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Snyder V., Hutchinson J.I. — Differential And Integral Calculus |
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Absolute value 59
Absolutely convergent 59
Acceleration 111
Actual velocity 105
Arc, length of 269
Area, by double integration 294
Area, derivative of 23
Area, formula for 255 256
Area, in polar coordinates 268
Area, in rectangular coordinates 260
Asymptotes 143
Average curvature 166
Bending, direction of 152
Binomial theorem 73
Cardioid, area of 268
Catenary 168 283
Catenary, length of arc 271
Catenary, volume of revolution 285
Catenoid 276
Cauchy’s form of remainder 71
Center of curvature 163
Change of variable 124
Circle, area by double integration 295
Circle, of curvature 163
Cissoid 168
Cissoid, area of 266
Component velocity 107
Concave 152
Concave, toward axis 157
Conditionally convergent 59
Conditions for contact 161
Conjugate point 184
Conoid 281
Constant 1
Constant, factor 31 199
Constant, of integration 200
Contact 159
Contact, of odd and even order 161
Continuity 13 113
Continuous function 13
Convergence 57
Convex 157
Convex, to the axis 157
Critical values 93
Cubical parabola 262
Cusp 182
Cycloid, length of 273
Cycloid, surface of revolution 277
Decreasing function 25
Definite integral 251
Definite integral, geometric meaning of 253
Definite integral, multiple integral 293
Dependent variable 1
Derivative 19 20
Derivative, of arc 138
Derivative, of area 23 142
Derivative, of surface 140
Derivative, of volume 140
Determinate value 78
Development 56 80
Differentials 110 196
Differentials, integration of 289
Differentials, total 117
Differentiating operator 24
Differentiation 24
Differentiation, of elementary forms 49
Direction of curvature 164
Discontinuous function 14
Divergent series 57
Ellipse, area of 263
Ellipse, evolute of 178 284
Ellipse, length of arc of 274
Ellipsoid, volume 280
Envelope 187
Epicycloid, length of 273
Equiangular spiral 282 284
Evaluation 80 81
Evolute 170
Evolute, of ellipse 176 271 284
Evolute, of parabola 175
Expansion of functions 56
Exterior rectangles 254
Family of curves 187
Formula for integration by parts 203
Formulas of differentiation 49 50
Formulas of integration 198 210
Formulas of reduction 217 218
Function 1
Hyperbolic branches 143
Hyperbolic spiral, area of 269
Hypocycloid, area of 263
Hypocycloid, length of arc of 271 273
Hypocycloid, volume of revolution of 278
Implicit function 120
Impossibility of reduction 218
Increasing function 25
Increment 13 15
Independent variable 1
Indeterminate form 77
Infinite 2
Infinite limits of integration 257
Infinite ordinates 145
Infinitesimal 2
integral 195
Integral, definite 251
| Integral, double 292
Integral, multiple 292
Integral, of sum 199
Integral, triple 286 292
Integration 195
Integration, by inspection 197
Integration, by parts 203
Integration, by rationalization 231
Integration, by substitution 205 238
Integration, formulas of 198 210
Integration, of rational fractions 223
Integration, of total differential 289
Integration, successive 286
Integration, summation 248
Interior rectangles 251
Interval of convergence 57
Involute 170
Involute of circle 274 285
Lagrange’s form of remainder 70
Lemniscate, area of 268
Length of arc 269
Length of evolute 173
Length, polar coordinates 271
Length, rectangular coordinates 269
Limit, change of, in definite integral 295
Limits, infinite, for definite integral 257
Logarithm, derivative of 39
Logarithmic curve 263
Logarithmic spiral, length of arc 272
Maclaurin’s series 63
Maximum 91
Mean value theorem 75 257
Measure of curvature 166
Minimum 91
Multiple points 181
Natural logarithms 40
Non-unique derivative 25
normal 129
Notation for rates 108
Oblique asymptotes 147
Order of contact 160
Order of differentiation 121
Order of infinitesimal 8
Order of magnitude 7
Osculating circle 163
Osgood 57
parabola 171
Parabola, semi-cubical 262
Parabolic branches 143
Paraboloid 283
Parallel curves 175
Partial derivative 114
Point of inflexion 153
Polar coordinates 133
Polar coordinates, subnormal 135
Polar coordinates, subtangent 135
Problem of differential calculus 16
Problem of integral calculus 195
Radius of curvature 164
Rates 105
Rational fractions, integration of 223
rationalization 231 233
Rectangles, exterior and interior 254
Reduction formulae 217—218
Reduction, cases of impossibility of 218
Remainder 61
Rolle’s Theorem 67
Singular point 179
slope 21
Solid of revolution 140
Sphere, volume by triple integration 297
Spheroid, oblate 276 278
Spheroid, prolate 276
Spiral, equiangular 137 282 284
Spiral, hyperbolic 269
Spiral, logarithmic 272
Spiral, of Archimedes 136
Standard forms 198 210
Stationary tangent 153
Steps in differentiation 24
Stirling 62
Subnormal 130
Subtangent 130
Summation 251
Surface of revolution 140
Surface of revolution, area of 274
Tacnode 182
Tangent 21 129
Taylor 62
Taylor’s series 66
Tests for convergence 58
Total curvature 166
Total differential 117
Tractrix 281
Tractrix, length of 285
Tractrix, surface of revolution of 285
Tractrix, volume of revolution of 285
Transcendental functions 38
Trigonometric functions, integration of 238
Variable 1
Volume of solid of revolution 277
Volumes by triple integration 295
Witch, area of 263
Witch, volume of revolution of 278 279
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