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Eschenauer H., Olhoff N., Schnell W. — Applied structural mechanics : fundamentals of elasticity, load-bearing structures, structural optimization |
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A-conjugate directions 312
Airy's stress function 50 93 123 235
Algorithm of conjugate gradients 313 340
Aluminium honeycomb core 370
Analogy disk-plate 51
Antisymmetrical tensors of second order 11
Arc element, length of 204
Area of a surface element 204
Auxiliary variable method 324
Axisymmetrical loads 216 224
Axisymmetrical loads, circular cylindrical shell 225
Axisymmetrical loads, conical shell 226
Axisymmetrical loads, spherical 226
Axisymmetrical state of stress 98
B-spline-functions 332
Barrier function 315
Base vectors, contravariant 9 204
Base vectors, covariant 7 13 203
Base, contravariant 8
Base, covariant 8
Base, oblique 53
Basic theory of shells 209
Behavioral constraints 305
Beltrami differential equation 87
BELTRAMI — MlCHELL's equations 49
Bending angle 214 223 225
Bending theory of circular cylindrical shell 233
Bending theory of shells of revolution 222
BERNSTEIN-polynomium 333
Bessel function 183
BESSEL's differential equations 105
BETTI, theorem 46
BEZIER-curves 333
BFGS-formula 320
Bipotential equation 50ff 93
Bipotential operator 15
Boiler equation 225
Boiler formula 217 218
Boiler structure, stiffened 348
Bound method 328
Bound variable 328
boundary conditions 103 117 147 158 234 242 244
Boundary conditions, elastically supported 158
Boundary conditions, NAVIER's 103
Boundary conditions, plate with mixed 170
Boundary disturbances of circular cylindrical shells 228
Boundary disturbances of circular cylindrical shells, fast decaying 237
Boundary disturbances of circular cylindrical shells, slowly decaying 238
Boundary of a hole, equilibrium 147
Boundary-value problem, first 48
Boundary-value problem, mixed 48
Boundary-value problem, second 48
BOUSSINESQ's formulas 91
Broyden 320
Buckling load, maximizing the 355
Buckling load, optimal 355
Buckling modes 189 194
Carbon Fibre Reinforced Plastics CFRP 37
Carbon Fibre Reinforced Plastics CFRP, circular disk made of CFRP 139
Carbon Fibre Reinforced Plastics CFRP, plate made of CFRP 118ff
Cartesian coordinates 25 32 35 106 107
Cartesian coordinates, isotropic disk 93
Cartesian coordinates, plates 100
Casing with toroidal shell shape 260
CASSINI-curve 367
CASTIGLIANO, theorems 45 264
Cauchy's formula 20
CHEBYCHEV-functions 332
Christoffel symbols 14 17
CHRISTOFFEL symbols in surface theory 205
Christoffel symbols of the first kind 14
Christoffel symbols of the second kind 14
Circular plate on elastic foundation 180
Circular plate on elastic foundation, centre-supported 184
Circular plate on elastic foundation, thin 195
Circular toroidal shell 260
Compatibility conditions 31 73
Complementary energy, specific 41
Complementary work 41
COMPLEX algorithm by BOX 351
Complex solution method 145
Complex stress function 97ff
Composite materials 118
Composite materials, multilayer 119
Compression modulus 34
Conditions for a minimum 307
Conformal mapping 145
Conical shell 218 221 226
Conical shell, boundary disturbances of 228
Conical surface 247
Constitutive equations 214 221
Constitutive equations, isotropic shells 213
Constitutive laws of linear elastic bodies 31
Constrained optimization problem 356
Constraint operator 329
Constraint-oriented transformation 328 352 363
Constraints 303
Constraints, active 306
Constraints, behavioral 305
Constraints, problems with 314
Constraints, problems without 310
Contravariant base 8 210
Contravariant base vectors 204
Contravariant components 9 204
Control polygon 332
Conveyor belt drum 360
Coordinate transformation 21
Coordinates, Cartesian 25 32 35 106 107
Coordinates, curvilinear 13 25 36 105 106
Coordinates, cylindrical 16 25 30
Coordinates, elliptical-hyperbolical 63 70 76
Coordinates, oblique 53 60
Coordinates, polar 98 106 112
Coordinates, spherical 26 30
Coupled disk-plate problem 113
Covariant base 8
Covariant derivatives 14
Covariant metric components 9
Covariant metric tensor, components of 203
Criteria space 326
Criterion function 305
Curvature components 204 205
Curvature, Gaussian 205 208 210 249
Curvature, mean 205 208 249
Curvature, shear-rigid shell with weak 213
Curvature, tensor of 204 249
Cylindrical shell 218 220 225 226 264
Cylindrical shell, bending theory 233
Cylindrical surfaces 202
Cylindrical tube 283
Dantzig 319
Deadweight 283
Decay factor 225 227
Deflections, plane structures with large 113 195
Deflections, shells with large 231
Deformation energy, specific 41 215 221
Deformation gradient 28
Derivatives, covariant 14
Design optimization problems 304
Design space 304 326
Design Space Method 324
Design variables 302ff
Determinant, metric tensor 8
Determinant, shell tensor 210
Determinant, surface tensor 204
Determinant, tensor of curvature 205
Differential equation, Bessel's 105
Differential equation, boiler 273
| Differential equation, coupled 243
Differential equation, elliptical type 219
Differential equation, Euler 183 210
Differential equation, hyperbolical type 219
Differential equation, VON KARMAN's 117
Direct method 317 324 330
Direct optimization strategies 335
Directrix 201
Disk equation 93
Disk, annular circular 128 139
Disk, Cartesian coordinates 93
Disk, circular rotating 131
Disk, infinite with a crack 151
Disk, infinite with elliptical hole 145
Disk, polar coordinates 94
Disk, quarter-circle annular 133
Disk, semi-infinite 137
Disk, simply supported rectangular 123
Disk-plate problem, coupled 113ff 195
Displacement derivatives, tensor 27 28
Displacement function, LOVES's 89
Displacement potential, thermo-elastic 50
Displacement vector 27
Distance functions 328
distortions 223
Divergence, tensor of second order 15
Divergence, vector 15
DONNELL's approximation 239
DONNELL's approximation theory 234
Dyad 5
Dyadic product 6
Effective in-plane shear force 234
Effective transverse shear force 103 105 234
Eigenfrequencies 296
Eigenvalues of a symmetrical tensor 12
EINSTEIN's summation convention 6 329
Elastic energy of foundation 180
Elastic energy of plate 180
Elastic-plastic state 32
Elasticity matrix 36 43 121
Elasticity matrix properties 34
Elasticity matrix tensor 33 213
Ellipse functions with variable exponent 333 367
Elliptical paraboloid surface 241ff
Elliptical-hyperbolical coordinates 63 70 76
Energy expressions 40 106
Energy functional, HELLINGER — REISSNER 114
Energy principles 39ff 80
Equilibrium at large 123 252
Equilibrium conditions 25 213 215 218 222 225 233 234 242 267
Euclidean space 5 8 10 304
Euler equations 330
Euler's differential equation 81 112 185
Exchanging indices, rule of 9
External penalty function 346
Feasible domain 307
FIBONACCI-search 311
Finite element method (FEM) 83
First fundamental form of surface 248
Fletcher 320
Fletcher — Reeves 337 340
FLETCHER — REEVES-method 313
Flexibility tensor 33
Flexibility tensor matrix 43
Flexible shells, theory of 238
FLUEGGE, shear-rigid theory 233
Force-quantity procedure 228
Foundation, elastic energy of the 180
Fourier series expansion 96 216
Fuel tank of a satellite 364
Fully-stressed design 368
Functional efficiency 326
Functional matrix 199
Functional-efficient boundaries 368
Functional-efficient set 352 353
Fundamental form, first 203
Fundamental quantities, first order 203 247
Fundamental quantities, second order 203 204 248
GALERKIN equations 47 198
GALERKIN equations method 47 170 195
GAUSS — WEINGARTEN derivative equations 205
Gaussian curvature 205 208
GAUSSIAN curvature curvature 249
GAUSSIAN curvature elimination 323
GAUSSIAN curvature measure of curvature 210
GAUSSIAN curvature parameters 200
GAUSSIAN curvature surface parameters 209
GAUSSIAN curvature theorem 15
GECKELER, method by 226
General bending theory 233
General polynomial function 331
Generalized Reduced Gradients 320 368
Generatrix 201
Geometrical constraints 305
Geometrical constraints, modeling 331
Geometry of shells 209
Goldfarb 320
Goursat 98
Gradient method, steepest descent 313
Gradient, scalar function 15
Gradient, vector 15
GREEN — DIRICHLET's principle 44
GREEN — LAGRANGE s components of strain 29
Griffith 317
Half-space 89
Hellinger — Reissner functional 45 82 114
Hermite interpolation 311
Hessian matrix 307 312 320 337
HOOKE — DUHAMEL's law 32
Hooke's law 34
HOOKE's law, DUHAMEL — NEUMANN form of 85
HOOKEAN bodies 31
Hybrid procedure QPRLT 320
Hypar shell 267 296
Hyperbolical paraboliod shell 241 242 267
Hyperbolical shell 218
Index rule 6
Indirect methods 329
Influence coefficients 46
Influence factor 101
Ingot 78
Invariants 13 22 24
Isotropic disc in Cartesian coordinates 93
Isotropic disk 93 94
Isotropic plate, transversely vibrating 103
Isotropic shell, consitutive equations 213
Isotropic shell, general shear-rigid 233
Jacobian matrix 199
Kelvin function 183
Kinematics of a deformable body 26
KIRCHHOFF's effective transverse shear force 103
KIRCHHOFF's effective transverse shear force, normal hypothesis 114
KIRCHHOFF's effective transverse shear force, plate theory 102 214 244
Kronecker's delta 8
Kuhn — Tucker conditions 307ff 319
LAGRANGE formulation 113
LAGRANGE formulation -augmented 319
LAGRANGE formulation -function 307 320 353
LAGRANGE formulation -functional 330
LAGRANGE formulation -interpolation 311 346
LAGRANGE formulation -multiplier-method (LPNLP) 363
LAGRANGE formulation notation 26
LAGRANGEAN approach 40
LAGRANGEAN approach, multipliers 307 330 353
Lame constants 34
LAME — NAVIERS equations 49
Laplace operator 15 18 97 106
LAURENT-series 148
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