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Hodge W., Vallance D, Pedoe D. — General theory of algebraic varieties in projective space |
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correspondence 105
, complete intersection with primal 368
, Grassmann variety of d-spaces in 310
, Schubert variety 316
Absolutely irreducible variety 68
Algebraic correspondence 89 100
Algebraic varieties 3
Algebraic varieties, system of 67
Algebraically closed field 74
Associative law of intersection in 166
Automorphism of extension over field 66
Automorphism of field 66
Base for subvarieties of a quadric 238
Base for subvarieties of Grassmannian 337
Base for varieties 194
Bezout’s Theorem 158
Birational correspondence 105
Birational equivalence 106
Canonical form for cubic ternary form 118
Canonical form for equations of intersection of two quadrics 287
Canonical form for pair of quadrics 278
Canonical form for quadric 204
Carrier-variety of algebraic system 113
Cayley form 33
Cayley form of variety in r-way space 97
Cayley form, algebraic conditions for 51
Cayley image of algebraic system 113
Characters 361
Class of curve and surface 361
Commutative law of intersection in 159
Complete intersection of and primal 368
Complete intersection of quadric and primal 244
Component, irreducible, of variety 10
Component, redundant 10
Condition for Cayley form 61
Condition for reducibility 6
Cone projecting a variety 46
Conjugate elements 64
Conjugate extensions 64
Conjugate points with regard to a quadric 207
Conjugate set of points 27
Conjugate spaces 218
Continuous system of varieties 180
Coordinates, non-homogenoous 16
Coordinates, normalised 16
Correspondence, algebraic 89 100
Correspondence, birational 105
Correspondence, determined by joining to 164
Correspondence, image-points in 102
Correspondence, irreducible 100
Correspondence, object-points in 102
Correspondence, reducible 100
Cross-join of two varieties 154
Degree of conjugacy 218
Dimension of a variety 23
Dimension of a variety in r-way space 92
Direct product of two varieties 146
Distributive law of intersection in 160
Dual of quadric 213
Dual of Schubert condition 319
Effective variety 185
Elementary enumerative characters 361
Elements, conjugate 64
Enveloping field 2
Equivalence 180
Equivalence in the narrow sense 182
Equivalence in the virtual sense 186
Equivalence in the wide sense 183
Equivalence , birational 106
Equivalence , classes 184
Equivalent varieties 180
Extensions, conjugate 64
Field, algebraic closure 74
Field, algebraically closed 74
Field, automorphism of 66
Field, enveloping 2
Field, intermediate 66
Field, least normal extension of 68
Field, normal extension of 64
Field, stem 63
Field, universal 2
Function field of a variety 15
Fundamental point of stereographic projection 249
Generic k-space 16
Generic point of a variety 10
Generic variety of irreducible system 67
Grade of a variety 193
Grassmann variety 310
Grassmannian 310
Homogeneous ideal 8
Ideal, homogeneous 8
Ideal, prime 8
Image-points in correspondence 102
Image-variety 102
Integrally closed ring 123
Intermediate field 66
Intersection of and on 171
Intersection of multiplicative varieties 158
Intersection of systems of equivalence 191
Intersection of systems of varieties 173
Intersection of two quadrics 286
Intersection of varieties 4
Intersection, an intrinsic concept 179
Intersection, associative law for, in 165
Intersection, commutative law for, in 159
Intersection, complete, of and primal 368
Intersection, rational, of two quadrics 302
Intersection-number of two varieties 192
Irreducible algebraic correspondence 100
Irreducible components of a variety 10
Irreducible varieties 6
Irregular points of stereographic projection 249
Isolated solution of set of equations 117
Laws of intersection on 173
Least normal extension of field 68
Linear spaces on a quadric 225
Minimal base for varieties 194
Minimum function of algebraic element 63
Monoidal representation of variety 63
Multiplicative variety 130
Multiplicity of component 130
Multiplicity of solution 127
Multiplicity, positive 127
Multiplicity, zero 127
Non-contractible representation as sum of varieties 10
Non-homogeneous coordinates of point 16
Non-singular quadric 205
Norm of a variety 61
Normal extension of a field 64
Normal problem 121
Normalised coordinates 16
Object-points in algebraic correspondence 102
Object-variety 102
Order of a variety 41
Order of irreducible primal 48
Orthogonal matrix 258
Parameter of algebraic system 113
Parametric representation of variety 63
| Pencil of quadrics 286
Pencil of quadrics, in (n=1,2,3) 304
Pieri’s formula 354
Point, generic 10
Point, proper specialisation of 91
Point, simple, of variety 87
Point, singular, of variety 87
Points in algebraic correspondence 100
Points, conjugate set of 27
Points, conjugate, with regard to quadric 207
Polar prime 208
Polar r-ad 221
Polar space 216
Pole of prime 215
Positive multiplicity 127
Postulation of variety 371
Primal 26
Primal, order of 48
Prime 26
Prime, at infinity 16
Prime, ideal 8
Prime, passing through point 22
Prime, polar 208
Prime, pole of 215
Principle of conservation of the number 127
Principle of counting constants 104
Principle of Pluecker — Clebsch 116
Projective characters 361
Proper specialisation 91
Proper specialisation of multiplicative variety 131
Pure variety 61
Quadratic transformation 106
Quadric 204
Quadric of type 206
Quadric of type , alternative form 212
Quadric, complete intersection with primal 244
Quadric, dual of 213
Quadric, envelope 214
Quadric, non-singular 206
Quadric, touched along linear space 217
Quadrics, pencil of 286
Quotient ring of a point 124
Rational intersection of two quadrics 302
Reducibility condition 6
Reducible algebraic correspondence 100
Reducible varieties 6
Redundant component 10
Regular point of stereographic projection 249
Relatively irreducible variety 68
Ring of equivalence systems 192
Ring, integrally closed 123
Schubert condition 316
Schubert condition , dual of 319
Schubert system 316
Schubert varieties of complementary dimension 329
Schubert varieties, 316
Schubert varieties, 322
Schubert varieties, representation A for 322
Schubert varieties, representation B for 325
Schubert varieties, special 318
Segre symbol of pencil 289
Segre variety 96
Segre variety, standard power-products for 98
Self-conjugate space 218
Self-polar simplex 209
Simple intersection along a variety 163 170
Simple point of a variety 87
Singular locus of a variety 87
Singular point of a variety 87
Space, independent of a point 166
Special Schubert varieties 318
Specialisation, proper 91
Standard power-products 377
Standard power-products for Segre variety 98
Stem field 63
Stereographic projection 247
Stereographic projection, irregular points of 249
Sum of varieties 4
System from projective transformation 142
System of all k-spaces in 18
System of all k-spaces through a given space 19
System of equivalence { } 187
System of equivalence { }={ } { } 189
System of orthogonal matrices 265
System of varieties 67
Tableau 377
Tangent space to variety 88
Universal field 2
Unmixed variety 61
Varieties, continuous system of 180
Varieties, cross-join of two 154
Varieties, direct product of two 146
Varieties, equivalent 180
Varieties, intersecting simply along a variety 163 170
Varieties, intersections of multiplicative 168
Varieties, non-contractible representation of variety as sum of 10
Varieties, sum of 4
Variety in r-way space 89
Variety of order one 48
Variety, absolutely irreducible 68
Variety, algebraic 3
Variety, component 9
Variety, cone projecting a 46
Variety, contained in another 5
Variety, degenerated into two varieties 146
Variety, dimension in r-way space 92
Variety, dimension of 23
Variety, effective 185
Variety, function field of 16
Variety, generic point of 10
Variety, grade of 193
Variety, Grassmann 310
Variety, image- 102
Variety, irreducible 6
Variety, irreducible component of 10
Variety, lying in another variety 6
Variety, monoidal representation of 63
Variety, multiplicative 130
Variety, non-singular 170
Variety, norm of 61
Variety, object- 102
Variety, order of 41
Variety, order, characteristic property of 61
Variety, parametric representation of 63
Variety, postulation of 371
Variety, pure 61
Variety, reducible 6
Variety, relatively irreducible 68
Variety, Schubert 316
Variety, Segre 95
Variety, singular locus of 87
Variety, tangent space to 88
Variety, unmixed 51
Vertex of quadric 207
Virtual variety 184
Z-space 155
Zero multiplicity 127
Zero variety 185
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