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Brandwood D. — Fourier Transforms in Radar and Signal Processing
Brandwood D. — Fourier Transforms in Radar and Signal Processing

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Íàçâàíèå: Fourier Transforms in Radar and Signal Processing

Àâòîð: Brandwood D.


Fourier transforms are used widely, and are of particular value in the analysis of single functions and combinations of functions found in radar and signal processing. Still, many problems that could have been tackled by using Fourier transforms may have gone unsolved because they require integration that is difficult and tedious. Now you can solve many of these problems with the integration-free approach to carrying out Fourier transforms (and Fourier series) presented in this book.
By building upon Woodward's well known "Rules and Pairs" method and related concepts and procedures, this book establishes a unified system that makes implicit the integration required for performing Fourier transforms on a wide variety of functions. It details how complex functions can be broken down to their constituent parts for analysis. You can now concentrate on functional relationships instead of getting bogged down in the details of integration. This approach to implementing Fourier transforms is illustrated with many specific examples from digital signal processing as well as radar and antenna operation.

ßçûê: en

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2003

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Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 27.02.2005

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$\delta$-function      6 15—17 67 150
$\delta$-function in time-domain      16
$\delta$-function properties      15
$\delta$-function, defined      15
$\delta$-function, envelope      180
$\delta$-function, illustrated      16
$\delta$-function, position of      16
$\delta$-function, scaled      16—17
Aliasing, defined      94
Aliasing, no      95
Amplitude distortion      158
Amplitude equalization      134—135
Amplitude error      127
Amplitude of side-lobe peak magnitudes      172
Amplitude of sine function      172
Amplitude sensitivity      159
Analog-to-digital converters (ADCs)      82
Analytic signals      7
Analytic signals, low IF, sampling      81—84
Analytic signals, use advantage      7
Aperture distribution      162 169
Aperture distribution function      164—165
Aperture distribution, inverse Fourier transform      163
Aperture distribution, linear array      182
Aperture distribution, rect function      163
Aperture distribution, shading      67
Aperture distribution, tapering      167
Aperture distribution, weighting      167
Apertures, continuous      167 187
Apertures, discrete      187
Apertures, phase shift      162
Apertures, sampled      164
Array beamforming      161—188
Array beamforming, basic principles      162—164
Array beamforming, introduction      161—162
Array beamforming, nonuniform linear arrays      180—187
Array beamforming, summary      187—188
Array beamforming, uniform linear arrays      164—180
Arrays, factor      163 180
Arrays, linear      164—187
Arrays, nonuniform linear      180—187
Arrays, rectangular planar      162
Arrays, reflector-backed      178 179
Arrays, uniform linear      164—180
Asymmetrical trapezoidal pulse      44—47. See also Pulses; Pulse spectra
Asymmetrical trapezoidal pulse, illustrated      45
Asymmetrical trapezoidal pulse, rising edge      44
Asymmetrical trapezoidal pulse, spectra illustrations      46
Asymmetrical trapezoidal pulse, spectrum examples      45—47
Autocorrelation functions by Wiener — Khinchine theorem      111
Autocorrelation functions of waveforms      26 110
Autocorrelation functions, power spectra and      111—113
Back lobe      176
Beam patterns for ULA with additional shading      171
Beam patterns, constant-level side-lobe      173. See also Array beamforming
Beam patterns, Fourier transform relationship      161
Beam patterns, low side-lobe      167—174
Beam patterns, reflection symmetry      164
Beam patterns, slope      169
Beam patterns, stretching      165
Beam patterns, two-dimensional      162
Beam patterns, uniform linear array      166
Beam patterns, uniform linear array (raised cosine shading)      168
Beam patterns, weights relationship with      162
Broadband array radar, array steering      138
Broadband array radar, equalization for      135—138
Comb function      18 92
Comb function, defined      18
Comb function, expanding      95
Comb function, illustrated      18
Constant functions      5 6
Contour integration      37
Convolution      18—21
Convolution notation      18
Convolution of rect functions      20 150
Convolution of sine functions      150
Convolution with nonsymmetric function      20
Delay amplitude      135
Delay compensation      155
Delay equalization      139
Delay errors      135
Delay mismatch      130
Delay, weights for      96
Delayed waveform time series      89—123
Difference beam slope      148
Difference beam slope, bandwidth      158
Difference beam slope, expanded larger filter response      157
Difference beam slope, expanded small filter response      157
Difference beam slope, larger filter response      157
Difference beam slope, small filter response      157
Difference beam, equalization      147—158
Difference beam, gain response against frequency offset      156
Difference beam, pattern      147
Difference beam, response      154
Difference beam, with narrowband weights      154
Directional beams      164—167. See also Uniform linear arrays
Directional beams, beam patterns      166
Directional beams, beam steering      165
Directional beams, repetitions      187
Directional beams, variations      187—188
Doppler shift      61 62
Element response, with reflector      177
Equalization      125—160
Equalization delay      139
Equalization for broadband array radar      135—138
Equalization in communications channel      127
Equalization of linear amplitude distortion      138
Equalization parameters, varying      144 145
Equalization, amplitude, example      134—135
Equalization, basic approach      126—130
Equalization, difference beam      147—158
Equalization, effective      159
Equalization, filter parameters      143
Equalization, introduction      125—126
Equalization, sum beam      138—147
Equalization, summary      158—159
Equalization, tap filters      146
Equalizing filters      128
Error power      109—110
Error power, levels      114
Error power, minimizing      128
Error power, normalizing      129
Error(s) amplitude      127
Error(s) delay      135
Error(s) waveform      109
Error(s), squared      129 134—135
Falling edge, of trapezoid      150 151
Filter model      50
FIR filter      127
FIR filter for interpolation      91 109
FIR filter, coefficients      119 121
FIR filter, Gaussian      120
FIR filter, length      121
FIR filter, tap weights      121
FIR filter, weights for interpolation      94
Fourier series      32
Fourier series, coefficients, finding      5
Fourier series, concept      4
Fourier series, representation      32
Fourier transforms as limiting case of Fourier series      5
Fourier transforms of constant functions      6
Fourier transforms of power spectrum      111 150
Fourier transforms of rect function      13
Fourier transforms, complex      7
Fourier transforms, defined      1
Fourier transforms, generalized functions and      4—6
Fourier transforms, inverse      12—13 33 135
Fourier transforms, notation      12—13
Fourier transforms, pairs      22
Fourier transforms, rules      21
Fourier transforms, rules-and-pairs method      1—4 11—27
Frequency distortion, compensation      126
Frequency distortion, forms      125
Frequency distortion, frequency axis as      143
Frequency distortion, sum beam response with      144
Frequency offset, difference beam gain response against      156
Functions, $\delta$-function      6 15—17 67 150
Functions, autocorrelation      26 110 111—113
Functions, comb      18 92 95
Functions, constant      5
Functions, convolution of      18—21
Functions, diagrams      11
Functions, generalized      4—6
Functions, interpolating      77 95
Functions, nonsymmetric      20
Functions, ramp      130—131 150
Functions, rect      13—15 125
Functions, rep      17—18
Functions, repeated, overlapping      169
Functions, sine      3 13—15 125
Functions, sketches      4
Functions, snc      132—134
Functions, spectral power density      126
Functions, step      15—17
Functions, transformed      3—4
Functions, trapezoidal      100
Functions, trigonometric      5
Functions, weighting      169 174
Gain pattern      182
Gaussian clutter      114—120
Gaussian clutter, defined      114
Gaussian clutter, efficient waveform generation      119—120
Gaussian clutter, waveform, direct generation of      116—119
Gaussian spectrum      112—113
Generalized functions, defined      6
Generalized functions, Fourier transform and      4—6
Grating lobes      164
Hamming weighting      104
High IF sampling      84—85
Hilbert sampling      65 74—75 85.
Hilbert sampling, approximation to      75
Hilbert sampling, theorem      75
Hilbert transform      7 74 75 85 86—88
Hilbert transform, phase shift and      87—88
Hilbert transform, wideband phase shift and      88
Impulse responses      51
Impulse responses, exponential      52
Impulse responses, rect      52
Impulse responses, smoothing      53
Interpolating function      95
Interpolating function as product of sine functions      99
Interpolating function in uniform sampling      77
Interpolation for delayed waveform time series      89—123
Interpolation, efficient clutter waveform generation with      119—120
Interpolation, factor      93
Interpolation, FIR filter      91 109
Interpolation, FIR, weights      98
Interpolation, least squared error      107—114
Interpolation, performance      96
Interpolation, resampling and      120—121
Interpolation, spectrum independent      90—107
Interpolation, summary      122—123
Interpolation, worst case for      93
Inverse Fourier transform      12—13 33 135.
Inverse Fourier transform of aperture distribution      163
Inverse Fourier transform, performing      74
Least squared error interpolation      107—114. See also Interpolation
Least squared error interpolation, error power levels      114
Least squared error interpolation, FIR filter for      109
Least squared error interpolation, method of minimum residual error power      107—111
Least squared error interpolation, power spectra and autocorrelation functions      111—113
Low IF analytic signal sampling      81—84
Low side-lobe patterns      167—174
Maximum sampling rate      71
Minimum sampling rate      69—71
Minimum sampling rate, modified form      94
Minimum sampling rate, spectrum independent interpolation      90—93
Mismatch powers for rectangular spectrum      116
Mismatch powers for two power spectra      115
Modified quadrature sampling      80—81. See also Quadrature sampling
Modified quadrature sampling, defined      80
Modified quadrature sampling, relative sampling rates      81
Monopulse measurement      138
Narrowband waveforms      24
Narrowband waveforms, Hilbert transformer and      74
Narrowband waveforms, spectra      25
Narrowband, defined      137
Narrowband, steering      147
Newton's approximation method      170
Nonuniform linear arrays      180—187 188.
Nonuniform linear arrays problem      180—181
Nonuniform linear arrays, sector pattern      184
Nonuniform linear arrays, steered, sector patterns      186
Organization, this book      8—9
Oversampling      93—97
Oversampling, benefit      146
Oversampling, factor      114
Oversampling, filter weights with      101 103
Oversampling, flat waveform      97
Oversampling, optimum rectangular gate      96
Oversampling, rate      140 146
Oversampling, rate, increasing      146
Oversampling, tap weight with      108
Pairs      35—37. See also Rules and pairs method
Pairs for Fourier transforms      22
Pairs, defined      22
Pairs, derivation example      23
Pairs, derivations      35—37
Pairs, P11      37
Pairs, P1a      35
Pairs, P1b      35
Pairs, P2a      35
Pairs, P2b      36
Pairs, P3a      36
Pairs, P3b      36
Pairs, P4      36
Pairs, P5      36—37
Pairs, P6—10      37
Parseval's theorem      3 24—26
Planar arrays      162
Poisson's formula      3
Pulse Doppler radar      61—62
Pulse repetition frequency (PRF)      59 114
Pulse spectra      39—63
Pulse spectra, asymmetrical trapezoidal      44—47
Pulse spectra, general rounded trapezoidal      53—58
Pulse spectra, introduction      39—40
Pulse spectra, pulse Doppler radar waveform      61—62
Pulse spectra, raised cosine      47—49
Pulse spectra, regular RF train      58—59
Pulse spectra, rounded      49—53
Pulse spectra, summary      62—63
Pulse spectra, symmetrical trapezoidal      40—41
Pulse spectra, symmetrical triangular      41—44
Pulses, asymmetrical trapezoidal      44—47
Pulses, general rounded trapezoidal      53—58
Pulses, raised cosine      47—49
Pulses, rectangular      49
Pulses, regular RF train      58—59
Pulses, rounded      49—53
Pulses, symmetrical trapezoidal      40—41
Pulses, symmetrical triangular      41—44
Pulses, unit height trapezoidal      56
Quadrature sampling      65 75—81.
Quadrature sampling, basic analysis      75—78
Quadrature sampling, general sampling rate      78—81
Quadrature sampling, illustrated      76
Quadrature sampling, modified      80—81
Quadrature sampling, relative sampling rates      78 80 81
Quadrature sampling, theorem      81
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