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Rushing T.B. — Topological Embeddings |
Предметный указатель |
Piping 167—168
Piping, infinite 218
Poenaru, V. 84 305
Poincare theorem (generalized) 153
Point-like subset 45
Pointwise independent set 4
Polyhedron 6
Polyhedron, infinite 9
Polyhedron, subpolyhedron 6
Presentation of a group 53
Price, T.M. 84 85 158 184 251 270 294 298 299 301
Principle simplex 244
Prismatic triangulation 111
Projectively 1-connected 85
Proper embedding 33 177
Proper isotopy 177
Pseudo-isotopy 76
Pseudo-radial projection 12
Quotient complex 255
Radial engulfing 185—193
Rado, T. 13 305
Ratio changing general position 115
Raymond, F. 84 303
Rearrangement Lemma 226
Regular neighborhood 15—21
Regular neighborhood theorem 20
Regular neighborhood theorem, C-relative 25
Regular neighborhood theorem, HZ-relative 24
Regular neighborhood, relative 21—26
Regular position for knots 52
Relation 60
Relative regular neighborhood 21—26
Relative simplicial approximation see “Simplicial approximation”
Roberts, J.H. 271 305
Rosen, R.H. 183 184 305
Rourke, C.P. 260 305
Rushing, T.B. 41 49 84 85 91 99 102 119 132 134 137 138 142 144 176 199 214 219 245 259 260 263 264 269 270 293 298 299 303 305 306
Sanderson, B.J. 260 305
Sanderson, D.E. 271 306
Schoenflies conjecture (PL) 48
Schoenflies theorem 47 48
Schoenflies theorem, canonical 277
Seebeck, C.L., Ill 84 99 119 132 134 184 185 251 259 260 270 294 295 298 305 306
Semi-forest 256
Shadow 188
Shadow-building lemma 189
Shelling 17
Sher, R.B. 84 91 97 306
Short homotopy 219
Siebermann, L.C 50 193 200 208 260 263 295 303 306
simplex 5
Simplex, barycenter of 6
Simplex, face of 5
Simplex, principle 244
Simplex, vertices of 5
Simplicial approximation 30
Simplicial approximation theorem 31
Simplicial complex, barycentric subdivision of 6
Simplicial complex, derived subdivision of 6
Simplicial complex, dimension of 6
Simplicial complex, finite 5
Simplicial complex, linear map of 8
Simplicial complex, locally finite 9
Simplicial complex, map of 8
Simplicial complex, mesh of 6
Simplicial complex, relative derived subdivision 256
Simplicial complex, subcomplex 6
Simplicial complex, subdivision of 6
Simplicial map 8
| Simplicial neighborhood 20
Singer, I.M. 4 6 30 139 306
Singular point 222
Singular set 28
Smale, S. 153 208 306
Smith, A. 277 306
Solvable subset of Hom, (X, A; M) 121
Sondow, J. 263 306
Spanier, E.H. 85 161 162 237 306
Stable homeomorphism conjecture 193
Stable homeomorphisms of 193—200
Stallings engulfing 149—152
Stallings' engulfing theorem 150
Stallings' unknotting theorem 158
Stallings, J.R. 4 9 14 100 110 149 154 158 159 208 306
Stan'ko, M. 251 294 306
Star 10
Steenrod, N. 3 161 300
String 84 110
Subcomplex see “Simplicial complex”
Subdivision see “Simplicial complex”
Suspension 11 56
Tame embedding 51
Taming 118—132 241—249 259—270 293
Taming theorems 119 132 133 242 260 261 262
Taming, embeddings locally tame modulo nice subsets 134—136
Taming, polyhedra in hyperplanes 132—133
Tangentiality 224
Thorpe, J.A. 4 6 30 139 306
Tindell, R. 21 57 84 307
Topological engulfing 200—206
Topological manifold see “Manifold”
Topological Poincare theorem 206—214
Transitivity of local flatness 33
Trefoil knot 52
Triangulation 6 9
Triangulation problem 13
Triangulation, cylindrical 188
Triangulation, prismatic 111
Trivial range 120
Two-sided submanifold 40 41
Uniform topology 272
Uniformly locally 1-connected open set (1-ULC) 183
Uniformly locally p-connected manifold (p-ULC) 214
Unknot, isotopically piecewise linear 111
Unknot, piecewise linear 110
Unknotting PL ball pairs 262
Unknotting theorems 111 118 119
Unknotting theorems, for cell pairs 158
Unknotting theorems, for sphere pairs 158
Unknotting theorems, Zeeman's 177
Unraveled at infinity 160
Wall, C.T.C 50 193 200 294 295 303
Wallman, H. 26 235 303
Weakly flat 183
Weakly flat sphere 68
Weber, C 250 307
Whitehead, J.H.C 20 162 171 305 307
Wild embedding 51
Wild n-frame 95
Wild porcupine 71
Wild submanifold 85
Wilder, R.L. 47 87 95 183 184 185 300 307
Wright, P. 185 193 277 307
Wylie, S. 180 302
Young, G.S. 3 4 16 30 47 302
Zeeman engulfing 166—170
Zeeman's standard mistake 11
Zeeman's unknotting theorem 177
Zeeman, E.C 4 6 7 9 10 18 20 21 26 30 48 154 166 167 171 177 178 189 214 218 262 302 304 305 307
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