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Watt D.A. — Java collections: an introduction to abstract data types, data structures, and algorithms
Watt D.A. — Java collections: an introduction to abstract data types, data structures, and algorithms

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Íàçâàíèå: Java collections: an introduction to abstract data types, data structures, and algorithms

Àâòîð: Watt D.A.


Java Collections is an introductory text on abstract data types, data structures, and algorithms using Java. Written at an appropriate level for a first course in algorithms and data structures, or a second course in programming using Java, this text concentrates on pratical matters like software design and the Jave Collections framework. Only essential supporting theory is included.
The text focuses on abstract data types (ADTs) that turn up again and again in software design. It uses these ADTs to introduce and motivate the data structures required to implement them and the algorithms associated with the data structures. This approach helps Java programmers to choose the most suitable collection classes for their applications.
Not only undergraduate students but also professional programmers retraining the program in Java will benefit form this even-paced and example-led text.
Key features of the text:
* emphasizes good object-oriented software design and implementation
* presents algorithms both in English and in Java, and shows how to analyze their efficiency (with only light mathematics)
* introduces the concept of an abstract data type, shows how to use a "contract" to specify the abstract data type's contract and its implementation in terms of a suitbale data structure and algorithms
* covers a variety of abstract data types (stacks, queues, lists, sets, maps, priority queues, trees, and graphs), compares alternative implementations of these abstract types, and relates them to the Java collection classes
* features numerous examples and case studies showing how the abstract data types are used in practical applciaitons
* contains numerous graded exercises, offering opportunities to explore alternatives to the designs and implementations presented in the text
* includes appendices summarizing the mathematics of algorithm analysis, the relevant features of the Java programming language, and the Java collection classes.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Computer science/

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Abstract data type (or ADT)      7—8 103—122 469—472 “List” “Map” “Priority-Queue” “Queue” “Set” “Stack” “Tree”)
Abstract data type accessor      113—114
Abstract data type applicative transformer      113—114
Abstract data type constructor      113—114
Abstract data type contract      104 105 111
Abstract data type data representation      7—8 103—104 106 111 116 117—119
Abstract data type design      111—114
Abstract data type immutable value      113
Abstract data type implementation      106—111
Abstract data type mutable value      113
Abstract data type mutative transformer      113—114
Abstract data type necessary and sufficient operations      111—113
Abstract data type observable behavior      104
Abstract data type operation      103
Abstract data type processor      12
Abstract data type requirements      104 114
Abstract data type separation of concerns      8
Abstract data type specification      see “Contract”
Abstract data type transformer      113—114
Abstract data type value      103
accessor      see “Abstract data type”
Add      176 182—183 188 208 213 219 222 266 340 343 519 521 536
addAll      176 183 188 208 266 519 521
addChild      373
addedge      404
addFirst      523
addLast      130 133 135 155 159 523
addNode      404
Adel’son Vel’skii, G.M.      437
ADT      see “Abstract data type”
al Khwarizmi quadratic-equation algorithm      3
al Khwarizmi, Muhammad abu Ja’far ibn Musa      3
Algorithm      1—6 11—31 106 537 538 “Efficiency” “Problem”)
Algorithm analysis      16—17 25 29 39 41—42 44 48—49 50—51 53—55 59—60 244 261—262 314 325—326 349 352 445—447 465—466 537
Algorithm feasible      23
Algorithm history      1—6
Algorithm infeasible      23
Algorithm notation      6 13—14
Algorithm processor      12
Algorithm recursive      24—31
Algorithm step      6 12 15
Algorithm termination      12 24—25
Algorithm vs program      6
AMDigraph      415—416
AMDigraph.Edge      416
AMDigraph.Node      416
Analysis      see “Algorithm”
Array      34—61 120
Array allocation      35
Array binary search      43—46
Array bubble sort      65
Array component      34
Array cyclic      154—156 318
Array deletion      39
Array heterogeneous      35
Array homogeneous      34—35
Array index      34
Array index bound      34 35
Array insertion      38—39
Array insertion sort      51—53 61
Array length      34 36
Array linear search      40—42 45—46
array merge      46—49
Array merge-sort      54—55 61
Array notation      34 36
Array partition      56—61
Array pivot      56
Array quick-sort      56—61
Array search      40—46
Array selection sort      49—51 61
Array Shell sort      65
Array sort      49—61
Array sorted      37
Array subarray      36—37
Array traversal      175
ArrayList      181—183
ArrayList.LRIterator      184
ArrayMap      284—286
ArrayMap.Entry      286
ArrayQueue      154—155
ArraySet      212—215
ArraySet.LRIterator      216
ArrayStack      132—133
ASDigraph      411—412
ASDigraph.Edge      412
ASDigraph.Node      412
AVL-tree      435—447
AVL-tree deletion      441—445
AVL-tree insertion      437—440
AVL-tree rotation      437—445
AVL-tree search      437
B-tree      447—466
B-tree application      466
B-tree arity      447—449
B-tree coalescence      460—462
B-tree deletion      460—465
B-tree empty      449
B-Tree insertion      456—459
B-tree leaf node      449
B-tree overflow      456—459
B-tree representation      449
B-tree restocking      460—462
B-tree root node      449
B-tree search      449—454
B-tree size      449
B-tree splitting      456—458
B-tree subtree      449
B-tree underflow      460—462
Babbage, Charles      5
Balanced search tree      see “AVL-tree” “B-tree”
Binary search tree (or BST)      240—256 261—269 “BST”)
Binary search tree deletion      247—256
Binary search tree insertion      245—246
Binary search tree merge      261—262
Binary search tree rebalance      435
Binary search tree saving      260
Binary search tree search      242—245
Binary tree      120 236—269 “Binary “Heap” “Red-black
Binary tree array representation      345—346
Binary tree balance factor      436
Binary tree balanced      238—240
Binary tree branch      see “Link”
Binary tree child node      236
Binary tree complete      346—347
Binary tree depth      239 436
Binary tree empty      238
Binary tree header      236
Binary tree height      436
Binary tree height-balanced      436
Binary tree in-order traversal      257 268—269
Binary tree leaf node      237
Binary tree link      236—237
Binary tree node      236
Binary tree null link      236
Binary tree parent node      236
Binary tree post-order traversal      260
Binary tree pre-order traversal      259—260 263—266
Binary tree root node      236
Binary tree size      238
Binary tree subtree      238
Binary tree traversal      256—260
Branch      see “Tree”
BST      241 (see “Binary search tree”)
BSTMap      292—293
BSTMap.Entry      293
BSTNode      242
BSTSet      265—267
BSTSet.InOrderIterator      269
BSTSet.PreOrderlterator      268
btree      450—451
BTree.Node      450—451
CBHT      311 (see “Closed-bucket hash table”)
CBHT BucketNode      311
CEILING      486
charAt      115 118
childCount      373 375
Children      373
class      498—506 (see also “Parameterized class”)
Class abstract class      505—506
Class abstract method      506
Class access modifier      see “Default access” “Private “Protected “Public
Class field (or attribute or variable)      498
Class final field (or constant)      499
Class final instance method      505
Class inheritance      471 502—503
Class inner      514—516
Class instance method      498
Class instance variable      498
class member      498
class method      498
Class method overriding      504—505
Class subclass      502—505
Class superclass      503
Class, class method      498
Class, class variable      498
Class, constructor      498
Class, final class      503
clear      130 133 135 155 159 176 182 187 208 213 219 222 279 340 342 403 519 529
Closed-bucket hash table (or CBHT)      309—316 329 “Hash
Closed-bucket hash table deletion      313—314
Closed-bucket hash table design      315—316
Closed-bucket hash table insertion      312—314
Closed-bucket hash table search      312 314
Cohesion      469—471
Collection      120 472—476 517—520 “List” “Map” “Priority “Queue” “Set” “Stack” “Tree”)
Collection class      191 472 517—532
Collection class generic heterogeneous      475
Collection class generic homogeneous      476
Collection class heterogeneous      474
Collection class homogeneous      476
Collection class parameterized      477
Collection element      120
Collection heterogeneous      472—476
Collection homogeneous      472—476
Comparator      222—223
Compare      534
compareTo      37—38 115 118 533
complexity      17—24 (see also “O-notation”)
Complexity growth rate      18—24
Complexity space      19
Complexity time      19
concat      115
connectingEdges      404
constructor      see “Abstract data type” “Class”
CONTAINS      208 212 218 221 265 519
containsAll      208 266 519
containsEdge      403 408 411 416
containsKey      528
containsValue      528
contract      see “Abstract data type”
Coupling      103 110 469—171
Coupling loose      103 470
Coupling tight      103 470
Data representation      see “Abstract data type”
Data structure      7 120
Data structure dynamic      7
Data structure static      7
Data type      97—103 (see also “Abstract data type”)
Data type improper value      100
Data type operation      98
Data type proper value      100
Data type value      98 103
Data type, data representation      97—98
Database      276
date      101 105 108—110
Default access      499 514
Degree      403
Digraph      400—403 (see also “AMDigraph” “ASDigraph” “ESDigraph”)
Digraph contract      403
Digraph representation by adjacency matrix      413—415
Digraph representation by adjacency sets      408—413
Digraph representation by edge sets      403—407
Digraph requirements      400—401
Directed graph      see “Digraph” “Graph”
Divide-and-conquer strategy      53—54
DLL      74 (see “Doubly-linked list”)
DLLNode      75
Doubly-linked list (or DLL)      73—77 80—81 84—85 “Linked
Doubly-linked list deletion      84—85
Doubly-linked list header      73
Doubly-linked list insertion      80—81
Doubly-linked list search      87
Doubly-linked list traversal      74—75
Doubly-linked list, backward linked list      77
Doubly-linked list, forward linked list      77
EDGE      see “Graph”
Edges      404
Efficiency      6 14—17
Efficiency space      6 14
Efficiency time      6 14—17
ensureCapacity      522
entrySet      528
Equals      115 176 182 187 208 213 222 265 279 505 519 528 534
Eratosthenes      1
Eratosthenes sieve algorithm      204
ESDigraph      408—409
ESDigraph.Edge      409
ESDigraph.Node      409
Euclid      1
Euclid greatest-common-divisor algorithm      3 6
exception      510—514
exception handler      570—511
Exception input/output      510
Exception runtime      510
Exception throw      570—511
Expression tree      378—381
feasible      see “Algorithm”
first      525
firstKey      530
FLOOR      486
game playing      381—394
Game playing evaluation function      381—386
Game playing game tree      381 386—393
Game playing minimax algorithm      388
Game playing ply      381
Game playing terminal position      381
get      176 181 186 279 282 284 288 292 521 528
getAttribute      405
getElement      373 377 405
getFirst      154 158 523
GetKey      529
getLast      130 132 135 523
getLeast      340 342
getNodes      405
getValue      529
Graph      403—404
Graph (or network)      120 397—431 538
Graph acyclic      399
Graph application      399—400
Graph breadth-first search      see “Breadth-first traversal”
Graph breadth-first traversal      418 420
Graph connecting edge      397
Graph contract      401
Graph cycle      399
Graph cyclic      399
Graph degree      397
Graph depth-first search      see “Depth-first traversal”
Graph depth-first traversal      418
Graph destination node      398
Graph directed      398
1 2 3
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