Авторизация |
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Vidyasagar M. — Nonlinear systems analysis |
Предметный указатель |
-stability of LTI systems 298 301
-stability of LTV systems 304
gain of LTI systems 300
norm 272
, extension of 274
-gain 277
-gain with zero bias 277
-stability of LTI systems 298 301
-stability of LTV systems 306
-stability, definition 277 282
-stability, small signal 285
-stability of LTI systems 298 301
-stability of LTV systems 302
, partial fraction expansion in 324
, field of fractions 321 329
, unit of 310
_ 320
_ 520
( , )-invariance 407
Absolute stability, input-output 358
Absolute stability, state-space 221
AD 391
Aizerman's conjecture in input-output setting 357
Aizerman's conjecture in state-space setting 222
Attractivity 140
Attractivity, uniform 140
Averaging method 76
Banach space 13
Bellman's inequality 292
Bendixson's theorem 69
Bezout identity 326
Brunovsky canonical form of linear systems 439
Brunovsky canonical form of nonlinear systems 440
Canonical decomposition of linear systems 424
Canonical decomposition of nonlinear systems 426
Cauchy sequence 12
Causality 275
Center 61
Chetaev's theorem 188
Christoffel symbols 184
Circle criterion, input-output 344
Circle criterion, necessity of 361
Circle criterion, state-space 227
Closed set 469
Closure 470
Comparison principle 256
Computed torque method 466
Continuity 13
Continuity, uniform 14
Continuous dependence 43
Continuous function 13
Contraction mapping theorem, global 28
Contraction mapping theorem, local 30 32
Contraction, global 28
Contraction, local 30 32
Controllability, linear systems 220
Controllability, nonlinear systems see "Reachability"
Convergence 11
Converse theorem, applications 246
Converse theorem, exponential stability 244 245
Converse theorem, global exponential stability 246
Converse theorem, uniform asymptotic stability 239
Convolution 293
Coprime factorization 327
Coprime factorization, existence of 328
Coprimeness 326
Coprimeness, condition for 327 330
Critical disk 123 226 343
Describing function 95
Describing function of hysteresis 100
Describing function of odd nonlinearity 96
Describing function, bounds on 96
Describing function, independence of frequency 95
Detector 251
Detector, weak 252
Diffeomorphism 377
Diffeomorphism, smooth 377
distribution 395
Distribution, completely integrable 396
Distribution, invariant 401
Distribution, involutive 396
Distribution, regular point of 395
Domain 68
Domain of attraction 154
Domain of attraction, properties of 154
Domain, connected 70
Domain, simply connected 68
Equilibrium 3 55 136
Existence and uniqueness of solutions, global 38
Existence and uniqueness of solutions, local 34 37
Exponential stability, converse theorems 244 245
Exponential stability, definition 142
Exponential stability, theorems 171 246 290
Extended -spaces 274
Fast dynamics 133
Fast state variable 133
Feedback linearization of multi-input systems 442
Feedback linearization of single input systems 430
Feedback linearization, input-output 456
Feedback stability of LTI systems 309 326
Feedback stability, definition 282
Feedback stability, relation to Lyapunov stability 286 289
Finite escape time 5 38
Finite gain 277
First category 470
Fixed point 28
Focus 61
FORM 378
Form, exact 382
Fractional representation 327
Frobenius theorem 396 397
Frobenius theorem, proof of 479
Function, class K 144
Function, class l 144
Function, continuous 13
Function, decrescent 147
Function, locally negative definite 148
Function, locally positive definite 147
Function, negative definite 148
Function, positive definite 148
Function, radially unbounded 148
Function, uniformly continuous 14
Global exponential stability, converse theorem 246
Global exponential stability, definition 143
Global exponential stability, theorems 173
Global uniform asymptotic stability, converse theorem 246
Global uniform asymptotic stability, definition 143
Global uniform asymptotic stability, theorems 173 179 290
Graphical stability test for LTI systems 316 335
Gronwall's inequality 236
Harmonic balance 81 94 105
Hierarchical systems 258
Hierarchical systems, stability of 259
Hilbert space 16
Hoelder's inequality 273
Inertia matrix 183 465
Inner product space 15
Input-output stability 277 282
Instability (Lyapunov), definition 137
Instability (Lyapunov), theorems 186 187 188
Integral curve 379
| Integral manifold 396
Interior 470
Invariant set 151
Inverse function theorem 377
Involutivity 396
Isolated subsystem 259
Jacobi identity 390
Jacobian matrix 377
Kalman — Yacubovitch lemma 223
Kalman — Yacubovitch lemma, proof of 474
Kalman's conjecture 222
Kiylov — Boguliubov method 76
Krasovskii — LaSalle theorem 178 179
Kronecker indices of linear systems 438
Kronecker indices of nonlinear systems 440
LaSalle's Theorem 178 179
Lebesgue spaces see " "
Left-coprime factorization 330
Left-coprimeness 329
Leray — Schauder theorem 116
Level set 167
Lie bracket, anti-symmetry of 390
Lie bracket, bilinearity of 390
Lie bracket, definition 382
Lie bracket, interpretation 382 383 385
Lie derivative of a form 389
Lie derivative of a smooth function 381
Lie derivative of a vector field 382
Limit cycle 68
Limit point 71 152
Limit set 71 152
Linear convergence 28
Linear systems, -stability 298 301 304
Linear systems, -stability 298 301 306
Linear systems, -stability 298 301 302
Linear systems, asymptotic stability 195
Linear systems, autonomous 196
Linear systems, discrete-time 267
Linear systems, exponential stability 195 196
Linear systems, periodic 206
Linear systems, singularly perturbed 128
Linear systems, stability 194 196
Linear systems, uniform asymptotic stability 196
Linear vector space 6
Linear vector space, finite-dimensional 11
Linearization 210 211
Linearization method 209
Lipschitz constant 34
Lipschitz continuity 34
Lipschitz continuity, conditions for 46
Loop transformation 110 224 234 341
Lur'e problem 219
Lyapunov function 160
Lyapunov function, candidate 161
Lyapunov function, Popov type 232
Lyapunov function, quadratic 199 202
Lyapunov matrix equation 197
Lyapunov matrix equation, "optimal" 214
Lyapunov matrix equation, discrete-time 267
Massera's lemma 236
Matrix measure 22
Matrix measure, conditions for stability 204
Matrix measure, solution estimates 47 52
Matrix, Hurwitz 131 199
Matrix, hyperbolic 131
Maximal solution 471
McMillan degree 336
Meager set 470
Minimal solution 471
Minkowski's inequality 273
Multiplier 231
Node 58
Norm 9
Norm, 10
Norm, 11
Norm, 10
Norm, 9
Norm, Euclidean 11
Norm, induced 20
Norm, submultiplicative 21
Normed linear space 9
Normed linear space, complete 13
Nowhere dense set 470
Nyquist criterion 316 335
Observability, linear systems 220
Observability, nonlinear systems 414 418
Observer-controller stabilization, linear systems 251
Observer-controller stabilization, nonlinear systems 253
Open set 469
Paley — Wiener theorem 309
Passivity 352
Passivity theorem, input-output 350 352 353
Passivity theorem, state-space 223
Passivity, strict 352
Pendulum equation 76 86 138 161
Periodic solutions 68
Periodic solutions, using describing functions 104 109
Phase-locked loop 181
Phase-plane 53
Picard's iterations 42
Picard's method 42
Poincare — Bendixson theorem 77
Popov criterion, input-output 354
Popov criterion, state-space 231 233
Popov plot 234 356
Positively oriented curve 73
Predator-prey equation 74 76
Quasi-linearization method 88
Rayleigh's equation 86
Reachability 286 400
Reachability, conditions for 409
Realization 220
Realization, minimal 220
Regular point 395
Relation 277
Relative degree 458
Relative degree, vector 461
Return difference 311
Right-coprime factorization 330
Right-coprimeness 329
Robot with flexible joints 435 454
Robot, rigid 183 465
Saddle 58
Schwarz' inequality 13
Second category 470
Sector 96 221 339 360
Sector, incremental 110 222
Set, connected 70 154
Set, invariant 757
Set, limit 77 752
Set, negative limit 752
Set, positive limit 152
Set, simply connected 68
Singularly perturbed systems, linear 128
Singularly perturbed systems, nonlinear 278
Slow dynamics 133
Slow state variable 133
Slowly varying systems 248
Small gain theorem 337 340
Solution estimates, linear equations 47
Solution estimates, nonlinearequations 52
Solutions, continuous dependence 43
Solutions, global 38
Solutions, local 34 37
Solutions, maximal 37 471
Solutions, minimal 471
Solutions, prevalence of 469
Spinning body, control of 426
Spinning body, stability of 161 189 216
Stability (Lyapunov), definition 136
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