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Eschenauer H., Olhoff N., Schnell W. — Applied structural mechanics : fundamentals of elasticity, load-bearing structures, structural optimization |
Предметный указатель |
Layout, constructive 303
Least stiffness 195
Length of an arc element 204
LEVY'S approach 109
Line element, length 13
Line load, constant circular 172
Line-Search-Method 311
Linear strain tensor 30
Load vector 230
Load-bearing structures 93
Loading, axisymmetrical 216
Loading, non-symmetrical 216
LOVE function 49 89
Mapping, conformal 145ff
Material law 115 221ff
Material law, plane states 35
Material law, UD-laminate 118ff
Material law, UD-layer 37
Material properties 303
Mathematical Programming, algorithms 310
Matrix, functional 199
Matrix, Jacobian 199
Maximum rule 6
MAXWELL, theorem 46
McCormick 314
Mean curvature 205 208 249
Measure components 7
MEISSNER equations 226
Membrane theory of shells 214
Membrane theory, general expressions 221
MENABREA, theorem 45
Meridional curves 200
Metric components 7
Metric components, contravariant 9
Metric components, covariant 9
Metric tensor 13
Metric tensor, determinant 8
Min-Max, extended 328
Min-Max-formulations 328
Minima, global 307
Minima, local 307
Modeling, geometrical 331
Modified ellipse 334 367
Modulus, shear 94
Modulus, Young's 94
Mohr's circle 24 66
MOIVRE formulas 146
Moving Asymptotes MMA, method 321
Multicriteria optimization 325 367 371
Multilayer composite 119
Multiobjective optimization 327
NAGHDI-shifter 209
NAVIER's approach 107
NAVIER's approach, boundary conditions 103
NAVIER's approach, equation 50
Non-axisymmetrical state of stress 99
Non-symmetrical loading 216
Normal forces, tensor of 212
Normal hypothesis 213
Normal hypothesis, KIRCHHOFF's 114
Objective conflict 326
Objective function 303 305 317
Objective function, vector 326
Objective functionals 329
Oblique base 53
One-dimensional minimization steps 310
Optimal design, simply supported columns 359
Optimality conditions 329 353
Optimality criterion 355
Optimization algorithm 309
Optimization loop 310
Optimization loop, augmented 335
Optimization model 309
Optimization problem, constrained 356
Optimization problem, continuous 302
Optimization problem, discrete 302
Optimization problem, Multicriteria 325 367
Optimization problem, Multiobjective 325
Optimization problem, non-linear (NLOP) 307
Optimization strategies 310 325
Optimization strategies, direct 335
Optimization, multicriteria 325
Optimization, multiobjective 325
Optimization, shape 325 329
Orthotropic cylindrical shells 240
Orthotropic plates 104
Panels 370
Parabolic radiotelescope reflector 370
Paraboloid, elliptical 241
Paraboloid, hyperbolical 241ff
Paraboloid, skew hyperbolical 267
Parameters, GAUSSIAN 200
PARETO-approach 329
PARETO-optimal solutions 326
PARETO-optimality 325
PARETO-solutions 325 329
Penalty function 314
Penalty function method of exterior 315
Penalty function method of interior 315
Penalty function, external 346
Penalty-terms 319
Permutation symbol 12
Permutation tensor 12
Physical components 10
Plane strain, state of 51
Plane stress, state of 51 93 147
Plane structures with large deflections 113
Plate buckling, basic equation 118
Plates energy expression 106
Plates in Cartesian coordinates 99ff 110
Plates in curvilinear coordinates 105
Plates in polar coordinates 104
Plates KIRCHHOFF's theory 102 244
Plates shear stiffness 155
Plates shear-elastic 155
Plates strip, semi-infinite 155
Plates with mixed boundary conditions 170
Plates, circular on elastic foundation 180
Plates, circular, centre-supported 184
Plates, clamped circular 172
Plates, clamped rectangular 167
Plates, elastic energy of the 180
Plates, rectangular 158
Plates, rectangular stiffened 189
Plates, shear-elastic, isotropic 100
Plates, shear-rigid, isotropic circular 104
Plates, shear-rigid, orthotropic 104
Plates, thin circular 195
Plates, transversely vibrating circular 105
Poisson's equation 50
Poisson's ratio 32ff 37 38 94
Polar coordinates 94 98 104 106 112
Potential energy, total 272
Potential energy, volume forces 93
POWELL method of conjugate directions 312
POWELL, method 337 346
Power series expansion 95
Preference function 327
Pressure tube 277
Principal axes 21 22 31
Principal axes transformation 12
Principal strains 74
Principal stresses 22
Principle of stationarity 44 45
Principle of virtual displacements 44 80
Principle of virtual forces 44
Quasi-NEWTON procedure SQNP 314
Radiating state of stress 98
Radius-independent state of stress 98
Rayleigh 322
| RAYLEIGH — RITZ's method 47
Reciprocity theorems 46
Rectangular plate with stiffener 189
Rectangular plate, clamped 167
Regula Falsi 311
Resultant force-displacement relations 233ff 235
Revolution, surfaces of 206
RITZ approach 272
RITZ approach method 167 180 182 322
Rotating circular disk 131
Rotation of a UD-layer 38
Rotation of a vector 15
Ruled surface 201
Satellite, fuel tank 364
Scalar function, gradient 15
Scalar product 8
Semi-Bending theory 238ff
Semi-membrane theory 238
Sensitivity analysis 302 310 321
Sensitivity analysis, analytical 322
Sensitivity analysis, Overall Finite Difference (OFD) 322
Sensitivity analysis, semi-analytical 322
Sensitivity matrix 322
Separation approach 170
Sequential Linearization Procedure SLP 317 363
Sequential Quadratic Programming SQP 320
Series expansion, FOURIER 95ff
Shallow shells, theory of 242
Shanno 320
Shape functions 329 331
Shape of shallow shells 242
Shape optimization 325 329ff 366 367
Shear field theory 239
Shear force, effective in-plane 234
Shear force, effective transverse 105 234
shear modulus 32 38 94
Shear stiffness, plate 155
Shear strain, technical 30 52
Shear-elastic plate 100 155
Shear-rigid FLUEGGE's theory 233
Shear-rigid isotropic circular plates 104
Shear-rigid orthotropic plate 104
Shear-rigid plate, analytical solutions 107
Shear-rigid shells with weak curvature 213
Shell element 228
Shell of revolution, elliptical meridional 251
Shell shifter 209
Shell structures, combined 228
Shell tensor, determinant of 210
Shell, circular conical 220ff 226
Shell, circular cylindrical 220ff 225 264
Shell, circular toroidal 260
Shell, cylindrical 226
Shell, hypar 267 296
Shell, hyperbolical 218
Shell, hyperbolical paraboloid 267
Shell, ruled 267
Shell, shear-rigid with weak curvature 213
Shell, soap-film 241 242
Shell, spherical 217 220 226 255
Shells of revolution with arbitrary meriodional shape 228
Shells of revolution with arbitrary meriodional shape, bending theory 222ff
Shells of revolution with arbitrary meriodional shape, deformation energy 221
Shells of revolution with arbitrary meriodional shape, deformations 220
Shells of revolution with arbitrary meriodional shape, equilibrium conditions 215
Shells of revolution with arbitrary meriodional shape, weakly curved 223
Shells, basic theory 209
Shells, boundary disturbances 228
Shells, characteristics of shallow 241
Shells, constitutive equation 213
Shells, description of 199
Shells, geometry of 209
Shells, large deflections 231
Shells, membrane theory 214
Shells, orthotropic cylindrical 240
Shells, shallow 241
Shells, special 217
Shells, stiffened 239
Side constraints 305
Sign convention 19
SIMPLEX-procedure 319
Simultaneous shape-thickness optimization 367
Single force, total work 40
Skew hyperbolical paraboloid 267
Skew hyperbolical paraboloid surface 201ff
Slack variable 329
Sliding surface 203
Slowly decaying boundary disturbances 238
Soap-film shells 241ff
Solution method, complex 145
Sphere, hollow 86
Spherical boiler 253
Spherical cap 293
Spherical coordinates 26 30
Spherical shell 217ff 226
Spherical shell, wind pressure 255
Spherical surface 200
State of plane strain 36 51
State of plane stress 22 35 51 93 147
State of strain 26
State of stress 18
State of stress, axisymmetrical 98
State of stress, non-axisymmetrical 99
State of stress, radiating 98
State of stress, radius-independent 98
State Space Method 324
State vector 229 231
Steward 317
Stiffened boiler structure 348
Stiffness, least 195
Strain gauge rosette 73
Strain tensor 29 74
Strain tensor, linear 30
Strain, GREEN — LAGRANGE's components 29
Strain-displacement relations 30 214 215 223ff 242
Strain-stress relations 35 36
Strains, principal 74
Stress deviator 24
Stress function, AIRY's 50 93 123 235
Stress function, complex 97 99
Stress, resultants 114
Stress, tensor 20
Stress, ultimate limit 32
Stress, vector 18ff
Stress-strain relations 35 36
Stresses, principal 22
Structural analysis 302 309
Structural model 309
Structural optimization 301 306
Substitute problems 325ff
Summation convention, EINSTEIN'S 6
SUMT 314
Surface element, area of 204
Surface parameter, GAUSSIAN 199 209
Surface tensor 247
Surface tensor, components 203
Surface tensor, determinant 204
Surface theory 199
Surface, base vectors 203ff
Surface, circular conical 247
Surface, curvature in a point of a curve 205
Surface, cylindrical 202
Surface, elliptic paraboloidal 242
Surface, first fundamental form for 248
Surface, revolution 200 206
Surface, ruled 201
Surface, skew hyperbolical paraboloid 201
Surface, sliding 203
Surface, spherical 200
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