Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Tucker А. — Applied Combinatorics |
Предметный указатель |
Permutation 180 425
Permutation, algorithm 225
Permutation, r-permutation 180
Pigeonhole Principle 419
Pisa, L. 315
Pitcher pouring game 105
Planar graph 35 425
Planar graph, maximal 47
Plane graph 35
Platonic graph 47
Poisson random variable 272
Poker probabilities 182
Polya's enumeration formula 374
Power series 243
Prim's minimal spanning tree algorithm 112
Probability generating function 259 272
Probability of event 416
Progressively finite game 387
Proposition 407
Propositional calculus 408
Prufer sequence 99
Quality control 185
Queens, dominating 16
Queens, non-taking 98
QUIK sort 129
Ramsey theory 53 419
Random variable 259
Range graph 30
Range in matching 159
Recurrence relation 279 425
Recurrence relation, homogeneous relation 297
Recurrence relation, inhomogeneous relation 301
Recurrence relation, linear relation 297
Reflexivity in relation 352
Region of planar graph 41
Regular graph 52
Reingold, E. 231 232
Rencontre 336
Rinnoy Kan, A. 132
Riordan, J. 214 231 277 348 430
Rivest, R. 295 315
Roberts, F. 429
Rook polynomial 340
Rook, non-capturing 339
Root of tree 93 427
Rotation of figure 353
Rothschild, B. 419
Round-robin tournament 55 85
Russell, B. 409
Ryser, H. 430
Sample space 416
Sandefur, J. 315
Saturated and unsaturated edges 141
Sedgewick, R. 49 132
Selection 180 425
Selection with repetition 197
Selection with repetition, equivalent forms 205
Selection, algorithm 226
Selection, recurrence relation 285 309
Self-complementary graph 54
Set 405
Set Composition Principle 184
Set of distinct representatives 156
Set, disjoint sets 405
Set, null set 405
Shapley — Shubik voting power index 188
Shih — Chieh, C 231
Shmoys, D. 132
Shortest path algorithms 134 135
| Sibling in a tree 94 427
Signed directed graph 19
Sink in network 138
Slack in network 141
sorting algorithms 127—129
Source in network 138
Spanning tree 110 427
Spencer, J. 419
Sprague, O. 403
Stanley, R. 430
Stirling number 270
Stirling's approximation for n! 188
Street-sweeping 59
Strongly connected graph 52 63 115
Subgraph 21 426
Subgroup 359
Subset 405
Subset, proper subset 405
Subtree 427
Successor in a directed graph 391
Summation methods, with binomial identities 219
Summation methods, with generating functions 272
Summation methods, with recurrence relations 302
Sylvester, L. 48 348
Symmetry, in relation 352
Symmetry, of geometric figure 353
tetrahedron 354
Thoro, D. 429
Tournaments 70 85 95 102 294
Tower of Hanoi game 282
Traffic signal timing 55
Trail 17 61 426
Transitive closure 137
Transitivity in relation 552
Transposition in permutation 359
Traveling salesperson problem 118
Traversal of tree 106
Traversal of tree, inorder, postorder, preorder 106 426 427
TREE 93 426
Tree sort 131
Tree, binary 94 426
Tree, rooted 93 427
Tree, w-ary 94 427
Trial of experiment 416
Triangulation of a polygon 86
Trudeau, R. 430
Truth table 408
Tutte, W. 403
Ullman, J. 49 132
Union of sets 406
Unit-flow chain 143
Unit-flow path 140
Universal set 405
Vandermonde, A. 92
Venn diagram 3 317 407
Vertex basis 11
Vertex in graph 3
Vilenkin, N. 430
Vizing's theorem 88
VLSI design 80
Voting power 188
Watkins, J. 430
Watkins, M. 430
Wheel graph 78
Whitworth, W. 231 232 430
Wilf, H. 430
Wilson, R. 48 49 92 429 430
Winning position in game 388
Winning strategy in game 389
Winning vertex 388
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