Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
A. du Plessis, Wall T. — The Geometry of Topological Stability (London Mathematical Society Monographs New Series) |
Предметный указатель |
-continuous 59
-stable map 102
-unstable 127
-foliation 366
path topology 67
-persistent 132
-stable (germ) 111
-stable (map) 95
-self-persistent (germ) 26
-stable (germ) 26
-stable (map) 27
-stable (germ) 112
-stable (map) 96 101
-stable (germ) 26
-stable (map) 403
germ class 123
-immersive (jet) 170
-kernel 170
-parameter- -stable (germ) 112
-parameter- -stable (map) 96
-persistent (germ) 126
-product- -stable (germ) 113
-product- -stable (map) 98
-self-persistent 26 126 130
-transverse (germ) 123
-transverse (jet) 170
-equivalence (germs) 30
-finite 23
-germ class 163 199
Almost stable (germ) 413
Apolar system 292
Avoidance (of germ class) 123
Basic pairing 427
Bifurcate 201
Blow-up, -series 269
Blow-up, E-series 234
Blow-up, Fe-series 290
Blow-up, G-series 216
Blow-up, I-series 257
Blow-up, W-series 218
Blow-up, Z-series 304
Canonical (stratification) 34
Cartesian diagram 24
Civilized (stratum in jet space) 345
Codimension (germ class) 123 201 263
Cone-like (representative) 44
Contact equivalence 22
Controlled vector field 35
Counting components 136
Critical (germ class) 123
Critical case ( ) 274
Critical multiplicity 162
Critical point, set 20
Critical value stratification 38
Damon germ 349
Damon spectral sequence 443
Damon stratum 349
Deform, deformation 201
Discriminant 20
Discriminant matrix 421
Discriminant module 421
Disrupted on 136
Disruptive (germ) 127 136
Disruptive in off-dimensions 179
Equidimensional case 266
Equivalent number of moduli 280
Euler relation 424
Euler vector field 386
Exceptional deformations 210
Exhaustion 57
Extended stable unfolding 400
Extended tangent space 23
Extension (of map-germ) 478
Extremely tame (=E-tame) (retraction) 366
Feebly -persistent 135
Fine ST-invariant 188
Finite singularity type (germ) 29
Finite singularity type (map) 31
Finitely determined (germ) 23
Flow 34
Fold (germ, jet, map) 48
Frontier condition 38
Generally non-transverse 48 414
Generated by germ 123
Generated, germ class 123
Germ 20
Height (of germ) 202 247
Height (of partition) 296
Hilbert — Samuel function 271
Homogeneous 386
Homotopically stable (germ) 26
Immersion condition (=IC) 166
Improper point 50
Infinitesimally stable (germ) 25
Infinitesimally stable (map) 27
Instability ideal 422
Instability locus 398 402
Instability matrix 422
Instability module 422
Instability sheaf 410 411
Instability space 410 411
Integrable (field of q-planes) 371
Integrable (vector field) 36 368
Integral curve 34
Isotopy lemmas of Thom 37 39
J-extension 266
| Jacobian ideal 29
Jacobian matrix 22
jet 21
Level , for G-series 234
Level , for U-series 244
Level , for 269
Level , for I-series 257
Lift (of vector field) 35
Lifted positive instability ideal 438
Linear reduction, J'-, K'-, L- and M-series 253
Linear reduction, J-, F-series 231 233
Link 165
Local algebra Q(f^) (of germ) 29
Locally -stable (map) 28
Locally integrable vector field 34
LST-invariant (germ class) 163 199
Mild (extension of map-germ) 482
Miniversal (unfolding) 25
Morphism (of unfoldings) 25
MT-stable (map, germ) 47
MT-type(germ) 47
Multi-A-regular 193
Multigerm 21
Multijet 21
Multiplicity (of germ) 162
Multitransverse 28
Near-IC 172
Nearby (germ classes) 126
Nice dimensions 28 264
Nondegenerate critical point 48
Normalization ( germ) 275
Poincare series 460
Positive instability ideal 422
Positive instability locus 402
Positive instability matrix 422
Positive instability module 422
Positive unfolding 400
Presentation (of germ class) 123
Proper (map) 50
Proper unfolding 24
Property 124
Q-disruptive in off-dimensions 179
Quadratic reduction, Q-, S-, K-series 221 223 232
Quasi-disruptive (=Q-disruptive) (germ) 153 183
Quasi-proper (map) 50 345
Real multiplicity 162 260
Real Segre symbol 297
Reduced ideal 411
Regular intersection 27 33
Regular stratification, Bekka- or C- 40
Regular stratification, Thom- 38
Regular stratification, Whitney- 32
Relative height 202
Representative (of germ) 20
Retraction of maps 357
Retraction of pairs 346 373
Semi-nice dimensions 264
Sharp neighbourhood 67
Short deformations 204
Slope, , for E-, W-series 216 218
Smooth (map of function spaces) 72
Source 21
Source disruptive 151
Source presentation 123
Special representative (of germ) 43
Split (real form) 204
ST-distinct 178 199
ST-equivalent 163
ST-invariant 199
Stable point 398
Standard form (of unfolding) 25
Stratification (of map) 38
Stratification (of space) 32
Stratified vector field 34
Strict 126
Strict presentation (of germ class) 123
Strong -stability (map) 27
Strong 126
Strongly -stable (germ) 112
Strongly -stable (map) 96 101
Strongly disruptive 127
Subcritical, supercritical ( germs) 274
Suspension (of germ class) 163 199
Suspension (of germ) 30
T-strongly- -stable (map) 101
T-uniformly- -stable (map) 101
Tame retraction germs 97 346 357 360
Tame retraction maps 97 346 357 360
Tame retraction pairs 97 346 357 360
Tamely-P- -stable (germ) 113
Tamely-P- -stable (map) 97
Topologically (non-) critical 124
Trivial (unfolding) 26
Unfolding 24
Unfolding monomials 399
Uniformly- -stable (germ) 112
Uniformly- -stable (map) 96 101
Unstable deformations 501
Versal (unfolding) 25
Very tame (=V-tame) (retraction) 346 361
Weak 126
Weak control (of vector field) 35
Weakly -persistent 135
Weakly regular (stratification) 40
Weighted norm 386
Weights, (weighted) homogeneous 386 399
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