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Ortega J.M., Voigt R.G. — Solution of Partial Differential Equations on Vector and Parallel Computers |
Предметный указатель |
Scatter instruction 10
Semi-iterative methods 49
Separable problems, fast methods for 37
Shallow water equations, MPP and 63
Shuffle exchange switching network 19
SI methods 49
SIGMA-1 machine 19
SIMD systems 12
SIMPLE hydrodynamics code 18
Simultaneous relaxation method 47
Single Instruction Multiple Data systems 12
SLOR method 48
Software, for iterative methods 53
SOLOMON computer 12
SOLOMON computer, fluid dynamics and 58
SOQI method 45
SOR iteration 41
SOR iteration matrix, multicolor orderings and 44
SOR iteration, implementation of 44
SOR iteration, overrelaxed 45
Sparse matrices, methods for 29
Spectral methods 57
Speedup 6
Speedup in triangular systems 27
Speedup, definition of 5
Speedup, Ware model of 7
SSOR method 52
SSOR-SI method 49
Stability in triangular systems 26
Stability, Givens transformations and 36
Stability, numerical, in QIF elimination 25
Stability, Stone's algorithm and 36
Stability, tridiagonal methods and 35
Start-up time for Cray 11
Start-up time for Cyber 200 10
Start-up time for vector operations 3
Stencil, discretization 44
Stiff systems, hyperbolic equations for 56
Stone's algorithm, stability in 36
Storage, problem of 48
Structural analysis, vector computing and 62
Structural optimization problems 62
Substitutions, in factorization phase 21
Substructuring, methods for 31
| Successive Line Over-Relaxation method 48
Successive Overrelaxed Interlocking method 45
Super-vector speeds, achievement of 11
Supercomputers, cost of 2
Switch arrays 14 17
Switch interconnection array 15
Symmetric SOR iteration method 52
synchronization, cost of 4
Synchronization, of iterations 44
Systolic arrays 14
Texas Reconfigurable Array Computer (TRAC) 17
Three-color ordering 60
Three-color ordering, iterative methods and 42
Three-dimensional transonic potential flow equations 46
Time marching methods 40-58
Timing formulas for elimination 20
Toeplitz matrices 24
Transonic flow, parallel computing and 60
Transonic potential flow equations 46
Tree structure array 15
Triangular systems, methods for 26
Tridiagonal systems for linear equations 19
Tridiagonal systems, methods for 32
Tridiagonal systems, parallelism for 20
Two-pipeline Cyber 205, performance for 10
Ultracomputer project 19
Unrolling DO loops 4
Variable coefficients, methods using 53
Vector computers, improving performance of 3
Vector operations 3
Vector registers 4
Vector registers in Cray computers 10
Vector speeds, for Cray 11
VLSI devices, design of, parallel computing and 62
von Neumann's Cellular Automata 12
Ware model 6 7
Ware's law 10
Wavefront algorithm for triangular systems 26
Weather prediction, parallel computing and 61
Whirlwind I 8
Zero-cost model 5
Zigzag annihilation pattern 24
ZMOB array 16
ZMOB array, bus array in 15
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