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Medvedev F.A. — Scenes from the history of real functions
Medvedev F.A. — Scenes from the history of real functions

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Название: Scenes from the history of real functions

Автор: Medvedev F.A.


To attempt to compile a relatively complete bibliography of the theory of functions of a real variable with the requisite bibliographical data, to enumerate the names of the mathematicians who have studied this subject, exhibit their fundamental results, and also include the most essential biographical data about them, to conduct an inventory of the concepts and methods that have been and continue to be applied in the theory of functions of a real variable.. .in short, to carry out any one of these projects with appropriate completeness would require a separate book involving a corresponding amount of work. For that reason the word essays occurs in the title of the present work, allowing some freedom in the selection of material.
In justification of this selection, it is reasonable to try to characterize to some degree the subject to whose history these essays are devoted. The truth of the matter is that this is a hopeless enterprise if one requires such a characterization to be exhaustively complete and concise. No living subject can be given a final definition without provoking some objections, usually serious ones. But if we make no such claims, a characterization is possible; and if the first essay of the present book appears unconvincing to anyone, the reason is the personal fault of the author, and not the objective necessity of the attempt...

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1991

Количество страниц: 263

Добавлена в каталог: 31.10.2010

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Abel, N.H. (1802-1829)      87 88 90 93 185 235
Agnesi, M.G. (1718?-1799)      41 235
Agostini, A. (b.1892)      175 235
Akilov, G.P. (b.1921)      25 156 229 246
Al-BTrunT (973-ca.1060)      30 172 254
Al-Haitham (965-1039)      171
Al-Kuhi (Tenth century)      171
Aleksandrov, P.S. (1896-1986)      25 110 197 229 235
Ampere, A.M. (1775-1836)      214—219 232 235
Antropova, V.A. (b.1924)      64 182 236
Apollonius (ca.260-170 B.C.E.)      30 31
Arbogast, L.F.A. (1759-1803)      65 191
Archimedes, (287-212 B.C.E.)      30 31 170—173 237
Arendt, G. (1832-?)      188 241
Arzela, C. (1847-1912)      102—111 120 121 157 166 236
Ascoli, G. (1843-1896)      104 109 190 236
Averbuch, V.I. (b.1937)      196 236
Baire, R.L. (1874-1932)      13 17 20 106 112 115 125 157—167 190 229—230 236
Banach, S. (1892-1945)      14 66 155 156 231—233 236
Bari, N.K. (1901-1961)      24 114 229 236 237
Baron, M.E.      179 237
Barrow, I. (1630-1677)      29 32 40 175 176
Bashmakova, I.G. (b.1921)      42 170 237
Bauer, H. (1891-1953)      197 237
Bendixson, I. (1861-1935)      102 103 106 237
Bernkopf, M.      138 145 237
Bernoulli, D. (1700-1782)      46 47
Bernoulli, James (1654-1705)      40
Bernoulli, John (1667-1748)      29 34 40—42 47 48 64
Bernshtein, S.N. (1880-1968)      10 83
Bertrand, J. (1822-1900)      220
Besicovitch, A.S. (Bezikovich, A.S.), (1891-1970)      231 237 254
Bessel, F.W. (1784-1846)      83
Bezikovich A.S. (Besicovitch, A.S.), (1891-1970)      231 237 254
Bieberbach, L. (1896-1982)      121 237
Birkoff, G. (b.1911)      196
Birnbaum, Z.W.      152—156 237
Biryukov, B.V. (b.1922)      70—72 74 237
Bochner, S. (1899-1982)      28 177 196 237
Bokk, A.A. (b.1939)      210 246
Bolzano, B. (1781-1848)      50 56 62 65 186 216 220 238 243 247
Boole, G. (1815-1864)      70 205
Borel, E. (1871-1956)      13 20 23 76 87 97—98 125—126 133 162—164 193 194 238 248
Bortolotti, E. (1866-1947)      175 176 238
Bouquet, J.C. (1819-1885)      90
Bourbaki, N.      15 22 26 31 68 176 238
Boussinesq, J.V. (1842-1929)      233
Boyer, C.B. (b.1906)      179 238
Bradwardine, T. (ca.1290-1349)      31 172
Braun, Ben-Ami      128 238
Briot, Ch. (1817-1882)      90
Brunschvicg, L.A. (1869-1944)      65—66 212 219 238
Brzecka, V.F.      65 238
Bunyakovskii, B.Ya. (1804-1889)      57
Burkill, J.C. (b.1900)      154—155 196 202 238 254
Cahen, E.      224 239
Cantor, G. (1845-1918)      14 22 67—69 72 75 92—95 111 132 160—163 192 229 239
Cantor, M. (1829-1920)      29 239
Caratheodory, C. (1873-1950)      23 80 81 119 205—209 209 210 229 239
Carnot, L.N.M. (1753-1823)      44 239
Cauchy, A.L. (1789-1857)      14 56 57 62 66 75 87 90—93 99 106 128 142 182 185—189 192 194 198 216 218—221 239 243 244 250 252 259
Cavalieri, B. (ca.1598-1647)      32 174 239
Chebyshev, P.L. (1821-1894)      10 83
Church, A. (b.1903)      28 62 71 239
Condorcet, M.J.A.N. (1743-1794)      48 50 55 78 239
Cooke, R.G.      21 239
Copernicus, N. (1473-1543)      32
D'Alembert, J.L. (1717-1783)      44—47 55 182 240
Daniell, P.J. (1889-1946)      116 118 201 240
Dannemann, F. (1859-1936)      177 240
Darboux, G. (1842-1917)      14 65 93—95 102 106 190 224 228 231 240
De Morgan, A. (1806-1871)      70
Dedekind, R. (1831-1916)      11 67—73 75 240
Dell'Angola, C.A. (1871-1956)      109 240
Denjoy, A. (1884-1974)      14 114 193—195 197 198 204 233 235 240
Descartes, R. (1596-1650)      32—34 36 241 258
Dickstein, S. (1851-1939)      45 241
Dieudonne, J. (b.1906)      22 26 50 241
Dini, U. (1845-1918)      11 12 14 65 66 95 100—106 108 111 157 191 213 216 229 224—228 239 241
Diocles, (Second century B.C.E.)      30
Dirichlet, P.G.Lejeune (1805-1859)      41 47 49 50 53—55 57 60—63 89 94 134 144 161 189 190 192 216 220 221 241
Du Bois-Reymond, P. (1831-1889)      14 65 88 93—95 98 103 128 133 190 192 221 224 241
Dugac, P. (b.1926)      91 224 242
Duhamel, J.M.C. (1797-1872)      88 219
Dunford, N. (b.1906)      196
Egorov, D.M. (1869-1931)      112 113 118 119 121 124 242 247 254
Einstein, A. (1879-1955)      247 252
Enestrom, G. (1852-1923)      47
Engels, F. (1820-1895)      178 242
Euclid (ca.365-300 B.C.E.)      30
Eudoxus of Cnidos (ca.408-355 B.C.E.)      36 170
Euler, L. (1707-1783)      34 35 40—48 50 54—57 63 64 71 78 169 180 181 185 196 237 242 244 249 252
Fatou, P. (1878-1929)      124
Felix, L.      233 240
Fermat, P. (1601-1665)      36 174—175
Fikhtengol'ts, G.M. (1888-1959)      121 182 242
Fischer, E. (1875-1959)      124 137 139—144 146 147 148 152 242
Fomin, S.V. (1917-1975)      129 247
Fourier, J.B. (1768-1830)      11 40 49—54 59—62 87 88 89 124 130—134 138—140 242 244 245 246 257
Fraser, C.G.      215 242
Frechet, M. (1878-1973)      19—21 109 114 115 138 157 163 195—196 199—205 242
Fredholm, I. (1866-1927)      253
Frege, G. (1849-1925)      70—72 237 243
Freudenthal, H. (b.1905)      57 243
Freycinet, C.      219
Gaiduk, Yu.M. (b.1914)      130 243
Galilei, G. (1564-1642)      32—34 175—177 247 255
Galois, E. (1811-1832)      191 219 220 243
Garcet, H.      220
Gauss, K.F. (1777-1855)      91 180 182 187 221 243
Gavurin, M.K. (b.1912)      196
Gel'fand, I.M. (b.1913)      196
Gerver, J.      222 243
Glivenko, V.I. (1897-1940)      196 205 243
Gnedenko, B.V. (b.1912)      23 168 243
Grabiner, J.V.      216 243
Granger, G.G. (b.1920)      48 243
Grattan-Guinness, I. (b.1941)      57 63 85 151 243
Graves, L.M. (b.1896)      196
Gregory, J. (1638-1675)      32 40 41 175 176
Gyunter, N.M. (1871-1941)      76 77 185 244 256
Haar, A. (1885-1933)      83
Hadamard, J. (1865-1963)      19 162 197 244
Hahn, H. (1879-1934)      98 185 244
Hake, H.      197 244
Halmos, P. (b.1916)      115 116 124 129 200 244
Halphen, G.H. (1844-1888)      137 244
Hankel, H. (1839-1873)      17 22 29 42 56 62 63 65 66 72 74 75 102 158 190 222 224 244 245
Hardy, G.H. (1877-1947)      14 21 66 85—86 99 103 151 188 222 244
Harnack, A. (1851-1888)      107 111 116 129—139 149 151 164 192
Hausdorff, F. (1868-1942)      164 229 245
Hawkins, T. (b.1938)      50—53 61 63 66 106 111 116 120 132 133 138 191 193 212 214 219 245
Hayes, C.A.I.      201 245
Heine, H.E. (1821-1881)      87 92—97 111 245
Hermite, Ch. (1822-1901)      233
Hilbert, D. (1862-1943)      18 23 136 138—140 148 243 245
Hildebrandt, T.H. (b.1888)      97—98 245
Hippias (Fifth century B.C.E.)      30
Hobson, E.W. (1856-1933)      11 12 98 101—104 107 109 110 124 126 128 154 229 245
Hoiiel, J. (1825-1886)      222 245
Holder, O. (1859-1937)      147 148 152 192
Hoppe, E. (1854-1928)      30 171 245
Hugoniot, P.H. (1851-1887)      137 246
Huytesbury, W. (ca.1313-1372)      31
Ionescu-Tulcea, C.T.      196 205 246
Jordan, C. (1838-1922)      15 22 65 66 75 76 121 133 136 137 190 246
Jourdain, P.E.B. (1879-1919)      223 246
K6nig, J. (1849-1913)      191 247
Kaczmarz, S. (1895-1939)      14 150 155 246
Kantorovich, L.V. (1912-1986)      25 156 229 246
Keldysh, L.V. (b.1904)      166
Kempisty, S. (1892-1947)      167 246
Kepler, J. (1571-1630)      173 174
Keyser, C.J. (1862-1947)      79 246
Khinchin, A.Ya. (1894-1959)      194 197 198 246
Kitcher, P. (b.1947)      44 246
Kleene, S.C. (b.1909)      25 246
Klein, F. (1849-1925)      188 246
Klement'ev, Z.I. (b.1903)      210 217 246
Knopp, K. (1882-1957)      66 227 247
Kol'man, E.Ya. (1892-1977)      56 57 65 247
Kolmogorov, A.N. (1903-1987)      23 77 124 129 177 196 198 202—206 208 210 247
Konigsberger, L. (1837-1921)      219
Korovkin, P.P. (b.1913)      120 247
Krasnosel'skii, M.A. (b.1920)      152 247
Kronecker, L. (1823-1891)      93 120
Kudryavtsev, L.D. (b.1923)      210 247
Kuratowski, C. (1896-1980)      26 27 70 73 80 228 229 247
Kuznetsov, B.G. (1903-1984)      177 247
Lacroix, S.F. (1765-1843)      47—50 56 57 59 63 65 186 187 219 247
Lagrange, J.L. (1736-1813)      35 41 44—48 57 62 65 182 187 214—218 232 241 248 252
Laguerre, E. (1834-1886)      83
Lamarle, A.H.E. (1806-1875)      219
Landau, E. (1877-1938)      121 248
Laplace, P.S. (1749-1827)      55
Lavrent'ev, M.A. (b.1900)      79 248
Lebesgue, H. (1875-1941)      13 14 21 56 66 74—77 79 97 108 110—114 116—119 121 122 129 133 136 138—140 142 148 147—152 158 159 161—167 183 185 190 193—201 205 206 216 230 237 247 248 252 254
Legendre, A.M. (1752-1833)      83 183
Leibniz, G.W. (1646-1716)      29 32 39—41 47 66 169 177 178—182 187 189 196 198—201 249 252
Liouville, J. (1809-1882)      83
Lipschitz, R. (1832-1903)      65
Littlewood, J.E. (1885-1957)      222
Lobachevskii, N.I. (1792-1856)      50 57—62 65 192 216 220 249
Looman, H.      197 249
Lunts, G.L. (b.1911)      58—60 65 249
Luzin, N.N. (1883-1950)      62 90 105 114 125 161—166 181 194 225 236 249 257
Lyapunov, A.A. (1911-1973)      24 237
Lyapunov, A.M. (1857-1918)      136 191
Mac Laurin, C. (1698-1746)      42 43 249
Maeda, F.      201 249
Maistrov, L.E. (1920-1982)      23 250
Mal'cev, A.I. (1909-1967)      26 70 250
Marcus, S. (b.1925)      79 250
Markov, A.A. (1856-1922)      191
Markushevich, A.I. (b.1908)      35 43 45 62 180 250
Mazurkiewicz, L.L.      189 250
Mazurkiewicz, S. (1888-1945)      65 167 229—233 250
Medvedev, F.A. (b.1923)      22 76 111 132 160 171 191 220 250
Men'shov, D.E. (b.1892)      24 34 114—116 125 127 128 229 236 250
Menger, K.      79 250
Mengoli, R. (1625-1686)      40 175 235
Meyer, G.F.      188
Minkowski, H. (1864-1909)      152
Moigno, F. (1804-1864)      75 99
Monge, G. (1746-1816)      45
Montel, R. (b.1876)      109 233 240 251
Moore, E.H. (1862-1932)      19 23 202 251
Nalli, R. (1886-1965)      143—145 251
Napier, J. (1550-1617)      32
Natanson, I.P. (1906-1964)      12 73 113 122—123 128 141 148 158 251
Natucci, A.      36 47 251
Newton, I. (1642-1727)      32 34 36—40 47 64 66 169 177 178—182 187 189 196 198—201 236 251
Nicomedes, (Second century B.C.E.)      30
Nikliborc, L.      155 246
Nikodym, O. (b.1887)      198—201 207 251
Nikol'skii, S.M. (b.1905)      210 247 251
Noaillion, P.      155
Oldenburg, H. (1615?-1677)      251
Oresme, N. (ca.1323-1382)      31 172
Orlicz, W. (1903-1990)      152—156 231 232 237 249 251
Osgood, W.F. (1864-1943)      98 108 112 237 252
Ostrogradskii, M.V. (1801-1861)      190 252
Oxtoby, J.C.      229 231 252
Paplauskas, A.B. (b.1931)      22 45 46 63 88 92 136 145 184 185 252
Pappus of Alexandria (Third and Fourth centuries)      30 170 173 250
Pascal, E. (1865-1940)      65 212 216 252
Pasch, M. (1843-1930)      65 66 75 212 216 219 252
Pauc, C.Y.      201 245
Peano, G. (1858-1932)      22 66 70 71 72 75 76 121 133 136 137 182 190 191 220 250 252
Peirce, C.S. (1839-1914)      70
Perrin, L.      234
Perron, O. (b.1880)      14 194 195 197 237 249 252
Pesin, I.N. (b.1930)      137 193—194 252
Pettis, B.J. (b.1913)      196
Phillips, R.S. (b.1913)      196
Picone, M. (b.1885)      23
Pincherle, S. (1853-1936)      21 97 107—109 142 145 149 252
Plancherel, M.      142 252
Pogrebysskii, I.B. (1906-1971)      179 184 252
Poinsot, L. (1777-1859)      219
Poisson, S.D. (1781-1840)      45 140 182 183 186 187
Price, G.B. (b.1905)      196
Pringsheim, A. (1850-1941)      85 91 98 252
Privalov, I.I. (1891-1941)      145 252
Ptolemy, Cladius (d.ca.170)      30 172
Pythagoras (Sixth century B.C.E.)      177
Raabe, J.L. (1801-1859)      219 253
Rademacher, H. (1892-1969)      83
Radon, J. (1877-1956)      76 116—117 142 151 195 198—201 207 253
Remez, E.Ya. (b.1896)      190 253
Reyneaux, Ch.R. (1656-1728)      41 253
Rickart, C.E. (b.1913)      196
Riemann, B. (1826-1866)      13 14 15 16 20 22 62 63 65 84 95 106 107 112 114 121 130—134 137 138 139 150 164 189—190 198 221—224 240 243 248 253
Riesz, F. (1880-1956)      98 114 115 118 119 121—126 136 139—151 154 155 194 197 253
Ringenberg, L.A.      202 254
Roberval, G.P. (1602-1675)      34 174 175
Rosenthal, A. (1887-1959)      63 85 98 106 110 138 229 254
Rozhanskaya, M.M. (b.1928)      31 172 254
Rubini, R.      219
Russell, B. (1872-1970)      70 73 74 162 254
Rutickii, Ya.B. (b.1922)      152 247
Rybnikov, K.A. (b.1913)      49 254
Saks, S. (1897-1942)      14 21 200 229—233 254
Schauder, J.S. (1889-1940)      238
Scheffer, L. (1859-1885)      192
Schmidt, E. (1876-1959)      139 142 254
Schonflies, A. (1853-1928)      192 229 254
Schramm, M. (b.1928)      30 172 255
Schroder, E. (1841-1902)      70 72—74 255
Schwarz, H.A. (1843-1921)      223 224 255
Scriba, Ch.J. (b.1959)      176 255
Seidel, Ph.L. (1821-1896)      88—93 95 100 255
Serret, J.A. (1819-1885)      225
Severini, C. (1872-1951)      113 145 255
Shabat, B.V. (1917-1987)      78 248
Shatunovskii, S.O. (1859-1929)      23 255
Shchegol'kov, E.A. (b.1917)      164 255
Shikhanovich, Yu.A. (b.1933)      26 70 255
Shilov, G.E. (1917-1975)      22 255
Sierpiriski, W. (1882-1969)      161 167 249 255
Sikorski, R.      205 255
Sirvint, Yu.F. (1913-1942)      109 111 255
Skvortsov, V.A. (b.1935)      198 209 257
Smirnov, V.I. (1887-1974)      185 209 256
Smith, H.J.S. (1827-1883)      17 66 106 190 256
Smith, H.L. (1892-1950)      23 203 251
Smolyanov, O.G. (b.1938)      196 236
Sobolev, S.L. (b.1908)      185 209 210 256
Steiner, H.G.      61 69 72 256
Steinhaus, H. (1887-1972)      14 150 229 231 246
Steklov, V.A. (1864-1926)      136 145 252 256
Stieltjes, T.J. (1856-1894)      12 17 21 116—119 150 151 155 191 195 197 199 201 233 240 243 244 248 256
Stokes, G.G. (1819-1903)      57 62 88—91 99—101 244 256
Stolz, O. (1842-1905)      93 192 256
Sturm, J.Ch.F. (1803-1855)      83
Styazhkin, N.I. (1932-1986)      70 256
Suslin, M.Ya. (1894-1919)      166
Swineshead, R. (fl.ca.1350)      31 172
Talalyan, A.A. (b.1928)      127 128 238 256
Tarski, A. (b.1902)      27 72 256
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