Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Smullyan R.M., Fitting M. — Set theory and the continuum problem |
Предметный указатель |
Extensionality 116
Extraordinary 11
Field 43
Filter 262
Fine structure 271
finite 4 39 99
Finite character 56
Finite support 255
First-order definable see definable first-order
First-order property 14
First-order swelled see swelled first-order
First-order universe 153
First-order universe, well founded 153
First-order Zermelo universe see Zermelo universe first
First-order Zermelo-Fraenkel universe see Zermelo — Fraenkel universe first-
Fixed point 36
Fixed point lemma 98
Forces 192 196
Forces, weakly 197
Forcing 189
Forcing condition 203 229 236 254
Formula 128
Formula, 145
Formula, 145
Formula, A 129
Formula, atomic 128
Formula, pure 129
Formula, with constants 129 191
Frame 191
Frame, augmented 191
Free occurrence 128
Frege set theory 10
Function 23
Fundamental theorem of cardinal arithmetic 102 104
Gdel’s isomorphism theorem 179
Generalized induction see induction generalized
Generalized transfinite recursion see transfinite recursion generalized
Hartog’s function 102
Hartog’s theorem 101
Henkin closure condition 132
Henkin-closed 132
Henkin-closure 133
Hereditary cardinality 178
Identity function 70
IFF 16
Immediate extension 58
Immediately in 204
Incompatible 230 263
Individual 166
Induction 27
Induction, complete 32
Induction, double 32
Induction, generalized 117
Inductive 30
Inductive, minimally 33
Inductive, under see -inductive
Infinite 3 4 39
Initial element 88 116
Inner model 189
Intersection 20
Intuitionistic logic 196
Inverse 70
Isomorphism 71 117
Iterated forcing 274
Knaster — Tarski theorem 98
Kripke semantics 191
Lwenheim’s theorem 130
Larger 96
Law of additive absorption 103
Law of multiplicative absorption 104
LEAST 35 44
Levy’s basis theorem 177 178
Limit cardinal 181
Limit element 45
Limit ordinal 65
Lindenbaum construction 60
Linear ordering 44
Lower section 47 71
Lower section, proper 47
M.S.T.V. 137
MAP 24
Mathematical induction see induction
Maximal 55
Maximal principles 55
Maximal principles, Hausdorff 58
Maximal principles, Kuratowski 56
Maximal principles, Tukey — Teichmller 56
Minimally superinductive see superinductive minimally
Modal logic 191
Modal model 191
Model of 185
Model of 184
Model, modal see modal model
modus ponens 201
Monadic 168
Monotone 98
Monotone, increasing 137
Montague — Levy reflection theorem 137 138
Morse — Kelley set theory 13
Mostowski — Shepherdson mapping 115 121 123
Mostowski — Shepherdson mapping, theorem 122
Mostowski — Shepherdson — Tarski — Vaught theorem 137
Moves backwards 72
Natural number 3 64
Necessitation rule 193
Nest 34
Non-classical logic 189
Non-denumerable 4 39 99
Non-trivial 236
Normalizes 244
Number, cardinal see cardinal number
Number, natural 27 30;
Number, ordinal see ordinal number
Onto 24
Operation 23
Order 142
Ordered pair 19
Ordinal hierarchy 82
Ordinal number 64
Ordinal number, Robinson’s definition 94
Ordinal sequence 75
Ordinary 11 15
Over A 129
Partial ordering 43 195
| Peano postulates 27
Permutation 255
Permutation group 243
Platonist 10
Possible world 203
Possible world semantics 191
Power 8
Power set 7
Predecessor 45
Preordering 195
Principle E 59
Progressing 34
Progressing, slowly 41 52
Progressing, strictly 50
Proper subset see subset proper
Proper well ordering see well ordering proper
Pseudo-constructible 179
Pseudo-construction 179
Ramified 273
Rank 81
Realist, mathematical 10
Reflection principles 128
Reflects 131
Reflects, completely 131
Reflects, with respect to 131
Reflexive 43
Reflexivity axiom 196
Regular 207
Relation 23
Relation, single-valued 23
Relational structure 194
Relational system 115
Relational system, proper 115
Relativization 182
Relevant 158
Replacement Theorem 193
Restriction 44
Reverse diagonal 254
S4 model 202
S4 model 195
S4 regular model 207
s5 195
Sandwich principle 35 50
Satisfiable 130
Schrder — Bemstein theorem 8
Separation 14
Separation principle 12
Set 14
Sierpiski’s theorem 109 112
Similar 96
Singleton 18
Skolem — Lwenheim theorem 131
Slowly progressing see progressing slowly
Smaller 7 96
Special 60 255
Ssentence, entence 168
Stabilize 223
Stable 163
Standard model 184 259
Standard model, countable 260
Strictly progressing see progressing strictly
subclass 14
Subformula 128
Subgroup 245
Subset, proper 7
Substitution 129 169
Substitution, function 169
Successor 45
Successor ordinal 65
Supercomplete 16
Superinduction, double 49
Superinduction, proof by 48
Superinductive 48
Superinductive, minimally 48
Swelled 16 153
Swelled, first-order 153
Tarski — Vaught theorem 131 132
Tarski — Vaught theorem, class version 134
Theorem G 177
Theorem GI 179
Theorem K 179
Transfinite induction 46
Transfinite recursion 74 77
Transfinite recursion, generalized 121
Transitive 16 43
Transitive closure 177
Transitivity axiom 196
Trichotomy 101
Trichotomy principle 38
True at 192
True at a world 192
True over A 131
Truth 170
Truth in relational systems 130
Truth Lemma 268
TYPE 56 167
Uncountable 4 99
UNIVERSAL class 14
Universal generalization 201
Unordered pair 11 19
Unramified 273
Urelements 243
Valid 192
Valuation 170
Valuation function 170
Variable 128
Von Neumann’s principle 91 92
Weakly forces see forces weakly
Well founded 88 93 116
Well ordered 35
Well ordering 44
Well Ordering Principle 38
Well ordering theorem, Zermelo 54
Well ordering, fundamental theorem of 72
Well ordering, proper 71
Well ordering, slow 52
Zermelo set theory 12
Zermelo universe 26 30
Zermelo universe, first-order 181
Zermelo — Fraenkel see
Zermelo — Fraenkel set theory 12 154
Zermelo — Fraenkel universe 73
Zermelo — Fraenkel universe, first-order 153
Zermelo — Fraenkel universe, first-order, well founded 153
Zorn’s Lemma 57
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