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Zaslavsky C. — Fear of math: how to get over it and get on with your life |
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"Mind Over Math" program 9
"Mind Over Math," 9
"Record Keeping," 109 142
"Shop" mathematics 147
"Visualization in Three Dimensions" 53
A. Philip Randolph Campus High School (New York) 103
abacus 155 fig.
Ability and achievement norms 44
Ability cognitive 63
Ability problem-solving 113 137
Access to materials 123
Accountability 113 135
Achievement and discrimination 72
Achievement and parental expectations 73
Achievement and standardized tests 48
Achievement measuring 113
Achievement norms 44
Achievement of gender differences 49 53
Achievement read-ing 112
act 47
ADA computer language 98 — 99
Affective aspects of learning 173
Affirmative action 28 63 67
Affirmative action in employment 63
African Americans 4
African women and mathematics 85
African women and spatial ability tasks 54 56
Afro-American Cultural, Technological and Scientific Olympics 89
Age involvement with computers 97
Algebra 146 — 151 153
Algebra Blox 51 181
Algebra Project 147 213
Allardice, Barbara 124 — 125
alternative 102
American Association for the Advancement of Science 46
American Association of Retired Persons 97
American Association of University Women 198 — 199
American College Testing Program 47
Analytical 202
And computers 96 — 99
And household income 33
And justification of discrimination 62
And math anxiety 7
And mathematical ability 56 — 61
And mathematical achievement 75 — 85
And mathematics 2
And power structure 67
And pressures on teachers 113 134 204
And school-age children 204 — 206
And teachers 212 (see also “Family”)
And timed tests 56
And tracking 62
Anyon, Jean 122
Apple, Michael 121
Appleby, Doris 82
Approaches to 169 — 170
Approximation 153
aptitude 63
Area, figuring 133
As cause of teachers (continued) math anxiety 14
As first mathematicians 87
Ascher, Marcia 91
Asian women, and mathematics 83 — 84 164
Association for Women in Mathematics 129
Astronomy, Maya 91
Authority outside 171
Authority teacher's 139 151 171 194 217
Babbage, Charles 97
Baker,Russell 5
Barbie dolls 76
Barriers to careers 27
BASIC 153 212
Beckwith, Jonathan 63
Behavior individual and group 112
Behavior sexist 92 93 115
Belief in children's abilities 65
Benbow, Camille 47 — 48 49 63 65 66
Benezet, L. P 162
Berriozabal, Manuel 162
Bias in 58 63
Bias in counseling 117
Bilingual 112
Bilingual Education Act of 1968 44
Bilingual programs 112
Binet, Alfred 62
Blancero, Douglas 92
Bosman, William 158
Boston, Mass. 104
Boys and computers 97
Boys, parental expectations 75
Boys, preferential treatment by teachers 115 — 116 127
Boys, theories of innate superiority 49
Brooks, Andree 79
Buerk, Dorothy 174 187 188
Bureau of Labor Statistics 29
Calculators 123 153 167 201 210 251nl2
Calculus 149 — 151 155
Calendars 91
Campbell, Patricia 58
Cannell, John 114
Career representation 45 — 46
Career representation of African Americans 45 77
Career representation of Asian Americans 45
Careers women's 16
Careers, counseling 213
Careers, involving computers 97
Careers, need for higher-level skills 28
Casserly, Patricia 117
Census Bureau 36 71 78 80 89
Char-lotte, N.C. 104
Cheek, Helen Nealy 95
Chicago 111 73 104 199
Chipman, Susan 67
Choi, Mina 118 119
Christen, Yves 66
Cittadino, Mary Jo 5 8 26 47 69 100 132 163 193
Civil Rights Commission 111
Civil service 31
Clark, Kenneth 60 61
Clark, Reginald 199
Class and equal opportunity 121 — 125
Class and mathematical potential 70 — 74
Class and mathematics 2 216 217 241n3
Class and power structure 67
Class, influence on learning 68
Class, relation to testing 58 59 59
Class, theories of innate inferiority 47
COBOL computer language 99
Cognitive 65
Cognitively Guided Instruction 137 — 138
Cognitively Guided Instruction program 137 — 138
Cole, Johnnetta 68
Coles, Gerald 124
College 226
College at-tendance of African Americans 126
College attendance 127
College attendance of minorities 248n39
College Entrance Examination Board 59 60 61
colleges 125 — 131
Colleges, community 126
Colleges, historically black 68 127 128 150
Colleges, predictors of success in 60
Colleges, requirements 37
Colleges, two-year 126
Colleges, workers 126 (see also “Universities”)
Comer, James 88
Compensatory 67
competitive 204
Competitive environment of 170
| Computation 153
Computers 11 34 67 96 107 153 167 210 246nl6;
Computers and languages 98 — 99
Computers and phobias 11
Concrete experience with numbers 136
Congressional Committee on Un-American Activities 129
Consumer Price Index 33 40
Contextual mode 174
Cookbook 149
Cooperation and context in learning 173
counseling 110 115
Counseling and discouragement of girls 117
Counseling, career 212 — 213
Counting 194
Court-ordered busing 104
Cozzens, Margaret 39
criteria 124
Critical 202 255n9
Critical thinking 202
Cuisinaire rods 135 181
Cultural 84
Cultural familiarity with mathematics 83 — 85
Culture and ethno-mathematics 157 — 162
Culture and mathematics 85 — 93 170
Culture of militarism 219 — 223
Culture, dominant 170 217
Culture, effect on attitudes to mathematics 83 — 84
Cuomo, Mario 26
Curriculum, content 212
Curriculum, innovative 109
D'Ambrosio, Ubiratan 157
Decimals 13 20 154
Dennis, Giovannae 165
Desegregation 44
Developmental 56 125
Differential gender expectations 75 — 77 199
Discrimination and achievement 72
Discrimination in employment 28 — 29
Discrimination in mathematics 27
Discrimination, economic 101
Discrimination, ethnic 27 44
Discrimination, gender 27 44
Discrimination, race 27 44 101
Discrimination, sex 127
Discrimination, social 101
Drew, Charles 103
Dunbar High School (Washington, D.C.) 103
Dyslexia 125
East St. Louis, 111 106
Educating Americans for the 21st Century (National Science Board) 44 72
Education 73
Education ,traditional 255n9
Education Amendments of 1972 44
Education, "banking" method 217
Education, continuing 32 — 33
Education, dominating 216 — 217
Education, humanistic 216 — 217
Education, mathematics 100
Education, parent 73
Education, special 63 124
Education, under-represented and underserved populations 43 — 44
Educational performance of African Americans 44 110
Educational Testing Service 53 56 58 60
Effect of poverty on minorities 128
Effect on desire to learn 137
Effect on stu-dent's achievement 113 — 121 127
Elementary 12
Emotion in learning 199
Employment wages 34 35
Employment, benefits 30 45
Employment, blue-collar 29
Employment, expectations of African American women 77
Employment, female 28
Employment, gender issues 77
empowerment 121 — 123
Environment 107 - 113
Environmental factors in learning 68
Equal opportunity in 24 46 121
Equal opportunity in education 24 46 121
Equals 8
EQUALS program 8
Escalante, Jaime 90
Estimation 138
Estimation in mathematics 138 141 153 162 201 202
Estrogen 239nl2
Ethnic 24 59 90 92
Ethnic, discrimination 27 44
Ethnic, proportions in math education 110
Ethnic, stereotypes 24 90 92
Ethnomathematics 157 — 162 179
ETS (see “Educational Testing Service”)
Expectations 73 92 207
Experiences of mathematics 168
Factorylike systems of education 137
False positives 39
Faludi, Susan 79
Family influence on 75 — 85
Family math 193 210
FAMILY MATH program 193 210
Family, importance of involvement in learning 198 — 200;
Family, role in learning mathematics 193 — 215 (see also “Parents”)
Fasheh, Munir 164
Ferrini — Mundy, Joan 53
Feuerstein, Reuven 64
Finding Out/Descubrimiento 112 113
Finding Out/Descubrimiento program 112 113
flash cards 138
Flexibility of mathematics 159
Focus on Learning Problems in Mathematics 125
For role expectation 121 - 122 (see also “Tracking”)
Fractions 202
Freire, Paul 216 217
Fuller, Thomas, the African Calculator 158
Funding for minorities 44
Funding for special education 124
Funding in 102
Funding, federal 28 107 124 130
Funding, grant scarcity 128
Funding, tax-based system 106 107 245nl5
Games 200 202 204 210
games of chance 41 158 159
Games of skill 158
Games, card 194
Games, mankala 133
Games, Owari 133 134
Games, puzzles 41
Games, strategy 41
Games, video 97
Gar-field High School (East Los Angeles) 103
Gautier, Carmen 95
Gender 24 65
Gender and mathematics 2 24 65 75 81 171
Gender and power structure 67
Gender and scoring 47 — 48 66
Gender, differences in achievement 49 53
Gender, discrimination 27 44
Gender, influence on learning 68
Gender, relation to testing 56 58 61 66
Gender, stereotypes 24 65 75
Gender, traditional roles 89 — 90
Genetic theories of intelligence 62
Genetic theories, gender superiority 47 — 48
Geometry 146 — 151 153 155 216
Gerdes, Paulus 157
Gilmer, Gloria 159
Ginsburg, Herbert 124 — 125 199
Girls, athletic activities 75 — 76
Girls, learned helplessness in 76
Girls, parental influence on 16
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