Probability of exactly n channels busy      19
Probability, conditional      56
Probability, conservation of      217
Probability, continuous      32
Probability, cumulative      32
Probability, joint      224
Probability, of failure      364
Probability, of given number at any time      8
Probability, of not waiting      18
Probability, of service of no longer than n      31
Procedure of service      11 (see also Discipline)
Production-line operation      11 49
Profit      3
Projected planning      4
Provision      332
Psychometric measurement      352
Pure birth process      74
Pure loss      207
Queue convention      25
Queuee      5
Queuer      5
Queues      3
Queues and graph theory      374
Queues at difficult time of day      9
Queues in series      24
Queues, average number in      18
Queues, breakdown      13
Queues, bulk      171
Queues, bus      4
Queues, contour representation      21
Queues, cyclic      294
Queues, descriptive analysis      14
Queues, deterministic      26 27
Queues, diagram construction      8
Queues, effect of waiting room      16
Queues, fixed length      12 61
Queues, history of      20 22
Queues, in a circle      355
Queues, interference      11 314
Queues, length probabilities      219
Queues, malfunction      18
Queues, morphological approach      17
Queues, network flow      7
Queues, non-Poisson      24 153
Queues, notation      25
Queues, ordered      7 22 219
Queues, output      12 13 255
Queues, parameter estimation      46
1 2 3
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