Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Mislin G., Valette A. — Proper group actions and the Baum-Connes conjecture |
Предметный указатель |
-algebra, maximal 33
-algebra, reduced 33 80
-algebra, simple 39
-amenable 35
-Betti numbers 63
-Compact 80
-genus 60
-space 31
-spectrum 32
-spectrum, 36
6 7
Abstract elliptic operator 90
AC 63
Assembly map 37
Assembly map, analytic 37 80 92
Assembly map, partial 57
Atiyah — Hirzebruch spectral sequence 49
Atiyih’s -Index Theorem 57
BCC 37 55
BCPwC 45
Bredon cohomology of G-spaces 11
Bredon cohomology of groups 10
Bredon homology of G-spaces 15
Bredon homology of groups 14
BTC 66
CAT(0) 41
Chern character 29 52
Conjecture, Atiyah 63
Conjecture, Base Trace 66
Conjecture, Baum — Connes 37 55 80
Conjecture, Baum — Connes with coefficients 45
Conjecture, Coarse Baum — Connes 87
Conjecture, Embedding 65
Conjecture, Gromov — Lawson — Roeenberg 61 81
Conjecture, Idempotent 55
Conjecture, Kadison 55
Conjecture, Kaplanski Kadison 81
Conjecture, Kaplansky 55
Conjecture, Novikov 59 81
Conjecture, Projective Class Group 70
Conjecture, Strong Bass Trace 71
Conjecture, Strong Idempotent 55
Conjecture, Strong Novikov 59 118
Conjecture, Strong Trace 57
Conjecture, Strong Zero-In-The-Spectrum 62
Conjecture, subgroup closed 55
Conjecture, Trace 56
Conjecture, Weak Bass Trace 67
Conjecture, Zero Divisor 63
Conjecture, Zero-In-The-Spectrum 61
Descent homomorphism 100
Dirac-dual Dirac 60
Directed union of groups 33
EC 65
Edge homomorphism 50
FC(G) 17
G-CW-complex 5
G-CW-complex, cocompact 5
G-CW-complex, G-simple 13
G-equivalence, weak 5
G-space, cocompact 5
G-space, coinduced 4
G-space, induced 3
G-space, proper 4
G-space, universal proper 6
G-spaces, join 4
Geometric group 90
Group with property T 42
Group, -amenable 35
Group, a-T-menable 41
Group, acyclic 43 47
Group, amenable 34 41 61 67 84
Group, Baumslag — Solitar 51
Group, binale 47
Group, braid 47
Group, CAT(O) 70
| Group, Coxeter 43
Group, elementary amenable 63 70
Group, geometric 90
Group, geometrically finite 44
Group, Haken 3-manifold 43
Group, hyperbolic 60 70
Group, K-amenable 35 84
Group, knot 43
Group, left orderable 62
Group, mapping class 69
Group, one-relator 21 51
Group, p-good 48
Group, semi-hyperbolic 70
Group, strongly bolic 60
Group, surface 41
Group, Thompson’s 43 62
Group, virtually connected Lie 60
Group, Weyl 3 9
Haagerup Property 41
Higher -genus 60
Higher index theorem 62
Higher signatures 59
Hirzebruch L-class 59
Hirzebruch signature theorem 59
Homology theory, reduced 27
Homology theory, unreduced 27
Homotopy groups of a spectrum 27
Homotopy groups, stable 27
Hurewicz homomorphism 30
Hurewicz pairing 29
IC 55
Index map 80
Index theorem 57
Index theorem, higher 62
Induction structure 36
K-group, algebraic 34
K-group, topological algebraic 33
K-homology, representable 28
Kaplansky trace 19
Kasparov KK-groups 37
Kasparov triple 90
Kazhdan’s Property T 42
KK-groups 37
Metrically proper 41
NC 59
Operatorially homotopic 91
Orbit category 7
PC 60
Pontrjagin classes 59
Positive-definite 93
Projective functor 9
Proper -space 88
Proper G-CW complex 6
Proper G-space 4
Proper metrically 41
Properly supported 90
Rapid Decay Property 60
RD 60
Regular representation 34
Representable homology theory 28
SIC 55
Signature 59
Signature, analytic 60
Singular part 19
SNC 59
Spectrum 27
Spectrum, 36
Spectrum, 38
Spectrum, Bott 28
Spectrum, Eilenberg Mac Lane 28
Spectrum, equivariant K-homology 36
Spectrum, sphere 27
STC 57
Suspension isomorphism 32
TC 56
Tensor product of functors 14
Trace 65
Trace, augmentation 66
Trace, faithful 56
Trace, Hattori — Stallings 17 65
Trace, Kaplansky 19 56 66
Trace, universal 65
Unbounded Kasparov module 113
Universal coefficient sequence 29
Universal Coefficient spectral sequence 12
Universal coefficient spectral sequence, -space 89
Universal space G 16
Universal trace 65
von Neumann algebra 61
Weak, Base Conjecture 68
Weak, G-equivalence 5
Weak, homotopy equivalence 5
Weak, topology 5 6
Whitehead theorem 6
ZDC 63
Реклама |