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Ortega J.M., Voigt R.G. — Solution of Partial Differential Equations on Vector and Parallel Computers |
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Acoustic wave propagation, parallel computing and 62
Adaptive computation 56
Adaptive finite element system 57
Adaptive grids 56
ADI method 48
Aerodynamics computations 59
Algorithm speedup 6
Algorithm(s) see also "Individual algorithm names"
Algorithm(s), consistent, definition of 34
Algorithm(s), development of, for sparse matrices 2
Algorithm(s), flux-corrected transport 58
Algorithm(s), multigrid 45
Algorithm(s), sequential 3
Alternating Direction Implicit method 48
Amdahl's Law 10
Annihilation patterns 24
Architecture, parallel 1
Architecture, pipeline 1
Asynchronization, Jacobi iteration and 44
Asynchronous, iteration 44
Banyan switch 17
Benard Rayleigh problem, parallel computing and 58
Binary k-cube structure 16
Block algorithm, for tridiagonal systems 36
Block elimination algorithm 22
Block factorization methods, for sparse matrices 30
Block Gaussian elimination 22
Block method, for sparse matrices 30
Block partitioning, algorithms of 22
Block SOR method 48
Block SOR method, transonic flow problems and 60
Block tridiagonal matrices, cyclic reduction for 35
Block tridiagonal systems 17
Block tridiagonal systems, algorithm for 36
Block tridiagonal systems, cyclic reduction for 34
Blocking, in sparse matrices 31
Boltzmann equation, Monte Carlo method for 58
Boolean Vector Machine processor 19
Brailovskaya's method, vector computing and 58
Burroughs Scientific Processor 2
Bus array 14 15 16
C.mmp 17
C.mmp, switch array as 15
Capacitance matrix methods 54
Cayley — Hamilton theorem, Gaussian elimination and 26
Cedar project 19
Cedar project, architecture 57
CG methods 49
Chaining, on Cray 11 12
Chaotic relaxation methods 44
Checkerboard method, timing and 60
CHiP computer 18
Choleski decomposition 20 25
Classical multigrid algorithm 47
CM* array 16
Coefficients, variable, methods using 53
Column sweep algorithm 21
Communication, among processors 13
Communication, cost of 4
Communication, multigrid algorithms and 46
Compilers, Fortran 4
Compress instruction 10
Compressible flow problems, parallel computing and 59
Computation rates, maximum, for Cyber 203 9
Computation, adaptive 56
Computational complexity analysis 3
Computers, parallel, types of 12
Computing, parallel, books on 2
Configurable highly parallel computer 18
Conjugate gradient methods 49
Consistent algorithm(s) 36
Consistent algorithm(s), definition of 34
Control vector, in Jacobi's method 41
Convection problems, parallel computing and 58
Convergence, in CG methods 49
Convex Inc. 2
Cosmic cube structure 16
Cramer's rule, tridiagonal systems and 36
Crank — Nicolson scheme 55
Cray computers 10
Cray computers, multigrid algorithm for 46
Cray computers, performance of 11
Cray computers, schematic of 11
Crosspoint switch, in parallel computing 17
Cube-connected-cycles 19
Cyber 200 8
Cyber 200, multigrid algorithm for 46
Cyber 200, schematic of 9
Cyclic Chebyshev-SI method 49
Cyclic elimination 35
Cyclic reduction, methods for 34
DAP computer 12
Dataflow computer 19
Decomposition, matrix see also "Matrix decomposition"
Degree of parallelism 20
Delayed Wavefront algorithm for triangular systems 26
Digital optical computing 7
Direct methods for linear equations 19
Discrete elliptic equations, iterative methods for 40
Discretization stencil 44
Dissection, nested 27 see
Dissection, one-way 27
Distributed Array Processor 14
Divide and conquer principle 5
DO loops, rearrangement of 3
Domains, irregular 54
Driven cavity problem 58
Dufort — Frankel differencing, for convection problems 58
Earthquake analysis, parallel computing and 62
Efficiency measure, definition of 7
EGPA, matrix decomposition and 39
Elimination algorithms 20
Elimination methods for linear equations 20
Elimination methods for solving linear equations 19
Elimination methods, Gaussian 20
Elxsi 2
Erlangen General Purpose Array system, matrix decomposition and 39
Execution time, measurement of 6
Explicit methods, vs. implicit methods 54
FACR algorithm 39
Factorization methods for solving linear equations 19
Fan-out tree array 15
Fast Fourier Transform 3
Fast Fourier Transform, algorithms using 37
Fast Fourier Transform, perfect shuffle and 38
Fast Poisson solvers for linear equations 19
Fast Poisson solvers, cyclic reduction as 39
Fast Poisson solvers, Fast Fourier Transform in 38
Fast Poisson solvers, methods for 37
Fast Poisson solvers, multigrid algorithm and 40 46
FCT algorithm 58
FEARS project 57
FFT see "Fast Fourier Transform"
Finite Element Machine 18
Finite Element Machine, linear equation algorithms for 22
Finite element method, adaptive 57
Finite element method, structural analysis and 62
Flexible Computer Inc. 2
Floating point number, communication of 5
Floating point pipeline 8
Fluid dynamics, parallel computing in 58
Flux-corrected transport algorithm 58
Fortran compilers 4
Four-color ordering for parallel computing 43
Four-color ordering, ICCG algorithm and 51
Frontal method for sparse matrices 30
Gather instruction 10
Gauss — Jordan algorithm 21
Gauss — Seidel iteration 41
| Gaussian elimination 20
George algorithm, nested dissection and 28
Givens annihilation patterns 24
Givens reduction 23
Givens transformations 23
Givens transformations, pivoting for stability and 36
Global weather forecasting 61
Graves' method, vector computing and 58
Half-performance length 10
Hardware instructions 10
Hardware, review of 7—19
Hep 17
Heterogeneous Element Processor 17
Holland Machine 12
Householder transformations 23
Hydrodynamics, parallel computing and 58
Hyperbolic equations, methods for 54 56
ICCG methods 50
Illiac computer 2 12
Illiac computer, lattice interconnection in 13
Implicit methods, vs. explicit methods 54
Incomplete block cyclic reduction, ICCG algorithm and 51
Incomplete Choleski conjugate gradient methods 50
Incompressible inviscid homogeneous fluid problems 59
Inconsistency in algorithms for tridiagonal systems 34
Indirect addressing in sparse matrices 30
Interchange strategy, into Gaussian elimination 23
Interconnection schemes 13 14
Irregular domains 54
Irregular regions 54
Iterative methods 40—58
Iterative methods, tridiagonal systems and 36
Jacobi iteration method 40
Jacobi iteration method, implementation of 44
Jacobi iteration method, overrelaxed 45
Jacobi-Overrelaxed Quadrant Interlocking method 45
Jacobi-SI method 49
Japanese supercomputers 12
JOQI method 45
Laplace equation, iterative and time marching methods and 40
Lattice arrays 14
Lattice arrays, in Illiac computer 13
Lax — Wendroff scheme 56
Least squares problems, orthogonal reduction and 24
Linear equations, direct methods for 19—40
Linked triads 9
Loop unrolling 4
LU factorization, using systolic arrays 14
Machine cycles, elimination methods and 20
Manchester Data Flow Machine 19
Massively Parallel Processor 14
Matrices, sparse see "Sparse matrices"
Matrix decomposition, Fast Fourier Transform and 38
Matrix multiplication, using systolic arrays 14
Maximum parallelism 26
Memory, tridiagonal systems and 37
Merge instruction 10
Method of lines 53
MIDAS processor 18
MIMD systems 12
Minsky conjecture 7
Molecular dynamics, parallel computing and 62
Monte Carlo method, for Boltzmann equation 58
MPP 14
Multi-dimensional lattices 16
Multicolor ordering in SOR iterations 42
Multicolor ordering, ICCG algorithm and 51
Multigrid algorithm as fast Poisson solver 40
Multigrid algorithm, adaptive computation and 57
Multigrid algorithms 45 46
Multiple CPUs, in Cray 11
Multiple Instruction Multiple Data systems 12
NASTRAN, for structural analysis 62
Navier — Stokes equations, parallel computing and 59
Nearest neighbor connections, nested dissection and 29
Nested dissection 27
Nested dissection as substructuring technique 32
Nested dissection for linear equations 19
Nested dissection, diagonal variant of 28
Nested dissection, ordering in 27
Nested DO loops, rearrangement of 4
Nested grids, multigrid algorithms and 46
NON-VON computer, tree structure for 16
Nontridiagonal matrices, methods for 37
Numerical stability in QIF elimination 25
Numerical weather prediction 61
O'Leary's ordering, for parallel computing 43
Odd-even elimination 35
Odd-even reduction in sparse matrices 31
Odd-even reduction, algorithm of 34
Odd-even reduction, algorithm of, performance of 17
Odd-even reduction, ICCG algorithm and 51
Off-diagonal elements, cyclic reduction and 35
Omega networks 19
One-dimensional heat equation 55
One-way dissection 27
Operation counts 3
Optimal paracomputer, multigrid algorithm in 47
Orthogonal reduction, for parallel architecture 23
Overrelaxed Jacobi methods 45
PACS machine 18
Parabolic equations, methods for 54
Paracomputer 5
Paracomputer, optimal, multigrid algorithm in 47
Parallel architecture 1
Parallel arrays, multigrid algorithms for 46
Parallel computers, applications of 58–64
Parallel computers, books on 2
Parallel computers, hardware for 12
Parallelism, blocking for 31
Parallelism, definition of 8
Parallelism, degree of 4 20
Parallelism, maximum 26
Partial differential equations, parallel computing and 62
Partial differential equations, spectral methods for 57
Partitioning in triangular systems 26
PCG algorithm 50
Perfect parallel algorithm, Jacobi method as 41
Perfect shuffle interconnection scheme 38
Perfectly shuffled nearest neighbor array 47
Performance measurement of parallel algorithm 5
Pipeline architecture 1
Pipelining 8
Pivoting strategy in elimination 23
Pivoting strategy in tridiagonal systems 35
Plasma physics, parallel computing and 62
Poisson's equation, cyclic reduction for 34
Polyalgorithm, using cyclic reduction 35
Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Algorithm 50
Preconditioned conjugate gradient methods 49
Pringle system 16
QIF 25
Quadrant Interlocking Factorization elimination 25
Recurrence relations in tridiagonal systems 32
Recursive doubling in tridiagonal systems 33
Red-black ordering in Gauss — Seidel iterations 42
Red-black ordering in SLOR 48
Red-black ordering, ICCG algorithm and 51
Red-black ordering, transonic flow problems and 60
Reduction, cyclic, methods for 34
Relaxation methods 44 45
Relaxation methods in multigrid algorithms 46
Relaxation methods, simultaneous 47
Reordering principle 5
Reservoir simulation, parallel computing and 61
Row-oriented elimination 21
Sameh — Kuck algorithm, for reduction 23
Sameh — Kuck Givens annihilation pattern 24
Scalar algorithms and arithmetic complexity consistency 3
Scalar computation, as speedup measurement 6
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