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Accetta J.S. (ed.), Shumaker D.L. (ed.), Robinson S.R. (ed.) — The Infrared & Electro-Optical Systems Handbook. Volume 8: Emerging Systems and Technologies
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Íàçâàíèå: The Infrared & Electro-Optical Systems Handbook. Volume 8: Emerging Systems and Technologies
Àâòîðû: Accetta J.S. (ed.), Shumaker D.L. (ed.), Robinson S.R. (ed.)
Àííîòàöèÿ: The Infrared and Electro-Optical Systems Handbook is a joint product of the Infrared Information Analysis Center (IRIA) and the International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE). Sponsored by the Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC), this work is an outgrowth of its predecessor, The Infrared Handbook, published in 1978. The circulation of nearly 20,000 copies is adequate testimony to its wide acceptance in the electro-optics and infrared communities. The Infrared Handbook was itself preceded by The Handbook of Military Infrared Technology. Since its original inception, new topics and technologies have emerged for which little or no reference material exists. This work is intended to update and complement the current Infrared Handbook by revision, addition of new materials, and reformatting to increase its utility. Of necessity, some material from the current book was reproduced as is, having been adjudged as being current and adequate. The 45 chapters represent most subject areas of current activity in the military, aerospace, and civilian communities and contain material that has rarely appeared so extensively in the open literature.
Volume 8, edited by Stanley Robinson of EKIM, treats emerging technologies such as unconventional imaging, synthetic arrays, sensor and data fusion, adaptive optics, and automatic target recognition.
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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1993
Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 646
Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 28.11.2010
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Cueing, detection-level 318—319
Cueing, track-level 316—318
Cutoff frequency 227 228 520—521 523
Data alignment 252 267 270 273—277
Data alignment, coordinate conversion 274—275
Data alignment, misalignment compensation 275—277
Data alignment, misalignment compensation, autoalignment 275
Data alignment, misalignment compensation, boresight 275 276
Data alignment, misalignment compensation, mechanical design 175
Data alignment, spatial 304—305
Data alignment, temporal 305
Data alignment, time propagation 273—274
Data alignment, time propagation, prediction covariance 274
Data alignment, time propagation, track state prediction 273—274
Data association 252 267 271 277—292
Data association, hypothesis evaluation 267—268 282—288
Data association, hypothesis generation 267—268 279—282
Data association, hypothesis selection 268—269 288—289
Data association, state estimation 289—291
Data collection management 251 253 306—309 313
Data collection management, detection-level cueing 318—319
Data collection management, integrated sensor/response management 314—316
Data collection management, sensor interoperability 324—326
Data collection management, sensor interoperability, dynamic range allocation 325
Data collection management, sensor interoperability, spatial allocation 324—325
Data collection management, sensor interoperability, spectral allocation 325
Data collection management, sensor interoperability, temporal allocation 325—326
Data collection management, sensor/response integration management 319—324
Data collection management, track-level cueing 316—318
Data fusion 241—341 see
Data Fusion Subpanel model 250—251
Data Fusion Subpanel model, level 1 250—252
Data Fusion Subpanel model, level 2 250
Data Fusion Subpanel model, level 3 250
Data Fusion Subpanel model, level 4 251—253
Data fusion trees 264—267 307 322
Data fusion trees, dc level 68
Data fusion trees, dc sidelobes 89
Data fusion, nodes 264—266
Decision function 314 316
Decision threshold 261—263 350
Decision-level data fusion 260—263
Deformable mirrors 135—137 142 144 148 191 219 224—226 228—232
Delta function 23—24 100 108 116
Delta impulse 61
Dempster — Shafer architectures 297—298
Detection 246 248
Detection rate 395 396
Detection threshold 272
Detectors 22 95 99 104
Detectors, bandwidth 86
Detectors, photon-noise limited 22
Detectors, quadrant 209—210 215
Diameter, beam expander 438—439 469—471
Diameter, beam expander, diameter budget 455—456
Dichromated gelatin 496
Diffraction 3 5 61 86 88 92 96 190 199 490 506 see
Diffraction losses 422 426—427 436—438 443—444 455 458—459
Diffraction, angles 18
Diffraction, Bragg 493—494
Diffraction, diffraction-grating law 493
Diffraction, gratings 87 205—206 486 493—495 505 507
Diffraction, halo 5
Diffraction, volume 495—496
Diffraction-limited, angular resolution 15
Diffraction-limited, aperture 99
Diffraction-limited, autocorrelation 99
Diffraction-limited, images 42
Diffraction-limited, optical transfer 12
Dirac impulse 61
Directed energy systems 403—480
Directed energy systems, beam expansion and pointing 434—446
Directed energy systems, beam expansion and pointing, beam quality 439—446
Directed energy systems, beam expansion and pointing, diameter 438—439
Directed energy systems, beam expansion and pointing, power 436—438
Directed energy systems, beam formation 412—423
Directed energy systems, beam formation, beam quality 415—423
Directed energy systems, beam formation, power 412—415
Directed energy systems, beam formation, wavelength 423
Directed energy systems, beam quality budgets 456—460
Directed energy systems, beam transfer 423—434
Directed energy systems, beam transfer, beam quality 428—434
Directed energy systems, beam transfer, power 423—427
Directed energy systems, budget values 463—465
Directed energy systems, diameter budgets 455—456
Directed energy systems, elements 405—406
Directed energy systems, examples 469—473
Directed energy systems, laser line absorption 465—469
Directed energy systems, laser wavelengths 461—463
Directed energy systems, power budgets 454—455
Directed energy systems, subsystem performance 409—412
Directed energy systems, subsystem performance, design matrix 409
Directed energy systems, subsystem performance, performance budget 410
Directed energy systems, system examples 407—408
Directed energy systems, system performance 450—454
Directed energy systems, target coupling 448
Directed energy systems, target coupling, coupling geometry 449
Directed energy systems, target coupling, target physics 448
Directed energy systems, tracking 446—447
Directed energy systems, wavelength 460—461
Discriminant thresholds 367
Discriminants 368
dispersion 59
Dispersion, chromatic 19
Dispersion, radial 18
Distortion 356
Distortion number 185—186
Dithering 171 216—217
Doppler frequency 114—116
Doppler measurements 110 see
Doppler shift 54 114 125
Doppler, differential (integrated) 312
Double box operator 367—368
Edge fluence 456
Einstein's irreducibility theorem 34
Electronic readout 49
Electronic warfare support measures 254—255
Energy spectra 7 20—31 33 40—41 46—47 49 51—52
Energy transfer function 56
entropy 299—300
Envelope detection 112
Event prediction 245 250
Evidential reasoning 297
Exit pupil 529—531
Expected net payoff 314—316
Expert Systems 304
Exponential filter transmittance 40
Exposure time 15—18 21 26—29 57
eye 167 529—533
Eye relief 531—532
f/#, telescope 434—435 440 470—471
False alarm rate 349 395 396
False alarms 247 272 350—351 364 367 369—370
Far-field distribution 464
Feature estimation 243 247—248
Feature extraction 377
Feature matching 294
Feature-level data fusion 260—263
Field of view 80 276
Field of view, FLIR 519 521—523
Field of view, helmet-mounted displays 523—524
Fienup algorithm 37 41 44
Film, photographic 48—49
Film, photographic, for holography 483 484 488 496
Film, photographic, transmittance 484 487
Filter function 101
Filters, binary 227
Filters, complex spatial 503—505
Filters, exponential 39—42
Filters, invariant decision 392
Filters, Kalman 285 289 291 300
Filters, linear shift-invariant 378 386—387
Filters, matched 378—379 386—387 391 504—506 507
Filters, RC 227
Filters, VanderLugt 391 506
Filters, Wiener filter 21 102
Filters, Wiener — Helstrom filter 101
Filters, Zernike phase-contrast 504
Fitting error 229—232
Fizeau 3
Fluctuations, log-amplitude 179
Focal length, hologram 492
Focus/defocus 14—15 21 188 203 211 230 433 444—445 446 461 491
Forward-looking infrared (FLIR) imagers 90 252 518 521—523
Forward-looking infrared (FLIR) imagers, aperture 523
Forward-looking infrared (FLIR) imagers, field of view 519 521—523
Forward-looking infrared (FLIR) imagers, focal length 521—523
Forward-looking infrared (FLIR) imagers, magnification 522—523
Forward-looking infrared (FLIR) imagers, optical geometry 522
Foucault knife edge test 211
Four-wave mixing 498
Fourier coefficient 89
Fourier components 59
Fourier modulus 7 102
Fourier phase 8
Fourier spectrum 57
Fourier transform holograms 504—506
Fourier transform spectroscopy 78
Fourier transform synthetic aperture imaging 125—129
Fourier transform synthetic aperture imaging, matched filter processing 125—128
Fourier transform synthetic aperture imaging, repetitive staircase waveform imaging 126—128
Fourier transform synthetic aperture imaging, stretch processing 129
Fourier transforms 5—8 16 20 30—34 37 39 43 46 58 62—63 66 69 78—83 89 91—92 96 98—100 502 503—507
Fourier transforms, inverse 39 60 92 96—98
Fraunhofer speckle patterns 18
Frequency difference of arrival 312—313
Frequency-plane mask 378
Fresnel core 419 422 472
Fresnel number 196—197 199 426
Fresnel transform 92 95 96
Fresnel zone plates 490—493 506 508
Fried parameter 72 75
Fringes 57 63 72 490 493 494 499 501 502
Fringes , constructive 494
Fringes , contrast 59 65—66 73
Fringes , motion 57
Fringes , spacing 496
Fringes , visibility 57 64—65 68—70
Full-width at half-maximum 117
Fusion, laser 407
Fuzzy logic 302 386
Gain medium, boresight/drift 419—420
Gain medium, boresight/drift, gain gradient beam steering 419
Gain medium, diffraction 422
Gain medium, jitter 421
Gain medium, wavefront error 415
Gaussian probability 11 13 14 20 28
Gerchberg — Saxon algorithm 36 69
GLint 98 108 168 171
Global Positioning System 274
Gratings 18 52 88 204—206 429 436 see "Holography"
Gratings, blazed phase 496
Gratings, buried 206
Gratings, diffraction 205 206 486 493—495 505 507
Gratings, distortion 430
Gray levels 525
Greenwood frequency 134—135 144 227—228
Ground targets 79—80 92
Ground truth 349—350
Guard band 455
Guide stars see "Beacons" "Laser
Hand-off error basket 317—318
Hard-decision data fusion algorithms 264 282 284 289
Hartmann wavefront sensors 99 214—216 221 223 442
Helmet-mounted displays 518 523—535
Helmet-mounted displays, contrast 524—525
Helmet-mounted displays, CRTs 525—529
Helmet-mounted displays, exit pupil 529—531
Helmet-mounted displays, eye relief 531—532
Helmet-mounted displays, field of view/resolution 523—524
Helmet-mounted displays, optomechanical adjustments 532—533
Helmet-mounted displays, transmission 524 529
Helmet-mounted sight 518 535—537
Heterodyne detection 110
Heterodyne imaging 85 92
Holograms see "Holography"
Holographic interferometry 498—503
Holographic interferometry, double-exposure holography 502
Holographic interferometry, real-time holographic interferometry 502—503
Holographic interferometry, vibration (time-average) holography 501—502
Holographic optical elements 406 436 441—442 446 506—507
Holography 92 98 481—514
Holography, bandwidth of diffracted light 494—496
Holography, Bragg diffraction 493—494
Holography, carrier-frequency technique 485—487
Holography, complex spatial filtering 503—506
Holography, complex spatial filtering, complex spatial filters 503—505
Holography, complex spatial filtering, matched filters 505—506
Holography, computer-generated 504
Holography, display holography 507—513
Holography, display holography, Benton (rainbow) holograms 509—511
Holography, display holography, composite holograms 511—513
Holography, display holography, Denisyuk holograms 507—509
Holography, electronic holography 496—497
Holography, holographic interferometry 498—503
Holography, holographic interferometry, double-exposure holography 502
Holography, holographic interferometry, real-time holographic interferometry 502—503
Holography, holographic interferometry, vibration (time-average) holography 501—502
Holography, holographic optical elements 506—507
Holography, in-line holography 487—489
Holography, incoherent 59—62
Holography, making the hologram 483—484
Holography, off-axis vs in-line holography 488 489 490
Holography, phase conjugation 497—498
Holography, reconstruction 484—485 486 487
Holography, recording media 496—497
Holography, recording media, dichromated gelatin 496
Holography, recording media, photographic film 483 484 488 496
Holography, recording media, photopolymers 496
Holography, recording media, photoresist 496
Holography, recording media, resolution requirements 496
Holography, speckle 34—36
Holography, volume 495
Holography, white-light viewable 495
Holography, zone plates 490—193
Hot spots 370—371
Hubble Space Telescope 418 440
Hypothesis evaluation 267—268 282—288 304
Hypothesis evaluation, Bayesian maximum a posteriori techniques 282 283
Hypothesis evaluation, N-scan association 287
Hypothesis evaluation, nearest-neighbor association 283—284
Hypothesis evaluation, optimal Bayesian association 287
Hypothesis evaluation, probabilistic data association 284—286
Hypothesis evaluation, track-splitting 284
Hypothesis generation 267—268 279—282
Hypothesis generation, report clustering 281
Hypothesis generation, scene segmentation 282
Hypothesis generation, validation gating 279—281
Hypothesis selection 268—269 288—289 290
Hypothesis selection, joint multisensor correlation decision and target state estimation 288
Hypothesis selection, multisensor correlation decision 288—289
Hypothesis selection, target state estimation 289
Illumination 60 68—69
Image bispectrum 47
Image intensifiers 48—49 70
Image intensity 6—7 17 21 40 43
Image metrics 357—359
Image metrics, global 357—358
Image metrics, global target prominence 357—358
Image metrics, target-specific 357—359