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Watt D.A. — Java collections: an introduction to abstract data types, data structures, and algorithms
Watt D.A. — Java collections: an introduction to abstract data types, data structures, and algorithms

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Íàçâàíèå: Java collections: an introduction to abstract data types, data structures, and algorithms

Àâòîð: Watt D.A.


Java Collections is an introductory text on abstract data types, data structures, and algorithms using Java. Written at an appropriate level for a first course in algorithms and data structures, or a second course in programming using Java, this text concentrates on pratical matters like software design and the Jave Collections framework. Only essential supporting theory is included.
The text focuses on abstract data types (ADTs) that turn up again and again in software design. It uses these ADTs to introduce and motivate the data structures required to implement them and the algorithms associated with the data structures. This approach helps Java programmers to choose the most suitable collection classes for their applications.
Not only undergraduate students but also professional programmers retraining the program in Java will benefit form this even-paced and example-led text.
Key features of the text:
* emphasizes good object-oriented software design and implementation
* presents algorithms both in English and in Java, and shows how to analyze their efficiency (with only light mathematics)
* introduces the concept of an abstract data type, shows how to use a "contract" to specify the abstract data type's contract and its implementation in terms of a suitbale data structure and algorithms
* covers a variety of abstract data types (stacks, queues, lists, sets, maps, priority queues, trees, and graphs), compares alternative implementations of these abstract types, and relates them to the Java collection classes
* features numerous examples and case studies showing how the abstract data types are used in practical applciaitons
* contains numerous graded exercises, offering opportunities to explore alternatives to the designs and implementations presented in the text
* includes appendices summarizing the mathematics of algorithm analysis, the relevant features of the Java programming language, and the Java collection classes.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Computer science/

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Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 566

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 05.11.2010

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Graph edge (or arc)      397
Graph edge attribute      397
Graph element      397
Graph empty      398
Graph in-degree      398
Graph in-edge      398
Graph neighbor node      397
Graph node (or vertex)      397
Graph out-degree      398
Graph out-edge      398
Graph path      398
Graph predecessor node      398
Graph representation by adjacency matrix      413—415
Graph representation by adjacency sets      408—413
Graph representation by edge sets      403—406
Graph requirements      400—401
Graph search      see “Traversal”
Graph size      398
Graph source node      398
Graph successor node      398
Graph topological ordering      421
Graph topological sort      420—422
Graph traversal      415—420
Graph undirected      398
Graph.Edge      405
Graph.Node      405
greater      37
GREATEST      37
Hash table      120 307—333 538 “hashCode” “Open-bucket
Hash table bucket      307
Hash table collision      308
Hash table deletion      308
Hash table hashing      307
Hash table home bucket      307 316 318
Hash table insertion      307—308
Hash table load factor      315 327
Hash table search      308
Hash table, hash function      307—309 315 327—328
hashCode      309 505 519 528
hasNext      178 184 190 216 268—269 535
hasPrevious      536
headMap      530
headSet      525
Heap      344—352
Heap deletion      349—352
Heap insertion      347—349
Heap property      347
Heap representation by array      345—347
Hierarchy      see “Tree”
immutable      see “Abstract data type”
INDEX      see “Array” “List” “String”
indexOf      521
Infeasible      see “Algorithm”
INTERFACE      111 506—509
Interface abstract method      506
Interface final field (or constant)      506
Interface inner      514—516
Interface subinterface      506
Interface superinterface      506
Interface used as contract for abstract data type      129 151—152 172 207 277—279
IntKeyMap      282
IntSet      221—223
isEmpty      130 132 134 154 158 176 181 186 208 212 218 340 342 519 528
Iterator      175—177 534—536
Jacquard, Joseph      5
Java      495—516 539 “Exception” “Interface” “Object” “Package”)
Java applet      495—496
Java application      495
Java class library      120—122 191—192 220—223 290—291 473
Java Collections framework      472 517—536
Java expression      496
Java primitive data type      496
Java statement      496 511
java.awt      121—122
java.awt.Font      121
java.awt.Graphics      121
JAVA.IO      122
java.io.BufferedReader      122
java.io.BufferedWriter      122
java.io.File      122
java.io.InputStream      122
java.io.OutputStream      122
java.io.Reader      122
java.io.Writer      122
JAVA.LANG      121 509
Java.lang.Comparable      37—38 209 281 533—534
java.lang.Exception      510
java.lang.Integer      37 309
java.lang.Object      69 503
java.lang.String      8 38 121 309
java.lang.StringBuffer      121
Java.util      121
Java.util.ArrayList      191 524
java.util.arrays      473
java.util.Calendar      121
java.util.Collection      518—520
java.util.Comparator      534
java.util.Date      121 309
java.util.HashMap      531—532
java.util.HashSet      527
java.util.Iterator      178 191—192 535
java.util.LinkedList      191 524
java.util.List      191 309 520—523
java.util.ListIterator      192 536
java.util.Map      290—291 528—530
java.util.Set      220—222 309 524—525
java.util.SortedMap      290—291 530—531
java.util.SortedSet      222—223 526
java.util.TreeMap      291 532
java.util.TreeSet      527
Java.util.Vector      191
k-ary tree      447
KEYSET      279 528
Landis. Y.M.      437
last      525
lastIndexOf      521
lastKey      530
LEAST      37
Leibniz, Gottfried      5
Length      115 118
less      37 533
Linked list      67—92 120 “Singly-linked
Linked list deletion      81—85
Linked list empty      67
Linked list insertion      78—81
Linked list length      67
Linked list link      67—68 70 73
Linked list merge      88—91
Linked list node      67 70
Linked list null link      67
Linked list predecessor node      67 73
Linked list search      86—88
Linked list sort      91—92
Linked list sorted      77
Linked list successor node      67—68 73
Linked list traversal      70—71 74—75
LinkedList      186—189
LinkedList.LPIterator      190
LinkedMap      288—289
LinkedMap.Entry      289
LinkedQueue      158—159
LinkedSet      218—219
LinkedStack      134—135
LinkedUnorderedTree      375—377
LIST      172—175 179—190 “LinkedList” “java.util.List”)
List (or sequence)      120 170—198 520—524
List application      171—172 192—198
List bounded      179
List concatenation      171
List contract      172—175
List empty      170
List equality      170
List index      170
List iterator      177 180—185 187—188
List length      170
List notation      170
List representation by array      179—185
List representation by singly-linked list      185—188
List requirements      172
List traversal      175
listIterator      522
Logarithm      486—487
Logarithm law      486
Loop invariant      41 43 48—49 51—52 57—58 88
Lovelace, Ada      5
makeRoot      373 376
MAP      277—303 (see also “ArrayMap” “BSTMap” “IntKeyMap” “LinkedMap” “java.util.Map” “java.util.SortedMap”)
Map (or table)      120 274—303 528—532
Map application      276—277 293—303
Map bounded      283
Map cardinality      275
Map contract      277—281
Map empty      275
Map entry      274
Map key (field of entry)      274
Map lookup      275
Map notation (tabular)      274
Map overlay      276
Map representation by array      283—286
Map representation by binary search tree      288—290
Map representation by hash table      332—333
Map representation by key-indexed array      281—283
Map representation by singly-linked list      287
Map requirements      277
Map traversal      277—279
Map value (field of entry)      274
Material requirements planning      422—427
Material requirements planning bill of materials      427
Material requirements planning data modeling      427
Material requirements planning parts graph      424
Material requirements planning parts list      427
Material requirements planning production schedule      422 427
Maze      135—145
Maze generation      144—145
Maze perfect      135
Maze representation      136—137
Maze solution      137—144
MERGE      46—49 88—91 261—262
mutable      see “Abstract data type”
MutableString      117—119 (see also “java.lang.StringBuffer”)
MutableString contract      117
MutableString overflow      119
MutableString representation by array      117—179
MutableString requirements      114
Napier multiplication algorithm      4
Napier, John      4
Natural ordering      533
Neighbors      404
Network      see “Graph”
Newton square-root algorithm      4—5
Newton, Isaac      4
NeXT      178 184 190 216 268—269 535
nextIndex      536
Node      see “Binary tree” “B-tree” “Graph” “Linked “Tree”
nodes      404
o-notation      21—24 490—492 537
O-notation constant or O(1)      21—24 34 55 61 78 80 85 117 131 156—157 180 186 217 281 307 314 326 331 341 343 371
O-notation cubic or $O(n^3)$      21—24
O-notation exponential or $O(2^n)$      21—24 29
O-notation law      491—492
O-notation linear or O(n)      20—24 39 41—42 44 49 55 61 83 86 88 117 180 187 210 214 244 246 262 284 314 326 331 341 343
O-notation log linear or O(n log n)      21—24 55 60—61
O-notation logarithmic or O(log n)      20—24 44—45 210 244 246 263 284 349 352 436 445—447 465—466 490
O-notation quadratic or $O(n^2)$      21—24 51 53 60—61 92
OBHT      319 (see “Open-bucket hash table”)
OBHT.BucketEntry      319
Object      498
Object cast      503
Object creation (or allocation)      499
Object instance of class      503
object state      498
Object target (of method invocation)      499
object-oriented design      469—471 538
Object-Oriented Programming      469
Observable behavior      see “Abstract data type”
Open-bucket hash table (or OBHT)      309 316—331 “OBHT”)
Open-bucket hash table cluster      318—319 326—328
Open-bucket hash table collision resolution      318 328—329
Open-bucket hash table deletion      324—325
Open-bucket hash table design      327—331
Open-bucket hash table double hashing      328—329
Open-bucket hash table formerly-occupied bucket      318 325
Open-bucket hash table insertion      318 320—323
Open-bucket hash table never-occupied bucket      318 325
Open-bucket hash table occupied bucket      318
Open-bucket hash table overflow      323
Open-bucket hash table search      320—323
Open-bucket hash table step length      328
Operation      see “Abstract data type” “Data
Outdegree      406
outEdges      406
Overloading constructor      502
Overloading method      502
Package      509—510
Package import      509
Parameterized class/interface      476—477
Parameterized class/interface in Generic Java      476—477
Parameterized class/interface in PolyJ      476
Parameterized class/interface instantiation      476—477
Parameterized class/interface parameterized method      479 481
Parameterized class/interface, class parameter      476—477
Parent      373 375
Pascal, Blaise      5
Power      484—485
Power algorithms      16—18 20 24—26
Power law      485
previous      536
previousIndex      536
Priority queue      337—360 (see also “PriorityQueue”)
Priority queue application      338—339 355—360
Priority queue empty      337
Priority queue length      337
PRIORITYQUEUE      339—360 (see also “HeapPriorityQueue” “SortedLinkedPriorityQueue”)
PriorityQueue contract      340
PriorityQueue representation by array      344
PriorityQueue representation by heap      355
PriorityQueue representation by singly-linked list      341—344
PriorityQueue requirements      339—340
Private access      103 106 110 499 514
Problem      11—12
Problem feasible      23
Problem halting      12
Problem solvable      11
Problem unsolvable      5 11—12
Protected access      69 106 499 514
Public access      102—103 499 514
put      279 282 285 289 292 529
putAll      279 529
QUEUE      120 149—165 “LinkedQueue”)
Queue application      149—151
Queue bounded      152
Queue contract      151—152
Queue empty      149
Queue front      149
Queue length      149
Queue rear      149
Queue representation by cyclic array      152—156
Queue representation by singly-linked list      156—157
Queue requirements      151
Recurrence      488—490
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