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van der Giessen E., Wu Theodore Y.-T. — Advances in Applied Mechanics, Volume 37 |
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Aarts, R. G. 262 272
Abramowitz 102 107 109 164
Acrivos, A. 177 180 188 192 208 228 231 237
Agnon, Y. 18 82
Airy’s model 37 119 158
Akylas, T. R. 67 82
Alfaro 214 227
Allirot, D. 286 359
Andrade, E. N. da Costa 287 359
Anisimowicz 289 363
Antonia, R. A. 253 275
Apparent vorticity 40
Ashby, M. F. 293 362
Ashkenazi, S. 241 272
Aspe, H. 214 227
Astarita, G. 279 359
Asymptotic expansion of beach-wave function and the ray theory 110—116
Asymptotic reductive perturbation method 6
Avula, X. J. R. 279 359
B nard convection, Boussinesq approximation and surface deformation 179—183
B nard convection, conclusions 227
B nard convection, generalizations of classical theories 183—202
B nard convection, historical research 168—171
B nard convection, nonlinear waves and dissipative solitons 212—226
B nard convection, recent results on patterned convection 202—205
B nard convection, summary of results and limitations of classical theories 171—178
B nard convection, surface and internal waves and boundary- layer effects 205—212
B zier-splines, cubic 355
B nard, H. 168 228
Badratinova, L. G. 204 227
Bailleux, R. 203 234
Bale, D. S. 51 54 57 83
Banijamali, B. 18 85
Bankoff, G. 170 234
Bar, D. 214 228
Baransky, Y. 69 70 83
Barenblatt, G. L. 253 272
Barenghi, C. F. 262 263 272
Batchelor, G. K. 254 272
Bathymetry 7 95 96
Bauer, G. H 262 263 272
Bauschinger phenomenon 314
Bazin, H. 215 222 228
Beach-wave function 136
Beach-wave function, asymptotic expansion of 110—116
Beach-wave function, defined 94 98
Beale, J. 23 82
Behringer, R. P. 245 274
Belin, F 269 276
Benguria, R. D. 182 183 228
Benjamin, T. B. 30 76 82 213 228
Benney, D. J. 49 82
Bensimon, D. 214 232
Berg, J. C. 174 177 188 228 234
Bernoulli equation 20
Bessel function 103 109
Bestehorn 203 205 228 230 236
Betten, J. 279—290 292—296 298 299 303 304 306 309 311—314 316 318 319 323—328 346—355 357 359 360 361 363 364
Bidirectional long-wave model 48—51
Bidirectional long-wave model for normal run-up 116—118
Bielert, F. 268 272 276
Biggerstaff, M. I. 174 232
Binary head-on collisions of bidirectional solitons 51—54
Binary overtaking collisions of unidirectional solitons 54—57
Biot number 172 174 204 205
Birikh, R. V. 188 201 228
Bisch, P. 197 201 231 235
Block, M. J. 168 170 194 227 228
Bodner, S. R. 290 361
Boehler, J. P. 280 286 313 317 359 361
Bolgiano, R. 258 272
Bond number, diverging static 180
Bond number, dynamic 177 209 220
Bond number, static 175 191 192
Bormann 286 360 361
Bose, A. 188 237
Bottom velocity base 14—15
Bouasse, H. 215 222 228
Boudart 177 228
Boundary integral closure 20—23
Boundary integral equation (BIE) 22—23
Boundary integral equation method (BIEM) 92
Boussinesq — Oberbeck approximation 171
Boussinesq — Oberbeck approximation, and surface deformation 179—183
Boussinesq, J. 5 16 41 82 212 214 216 228
Boussinesq’s two-equation model 31 33
Boussinesq’s two-equation model, 3D 212
Boussinesq’s two-equation model, generalized channel 78
Boussinesq’s two-equation model, generalized model 62—63 95 135 139 142—147
Bragard, J. 202 203 213 228
Breitbach, G. 346 351 361
Brian, P. 177 228
Briggs, M. J. 93 164
Briskman, V. A. 201 228
Britcher, C. P. 258 266 272 273
Brocchini 91 164
Brown, S. G. R. 302 303 361
Brunt — V is l frequency 192 209 211
Bushnell, D. 248 250 273
Busse, F. H. 170 180 186 187 203 229 235
Butters 287 360 361
Byatt — Smith, J. G. B. 51 82
Camassa, R. 5 39 40 66 69 70 71 72 75 83
Cardin, Ph 187 229
Carneiro, G. 181 234
Carrier, G. F. 91 101 122 138—141 164
Casciola 67 83
Castaing, B. 252 257 268 273
Castellanos, A. 229
Castillo, J. L. 214 229 230 237
Cauchy stress tensor 288 290 294 341 346
Cauchy — Green tensor 281 282
Cauchy’s contour integral formula 20—21
Center-of-mass (CM) frame 59—60
Cerisier, P. 203 229
Chabaud, B. 252 257 268 273
Chaboche, J. L 290 361
Chan, R. K. — C. 51 83
Chandrasekhar, S. 170 229
Chang, F. — P. 182 229
Chang, H. — C. 214 229
Chang, J. — H. 67 83 86
Chang, K. — T. 182 229
Chang, P. 78 83
Channel shape effects on wave propagation and generation 78—80
Channel shape factor 79
Chappelear, J. E. 41 45 83
Char, M. I. 181 229
Chaussy, J. 252 257 266 273
Chen, L. — Y. 177 229
Chen, X. 67 78 83
Chernyakov, A. L. 183 188 189 192 194 195 208 233
Chevanne, X. 252 257 266 273
Chiang, K. T 181 182 229
Chill a, F. 252 257 268 273
Cho, Y. — S. 93 164
Choi, H. S. 19 67 85
Choi, W. 5 39 40 67 83
Chorin, A. J. 253 272
Chow, C. L. 355 361
Christov, C. I. 204 205 213 214 216 222 229 234 235 237
Chrzanowski 290 292 361 362
Chu, C. K. 69 70 83
Chu, X. — L. 177 195 197 198 207 208 212 215 229 231 233 237
Chwang, A. T 51 52 67 88
Clark, A., Jr 3 85
Classical flow rule 288
Classical theory of plasticity 286
Cloot, A. 202 229
Coastal hydrodynamics see Wave run-up
| Cokelet, E. D. 23 85
Cole, J. D. 3 83 213 229
Cole, S. L 67 83
Colinet, P 192 203 208 209 210 212 213 214 216 220 221 222 229 233 235
Condition of compatibility 289
Confluent hypergeometric function 102 112
Constantin, P. 253 273
Constitutive equations 278 353
Constitutive equations, interpolation methods for tensor functions 297—299
Constitutive equations, material tensors of rank four and 313— 315
Constitutive equations, polynomial representation of tensor functions 296—297
Continuity tensors 331—340
Continuum mechanics see Tensor functions in continuum mechanics
Cooker, M. J. 51 54 57 83
Copson, E. 101 164
Couette flow 200
Courant, R. 215 229
Craik, A. D. D. 77 83
Creep behavior, nonlinear constitutive equations for 287—296
Creep law, Norton — Bailey 288
Creep law, Norton’s 299—303
Creep law, Norton’s, including damage 303—306
Creep potential hypothesis 288 289
Creep potential theory 287
Croquette, V. 214 232
Cryogenic helium, advances of, as a test fluid 240—241
Cryogenic helium, advantages of 261
Cryogenic helium, aerodynamic forces 266
Cryogenic helium, aerospace and navy applications 247
Cryogenic helium, conclusions 271—272
Cryogenic helium, differential pressure 266
Cryogenic helium, disadvantages of 261—262
Cryogenic helium, flow visualization 267—268
Cryogenic helium, helium flow tunnel 258
Cryogenic helium, high — Reynolds number turbulence, basic problems in 251—254
Cryogenic helium, in geophysical flows 246
Cryogenic helium, in solar convection 246
Cryogenic helium, large-scale facilities, examples of 255
Cryogenic helium, limitations of 270—271
Cryogenic helium, mean flow velocity 265
Cryogenic helium, mean temperature and its gradient 265 266
Cryogenic helium, model testing and difficulties with extrapolation 248—250
Cryogenic helium, properties of 243—245
Cryogenic helium, questions about 241
Cryogenic helium, reasons for research on ultra-high parameter values 247—254
Cryogenic helium, refrigeration applications 255—256
Cryogenic helium, second sound 245
Cryogenic helium, temperature fluctuations 268
Cryogenic helium, thermal convection experiment 257—258
Cryogenic helium, tow tanks using liquid 259—260
Cryogenic helium, turbulence, summary of instrumentation development for 265—270
Cryogenic helium, velocity fluctuations 268—269
Cryogenic helium, vortex-coupled superfluidity and Cryogenic helium, superfluid 260—265
Cryogenic helium, vorticity measurements 269—270
Cryogenic helium, wall stress gauges 266—267
Daily, J. W. 32 33 83
Dalle — Vedove, W. 197 235
Damage, mechanics 290—291
Damage, stresses in damaged continuum 340—346
Damage, tensorial generalizations of creep law including 303—306
Damage, tensors 294 295 331—340
Darrigo, R. 181 231
Das, P. K 286 363
Dauby, P. C. 203 229
Dauz re, C. 168 230
Davis, S. H. 170 179 230 234
de Boer, P. C. T 179 194 230
de Vries, G. 5 32 41 43 84 212 214 232
Deformation gradient 281
Deissler, R. J. 201 234
Demkhin, E. A. 214 229
Denardo, B. 76 83
Depassier, M. C. 182 183 213 214 227 228 230
Depth-mean velocity base 16—18
DeWaele, A. T. A. 262 272
Dewost, Ph 187 229
Dispersive effects on run-u 196
Donnelly, R. J. 241 242 245 252 255 256 257 258 260 262 263 265 266 268 270 272 273 275 276
Drazin, P. G. 170 212 215 230
Drucker — Prager criterion 315
Duh, J. C 201 234
E tv s number 175
Eckart, C 101 157 164
Eckert, K. 203 230
Edge waves on sloping plane beach 106
Edward, G. H 293 362
Eigenvalues 104—106 108
El — Magd, E. 289 361
Elastic behavior, nonlinear constitutive equations for 281—284
Elastic potential theory 283
Elastic-plastic transition 306—308
Elphick, C. 214 230
Emsellem, V. 269 273
Ertekin, R. C. 5 39 67 83
Estevez, P. G. 214 230
Euclidean space 279 280
Euler equations 7 42 67 Lagrangian
EULERian finite strain tensor 282
Evans, H. E. 293 362
Evans, R. W 302 303 362
Evolution equation 354
Faltinsen 23 84
Faraday 76 84
Faraday resonance 76—78
Feir, J. E. 30 82
Fick diffusion equation 171 177
Fisdon, W. 268 276
Fitzgerald, J. E. 299 362
Forced Korteweg-de Vries (fKdV) equation 67 71
Fourier equation 171 180
Fourier synthesis 128 157
Fourier — Chebyshev collocation method 92
Fredholm’s integral equations 22
Free surface kinematic condition 9
Free-surface velocity base 15—16
Frequency dispersion relation 29
Friedrichs, K. O. 42 84 215 229
Friis, H. A. 67 84
Frisch, U 253 273
Frobenius’s theory 99 136—137 157
Froude number 3 63 66 67 69 75 242 259
Fujinawa, K. 174 231
Fully nonlinear fully dispersive (FNFD) waves 139
Fully nonlinear fully dispersive (FNFD) waves, bottom velocity base 14—15
Fully nonlinear fully dispersive (FNFD) waves, boundary integral closure 20—23
Fully nonlinear fully dispersive (FNFD) waves, depth-mean velocity base 16—18
Fully nonlinear fully dispersive (FNFD) waves, equations for 7—9
Fully nonlinear fully dispersive (FNFD) waves, free-surface velocity base 15—16
Fully nonlinear fully dispersive (FNFD) waves, intermediate-depth base 18—20
Fully nonlinear fully dispersive (FNFD) waves, modeling, in water of uniform depth 23— 26
Fully nonlinear fully dispersive (FNFD) waves, wave models 36—40
Funada 201 203 204 230
Galileo number 176 177 180 182 184 188 191 194 201 209 216
Gallez, D. 201 202 236
Ganczarski, A. 255 363
Garazo, A. N 183 212 213 230 237
Garcia — Ybarra, P. L. 181 183 188 194 195 197 207 214 229 230 237
Gardner, P. L. 213 216 230
Generalized Boussinesq model 62—63 95 135 139 142—147
Generalized channel Boussinesq model 78
Geometric wave approximation 113 135
Georis, Ph 201 230
Gershuni, G. Z. 180 186 187 230
Ghazali, A. 92 165
Gilev, A. Yu 189 230
Gjevik, B. 92 164
Goel, R. P. 292 362
Goldenfeld, N. 253 273
Golovin, A. A. 203 204 205 231
Gong, L. 71 84
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